The Billionaire's Bluff

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The Billionaire's Bluff Page 53

by Nella Tyler

  "However, I guess it all boils down to whom you believe more. If you believe Luke is being honest with you, then your father isn’t. Then again, if your father is being honest with you, then Luke isn’t."

  I sighed with exasperation. "What do you think has me so confused? Samantha, who do I believe?"

  Samantha sighed. “If I had to go with my instincts, I would tend to side with Luke."

  "Why?" I asked.

  "He's got less to lose than your dad," she shrugged. "After all, he hasn't known you that long. If you leave him, he’d get over it-"

  "Am I that forgettable?" I interrupted, somewhat annoyed.

  "I didn't mean it like that and you know it," she said. "What I'm saying is, to be blunt, he hasn't got as much invested in you, personally, emotionally, financially, or mentally, as your father does. So, he's got less to lose." She was quiet for several moments and then continued. "Not to mention that Luke is relatively new in Raleigh. If he had to, he could up and disappear, move to a different part of the country, and no one would know who he was. With your dad, it's different. Everyone knows your dad in investment circles. He's been in the business for decades."

  That was true, and I acknowledged the veracity of her comment.

  "On the other hand, your father has a lot to lose. His reputation, millions of dollars in fines, not to mention, most likely, every business relationship or contract that he currently is engaged in would drop him like the proverbial hot potato." She shook her head. "That doesn't even take into consideration what the knowledge might do to your mother. He's been protecting her all these years, keeping her away from his business. Why do you think that is? Why do you think he has never involved you in his business? Taken you under his wing?"

  For the first time, I really thought about it. She was right. My dad had never made any specific efforts to teach me about his work, and what I had learned was mostly through osmosis – watching, listening, and yes, sometimes even eavesdropping. The fact that I wasn’t interested in such complex business dealings wasn’t the point.

  Still, my father had always done his work behind closed doors. Always. Anytime he took a phone call, it was in the privacy of his office. If someone called during family time or during the evenings he spent with the family, he either told them he'd call back or he excused himself and left the room. It was all beginning to make a lot of sense. Or was it?

  "You really think my father is the one who's lying?" I had trouble wrapping my mind around it. My father could have behaved in such a manner because he wanted to keep his business life separated from his private and family life. There was nothing wrong – or suspicious – about that, was there?

  "I do. And, of course, it's obvious that your father doesn't want to implicate himself. Who would? Then again, if he had nothing to hide, why didn’t he come to you with his knowledge of Luke's family or his suspicions of Luke?"

  I sank deeper into my chair, a great surge of disappointment welling up in me. I felt tears burning my eyes. I looked at my friend, who placed a commiserating hand on mine. "Samantha, what the hell am I going to do?"

  She gave me a smile, squeezed my hand, and then spoke. "I can't tell you what to do, Molly. This is going to be your decision. I want you to know, though, that no matter what you decide, I’ll stand by you. As far as I'm concerned, this conversation is confidential. It will never pass my lips. I want you to know that."

  I appreciated my friend’s honesty. While I wished more than anything that she would make a decision for me, tell me what to do, I knew that she was right. This was something I had to figure out on my own.

  “And who’s to say that both of them are lying? Maybe there’s a little truth, a little untruth, to what each of them had to say,” Samantha commented, gesturing toward the antipasto salad. “You going to eat that?” She snatched a chunk of pepperoni from the bowl. “You know, Molly, maybe there’s more to this that you know right now. You could just wait to see what happens, you know.”

  I shook my head and sighed.

  "Come on, let's get the hell out of here, okay?"

  I nodded. She didn't take me home directly, but we drove through town, stopped at one of the shopping malls, and just walked around, not saying anything. Just hanging out. We didn't buy anything. I didn't feel like it, and she didn't, either. I knew we weren’t there to do shopping, but more to serve as a distraction for me. By the time she dropped me back at my condo, it was going on ten o'clock at night.

  I felt exhausted, mentally, emotionally, and physically. Before I got out of the car, Samantha leaned toward me and gave me a hug.

  "You know you can call me anytime, right? I don't care if it's three o'clock in the morning. If you need to talk, you call me, okay?"

  I nodded. "You're the bestest friend I've ever had," I said, harking back toward our days in high school. She laughed, but I couldn't bring a smile to my lips. "I'll let you know when I figure out what the hell I'm going to do."

  She nodded. "Try to get some rest, Molly, and don't feel as if you have to make a decision right away. Think about it. The pros and the cons. Don't do anything rash. I would suggest you don't discuss anything with your father, at least for the time being. Give them both a chance to do the right thing, whatever the right thing is."

  While I didn't get the advice that I was hoping for after spending my evening with Samantha, I did feel a little better knowing that I didn't have to carry this burden alone. Sure, Luke and my dad knew about it, but they were on opposite sides of the fence, so to speak. I was the one caught in the middle. I was the one that had information that could destroy both of them, and my mother, our lives, and myself right along with them.

  By the time I left the car and opened my door, Samantha was driving away. I walked into my dark and quiet apartment, then closed and dead-bolted the door behind me. My legs felt like spaghetti. I knew I should've eaten something, but just the thought of food turned my stomach.

  I had never been so confused or conflicted in my life. For crying out loud, all I ever wanted was to be a teacher! How had my life been turned upside down so quickly, and without warning? I questioned everything I knew to be right with the world, even my own ethics. I was in an impossible situation and I had no idea how I was going to extricate myself or how I was going to deal with Luke or my father. All I knew was-

  A knock on the door startled me. I turned and looked through the peephole, surprised to find Luke standing on my doorstep. I didn't say anything, but slowly turned the deadbolt and then opened the door. I looked at Luke. He stared back at me.

  "Can I come in, Molly?"

  At first, I wanted to slam the door in his face, to tell him to get the hell off my doorstep, but then my affection for him overruled my frustration. Without saying anything, I stepped back and opened the door. He stepped inside and I closed the door and turned to face him.

  "What you doing here, Luke?"

  He didn't say anything. What he did was wrap his arms around me and press his lips to mine.

  Chapter 6

  I couldn't help it. The minute his lips touched mine, it was as if everything disappeared – the accusations, the shock, and the disappointment. All of it. Once again, I was swept up into the man I knew Luke to be before all of the money stuff had thrown a monkey wrench into our relationship. Misguided though he was, I held out hope that he would do the right thing.

  The kiss lasted for quite some time and I allowed it to, mainly because I needed it. Not sexually, of course, but emotionally and mentally. A lot of people probably would say that my feelings were wrong, but sometimes, the heart ruled over the brain, didn't it? The plain truth of the matter was I wasn't quite sure yet whether my feelings for Luke were infatuation or something more serious. While I tried to guard my heart against pain and heartbreak, this constant pull he had over me left me wondering.

  When his lips left mine, I felt almost bereft, as if I was missing something so important in my life. He placed his hands on my shoulders as I gazed up into his face. Hi
s eyes searched mine. He had an odd expression on his face and for a moment, my heart sank. Was this goodbye? Had he chosen money over me? Had he decided that he had gotten too used to being so rich that it was the most important thing in his life? I blinked back tears. Better now than dragging me along indefinitely. I knew I was strong enough to deal with it if he told me he was breaking it off between us. I would be upset, of course, but I knew I wouldn't die. I would hurt for a while, and then I would move forward. Live and learn.

  "Molly, I have something to tell you," he said.

  "You've made up your mind. You've made a decision." I nodded. "Luke, I want you to know, that no matter what your decision, I will respect it. Perhaps-"

  "Molly, I want you."

  Confusion. What was he saying? I already knew that. I wanted him to, but he had to make a choice. He had to do the right thing or I would have to turn and walk away.

  "You're not understanding what I’m saying," he said with a gentle smile. "As usual, I have trouble expressing myself properly when I'm around you, don't I"

  I said nothing, not sure what I was supposed to say.

  "Let me rephrase, Molly," he said. He gently squeezed my shoulders. "What I'm trying to say is that I'll give it up, everything – the stock market, trading, all of it. I want you, more than anything in the world, even money."

  I stood in shock, his words having trouble penetrating my brain. I was so sure that he was going to call it quits with me.

  "I'm sorry for what happened earlier. I can't even believe I would have considered money over you. It's just that everything happened so fast."

  He shook his head, his arms dropping from my shoulders as I continued to stare up at him in amazement. He had chosen me? Me?

  "I suppose you can tell I have trouble making snap decisions," he said, turning toward the couch. "Everything always seems to be happening so fast, extremely fast. Inheriting all the money, being thrown into a world I knew nothing about, having to make decisions about the money, getting pressured from all sides…from not only my father's old cronies, but…but other people as well."

  I knew he was talking about my father. That was something I still had to deal with. He turned to me, his eyes riveted to mine. His expression was more serious than I could ever remember it being.

  "Molly, will you forgive me? Would you give me another chance…again?"

  My heart swelled with affection for him, but could I trust him? That was the crux of the matter, wasn't it? He had told me that he was going to quit before, but he never had-

  "I'm telling you the truth this time, Molly," he said. "I'm going to call the SEC first thing in the morning-"

  "No!" I exclaimed. "You'll get thrown in jail!"

  He shook his head. "I’ve already done some checking," he said. "Even if I plead guilty, I can probably avoid any jail time if I identify the others-"

  "No!" I interrupted again. "You're going to turn my father in?" Despite my relief at his saying he was going to quit the stock market or any trading, I was now horrified that he was going to point fingers at my father.

  He shook his head. "That's another conversation I've already had," he began to explain. "Your father plans to stand with me. He knows some people, and he believes that I can probably get a pretty good deal. He may have most of the smarts, but he hasn't been heavily involved in the activity. I would venture to say that ninety-five percent of his business dealings and his trading over the years have been on the up and up when it comes to his investments in the stock market."

  I gaped in shock. He'd been talking to my father? He and my father were going to turn state's evidence in the hopes of avoiding jail? It was apparent that Luke saw the confusion on my face, the strain and the worry.

  "I’ll probably both have to pay a hefty fine, but what the hell? It's only money, right?"

  "But I thought you said my father was the cornerstone of the operation-"

  He sighed and shook his head. "Perhaps an over-exaggeration on my part," he said. "I just wasn't ready to accept my own responsibility and actions."

  My mind was spinning. "So my father didn't make all his money through illegal trades?"

  Luke looked at me as if I suddenly grown two heads.

  "Of course not, Molly," he assured. "Your dad made the bulk of his fortune in real estate, not stock market investing. I thought you knew that."

  I shook my head, still standing by the door, stunned and frozen in place. Too much input! "I know very little about my father's financial dealings," I admitted. I glanced at him. "It seems that you know more about his activities in that regard than I do."

  Luke sat down on the couch. "Come sit down beside me, Molly. I'll tell you everything."

  After a moment of thought, I decided to do as he asked. After all, I was the one that wanted information, wasn't I? Maybe now it was finally time for everything to come out and see the light of day, so to speak. I sat down beside him. He placed one hand on my thigh, just above my knee, and gave it a gentle squeeze. Then he began to talk.

  "When I first got into town, your father offered to mentor me. He knew about my dad, his questionable investment practices. He warned me that the stock market was a challenging environment, especially for someone who was unfamiliar with the wheeling and dealing, the fine line between legal insider trades and the illegal insider trades."

  He paused, and I leaned my head on his shoulder, giving him a chance to arrange his thoughts.

  "He warned me that if I followed in my father's footsteps, I would get into trouble, especially since I didn't know what I was doing." He gave a slight, an amused chuckle. "I should've listened, but I didn't. Before he knew it, I was getting myself into quite a bit of trouble. Your dad found out about it and tried to help me out, but in doing so got a little more involved than he had intended. Some of his actions implicated himself."

  I was quiet, trying to imagine my father involved in anything illegal.

  "He made contact with several of the people that my dad had always done business with, figured out a way to slowly extricate myself from their grasp, but he ended up getting pulled into a few deals that he didn't want to be involved in during the process, but he did to try and help me out."

  So my dad had been trying to help Luke. "But if he was trying to help you, why did he want you to quit seeing me?"

  "He’s a father, Molly," Luke said, squeezing her leg again. "Fathers protect their children. The plain truth of the matter is, I wasn't doing the right thing and he knew it. I was heading down the wrong path and he didn't want me to drag you down along with me." He shrugged. "I don’t really blame your father for any of that. I wouldn't want my daughter hanging around someone like me, either."

  I looked up at him, my eyes wide. "I really don't think you're a bad person, Luke," I said. "I think you just got caught up in something that you didn't know how to stop. You got caught up in the love of money, making money, and turning a quick profit."

  He smiled, again without amusement. "You've got me pegged."

  "Luke, that doesn't mean you can't change," I said, turning to face him. "You need to do the right thing. You can't go through life with a big black cloud following you, always looking over your shoulder." I thought about my father. He had sacrificed a lot, risked a lot to help Luke. He could very well find himself in a good bit of trouble for doing it. I hadn't helped matters any, accusing him of being a crook. I should've trusted that my father didn't make his vast fortune in illegal dealings.

  "The point is, your father risked a lot to help me out, and it's my fault if he gets into any trouble. Still, we both agreed to go to the SEC investigator's office in the morning and try to deal with the situation. We’ve both agreed that no matter where the chips fall, we both want to deal with this and put it behind us."

  "But I don't want you to go to jail, Luke," I said. My voice sounded almost like a whine. "And I certainly can't have my father going to jail! My mom…she's got a heart condition, Luke. If a scandal gets out, it could ruin her, and my

  "I'm not explaining myself well," he sighed. "As usual. I'm not telling you that your father is going to admit to any wrongdoing. In fact, we're going together because he's going to be the one that reports me to the SEC. Your father didn't like it, but I insisted. He got into this mess because of me, and none of it was because of his own doing."

  "But, Luke-"

  "Molly, you have to trust your father. He's been in the business for decades. This isn’t the first time that he's had to deal with government authorities, and it probably won't be the last. In fact, he's not that concerned, at all. He's fairly confident that if I provide the information the SEC might want and turn state's evidence so that the insider ring members can be prosecuted, I’ll likely get no more than a harsh slap on the wrist, pay a fine, and maybe be put on probation." He looked down at her. "But even if I do get jail time, it's nothing that I don't deserve."

  I was reeling with all this information. I didn't know what to think-

  "Like I said, Molly, since I inherited that money, everything happened so fast; in fact, it kind of snowballed." He placed a hand on her cheek. "But I do want you to know that I have had one constant in my life that has helped keep me grounded."

  "What?" I asked, distracted by the feel of his warm palm caressing my cheek.

  "You," he replied with a smile. "I don't want you to be my maid anymore, Molly."

  I felt a frisson of shock surge through me. He was firing me? So was this a goodbye, after all?

  "I want you to be my girlfriend, Molly."

  I stared up into his eyes, trying to absorb what he had just said. He wanted to date me? For real? Tears filled my eyes.

  "You can go work anywhere you want, Molly, but I just don't want to lose my chance to be with you." He shook his head. "If, somehow, all this mess with the money stuff gets straightened out and I don't have to go to jail, I promise I'll make it all up to you. I don't care how much money I lose. In fact, I don't much care if I lose all of it. You're the most important thing in my life right now, and I've realized that money isn't all it's cracked up to be."


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