Billionaire Husband

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Billionaire Husband Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  “You don’t need to hide from me.”

  “I’m not hiding. It’s something I’m used to. I remember Mom always going crazy whenever she found out that my grandma took me into the kitchen. My grandparents came from wealth, but they also held the view that if something bad was to happen, they’d be able to cope without it. Does that make sense?”

  “Perfectly.” If his father had continued to run the company another couple of years the name Woodside would have ceased to matter to anyone. He’d have had no choice but to work for someone else, and the very thought had him on the edge. “Don’t let them hurt you.”

  “Are you happy for me?” she asked.

  “Yes. When I first saw it, I was in shock.”

  “I know.” She smiled. “Why were you in shock? I never really understood why.”

  Stroking her waist, he couldn’t help but glance down and get a good look at her full, ripe tits. He was a lucky man.

  Three years you were an ass.

  Pushing the thought aside, Shaun was going to change the way their lives were going to pan out. This was about them now, not about what their families wanted.

  “Our marriage was something I wanted from the first moment I saw you. In the room full of our families you were the only person who was warm. Your eyes, they had a depth of love and compassion. Our families are cold, Addie. They’re so cold, and I didn’t want the rest of my life to go on being cold.” He wanted heat, warmth, and scorching fire. When he was with Addie, that was exactly what he got fire, and heat, and warmth, and everything in between.

  “I always thought that,” she said.

  “You’re not the only one.”

  Staring into her eyes, he’d have given everything to find out what she was thinking.

  “Addie, the brownies are ready to come out of the oven.”

  Releasing a sigh, Shaun dropped a kiss to her lips. “We were saved by the brownies.”

  “You’re staying?”

  “Yes. I’m not letting Dean get a hold of anymore of my food without eating it first.”

  She chuckled, and the sound lightened his heart. “I better go.”

  He gave her enough room to open the door, and he watched her walk ahead of him. Shaun followed her, and stood beside Dean as they watched the filming start up again.

  “Hey, man, you okay?” Dean asked.

  “Me? I’m fine.” He didn’t take his gaze away from Addie.

  “Can I ask for some advice?”

  “About Darla?”

  “Who else?” Dean ran fingers through his hair looking completely out of it.

  “Go ahead. I don’t know if I’ll be able to help.” He wasn’t the one to talk to about advice on capturing a woman. Shaun had only just caught his own woman.

  “How did you know Addie was the one?”

  “I looked at her, and I knew.”

  “There was no doubt?”

  “None. The doubt came after I was married, and we seemed to be strangers to each other. We lost something in all the crap of our families and being married.”

  “Darla’s a beautiful woman on the inside as much as she is on the outside. When I’m with her, she makes everything fall away, and I’m just caught in her web.”

  “She’s not a spider.”

  “I know. There’s no one else I want.”

  “It sounds to me like you’re in love.”

  “She won’t give me a chance. She doesn’t seem to think it would ever work.”

  “Then show her another man. Show her the man she doesn’t think you can be. It’s always good to prove a woman wrong without actually saying anything. Show her.” It was what he intended to do with Addie all the way.

  Chapter Seven

  For the first time ever Shaun, her husband, ate her food while being filmed for her blog, and it was the most daunting experience of her life. It was even more daunting than being in a room with Paula as she went through the cookbook page by page. Seeing Shaun, watching him and the way he ate her food, had put her on edge.

  He wasn’t one to be outdone as Dean was there, eating her food. Once they cleared away the mess of the baking, along with the equipment for filming, Addison had packaged up the leftover brownies for Darla so she had something to eat while she edited the film.

  She hugged Darla goodbye and sent a pouting Dean on his way. If her two friends were bright, they’d disappear together, and have fun with the brownies.

  Closing the door, she gasped as Shaun wrapped his arms around her. “We’re finally alone.”

  “We are.” She snuggled against him, and her body grew hotter for him. “I loved having you here tonight. It felt so much more real.”

  “Your brownies were amazing, honestly.” He kissed her neck, and moaned as he nibbled on her flesh.

  Closing her eyes, she tilted her head to the side as one of his hands cupped her tits.

  “You’ve got the most amazing tits, baby,” he said. “When I’m at work all I can think about is getting you naked. Then I think about having you over my desk, begging for my cock.”

  “Three years I’ve hated sex.” She admitted it to him.

  “Me too.”

  “How can you hate it?”

  “I was aroused by being with you, Addie. It doesn’t mean I liked it. I enjoyed being with you back then, but now, I fucking love being inside you, feeling your slick wet pussy wrapped around my dick.”

  She was never going to get used to the way he spoke, so dark, and alluring, and he made her ache with need. His dirty words struck her deep, making her wet.

  Shaun went from cupping her breast to teasing with her nipple, pinching the bud and then stroking it. All she wanted to do was get naked, and start touching him.

  Her need was so strong that it was almost impossible for her to think straight.

  “This is what I want. Not only do you get me rock hard, you make me so damn impatient to be inside you.” He moved away from her breast, and suddenly he tore her shirt in two.

  “I’m going to need more clothes if you keep touching me like this.”

  “I’ll buy them for you.”

  Next the bra was removed from her body, roughly. The hard points on the metal dug into her skin as tugged it from her body. He spun her around so that her back was to the door. Shaun grabbed her hand and pressed it against his cock.

  He wasn’t wrong. He was rock hard.

  Running her hand up and down his length, she was surprised by how big he actually was.

  “Fuck, baby, you’ve got no idea what you do to me. I want you so damn badly.”

  Opening his belt, she pressed her hand inside his pants and gripped him. At the same time, Shaun sank his fingers into her hair, tugging her head back and claiming her lips. She moaned and gasped as he took possession of her mouth with a passion that awakened her.

  With his grip in her hair, he urged her away from the door, and started leading her back.

  “Not going to last,” he said.

  Pulling away from the kiss, she saw they were in fact in the sitting room. She released his cock and started working on releasing the rest of her clothing. Staring into her husband’s eyes, she got completely naked. Her body wasn’t perfect, not at all.

  She’d never be like the models she’d seen him on dates with. Her body was rounded, with cellulite in odd places, and she liked to cook and eat what she cooked. It was a flaw of hers, a small flaw but a flaw nonetheless.

  The moment they were both naked, Shaun reached for her, grabbing her tight and holding her close. Closing her eyes, she basked in his touch, and when he grabbed her ass before sliding his fingers between her thighs, she melted even more.

  There was not a part of Shaun that she didn’t like. He made her burn.

  Cupping his cheek, she pressed her lips against his, licking along his bottom lip before sliding her tongue into his mouth.

  “You’re feeling adventurous today?” he asked.

  “And a little excited. Can you tell?”

He nodded, stroking her clit.

  Batting his hand away, she shook her head. “Not today.”

  “What, baby? Can’t you handle the heat?”

  She chuckled. “I can handle you. Do you think you can handle me?” Raising a brow, she slowly lowered herself before him so that his cock was in line with her face. Staring up at him, she licked her lips, and watched the lust dance behind his eyes. His cock twitched, and within the next second, his hand sank into her hair.

  “You want to suck my cock?” he asked.

  “It’s what I’ve been fantasizing about for a couple of days. You’ve licked my pussy, Shaun. Let me give you this pleasure.” To help him make a decision, she wrapped her fingers around his length, and started working up and down his cock.

  He groaned out, pressing his forehead against hers.

  “You’re going to make me beg for it, aren’t you?”

  “Not beg. I hope you enjoy it.”

  When Darla, Dean, or even Shaun hadn’t been with her, Addison had used her free time to … look at porn. He’d awakened her body to the kind of pleasure she only used to dream about, and now she wanted it so much more. She’d wake in the middle of the night, and at first when she felt him around her, it would freak her out. Addison wasn’t used to having anyone with her in her bed, and that was her fault, not his. Once she settled down, and the panic was no longer there, she’d turn, and watch him sleeping.

  She’d replay what they’d done hours before, and find herself getting aroused even more. Addison would find herself thinking of ways to make him as desperate for her touch as she was his.

  It had only been a couple of weeks, and already, she was addicted to his touch. Pulling out of her thoughts once again, she started working from the base of his shaft all the way up to the tip. He already leaked some pre-cum from the tiny slit, and licking over the dot, she moaned as a small taste of him landed on her tongue.


  His grip tightened in her hair, and she couldn’t help but smile. Shaun was a foul-mouthed billionaire. She wondered what he was like in the boardroom, if he ever shocked a lot of his directors with his crass language.

  He didn’t shock her, not anymore. He excited her, and made her want to do all kinds of wicked stuff.

  Shaun was right. Their families were cold, freezing almost.

  Addison had hated living with her parents. Her mother was always telling her what she should or shouldn’t do. She didn’t dress right, eat right, showed too much interest in other people. They would have dinners, and the next day, she’d get a rundown of every single little detail that she’d done wrong. It had been daunting and scary, and she had hated it.

  Darla had been her one reprieve from the so-called perfection of the world, who didn’t demand that she change who she was.

  Once again she had drifted, and it wasn’t because she wanted to. Focusing on his cock, she flicked her tongue over his slit, licking his dick.

  “You’ve got such an amazing mouth, baby. I’m addicted to it, and fuck, yeah, that’s right, you are fucking amazing.”

  If he thought she was amazing now, she was going to blow his mind. Taking the whole of his length into her mouth, he went to the back of her throat, and she paused getting accustomed to the feel of him so deep before pulling back. Circling the tip, she constantly swallowed his leaking pre-cum before taking more of him. Wrapping her fingers around his cock, she started to work the base of the tip as she used her mouth. Not a part of his cock was bare. She worked every single inch, and pressed her thighs together as she grew even more aroused.

  “Fuck, that’s so damn good.”

  She urged him to sit down so that when she got him to the peak of his orgasm, she wasn’t worried about him standing. In each of the porn videos she’d watched, she’d seen the men almost collapse after an orgasm.

  “You want me on my ass?” he asked.

  “I’ve got some plans, and I want to explore you.”

  Stroking a hand down his body, she wrapped her fingers around his thickened dick, and went back to sucking him.

  He groaned, and she held him in her hand as she licked down the pulsing vein at the side before taking him into her mouth. Shaun was so big that he filled her mouth easily, and she wasn’t ready to give up.

  Holding his dick she worked up and down his cock at the same time she bobbed her head, sucking him even more.

  “Fuck, baby. I’ve wanted your mouth on my dick for so long. It’s so much better than I imagined.”

  She hummed to let him know she was listening to him, and it only made him curse even more.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck, so damn good. Damn, Addie, your mouth is so good.” He sank his fingers back into her hair, and she didn’t let up, stroking him up and down, sucking on his cock. She glanced up at him to find that he was staring down at her. The heat in his eyes was hard to miss. “You’re going to milk me dry, aren’t you? Swallow my cum in that pretty little mouth?”

  Addison didn’t answer, and moaned as he thrust in deep.

  Working his cock, she focused on bringing him to orgasm.

  He started to pump his hips up. Shaun also held onto her hair tightly.

  “Shit, baby, I’m going to come. So damn good, I can’t hold back.”

  Addison had never sucked a man’s cock before, let alone swallowed his cum. She’d read quite a few books, and she moved her mouth to close around the tip. He erupted, and some of his cum hit the back of her throat. She swallowed his cum as he flooded her mouth with his essence.

  “Fuck, baby, fuck, baby.”

  When he started to shake, his grip in her hair tightened even further.

  She slowly released his cock and sat back on her thighs.

  Licking her lips, she smiled up at him. He’d collapsed against her sofa, and his eyes closed as his head stared back.

  “Did you like that?” she asked.

  He lifted his head, and stared at her. “Fuck, baby, like that? I loved it. It was so damn good.” He tapped the sofa, and she crawled up his lap to straddle his waist.

  His hands ran up and down her back.

  “I’m so glad you liked it. I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time.”

  “You’ve wanted to suck my dick?”

  “You got it.”

  “You can suck my dick whenever you want.”

  Shaun tugged her closer, and she shook her head.

  “Why can’t I kiss you, baby?”

  “I, erm, I swallowed you, and I don’t want you to recoil from me.”

  He smiled. “I’m not going to recoil from you. I think it’s hot, and I’m going to lick your creamy pussy until you come in my mouth, and afterward, I’m going to fuck you, and fill you with my cum.”

  The mention of him filling her with cum, reminded her of a question she wanted to ask.

  Tugging on his hair, she stopped him from kissing her.

  “What’s the matter, baby?” he asked.

  “The baby? Do you not mind about the implant?”

  “I want to have babies with you some day, but I want us to have kids when we’re ready, not when we’re ordered to have kids.”

  She smiled. “That I can live with.”

  “You do want kids?”


  “How many?”

  “At least four.”


  “I love kids. Grandma used to volunteer at a foster place before she died. When I was with her I’d go, and some of the kids just broke my heart. Some of them were there because they had to be, their home life being awful. Then there was a kid who’d been taken by the state under false accusations, and her parents were fighting to get her back.”

  “Damn, baby, don’t cry.”

  Tears had filled her eyes. “It’s okay. It broke my heart, and at the time when I talked to my grandma, she did everything to help the parents.”

  “False accusations?”

  “Yes, a disgruntled neighbor or something had said she witnessed them beat
ing the kid. They’d gone and taken her, and she’d been in care ever since.” Addison smiled. “The story has a happy ending. Grandma got the woman who accused them to come clean, and the girl went back. We also made sure the family was compensated.”

  “Your grandmother sounds amazing.”

  “She really was. She wouldn’t take any crap from anyone, and I just loved her. My mom wasn’t a big fan.”

  “She’d have been your father’s mother, right?”

  “Yes. It used to annoy my mom with how often my father saw his parents. They didn’t like her, and they tried to hide it when I was around. I loved my grandmother. When I was with her, she’d make sure my mother stayed away. A lot of my summers were spent with her.” Addison laughed. “There was this one time that my grandmother was visiting my dad, and Mom didn’t have a clue she was there. I’d been put on a diet because she’d caught onto the bullies calling me fat and all that. I was weighed every single week to see if the strict diet was working. I’d put on a couple of pounds, and she was ranting, raving at me. Grandma came out of the kitchen, and she tore a strip off Mom.”

  “What did she say?”

  “Dorothy, if you say one bad word against that girl, I will make sure the entire world knows where you come from. You can take the trash out of the gutter, but you can’t take the gutter out of the trash.”

  “Why would she say that?”

  “Mom came from the streets.”


  Holy shit, Shaun hadn’t known that.

  “Seriously, your mother came from the streets?”

  “Yep. Dad did some kind of charity work when he met her. One thing led to another, and before they knew what was happening, he’d taken her off the streets. Grandmother said Mom found a meal ticket and worked with it.”

  “I bet. It’s something we could use to get her off our backs.”

  “You’re thinking of blackmailing my mother?” she asked.

  “After the shit she pulled in that interview, I’m willing to do whatever it takes to get her off our backs.”

  “Good luck with that. I doubt Mom would even be bothered by it now. It was so long ago.”

  Shaun didn’t agree. “She’s a woman who deals with image. It’ll bother her.”


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