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Divine Desire: A Lotus House Novel: Book Three

Page 11

by Audrey Carlan

  “Call that number and schedule a meeting with my receptionist for when I’m back. Two weeks.”

  I nodded. “Two weeks.”

  Silas clapped me on the back. “Looking forward to it.” He made his way out of the bar. I watched like a lovelorn sap the entire way as he left.

  Mila fitted her body to my side and looked up. I glanced down and drowned in her chocolaty gaze.

  “That was big, right? For your music career?” she whispered as if she was afraid to put words to it. Hell, I was afraid to as well.

  “Yes. Huge.” I leaned down and kissed her lips softly. “You know what else is huge?”


  “My dick. Come on, hotness. My night just got even better. Let’s make it the best night of our lives.”

  She laughed and followed me out the door and into the taxi, which took us right to her place.


  The second I opened the door, Atlas pushed me forward gently, a firm hand to my lower back. His guitar case hit the wood floor of my apartment while I bolted the lock in place. I didn’t live in the worst neighborhood in Oakland, but certainly not the best. Just as I put the slap lock in place, securing us in for the night, I was twirled around and lifted into a fireman’s carry.

  I laughed and pounded against his hard ass. “Let me down, you brute!”

  “Never!” he joked before swinging me around until I slid down his muscular form, inch by perfect inch.

  Once my forearms hit his shoulders, I practically dangled, my feet far from touching the ground. Atlas shifted and used his hands to grip my ass and bump me up until I wrapped my legs around his waist. We were face-to-face in this position, his multicolored eyes searing into mine, telling a tale of lust and desire I could drown in.

  “Hi,” I replied rather meekly, not usually staring into the face of the man I was about to have sex with. Honestly, I didn’t usually spend much time kissing them, either. For me and my one-nighters, it was all about getting off. Kissing, looking someone in the face, sharing air space, these things were personal, private…intimate.

  Atlas smiled softly. “Hi. Are you ready for this?” He nuzzled my nose affectionately.

  The total opposite move of what I wanted. I enjoyed my men wild and out of control. I planned on bringing out his beastly side and fast. With Atlas, the best way to do that seemed to be sparring. So that’s exactly where I went.

  “Because your cock is so big it’s going to wound me?” I teased and narrowed my gaze. “I’ve seen what you’re packing. I’m not the slightest bit worried about fit.”

  His eyes filled with barely concealed fury, and his jaw clenched. A little muscle in the side of his cheek clicked out a beat while I watched. Fascinating.

  “You’re asking for it,” he growled, biting into the space where my neck met my shoulder. God, I hoped he left a mark.

  I moaned. “Asking?”

  “Aching for it.” He leaned closer.

  A sound between air being let out of a balloon and choking spilled from my mouth letting him know exactly where I stood on his accusation.

  “Positively begging for it.” His tongue flicked at his bottom lip on the inflection of the T.

  “Did you somehow secretly smoke crack from the time we got into the taxi and here?”

  “Couldn’t have. My hands were too busy groping you.” His gaze was scorching hot, and his hands roamed up and down my back. I wasn’t sure if it was to soothe or set aflame, but either way it worked for me.

  What he said was not a lie either. In the taxi, his hands had been all over me, stroking my breasts through my tight top, palming my ass, and cupping my sex.

  “Mmm…I remember that. Do it again,” I whispered before nipping on his ear.

  He chuckled, put a knee to the bed, and I went down flat on my back with him between my thighs. In that position, he felt so large, all encompassing.

  One of his hands curled around my nape as he put his lips to mine. We kissed for long minutes. I wasn’t keeping track. Each drugging kiss was more intense than the last, more meaningful than the first. I gasped when he pulled away.

  He straddled me as he sat up, a knee to each hip. I appreciated the opportunity to take things up a notch and get this show on the road by tugging on my slinky tank and yanking it over my head. Foreplay was foreplay, but frankly, I wanted to get off, preferably with that thick cock embedded deeply within me. I’d thought about nothing else since I painted him. The man was packing a seriously sexy weapon of mass pleasure. I could only hope he knew exactly how to use it.

  I went to grab his shirt, and he stopped me with a firm hand right at the center of my breastbone. He held me to the mattress. “Stop, babe, let me look at you. Wild eyes. Hair fanned out. Breasts heaving.” He traced the upper swell of each breast with the tips of his fingers. “You’re so damned beautiful, and you don’t even know it.”

  “Oh, I know it.” I pumped my hips to get his attention, or at the very least, get the attention of a certain part of him.

  He shook his head. “No, no, you don’t. You hide all that is you. But sometimes, for me, your guard slips and the real you shines through. Like now. You’re bare, wildcat. I see you.”

  Something about the way he said, “I see you,” brought a prickling of tears to my eyes. I swallowed and firmed my chin.

  “And what do you see?”

  “I see strength. An unwilling survivor. You’ve had to manage a lot on your own. Your dad going away to jail, your mom gallivanted off into the sunset with another family. Who was looking out for you?” His words were but a whisper as he caressed my entire upper half. His fingers trailed between my breasts down to my navel where he leaned forward and circled the tiny slit with his tongue before dipping in.

  Shivers racked my frame alongside a heaping dose of arousal.

  “Can we stop talking and fuck? You’re getting all deep, and really, curly, I just want you to get deep elsewhere.”

  Atlas grinned and placed endless kisses along my abdomen. He moved his hands to encase each rib, fingers tapping one bone at a time as if he was tickling a set of ivories on a piano. I groaned and squirmed, wanting more.

  “Please…” I begged.

  Atlas inhaled sharply, slid his mouth up to my black lace bra, and shoved down each cup. His mouth latched onto a hardened tip instantly, sucking mercilessly.

  “Fuck yes!” I called out, holding his head to my breast as I arched up, giving him more.

  His other hand plucked and rubbed around my areola, flicking the tightened nub as it firmed and elongated under his ministrations.

  Atlas pulled up and yanked off his shirt. Like a high-class bitch weak over a pair of Louis Vuittons, my hands splayed all over his firm body. Atlas was not classically buff like the meatheads who lifted weights and were all about giant muscles, but he had a cut body that showed how much effort he put into it in the gym and in his yoga practice. There wasn’t much soft on him, but what he lacked in size, he made up for in mouthwatering hardness.

  With a foot to the floor, Atlas pushed off me. I watched while he unbuttoned his jeans and shoved them and his underwear down. His cock was long, thick, and hard when it rose up toward his navel. I might have joked earlier about his size, but the man definitely had it going on. With absolutely no hair to speak of, his cock seemed even larger, protruding out in a graphic depiction of a mating call. I loved looking at a man when he was hot for me. Nothing like it in the world. Knowing I had that power over them, to make something on their body positively strain to worship me. Beautiful.

  “You’re incredible, but you already know that.”

  He grinned and leaned a knee on the bed as he crawled over me. “Always good to hear a positive accolade from the woman you’re jonesing for.”

  I giggled as he unbuttoned my pants and tugged them down and off. “No underwear. I like that…” He leaned down and pressed a fiery, wet kiss against the slip of skin just below my navel and right above the tiny landing strip I rocked down bel
ow. “So much.” He ran his tongue all over the space, teasing me, getting close to where I wanted him most and then backing away.

  Making my intentions known, I gripped his hair and none too gently pushed him toward my aching center.

  He chuckled against my upper thigh. “Want something, hotness?” He sank his teeth into my flesh, biting, marking me in a carnal way that sent a rush of arousal to slicken my pussy further.

  Atlas breathed, nipping at the flesh all around my sex but never touching.

  “I may kill you for this.”

  He sucked on the spot he’d claimed a moment ago. “For what? Foreplay?”

  “You call this foreplay? I call this torture.”

  Chapter Ten

  Half Wide-Legged Boat Pose (Sanskrit: Paripurna Navasana)

  Sometimes in yoga, your body isn’t immediately able to move into more advanced asanas. When that occurs, there are endless modifications that can be practiced to strengthen and welcome additional flexibility. Full wide-legged boat pose has the spine straight, both legs out in front using the entire strength of the core to hold the legs up and out. Advanced yogis will even implement a yogi toe-hole by looping their first finger around their big toes to aid in the maximum stretch. However, starting with one leg is absolutely appropriate. Tuck one leg under or out in front of you, and use your arm to stretch and lengthen the leg. Keep the spine and head straight.


  Her body squirmed around like a kitten trying to find its way out from under a heavy comforter. Hovering over her lower half, so close to the heat of her, I wallowed in the scent of her arousal, wanting her dripping with desire.

  “Come on,” she groaned and then did something I hadn’t seen a woman do in a long time.

  Mila opened her legs wide, my face scant inches from her heat. The fragrance of a misty morning in San Fran assaulted my senses making my mouth water. I wanted to lick her all over, suck her dry until she begged me to stop. But she was not in control here. Giving her what she wanted, right now, on this first run in bed together was only going to set up the rules for our next encounter. I couldn’t have that. In the bedroom, I liked control, and I’d fight to get it. Hell, that was half the fun, especially when the urge to fight and fuck was so strong with my wildcat.

  “That’s it!” I roared before clamping her thighs together, running one arm under them, putting a heavy lockdown. To solidify my plan, I lay over her legs from knees to feet, pinning her securely. Just the way I wanted. My balls ached with intent, feeling full and needy for release.

  “No!” she yelled. “I want to move. I need to move!” she groaned.

  I shook my head and then laid my mouth over her little pink clit, poking out from its hood. Her hands flew to my hair as I sucked on that wicked bundle of nerves. She jolted around, but I held her strong as her musky flavor hit my tongue. A tingling set up in the base of my spine, and I closed my eyes to imprint this moment, the first time I tasted Mila Mercado.

  “You’re going to feel every lick.” I flattened my tongue against her hot button. “Every suck.” I wrapped my lips around the tight knot. “Every fucking taste…and there’s nothing”—lick—“you can do about it.” Lick. “So take it.” Lick. “Let me own your pleasure, baby.” Lick. “Just for tonight.”

  On that last word, I fluttered the tip of my tongue hard against her and locked her down even tighter. She screamed out, “Atlas!” and gripped my hair, the pain quickly turning into pleasure as she tried relentlessly to buck up against my face, attempting and failing to control her pleasure. What she hadn’t realized yet was that it was mine to control.

  Just when she was starting to come down, I let the lock go, pushed her legs wide, and covered her juicy slit with my mouth. Her flavor was far richer, like a hoppy beer, the deeper I pressed my tongue, flicking against her walls, tasting every inch I could reach. Fucking amazing. So wet, so succulent. She started to quicken again, her hips pumping with each lick. That little mewl she made as I moved faster, pushed her harder, went straight to my dick. Prickles of excitement roared through my muscles making them feel larger, tighter, ready to pound and plunge into this sexy woman.

  “Fuck, fuck you’re good at this,” she admitted on a heated sigh. Her body was strung tight, focused on every flick of my tongue. Those fine hips of hers fucked my face as I went to town on her.

  When she was close again, I held her thighs open wide and pulled back the petals of her lower lips. I allowed myself one mercy-filled second to catch my breath and tamp down the need to take my own pleasure. Once I’d take a couple breaths, her musky scent making my mouth water, I rammed my tongue as far as it would go, wanting to drink as deeply as possible from the sheer heart of her. Her fingernails dug into the roots of my hair and tugged. I winced as that prick of pain moved in a direct line to my cock.

  While I ate her, I mindlessly rubbed my dick all over her legs, the tip leaking pre-cum. Knowing that my pre-cum coated her legs made me even harder. I gritted my teeth and forced myself to imagine dirty socks, the stink of the men’s locker room at the gym, anything to prevent me from blowing my load too soon.

  Using two fingers, I slipped inside, hooking my finger up the front wall of her pussy to rub against that bumpy patch that would make her lose it. The second I found it, I didn’t let go. I tickled and massaged that spot and sucked on her clit, my cheeks hollowing out with the effort. Every last one of her sexy sounds was like a personal triumph, so much so that as I ground my cock against her legs, I reveled in my ability to make Mila insane with lust.

  “Oh my God! I’m coming again. Fuck!” she howled.

  I kept at her. That second orgasm turned to a third rapidly. Hearing her cry out my name, call for God above only urged me on. My dick was ready to pound sand, dig for gold, anything to assuage the lust rippling through my system ready to soak me in pleasure. When she was barely coming down from her third orgasm, I sat up, wiped my mouth on my forearm, and leaned over, grappling for my jeans. My fingers shook with unfulfilled need as I grabbed the condom I kept in my wallet, ripped the foil, and rolled it on.

  Mila lay panting, her hair a wild mess of curls, her lips swollen from our earlier kisses, her cheeks pink, and her small tits jiggling. Pride swelled in my chest, putting a shit-eating grin on my face as I looked down at the mess I’d made of my girl.

  “So fucking pretty,” I growled, wedging myself between her thighs. I hitched one of her legs out and up my rib cage. “You ready, wildcat?” Even if she wasn’t, there was no turning back. I’d long since lost any ability to go slow. My dick needed to plunder her tight, wet, heat. I was mindless with it, couldn’t think about anything but getting in her. Right. Now.

  “Give it to me,” she demanded before slamming her mouth over mine. That was the first time I could recall her actually initiating a kiss besides the very first one. Pleasure zipped from my mouth down my chest to settle between my thighs in a powerful erection that absolutely needed relief, or I’d lose my fucking mind.

  Our tongues tangled, our teeth gnashed, and at the same time, I lined up my cock with her wet heat and surged forward.

  Holy fucking bliss. Her sex clenched around my cock like a too-tight fist. She strangled my dick in the best possible way. I lost my breath, my vision went black, and I clung to her small form so hard it was as if my life depended on it. There might even be bruises left in the wake of this fucking, I didn’t know, and right then, I didn’t fucking care. All I cared about was moving, fast and hard.

  Her body arched at the invasion, and she moaned long and triumphantly. It was the sound of a well-satisfied woman. I had to hear it again. Each moan was like lyrical harmony in my ears. I retreated all the way to the tip, sucking in a huge bout of air at the intensity of her walls clinging to my rock-hard shaft before I plowed forward.

  I clenched my teeth, trying my damnedest not to blow my load in two strokes. Jesus, this woman could have me blowing off like a thirteen-year-old twenty-second wonder.

  She squeaked. Actu
ally squeaked like one of those bath toys. “Holy fuck you’re so deep!” She gripped my hair by the roots and forced my mouth to hers. I gave in, tasting her sweetness on my tongue, sharing the taste of her pussy with her had me growling into the kiss.

  Jesus. I was root deep in her heat, my mouth full of the taste of her, her tits rubbing against my chest like a perfect caress, those firm, toned thighs high on my rib cage holding me close…Jesus.

  “I could die a happy man. Right here, right now.” No more words could be said. Instead, my mind went to that happy place that was all carnal fucking and rutting like an animal. Nothing but hot, wet, sensation as we groped and ground against one another. All I knew was that I was fucking my woman. I had no idea if she’d stay my woman, she definitely had attachment and commitment issues galore, but with each hard drive into her body, she became more mine than not. With every delicious kiss, I owned a little bit more of her, and I intended to keep it that way.

  “More,” she moaned into my mouth, our lips barely touching.

  “You sure?” I asked again. I’d already been fucking her pretty hard for such a tiny thing but definitely had more in me. “I don’t want to break you.” I laughed and kissed her, breathing through our kisses so that I could catch a moment to focus on not coming.

  “You couldn’t. I was made for you to fuck.” Her eyes were glassy, and pleasure rose and fell in her gaze. She had no idea what she said, but in that moment, something clicked. Something deeper than I’d experienced with any other woman, sexually or emotionally. I actually wanted more of her. I wanted everything she had to give. Wanted to make her mine for good.

  I pressed her right leg up and toward her armpit. Being a yogi, she was naturally flexible, and her body opened easily. Using that advantage, my dick as firm as steel and ready to go, I powered into her. With my forearm pressed strategically on the bed, I dug my toes into the mattress, held her ass where I wanted it, and locked my cock in place. Her center squeezed the sensitive tip of my cockhead to the point that I saw stars, physical stars blinking all around her, but even that didn’t stop me. No, she needed to feel exactly what I was feeling right then. This was the woman I was meant to be with. Meant to make love to.


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