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Revealed Page 15

by Riana Lucas

  Reed nods once, all business and on the same page with me for the first time in quite a while. “Let’s do this.”

  I nod as well, and without needing to formulate a plan, we both head off in opposite directions. Making my way to the back of the house and the additional family room that was my room last night, I methodically check all the doors and windows to ensure they are secure. The work is mindless, but I try to focus on what I am doing and do not allow my thoughts to stray. On top of securing the house locks, I decide to cast a spell on the house that will shroud it in darkness. The humans will know it is here, but they will not pay attention to it. It should have the same effect on any Fae that randomly crosses its path. The only exception will be a Fae who is specifically looking for the house or Anna and Reed. Hopefully I will be able to find out soon if that is a threat. Once I confirm my suspicions of Reed’s father, I will know the level of danger to Anna, if any.

  That encounter is one I am eager for. My instincts are screaming I am right in my suspicions. I am excited to learn more information as well as help Reed find his father. Whenever the subject comes up, I feel his underlying desire to know more. I can also see that Anna still loves this Fae.

  I pause in my work and have to stifle a laugh. Rho immediately comes to mind. She would be so silly over this entire situation. Of course her focus would be on something entirely different than my own. Instead of preparing for war, she would be telling me romantic stories and trying to find ways to reunite this family in the name of love. An image of her lying across my bed, flipping through human magazines, and sighing over all the love interests and romantic gestures in the human world pops into my head, and I smile at the fond memory. I decide, in memory of Rho, I will see what I can do. She would be so thrilled to see this sad story have a happy ending. For the first time in my life, the whimsical feeling of love and happiness creeps into my heart. I have to admit, if only to myself, it would be nice to see a truly happy ending.

  I finish with my task and make my way back to the front of the house. Reed and Anna are both already there waiting for me. Anna has a small bag at her feet, and Reed seems to be impatient to get going.

  “Was there anything you would like to bring back with you to the Seelie Court?” I ask Reed.

  Reed’s first trip to Faery Land did not leave much opportunity for him to bring anything of importance with him. My hatred for humans and intolerance of Halflings did not make me very agreeable in the first place, but then being hunted by Holly made matters even worse. Having to rush from Reed’s home in the middle of the night for his mother’s and our own safety was the only option. There was not a moment to lose, and we left without a second thought. Now there is time, but it does not seem as if he has considered this. “There is time. If you wish, you could collect a few things.”

  He shakes his head. “There is nothing here I need.” He wraps his arm around his mother and pulls her to his side. “All I need will be in Faery Land with me.” He smiles down at his mother and then looks back at me more seriously. There is some deeper meaning in his words, but I choose to ignore them and press on.

  “Very well then, let’s go. I can sense the guards nearby, so I will alert them that we are ready to go back and they can follow behind. It will be easier if we make our way back to where we entered the human world from. That portal will place us right outside of the Seelie Court gates when we shimmer back to Faery Land. I would rather make the trek here in the human world than over there. It will be safer than wandering through the forest with a human and minimal guards.” I smile apologetically for referring to Anna as a human, but she just smiles back at me in understanding.

  I close my eyes for just a moment and concentrate on the Fae guards nearby. Although Reed and I are the only Fae that I have ever heard of who can communicate the way we do, the Fae, in general, have very keen senses. We can pick up traces of other Fae nearby and can sense their basic emotions. I am unable to tell the guards of our plans, but I can make them aware of our calmness and determination so that once we set out, they will know that it is by choice and not because of danger.

  I open my eyes once I am finished to see Anna and Reed both watching me carefully. “I don’t know if I will ever get used to that,” Reed says.

  “What?” I ask completely perplexed at both of their expressions.

  “You just seem so…you just kind of…” Reed shakes his head, stumbling over his words, so Anna speaks up for him.

  “You simply glow when you are doing your magic, Poppy. It is utterly breathtaking how beautiful you look.”

  “Oh,” I say in surprise as my eyes grow wider, and I turn to look at Reed.

  “Yeah, oh,” he says, and for the first time, he seems to be the one who is embarrassed instead of me.

  I laugh at his embarrassment, which seems to make him feel better. “Shut up,” he growls but follows it with a wink and a growing smile. The tension of the last two days and all that has come with it seems to be finally easing for all of us.

  “Ready?” I ask them both, finding myself excited to be returning home.

  “Ready, Mom?” Read asks his mother before answering me.

  “Yes. I think I am. I’m a little nervous, though.”

  “I understand. But do not worry. You will love the Seelie Court and my mother. I think you two will get along wonderfully.”

  “Oh, the queen? I don’t know about that.” She looks a bit worried.

  “Don’t worry, Mom. She really is great.”

  “Yes, she is.” I smile at the thought of my mother. “I believe you two are more alike than you think. Trust me,” I say, remembering how Anna seemed to try to give me advice about Reed.

  “Okay if you say so. Let’s go.” She reaches for her bag, but Reed quickly grabs it before she can. Smiling up at him, she pats his arm as she walks past to open the front door. “I sure have taught you well, haven’t I?” she says jokingly.

  “Mm-hm,” Reed says as he waits for me to walk through the door and then pulls it shut, locking it securely behind us.

  “Ready to go home?” Reed asks both of us.

  He had said this before, but for the first time, I am sure that Reed thinks of Faery Land and the Seelie Court as his home. This thought makes me happier than it should, and I cannot help the smile that takes over my face.

  “Yes. I think I am.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  I should have known it would not be easy.

  We made it to the portal with no problems. Anna stayed close, even though there was no sign of a threat. I knew the guards would remain at a safe distance but close enough to sense any danger. Not liking to rely on others, however, I still broadened my senses and kept a careful watch of our surroundings. When we reached the same store I have used more than any other portal, I took one final glance around, but there was nothing.

  I took both Reed and Anna’s hands, closed my eyes, and shimmered us to Faery Land. When I opened my eyes, we were standing safely in front of the Seelie Court gates. I glance over at Anna to make sure I have not caused any damage, but she seems whole and healthy, standing there with a beautiful smile on her face as she takes in our surroundings.

  Feeling relieved and quite proud of myself, I smile at my companions as I check to make sure Reed is okay and give Anna a moment longer to take in the view. Then we head toward the front door of my home.

  Warriors suddenly surround us. It takes me completely by surprise, and my instincts take over, as do Reed’s. Before I know what is happening, my daggers are drawn, Reed’s sword is unsheathed and at the ready, and we are back-to-back with Anna between us, facing our enemy. When I finally regain some sort of control over my instincts, I take stock of our enemy. That is when I realize we are facing off against the Seelie guards.

  I take a relieved breath as I lower my daggers to my sides and stare at Gideon and Thorne in confusion. “What is happening?” I look around, beyond to the forest and back through the doors, for some sort of danger or explanatio

  Gideon hesitantly lowers his sword when I relax my stance. He looks confused, as well. “An alert went up that there was an intruder. A human?”

  “A human? Where?” I ask anxiously, my eyes darting to the forest again.

  Reed quickly clears his throat behind me and I turn to him. He gives me a look that I do not understand, and then glances with his eyes to the side. I follow his gaze to see Anna. She is looking at me with one eyebrow raised and seems to be barely holding back her laughter.

  I flush. “Oh right. A human. Sorry, Anna. I forgot with all the excitement going on.”

  “That’s okay, Poppy. I guess I should be honored that you think of me differently,” she says with a chuckle.

  I glance back around us at all the guards. They all have lowered their weapons but are still keeping a watchful eye on the happenings before them. As well they should. I was not able to alert my mother or my friends of the change in plans. This human is not only, well human, but she is also a stranger and a perceived threat.

  Gideon and Thorne have relaxed a bit more. Thorne is actually smiling, although Gideon does not seem amused at all. I speak up, hoping to relieve the tension and allow everyone to get on with their day.

  “Gideon, Thorne, guards, I would like you to meet Anna. This is Reed's mother, and she will be staying with us for a while. Please treat her as an honored guest, for this is what she is. She will be granted the same freedoms as Reed and should be treated with the same respect. Thank you very much for your prompt response to the possible threat. Good job as well, but as you all can see there is not a threat, so you may all carry on with your other duties. Thank you again, that is all.” I try to invoke my inner princess while speaking, and it seems to have worked. The guards all take their leave, each bowing slightly toward me as they go.

  Once the last one has left us, I take a deep breath and relax my stance a bit more.

  Gideon still looks mad. I cringe inwardly, not knowing what to say. Thankfully I am saved from having to come up with something.

  “It is a pleasure to meet you both. I am Anna.” Anna takes a step forward and extends her hand, first to Thorne who bows gallantly and kisses Anna’s hand softly, making her giggle like a little girl. This causes Gideon to smile, as well. He shakes her hand more politely and introduces himself.

  “I am so sorry to have caused such a disturbance. I hope there is no trouble because of me.” I hear the true concern in Anna’s voice and reassure her.

  “No, it is fine. It is completely my fault for not sending word to Gideon and the others. There just was not any time.” I turn to Gideon and Thorne again. “Sorry,” I say meekly.

  Thorne waves his hand dismissively. “It’s okay, Princess. Gideon, here, just needs to chill.”

  I laugh along with Reed and Anna at the look Gideon shoots Thorne.

  “I might have to disagree. A time of war is not a time to, as you say, chill. Rather, I believe, it is a time for planning, preparation, and consideration. Wouldn’t you agree, daughter?”

  Uh oh.

  My mother’s voice is cool and controlled, the same as her demeanor when I turn to look at her. I knew she would not like the surprise of me bringing a human back to Faery Land, much less to the Seelie Court, but I had hoped to have a moment in private with her to explain the situation and beg for her belated permission. It looks as if that will not happen.

  I swallow tightly and make my way to her. When I reach her, I stop and stand, waiting for my reprimand. Instead, she pulls me tightly into her arms and hugs me fiercely. I do not hesitate to return the hug. I was only gone for a short time, but I missed her dearly.

  “I am so happy you are back safe and sound, my child. I did not sleep a wink last night.” Her whispered words almost bring tears to my eyes.

  “I missed you, too, Mother.” I take just one more moment to enjoy the happiness of our reunion before I break it with my next sentence. “I am so sorry, and I know you are going be angry with me, but I did not have another choice.” I take a step back and look pleadingly at her.

  Instead of seeing the anger I had anticipated, she rolls her eyes at me. Really?

  “Stop being so dramatic. Come inside and we will discuss it.” She turns to leave, and I glance back at Reed. I speak to him in his mind.

  “Just take your mother to a room near yours. I will find you when I have finished with my mother.”

  “Are you sure, Poppy? We can come with you. This was my idea in the first place, and I didn’t give you much choice. I don’t want you to be in trouble for something that’s my fault.”

  “I will be fine. Just go.”

  I turn back to my mother, who has stopped walking and is now watching me with knowing eyes. “Something has changed, hasn’t it? Come, all of you. Let’s go to my chambers and have a nice long talk.”

  My shoulders sag in defeat, but I do not argue. I know it is an argument I will not win, so I follow behind my mother at a slower pace, giving Anna and Reed a chance to catch up. Reed comes to walk beside me, looking about the same as I feel. Anna, however, walks past us both and joins my mother. I cannot hear them, but I can see they are already talking about something.

  Great. I knew they were too much alike.

  We make our way to my mother’s chambers, and as we pass servants, guards, and other Fae, they bow slightly then scurry out of our way. I can understand why. Looking at my mother now, with her back straight and head held high, she looks like a true queen with a purpose. I would not want to delay her either.

  Just as we turn the last corner to reach my mother’s rooms, Willow comes stumbling around it. She looks rushed and anxious, and instead of watching where she is going, she is looking at the ground. Because of this she barrels right into Anna, almost knocking them both over.

  “Oh, I am so sorry. Please forgive…” Her voice trails off when she finally gains her balance once more with the help of Anna and looks up at the person assisting her. Her eyes widen in alarm, and she takes a step back. I can see the confusion and fear in her eyes. What is worse still is that she has failed to notice the others around her. She seems to only be able to focus on the human before her.

  Although Willow is a wonderful, caring Fae, she is like most other Fae. She is very naïve about the human world and has an immense hatred or fear of all humans. By the look on Willow's face, I would say her feelings run much closer to fear. Although I completely understand her feelings, I know differently now. I do not wish for her to fear humans, especially Anna. This situation, however, makes me realize that Anna being here is not going to be easy for any of us.

  “Willow. Willow?” I call her name softly at first, then more firmly, wanting her to focus on me and not Anna.

  She blinks a few times at Anna before slowly turning her head to me. After a few more blinks, realization hits and her body immediately relaxes. She hurries over to me and hugs me tightly. I am momentarily caught off guard by her embrace so I do not hug her back right away, not until she starts mumbling, “Oh, Poppy! I was so worried. I heard that a human had breached the Court and that you were involved. Then Gideon and Thorne had to go, and they made me stay in my room. I was so angry at Gideon and so worried for you. But now you’re here, and you’re fine. Right? You are fine, aren’t you?” She pulls away quickly and looks me over.

  I cannot help but to laugh and pull her back into a hug of my own. “Yes, Willow. I am quite alright. It was just a misunderstanding, but I completely understand your anger at Gideon. I will have a talk with him about making you stay in your room.”

  She finally laughs as she pulls away with a slight blush on her face. “Oh, you don’t have to talk to him. It’s okay. I understand.”

  I raise an eyebrow at her but do not wish to embarrass her further, so I refrain from asking any questions. For now. A throat clears from behind us and we both turn.

  “Oh my! I apologize, my queen. I did not mean to interrupt. Please forgive me.” Willow is nervous once again and begins to bow to my mot
her. I shoot my mother an exasperated look, causing her to chuckle.

  “There is no reason to apologize, Willow. Please do not bow. I know I am your queen, but you are my daughter’s dearest friend first. Please be at ease with me.”

  “Oh, okay. I’ll try, my queen.” She nods politely and tries to relax.

  I can see it is difficult for her, so I change the subject to divert her attention. “Willow, I would like you to meet Reed’s mother. This is Anna. Anna, this is my best friend, Willow.”

  By the soft gasp and shimmer of tears that immediately form in the corner of Willow's eyes, I know I have been successful in my diversion. I shake my head but feel my heart grow a bit at her reaction. It has been difficult, but I am becoming better at expressing my feelings.

  “Hello, Willow, it is a pleasure to meet you.” The sound of Anna’s soft, hesitant voice pulls me from my thoughts. This surprises me because she has seemed so confident and sure of herself from the first moment I met her. I realize now she is probably nervous and scared about how the other Fae are going to receive her.

  Reed has moved to his mother’s side and has a protective or reassuring arm — I am not sure which — around her shoulders. I move to stand beside her also, silently trying to reassure her that all will be well.

  Willow gains her composure and visibly calms once she is formally introduced to the human. I am sure it is only because it is Reed’s mother, but at least she is trying. She bows prettily, pulling her skirts out in a flourishing way that most female Fae do when meeting someone of high importance. I can see that Anna recognizes the gesture because she relaxes a bit more and smiles at Willow.

  “It is very nice to meet a friend of Poppy’s and of my son’s, but please, there is no need to bow.” Anna reaches her hand out to take Willow’s and pull her upright. Willow hesitates but then allows Anna to take her hand.


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