Survival Games

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Survival Games Page 5

by J. E. Taylor

  “The things I’m going to do to you.” He moved to the treadmill and tied the handcuffs to the bar. “But in the meantime, I think these will do today.” He stepped back appreciatively scanning her naked body. He turned and left the room. He came back with a tub of Vaseline, leaning down and applying a healthy layer to each side of the treadmill. He straightened, smiling and snapping the top back on the container.

  “You won’t be able to do what you did yesterday. You’ll stop when I say you can.” He swatted her ass and turned the treadmill on.

  Her wobbly legs moved, picking up the pace until she hit a moderate jog. He dialed the speed down a notch and turned on his heel leaving her staring after him.

  Ty stepped into the control center and the chair swung around. Frank smiled back at him. “That was quite the show.” He reached over and held up a DVD package containing the complete 5th season of Metropolis.

  Ty raised his eyebrows, plucking the set from his brother’s hand, opened it and pulled the first disc out. He put it in his DVD player and pressed play. He also pushed the router that would send it into Jessica’s room. He flipped the microphone on and his voice filled her room. “For your viewing pleasure,” he purred and flipped the speaker off, watching to see her reaction.

  Jessica winced at the screen, but when the Metropolis logo appeared, she let out a small laugh.

  Ty watched the transformation as Jessica went into autopilot, running and staring at the screen in tandem.

  He focused his attention on the show and when one of the secondary characters referred to the main character as “Smallville,” he smiled and turned to his brother.

  “He’s next.” Ty pointed at the screen.

  Frank laughed at his brother. “It’s too big of a risk. We’ve never had that kind of high profile target here. I don’t feel like seeing everything I’ve worked for all these years blown away by an idiotic move like this.”

  Ty smiled and looked at Jessica and then back at the screen. “Sure it’s a risk. But think of the payoff.” He turned back, knowing what made his stepbrother tick. Knowing greed drove the bastard even though he had more money than he could ever spend, throwing it out there would paint dollar signs in front of his eyes. “Didn’t you say our clients want to see some names in the videos?”

  Frank studied him and then glanced at the screen. “How?”

  Ty bit his lip. “I don’t know yet,” he said. “It could take a while.” He looked down at the set and began to filter through the pamphlets.

  Frank nodded, leaving him to figure it out.

  He set the DVD so it would continuously loop and connected to the Internet researching the show, the filming locations and where exactly the star lived when he was not on set. He leaned back, the plan already forming.

  He looked up to see Jessica stumble and catch herself. He slowed the treadmill down to a moderate walk. He did not want to hurt her, especially after today. She continued to walk, her eyes locked on the monitor and he flipped the switch, turning the DVD off before heading to her room.

  Her eyes glazed with exhaustion and when he turned the treadmill off, she faltered. Like lightning, he was at her side, catching her before she collapsed. He unclasped the handcuffs and carried her to the bed, concerned with her pale cheeks and shallow breathing.

  “Damn it,” he muttered to himself, closing her door and running to the kitchen. He grabbed a bag full of water bottles and threw together a tray of fruits and vegetables for her. He paused, grabbing a Gatorade from the refrigerator adding it to the bag. She needed hydration and nutrients and he hoped she wouldn’t need an IV.

  Returning, he set the tray down and sat on the edge of the mattress, twisting the top of the Gatorade off. He put it to her lips holding her, helping her drink until the bottle was empty.

  “That a girl,” he said and covered her with the bed sheet before he headed for the door.

  “Thank you,” Jessica whispered and closed her eyes.

  Ty looked at her and shut the door. No one had ever said thank you to him, at least not here, her words surprised and touched him. He leaned his head against the door for a moment and went back to the control center.

  He continued editing the tapes of Jessica, including his seduction of her this morning. It was tasteful and sexy and torturous at the same time making this one of his best. When he was done, he played it back for Frank.

  “That, my friend, is a gold mine.” Frank nodded toward the monitor rolling bogus credits. His eyes flicked from the dark screen to Jessica’s and he licked his lips. “She is one hot fuck.”

  Ty caught the look on his brother’s face, the sadistic blend of wanting and violence and a shiver played low on his spine. “She’s mine,” he said. “No one else touches her.”

  Frank turned to Ty, his eyebrows raised and his mouth slightly parted. “Are you telling me what I can and cannot do?”

  He inhaled and nodded. “No one touches her.”

  He popped the disc out and put it in the holder glancing at the bank of monitors. His interest in the family business came to a sudden end the moment his lips touched her skin and now all he wanted was her. The rest of the captives held no substance. They weren’t even in the same league as Jessica.

  But he had to play this smart with Frank, appeal to his sense of drama, otherwise Jessica was as good as dead.

  Frank cleared his throat. “That’s a little extreme.”

  Ty turned and in two strides towered over his stepbrother. “Not until we have him.” He pointed at the video case on the counter. “Otherwise, she’ll fight us every step of the way.”

  “We’ve got him.” Frank pointed at Mike’s monitor.

  “But he’s not the one who will push her buttons.” He turned, studying the monitors wondering if what he said was true or not. Would she bend to his every whim if she knew? He glanced over his shoulder. “Think of the money that will roll in when she’s willing to do multiples.”

  Frank pursed his lips. “She already did a multiple scenario.”

  He was running out of excuses. “Just let me handle this one my way and I promise, it’ll be worth your while.” He picked up the disc. “In the meantime, I think it’s time our boy there sees this video. That should snap him out of it.” He smiled in Frank’s direction, waving the video he just finished. “Send Lisa in once I get everything set up.”

  Ty grabbed a chair and walked out of the control room with the disc. He entered Mike’s room, set up the chair and slipped the DVD into the player glancing at Mike. “I’ve got a surprise for you,” he said crossing to where Mike was curled up. He hauled him to his feet and dragged him to the chair. Mike didn’t resist, he continued staring aimlessly into space.

  Ty strapped his wrists and ankles to the chair and stood looking down at him. Mike had an uncanny resemblance to the actor Ed Harris and that had pleased their benefactors. He shook his head and walked over to the screen pressing the play button. He sat down next to Mike as the film began. Jessica’s face filled the screen and Mike blinked. He was no longer staring aimlessly. He was staring intently at the screen as the highlights of the last three days rolled before him. It was the first reaction he had since the day they killed Mary.

  The video opened with her sprawled on the couch and Chris and Frank mauling her with their hands and mouths and her dress soon fell in tatters on the floor.

  * * * *

  Mike’s eyes never left the screen. He didn’t notice Ty getting up or Lisa crawl in front of the chair. He watched Jessica and his heart pounded between his legs, hard and raw and wanting. How he wanted to be one of those men, to feel her skin under his fingers, to taste her sweet nectar, to stick his cock in her mouth. He dreamed of her, of doing everything these bastards were doing and more and the fire of jealousy burned under his skin. At least it wasn’t the coward sitting next to him.

  Hands on his groin jerked his gaze from the screen to the blonde unzipping his pants. A low groan escaped when she slipped him in her mouth and his eyes sho
t back to the screen, playing out the fantasy in his mind. It was Jessica’s mouth sucking the tip of his cock.


  “Ah God,” he whispered.

  The scene on the couch faded with her collapsed and staring with glazed eyes, the spiteful smile plastered on her lips.

  “Bastards,” Mike breathed the word, partially lost in the feel of Lisa’s mouth.

  “Wait, there’s more.”

  He shot a glare in Ty’s direction and then returned his attention to the screen as the picture faded up with Jessica tied to the bed.

  “Ah God!” Mike gripped the arms of the chair, his desire now swarming with envy and anger.

  Ty leaned over. “Nectar of the gods, I swear,” he whispered as the screen showed his face buried in her pussy. “I lost count at how many times she came.”

  Mike sent a sideways glare in his direction and returned his attention to the screen, Jessica cried “NO!” but he saw the rush of liquid gold line her pussy. He saw Ty’s tongue dip deep within her tasting, torturing, teasing her and she responded again and again.

  His cock throbbed, pulsing in Lisa’s mouth, dripping like Jessica dripped on screen. “Ah, God, Jess!” He arched, trembling with the power of the release. Lisa swallowed the torrent he shot down her throat and kept sucking, stroking him with her mouth. Mike groaned, feeling the blood fill his vessel again, painful so soon after the explosive orgasm. He couldn’t push her away and he couldn’t speak, he just stared at the screen, at Jessica climaxing over and over and over again at the hands of the bastard next to him.

  “She was so wet,” Ty said when the video showed his fingers slipping into her.

  “Son of a bitch,” Mike growled, he was hard and throbbing again. “Son of a BITCH!” Mike couldn’t help it, he spewed his load a second time with a groan and the screen faded to black.

  “Good job, Lisa.” Ty led her out of the room.

  He returned and smiled at Mike.

  “You really are a sick son of a bitch.”

  Ty crouched in front of Mike still smiling. “I’m wondering how good she’ll be when she finally does beg.”

  Mike struggled to break out of the bonds. He wanted to strangle the life out of Ty.

  “Did she ever beg for you?”

  A shadow passed over Mike’s face. “I never had her, you son of a bitch.”

  Ty laughed. “Poor bastard,” he said and got up to leave. He folded the chair, ejected the DVD and walked out.

  “Let me out you coward! I swear if I ever get my hands on you, I’m going to rip you to pieces!”

  Chapter 11

  The pain of his penetration woke her and her eyes flew wide. The dark sinister man from the prior night slammed his hips into hers, raping her without regard. She pushed against his chest, the cobwebs of sleep clearing as if a hurricane gale blew them away.

  “No,” she screamed, but this time, her voice was not filled with the same hesitant trepidation as it was earlier when Ty was doing his grand seduction, this cry was filled with pain and terror.

  She slapped his face and he pinned her arms, riding her hard, tearing her with each sadistic thrust. She tried to buck him off, but didn’t have the strength. Finally giving up all fight, she turned her head and closed her eyes while he did his thing.

  “C’mon bitch, you liked it last night,” he growled and drove into her over and over and over. He released her wrists and grabbed her neck, restricting her airway, riding her relentlessly.

  Oh my god, he’s going to kill me! His dark angry eyes glared as she flailed, scratching at his hands, trying to loosen his grip, gasping for air, the slight pathway he left not enough to sustain her. The room began to spin, her efforts weakening as his thrusts became more violent, he arched, groaning and squeezing a fraction tighter as he came.

  His shudders seemed distant and when he peeled his hands from her throat, a great intake of air filled her burning lungs and she gasped between each painful cough.

  He glared at her and stood, zipping his pants. “If you breathe a word of this to him, I will kill you.” Then he was gone.

  She lay staring at the ceiling for a long time, her breath hitching in and out of her chest, the darkness creeping over her skin, making her feel dirty and ashamed.

  The bad man raped me.

  The thought triggered silent hot tears adding to her humiliation. Her stomach rolled and she vaulted into the bathroom, vomiting the small amount of Gatorade in her stomach.

  I need to feel clean.

  She reached into the shower and flipped it on, dialing it to scalding hot and stepped in. Grabbing the soap, she scrubbed her skin until she was red and raw. No amount of scrubbing could take away the feel of his hands squeezing the life out of her or the dull pain resonating between her legs. The soap, once a full bar, now just a sliver, slipped from her palm swirling down the drain. Jessica leaned her head against the damp tile, letting the steam swirl around her for a while before she shut the faucet off.

  Stepping out of the shower, she wrapped one of the plush towels around her and crossed to the sink, wiping a clean swath through the mirror with her hand. She shot back a step, blinking at the clear mirror, the steam slowly filling the space again, but it wasn’t her that was in the reflection. It was Eric.

  She grabbed a face cloth and wiped the mirror again. Her little boy stared back at her, his wide eyes locked on the black and blue marks surrounding her throat in the shape of hands. His gaze shot to her eyes.

  “Mom.” His eyes filled with tears.

  She reached her hand toward him, expecting the glass to stop her progress, but when her palm cupped his warm cheek, she gasped. He turned his face into her hand, pressing his lips to her palm. A tingling sensation started at her wrist, traveling up her arm and through her body, concentrating on her throat before fading.

  He took her hand and placed a small metal object in it. “I can show you what this opens, but not right now. Hide it in a safe place,” Eric said and was gone.

  Jessica stared at the key in her hand and back up at her own reflection, the dark bruises faded away, leaving only the memory of the nightmare. If she didn’t have the old skeleton key in her hand, she’d seriously doubt her sanity. Twirling it in her fingers, she glanced around the room for a place to hide it. There was a lip at the top of the shower stall and she climbed up on the edge of the tub stretched her hand up and placed it out of sight.

  Chapter 12

  Daniel heard Eric in the bathroom. He came around the corner as Eric said, “Hide it in a safe place.” And he turned to leave the bathroom.

  “Who you talking to, Sport?”

  Eric looked up at his Dad and shrugged. “No one,” he answered nonchalantly.

  He knew how upset his father got when he told the truth. Daddy didn’t believe Mom was alive, neither did his sister. They said it was in his head and the sooner he accepted that she was gone, the better he would be. Therefore, Eric kept quiet. He knew he needed to help his mom get out before something really bad happened. She was special but he needed to show her the way to get out. If he could get her to open the door, she could stop the bad man and get out.

  Their therapist LeAnn lost her husband a few years ago and said she knew how hard it was to let go.

  But she didn’t know.

  She didn’t understand, so Eric just stopped talking about his mom altogether. He needed to save her, not forget her.

  Chapter 13

  The next morning, Jessica stepped out of the bathroom dressed in the pretty cotton sundress and stopped in her tracks.

  He set the tray of food down turning his head in her direction. His blue eyes caught hers before they made a quick scan and he straightened. Hunger sparked in his eyes and he started toward her.

  Bedroom eyes. The phrase jumped into her head again and she stepped back, feeling the wall behind her. Flashes of his hands gliding on her body tainted by Frank’s brutal rape snapped off in her head and she panicked. His slight laugh shattered the silence and
her eyes darted between him and any possible escape route.

  He cornered her and the phrase fight or flight ran through her mind. She stepped toward him and threw a right hook with the power of her weight behind it. Her fist connected with his chin and sent him back a step. Pain flared in her hand and she shook it, darting under his arm around to the center of the room and took the stance of a boxer waiting for her opponent to advance.

  Bedroom Eyes rubbed his chin where she hit him and stopped laughing, spinning in her direction. Stalking toward her, he easily sidestepped her next punch, grabbing her arm as it passed him. He yanked her toward him, grabbing the bicep of her free arm and holding her in place with her back against his chest. She squirmed in his grip and he wondered what the hell brought this on.

  Her bare heel slammed down on his Nike-clad foot, stinging but not enough for him to loosen his grip. He leaned in to speak, to tell her to cool her jets, he was only there to bring her food, but before he got the first syllable out, she slammed her head into his nose.

  “Shit!” He let go of one of her arms and when she swung away, he yanked her back. She rammed her elbow in his chest using inertia to her advantage.

  * * * *

  That was enough. Ty was no longer amused and he picked her up by her arms and threw her toward the bed. She landed on the mattress, rolled and was up on her feet seconds later.

  He started toward her again, she charged full into his stomach like a linebacker, knocking him to the floor, and he grabbed her, bringing her down with him and rolling, pinning her to the hard concrete with his body. Her hair fanned out under her as she struggled and he was able to get a hold of her arms, pinning each one by her head and holding her there until she stopped struggling.

  “Are you finished?”

  “No,” she growled and tried to bite him.


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