Survival Games

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Survival Games Page 16

by J. E. Taylor

  Mike opened his eyes, looked down at her beaten and battered body, and began to cry because he didn’t want to say goodbye to her ever again.

  Chapter 42

  Mike looked up when Frank entered. He walked slightly tilted, pain etched into his features and a small iota of satisfaction gripped him, pushing away some of the devastation wrapped around his heart.

  “Don’t hurt her,” he said, his voice raspy with emotion. “Please, don’t hurt her anymore.”

  Frank gave him a sinister smile. “Oh, what I’m going to do won’t hurt her, but I can’t say the same for you.” Frank heaved Jessica over his shoulder and left the room.

  A while later he returned, walking a little straighter and whistling. He reached into his pocket and pulled out both a cloth and vial, a devious smile playing on his lips and Mike struggled against the shackles holding him firmly to the chair, ignoring the flaring pain in his wrist. However, even with his thrashing, Frank was able to get the cloth over his mouth and nose.

  Blackness was swift and complete.

  Chapter 43

  Jessica woke to the foul stench of smelling salts waved under her nose. Frank leaned in close and as her eyes cleared up, she head-butted him before he could say a word. Stars colored her vision and he leaned back holding his bloody nose, swearing.

  “Bitch,” he began, waving the salts under her nose again. “have I got a present for you.”

  Frank flipped a switch on the monitor next to her and she stared in horror as a thick metal dildo slid between her legs, the modified vibrator slowly fucked her, sending electrical currents through her lower half that were enhanced by strategically placed conductor pads. The result—a thrill of pleasure through her body, much like the electricity therapy she received on her back after an accident. Her entire lower body tingled from it, especially where Frank had placed the conductors. He turned the dial up so as the vibrator went in, the tingling strengthened to levels dangerously close to pain and weakened as it slid out.

  Frank stood, watching her. “My ex-girlfriend loved that machine. She came and came and came until she begged me to stop it. To say she was disappointed when we broke up is an understatement.” He tilted his head. “I’ve always wondered just how long a woman could last before she died of pleasure.” He tapped his lips, studying her.

  “No,” she whispered in horror as her body began to respond.

  “But I’ll have to test that theory some other time.” Frank smiled and stepped away revealing Mike behind him, suspended in air, chains shackled to his wrists and ankles, all pulling in opposite directions.

  A semi-conscious moan escaped his lips and Frank crossed, waving the smelling salts under his nose. He yanked his head away from the pungent odor, his eyes blinking open and the moan turning to a groan of pain. The groan silenced as his gaze fell on Jessica. Or more appropriately, the contraption Jessica was strapped to.

  Frank stepped back and smiled. “Wonderful little toy. It guarantees she will have orgasm after orgasm whether she wants to or not.” He walked behind her, grabbed her breasts, rolling the nipples around with his fingers and smiled up at Mike. “Much better than Ty ever was,” he whispered in her ear and licked her face. She cringed. “And every time she cums, those chains get shorter and shorter.” He paused to let the situation sink in. “Basically, she’s going to tear you apart.”

  “No!” Jessica screamed as the fist orgasm gripped her. Mike cried out as the chains stretched him farther in opposite directions. Frank laughed and stepped away.

  She sobbed and struggled against the bonds holding her in place but the more she struggled, the more she slid into the horrid machine, enhancing the experience. With each stroke, her body burned hotter and hotter, building to that plateau, building her to the brink with exact science and there was nothing she could do, no image she conjured stopped her body from responding. She screamed a high-pitched tortured wail, and her body arched, the strength of the orgasm rippling through her muscles and sending the needle into the zone that triggered the chains to recede.

  His cry filled the room, announcing the agony gripping his wrists and ankles and every bone in between.

  She threw her head back in an attempt to knock herself out and was met with a soft backing behind her.

  Frank laughed. “I thought you might try that, so I padded the chair.”

  “Please,” Jessica gasped between sobs. “Please, I can’t, I can’t.” She put her head down willing her body not to give in. It was futile as the third orgasm built.

  “I can’t watch him die. Please,” she sobbed.

  Frank knelt down next to her. “He is going to be torn apart because of you, and you have a front row seat.”

  “Jess,” Mike snapped and she looked up. “THIS IS NOT YOUR FAULT!”

  Her breath hitched in and out of her chest, panting, sobbing, swearing—all as the heat between her legs built to a stronger crest than before. Her throat raw from the flow of air forced in and out, stung with the scream that barreled out of her mouth, her body rigid and trembling with release, wetness spurted, lining the metal vibrator, enhancing the current.

  Mike’s scream followed a loud popping sound. His shoulder pulled at a funny angle and his head suddenly lolled on his neck, his eyes half closed and only the whites showed. Frank opened another smelling salt under his nose and he came screaming into consciousness.

  “You bastard, can’t you let him be, let him stay unconscious!” Jessica screamed, glaring at Frank, her body bathed in sweat. The machine continued its slow steady movement, her body betraying her, reacting, building with each electrical crest.

  Mike gasped in pain. “Jess.”

  Jessica nodded.

  “Look at me,” he managed to say.

  She looked up at him with her head low, concentrating and her face was hot, too hot. Holding her breath against the burn in her lungs demanding air that she denied them. She prayed it would work, prayed for darkness and it paid off. Blackness engulfed her but the smelling salts brought her back.

  “Look at me,” he gasped again.

  She did and tears blurred her vision, spilling over the edges and cooling her hot skin.

  “You are here,” he gasped forcing himself to stay conscious long enough to say what he needed, “because of me.” The words hissed out of his chest and he passed out again.

  Jessica peaked, crying “No, Mike, God NO!” The chains receded again. She watched as the skin at his shoulders began to tear.

  Frank waved the smelling salts under his nose again, yanking him back into a world of agony. “Not...your...fault.” Tears streamed down his face from both the physical and mental agony.

  Frank flipped a switch, turning the machine on high. It slid in and out at a frantic pace sending electrical impulses through her body faster and stronger than before.

  The chains pulled him farther in different directions and Mike gagged, choking the scream, constricting it to a low groan. For an instant, his eyes went wide, almost to the point where she thought they might explode out of his skull and then the crack shattered the room and his head lulled back. His right leg pulled at the same odd angle as his shoulder. At the same time, the skin on his stomach stretched too far and she watched in horror as it began to tear. Splitting and shooting small bursts of blood beyond the torn skin.

  Frank waved the smelling salts under his nose again.

  “ you,” he labored, his chest hitching with each difficult breath.

  “I’m sorry.” She kept repeating this over and over as the next release built up. She sobbed as it racked her body.

  Mike screamed and his arm tore from the socket, ripping away from his body and dangling from the chain. Blood pumped out of the wound in a torrent. His screams silenced to whimpers and before silence finally descended and he let go of life, he sent his last coherent thought her way.

  This is not your fault. Goodbye, Jessie.

  Jessica heard him and watched the light go out of his eyes.

nbsp; She sobbed. The next release tore his broken leg from his torso.

  Frank smiled watching orgasm after orgasm until Mike’s body was torn in half.

  Gasping for air, her eyes locked on the dead dangling form that once was Mike, hardly aware that Frank turned off the machine and removed it from between her legs. Awareness came when his fingers penetrated her. She lowered her eyes to his insane grin, and then to his hand, following the lead of the vibrator and sliding in and out of her in quick thrusts. She opened her mouth to tell him to get his hands off her, but the bile was quicker, vomit spewed out of her lips, splashing his face and shirt.

  He shot away from her swearing and spitting, wiping the bile off his face. Then he stepped in, throwing a punch with his full weight behind it.

  Jessica welcomed the blackness when it overcame her.

  Chapter 44

  Frank tossed Jessica’s unconscious body in her room at the same time Ty pulled the van up to the gate at the border, handing their passports to the guard.

  Ty smiled as the border disappeared in the background. In less than six hours he’d be back, showered, shaved and enacting his plan to get her out of the building. He tempered his impatience pulling his foot back from the gas pedal and falling to within ten miles of the speed limit. A ticket would be a really bad idea right about now. They didn’t have the time to monkey around with a traffic violation regardless of the worry gnawing on his bones.

  Chris snored in the seat next to him. It was the kind of snore that grated on nerves as it wheezed in his nose and thundered out his mouth. Ty looked around for something, anything to throw at him so he would shut up. He reached down, grabbed a discarded cup, and tossed it over. It bounced off Chris’s head but he didn’t stir, and continued snoring.

  Ty reached down and grabbed one of the fast food containers within reach, crumpled it up and tossed it at him. It bounced off his head. Chris continued to snore.

  Ty grinned; it was all he could do not to laugh as he leaned over quietly. “Chris,” he yelled as loud as he could.

  Chris jumped a mile out of the seat and banged his head against the window.

  Ty burst out laughing.

  “That wasn’t funny,” Chris sulked.

  Still chuckling, Ty said, “Yeah, it was.”

  Chris looked away, trying to hide his laugh.

  Ty swatted his head. “You should have seen your face.”

  Chris glanced at his brother, laughing with him. “You really are a son of a bitch.”

  “Don’t talk about our mother like that,” Ty scolded and they both laughed harder.



  “It’s nice to have my brother back.”

  Ty looked over at Chris.

  “Don’t give me that look. It has been way too long since you’ve let loose. We used to laugh, when we were kids, we used to laugh a lot.”

  Silence filled the cab as he considered Chris’s words.

  “I don’t know what that girl did, but I’ve got to thank her. She gave me my brother back.” Chris watched the trees pass by. “I’ll do whatever you need me to,” he added glancing back in Ty’s direction.

  Ty nodded. He didn’t say anything for a while.

  “I don’t’ think I’ve really laughed since before Anna died,” Ty said, looking over at Chris. “It’s been that long.”

  Chris whistled. “Christ, Ty, that’s what, twenty years ago?”

  Ty nodded, it was actually eighteen years, almost to the day. “Something like that.” He took a deep breath and looked over at Chris. “I killed him.”

  Chris hesitated. “Killed who?”

  “Frank’s Dad.”

  Chris stared at the road ahead of them, quiet. When he turned his gaze back he offered a shrug. Ty knew neither of them had grieved over his death, but the lack of compassion in Chris’s eyes signaled the same type of contempt he held for the old man.

  “What happened?” Chris finally asked.

  “I got home from school and the old man’s car was in the driveway. He was never there when I got home, so I knew something wasn’t quite right. When I walked in, I saw Anna’s books and school papers, they were scattered over the stairs like someone had dragged her and they fell out of her bag on the way. I snuck up and peeked into her room and there the bastard was, sitting next to her on the bed. There was blood all over his hands and the knife was on the floor.” Ty stopped and looked over at his little brother. “I just lost it; I picked up the knife and planted it in his back. I think he saw me before he died; at least I like to think he did. Then I wiped the knife handle with the blanket and walked out of the house to meet you at the bus stop.”

  “If Frank ever finds out, he’ll kill you.”

  “I know.”

  They drove in silence.

  “What’s going to happen to this one?” Chris pointed his thumb over his shoulder.

  Ty sighed. “I’ll figure something out.”

  Chapter 45

  Burning, ripping pain gripped her back and she screamed herself awake. Her hands were clasped to the front of the treadmill, on the wrong side, her bare back facing the room and she glanced at the mirror in time to see the business end of the whip tear her back again.

  Her mind reeled, accepting the punishment, feeling as though she deserved this for killing Mike. She persevered in silence through each crack of the whip and the resulting pain that flared as it dug into her skin. Twelve, fifteen, twenty times, she lost count but the blood flowed from her back, hot and sticky down her legs and splattering on the floor.

  Her breath hissed in her chest, and she lost her balance. Then he was there, the whip wrapped tightly around her throat, his hot foul breath in her ear.

  “When I’m through with you, you will be begging me to kill you,” he whispered in her ear as he yanked the whip from around her. He undid the handcuffs from the treadmill, leaving them on her wrists and she collapsed to her knees not even looking up when the door clasped closed.

  Chapter 46

  Ty flipped his phone open as he pulled onto the dark access road. “Hey Frank, we’re just pulling in right now. Is it clear?”

  “Yes the cleaning crew is already gone.”

  He hung up, turning the last corner to find the garage door slowly opening. Frank waved them in.

  Both Chris and Ty got out of the truck and stretched.

  Frank shot his gaze from one to the other and shifted his weight impatiently. “Come on, come on.” He looked over his shoulder at the open office door and back.

  “Just hold your horses, will you,” Ty snapped at Frank. “It’s been a long ride; he’ll keep for another minute or two.”

  Frank held his tongue.

  Ty and Chris opened the truck, moved away the equipment they had strewn over the floor to cross the border and opened the compartment where their guest was stored. He was still unconscious, thanks to the IV in his arm, but he was a mess. They would have to clean him up. Chris backed away in disgust.

  Ty looked over at him. “Come on, what’d you think would happen after a little over two days in a cargo hold?” He pulled his prisoner out of the truck and started inside. “It’s a shitty job, but someone’s got to do it.” Ty chuckled at his tasteless joke. “I’ll get him, you get the truck,” he said over his shoulder to Chris.

  “Fabulous,” Chris said dismally.

  “Hold up, Ty,” Frank said. “I’ll go down with you.” He turned to Chris and handed him a piece of paper. “Before you do that, can you run to the store and pick up this stuff for me?”

  Chris looked at the paper. “Sure, can I take the BMW?”

  Frank hesitated like he always did.

  “Come on, he deserves a spin and this guy is getting heavy,” Ty said from the door.

  “Okay,” Frank said and flipped the keys to Chris, heading inside with Ty.

  “Sweet!” Chris slid in the driver’s seat and opened the garage door behind him. Ty saw a glimpse of him grinning as he pulled out of the

  “You know, he might just disappear with that BMW,” Ty joked as they entered the elevator.

  “I know but it’s got GPS tracking, so I can find him anywhere,” Frank said patting the remote in his pocket.

  Ty laughed. “And sure as shit, you’d go collecting, wouldn’t you?”

  Frank nodded. “Payback’s a bitch.”

  They walked into the room that Frank had set up and Ty took their prisoner into the bathroom, dumping him in the bathtub. He started the shower and poked his head around the corner. “Frank, you mind getting the clothes out of the truck and a pair of jeans for me? I need to get cleaned up too, might as well do it in here.”

  “Sure thing,” Frank said and headed out of the room.

  “Frank, you back yet?” Ty called after a few minutes in the hot shower.

  “Yep,” Frank replied and walked in the bathroom. Ty handed him the unconscious and clean body of Tom Whitman, the star of Metropolis.

  “Can you get him dressed or do you need my help?” Ty asked.

  “I’ve got it covered,” Frank said and grabbed a towel to wipe him down.

  Ty nodded, stripped the wet clothes off his back and stepped back into the warm shower. He couldn’t wait to see Jessica, but he also needed to feel clean. He hadn’t had a shower since the morning before the explosion and he really needed it. He leaned with his arms against the wall as the water and exhaustion rolled off his body.

  He closed his eyes. How am I going to get her out? Ty thought and sighed, turning the water off. He grabbed a towel and dried off; pulling the clean jeans Frank had left on before rummaging through his wet clothes and transferring the key, a Swiss army knife, his wallet and the loose change from his wet soiled clothes to the clean dry jeans. He pulled his shirt on as he stepped into the room.

  The jolt knocked him to the ground and he stared at the Taser embedded in his chest in confusion. His eyes shifting to Frank as shackles closed around his wrists and ankles. Frank yanked the Taser shard from his skin and replaced it with a vicious blow from his foot. Ty coughed trying to pull air into his now seized lungs.


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