Meet Me at Oakham Mount

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Meet Me at Oakham Mount Page 4

by Melanie Schertz

  Purposely, Elizabeth had bumped into him as she walked past him and walked to her sister. How furious she had felt at that moment, for him to be so callous and rude. But then, the man came with Mr Bingley, begging for an introduction. His words of apology were obviously heartfelt and true, it was clear to see in his eyes the embarrassment he was experiencing.

  Accepting his offer for a dance was an honor and a pleasure. Though he claimed not to be much of a dancer, he was quite efficient in his steps. When his hand touched hers, she felt as if lightning had struck her.

  When they stepped into the carriage, she was amazed at his kindness in handing her in. It was clear that she was being singled out. Arriving home, Elizabeth had found it difficult to sleep, which was why she was awake when Darcy arrived. She had been reading in her room, but she instantly knew something was wrong when she heard the horse riding up to the house.

  Seeing Darcy standing in their foyer in the middle of the night, Elizabeth could not believe how attractive the man was. Though he was wearing his great coat, he only wore his shirt sleeves and short coat underneath, with no cravat. Elizabeth was amazed at how taken she was by his appearance.

  Learning all Darcy had said was shocking. She had not imagined such a man as he could ever find the likes of her to be perfect for courtship, let alone for a future partner. She was certain that, once he knew her better, he would flee from the area and realize how foolish a marriage with her would be. Every other young man she had met had made it clear, they did not approve of a young lady being so well educated and opinionated. But she refused to change for them. If they did not like the way she was, that was their problem. Elizabeth had always teased Jane that she would never marry, and would end up being the nanny to her elder sister’s ten children, teaching them to play the pianoforte poorly.

  So Elizabeth would go on the walk with Mr Darcy this morning, and he would leave. It is too bad; I believe I could have come to like him. She thought as she dressed. At least it would be nice to have one morning where a young man wished to walk with her.

  ~~ ** ~~ Elizabeth returned to her father’s study to find Mr Darcy still happily speaking with her father. Seeing she had returned to the room, Darcy’s smile grew, showing his dimples. A small gasp escaped her as she saw the expression she was sure was foreign to most who knew the man.

  “Ah, Lizzy, just in time. After your walk, I have asked Mr Darcy to join us for breakfast before he returns to Netherfield.”

  “Papa, I am sure that Mr Darcy is only being polite. He has been awake all night and will most certainly wish to return to Netherfield after walking with me.” Elizabeth said.

  “On the contrary, Miss Elizabeth, I feel as if I have gotten my second wind. I look forward to spending as much time with you as possible.”

  Blushing vividly, Elizabeth led the way to the back door, where they met Susan. Once outside, Darcy offered an arm to Elizabeth. “Where is your favorite path to take, Miss Elizabeth?”

  “Come this way.” Elizabeth motioned towards the path which led towards Netherfield. Seeing Darcy’s raised eyebrow, Elizabeth smiled. “No, I am not leading you to Netherfield. There is a path that leads off to Oakham Mount. It is near the middle of the way between the two estates. Oakham Mount is my favorite place in the world to go and think, or read a book in peace. Jane is the only other member of my family who would venture so far, and even then, that it rare. From the top, you can see the neighborhood. It is also a wonderful place to take in the sunrise.”

  “Ah, I see we are of like minds when it comes to watching sunrises. There is a ridge near my home in Derbyshire that is my favorite place to watch the sunrise. The view of the sun on the water of the pond, near the woods, is incredible.”

  “That does sound pleasant. So you are fond of nature?” Darcy nodded. “I feel the most comfort at my estate. The land has been in my family for many generations, and it feels as if my father and

  grandfather are at my side, a part of the land itself. It is difficult to explain to most of the ton the draw the land has for me.”

  “From what I have heard of high society, it is a unique way of thinking. My mother tells me constantly that I am not being a proper young lady when I am constantly tramping about in the woods and trails, coming home with the hem of my gown filthy and sometimes torn from tree branches.” Elizabeth looked down towards the ground.

  “Tree branches? Am I to understand from your statement that you climb trees?” Darcy attempted to keep a straight face.

  Elizabeth pulled her hand from his arm and stopped walking. “It would be best to return to the house now. I am sure you will wish to be on your way, now that you know I am far from being a proper young lady.”

  “On the contrary, Miss Elizabeth, I was just considering the many trees I have climbed over the years, including one just last month. My valet was scandalized when he saw the condition of my clothing. Fortunately, I was wearing some of my work clothes, and not any of my dress clothing. If it had been my better clothes, I believe my valet would have been far too mortified to remain in my employ.”

  Finally, Elizabeth’s eyes rose so she could look into his. “You are not disgusted by my actions?” Darcy stepped to her side and took hold of her hand. “Miss Elizabeth, there is nothing about you which has caused me distress or disgust. You are just the sort of young lady I have longed to meet. Would you mind if we were to sit down?”

  Elizabeth shook her head and followed him to a nearby overturned tree trunk. Darcy took out a handkerchief and placed it down to protect her gown. Laughing lightly, she sat down and Darcy sat next to her.

  “Miss Elizabeth, I wish to tell you about myself, if you would allow it.”

  “Of course, Mr Darcy. I will listen.” Taking a deep breath, Darcy began. “My father died when I was but a child. My mother loves me, I have no doubts in her regard for me. But I have lived my life knowing that my mother did not love my father as deeply as I believed she should. After the mourning period was over, my mother married Lord Covington. They have a daughter together, my sister, Georgiana. She is near twelve years of age. Lord Covington’s estate is further north of my estate, and he is not comfortable staying at Pemberley. That is my estate, Pemberley. Not long before they married, my mother sent me off to school. Though I know she loves me, there were times I felt as if she would have preferred I have been the son of Lord Covington.

  While I was at school, Mother became Lady Covington, and Pemberley was left to the servants and staff to tend to until my graduation. Then I moved home to my estate. All the while, as Mother was making a new life with Covington, and my sister was born, I began to feel lonely. I saw my mother moving forward, not mourning the man who had made her a widow at such a young age. I wanted what I had never known before, I wanted a loving marriage with a young lady who will love me, wish to be a part of my life, will be a partner to me rather than a decoration on my arm. It would be my greatest wish to have my wife be able to discuss everything with me, aid me in decisions of the estate, be intelligent and able to give me her advice and opinions as well. Not just what they think I would wish to hear, but their true opinion on matters.”

  “I am afraid you would find me to be too opinionated for my own good. My mother tells me this constantly.” Elizabeth stated, unable to look at Darcy.

  Taking a finger, Darcy gently lifted her chin to look towards him. “Miss Elizabeth, from the sounds of it, your mother has a very low opinion of you. And she might be correct for most men of the ton, but, as I have told you, I am not like most men of the ton. What I see in you thrills me, I am impressed by the young lady you are. You are beautiful, intoxicatingly so. You are kind natured and caring of others, it is clear to see the way you are welcomed to most any conversation. I witnessed this happen last night at the assembly. No matter who you spoke to, it was clear they enjoyed your company and were pleased to see you.”

  “And you are highly intelligent. I can only imagine the debates you and I will have. Your father told me that you
have a voracious appetite for books and are constantly learning. This tells me you will be able to assist in changes that the estate will need to make in the years to come, as advances in crop rotations come about, as well as modernizing the household in the future. You would also be a good influence on my sister, as she has only been exposed to ladies of the ton.”

  “I am sure that your family would disapprove of your marrying someone such as me. They would most likely find you to be deranged and require you to be placed in a sanitarium while they sent me off to the continent, most likely to France, to be rid of me permanently.” Elizabeth tried to keep a smile on her face, though she was far from teasing him.

  “My mother and I have already spoken of what I wish to find in a wife. She is well aware of my unorthodox choices, and how they will be viewed by others of our society. But Mother also knows that I am my own Master, with my own estate, and that I despise London society. It has taken extreme measures to force me to travel to Town, especially during the Season.”

  “Perhaps we should walk some more.” Elizabeth stated, feeling out of sorts with all that this young man had said to her. How can he think he has found the perfect wife, in just a matter of a few hours? We have not known each other a full day and he is talking of the future? I do find him appealing, and intelligent, but I wish to know him better.

  Darcy stood, offering a hand to aid Elizabeth in standing. As soon as she was on her feet, Darcy wrapped her hand around his arm and began to walk again. “So this is your favorite path?”

  Elizabeth smiled. “It is. I love the flowers which grow through this area in the spring and summer. And at the top of Oakham Mount is the most incredible sight of the area. Sometimes, when I was young, I would pretend I was a princess, and all that I could see was my kingdom.”

  “And did you have a prince to come riding up the hillside to rescue you from dragons?” Darcy teased. “I saved myself from the dragons, Sir. Though I did pretend the prince would rescue me from any mice in the kingdom. I am far from fond of mice.”

  Darcy openly laughed. “Miss Elizabeth, I am amazed to find you afraid of anything. As I have no difficulty with mice, I would be willing to come to your aid.”

  “So, Mr Darcy, tell me more about you. You attended school and university, correct? What were your favorite subjects? What sort of books do you prefer reading? Do you like music?”

  A smile graced Darcy’s lips. “I enjoyed history and languages at school, also reading and writing. I have written some poetry myself, though the pages are now locked away at Pemberley. No one else even knows of my attempts, so you now own one of my secrets. Reading, I would have to go with everything. I enjoy histories, of course, but I also find pleasure in reading poetry and other forms of literature. Here is another secret, I purchase novels for my library, claiming they are for Georgiana when she visits, but they are a delightful diversion from time to time. My library at Pemberley is incredible, the work of several generations. The book shop in Lambton is my favorite place to visit.”

  “Lambton? My Aunt Gardiner was born and raised in Lambton. Is it close to Pemberley?”

  Darcy smiled again. “It is but five miles from Pemberley. What was your aunt’s family name?” “Moreland. I believe her father owned a milliner shop.” Elizabeth said. “Harlan Moreland? I remember him from my youth. He was a kind man. His wife always made sweet biscuits and gave them to us. They were delicious. Your aunt has two brothers, if I remember correctly.” Darcy reminisced.

  “Indeed, Robert and Andrew. Robert lives in Ireland now, with his wife’s family. They are fabric manufacturers and my uncle imports the fabric to sell in Town. Andrew is a sailor, first mate on a ship, though I cannot remember the name. He was in London last summer and told us of his journeys all over the world. It was interesting to hear of the places I have read about over the years.”

  “That does sound enjoyable. I delayed taking a grand tour, but have always wanted to travel. From the sounds of your description of Mr Moreland’s travel, you would find traveling a pleasure as well.” Darcy watched Elizabeth for her reaction.

  “I have enjoyed the traveling I have done, and look forward to more in the future. I went with my Uncle Gardiner to Ireland two years ago. I have a gift for languages, so my uncle says he will take me with him on future trips. His import business is quite successful.”

  “Well, I will hope for future trips, if that is what you wish.” Darcy said with a smile. “Though I would be more content to take you on your travels.”

  “I do not think we should be thinking of our traveling together at this point, Mr Darcy. Unless it is making our way back to the house, for I am certain you will wish to make your way to Netherfield to rest.”

  “I was invited to break my fast with you and your family. If it meets with your approval, I would be pleased to remain at Longbourn to do so.” “Mr Darcy, you saw my mother and younger sisters at the Assembly. My mother can become agitated with my sisters and their exuberance, causing her to become vocal with her nerves. With them being tired from the Assembly, I am certain that my youngest sister, especially, will be far from her best behavior.”

  Darcy took Elizabeth’s hand in his and brought it to his lips. “I have difficult relations as well, Miss Elizabeth. Your sisters are quite young, and it is normal for them to be excited. I wish to remain at Longbourn for breakfast.”

  ~~~~~~~ ** ~~~~~~~

  CHAPTER 5 After breakfast, Darcy returned to Netherfield. He found Bingley was resting, after the housekeeper had cleaned his scratches and put on salve before bandaging. The housekeeper informed Darcy that the scratches were deep, she was shocked to see how bad they were, and stating she was hoping they would not become infected and the young man take a fever. There had been no word of Miss Bingley. It was believed that the young lady had fled to Town, hiding out with some of her friends. Knowing her brother would not announce to the world her behavior, Caroline would feel secure that he would not reveal what had happened at Netherfield.

  Darcy went to his rooms, preparing to rest for an hour or two. His valet was standing ready to aid him. “Billings, have you been waiting all this time for me?”

  “Sir, it was unknown when you would return, and, after all that happened here tonight, I felt it was necessary to be here to assist you. I wish to state for the record that I am deeply sorry for not being in the rooms last night. I know you released me for the evening, but if I had remained here, none of the events would have happened. Miss Bingley would never have been able to slip into your bed if I were in the room.”

  “You did as you were told, and you are not to be held responsible for anything that happened. Miss Bingley is insane, and she would have tried something else. She was angry with me for the way I spoke to her at the end of the Assembly, and I should have known her desperation was increased by her jealousy. Are you ready for this, Billings? I danced with a young lady I met last night. She was amazing, beautiful, witty, intelligent, and very kind. I plan to learn more about her in the coming days.”

  “My congratulations, Mr Darcy. It would be a pleasure to see you find the future Mrs Darcy. The staff had worried that Miss Bingley would somehow force you into marriage, so it will be a pleasure to see you with another young lady.” The loyal valet had been with Darcy for nearly a decade and had been granted leave to speak openly with his master.

  “The staff will be pleased with Miss Elizabeth Bennet. If I am successful, I wish to secure her hand before Christmas.” Darcy said, a dreamy look upon his face.

  “Very good, Sir. Now, when would you like me to wake you?” Billings said as he gathered Darcy’s discarded clothing into a pile to be laundered.

  Darcy pulled out his pocket watch at looked at the time. It was a quarter past eleven. “Wake me at two. And have a bath drawn for me then. Thank you, Billings. That will be all for now.”

  Lying down on the bed, Darcy pulled the bedding over him and drifted off to sleep, with dreams of a certain young lady, her dark curls, and the sparkle
in her eyes. A smile was permanently etched on his lips at the remembrance of parting from Elizabeth.

  “Miss Elizabeth, I thank you for a most enjoyable morning. You are indeed a most charming companion for a long walk. Might I impose upon you to allow me to call on you again tomorrow?”

  “You are a glutton for punishment, Mr Darcy. But, if you insist, I will ask you to meet me at Oakham Mount. I believe we can learn more about each other away from the house, where it is quiet.”

  “I look forward to our meeting. Would the same time as this morning’s walk be a good time for you?” Darcy’s heart was soaring.

  “Yes, Mr Darcy, it will be perfect. Have a good rest and give Mr Bingley my regards for his speedy recovery.”

  “Do not forget to be careful, Miss Elizabeth. Miss Bingley is truly a threat to your safety.” “I will take your warning to heart. Susan is pleased to be able to walk with me, for it gives her a break from her other duties.”

  “Then I am pleased to be of service to you as well, Miss Susan.” Darcy then leaned over Elizabeth’s hand and placed a gentle kiss on her hand. “Until tomorrow, Miss Elizabeth.”

  Darcy mounted his horse and rode off in the direction of Netherfield. The memory of their time together that morning was enough to fill Darcy’s dreams with warmth and desire for more.

  ~~ ** ~~ Caroline Bingley had arrived in Town just an hour earlier. She entered the Hurst townhouse, making her way to the rooms she used when she stayed there. She quickly washed up and changed clothing, then gathered some items into a travel bag and went to her jewel safe in the dressing room. She opened the safe with the key she kept in her desk drawer, retrieving the bag of coins and bills. She had approximately one thousand pounds that she had hidden away for emergency purposes. This would give her a start, and it was time to find a husband immediately. If she were to marry, her brother and sister could not force her to go anywhere. She would settle for a husband who was gullible and would believe anything she told him. It would not be difficult to find such a man.


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