Meet Me at Oakham Mount

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Meet Me at Oakham Mount Page 13

by Melanie Schertz

  “Well, my sweet, smart, funny girl, you will have to get over such feelings. The most important aspect is that you are alive. I would rather have my daughter alive with no hair at all, than taken away from me forever with all those curls still intact. As a matter of fact, Hannah, do you have what I asked for?”

  “Yes, Ma’am.” Hannah stepped forward and handed something to Mrs Bennet. Fanny Bennet reached up and pulled the few pins she had placed in her hair to hold it in a simple bun that morning. Once her hair was down, Mrs Bennet reached to take hold of her hair, and taking the shears Hannah had handed her, cut her own hair.

  “MAMMA! What on earth are you doing?” Elizabeth cried out. “I wish to show you that hair is not the important thing here. You are beautiful, with or without your dark curls. You have the most amazing eyes, that dance with life and find the good in most everything. Your smile could make the world come to life with joy. And I love the way your cheeks look when you blush. If you are to live with your hair being gone, then it is only fair you are not alone. I wish to show my support to you as you recover.”

  Tears were streaming down Elizabeth’s cheeks. “Mamma, you should not have cut your hair. Papa has said many times how much he loves your hair.”

  “And he will love me even without it. Now, I wish to see you without the cloth on your head.” Mrs Bennet took a deep breath as she lifted her hand to Elizabeth’s head.

  Elizabeth’s hand came up to halt her mother’s progression. “Please, Mamma, no one, other than the surgeon and Hannah, has seen me without the covering. I would be mortified.”

  “I am your mother. I carried you inside me for so many months, feeling you move inside me. When you were only a year old, you took ill with a fever and we nearly lost you. I stayed at your side until the fever broke, nursing you the best I could. Nothing I see here will ever change the fact that I love you, and will be at your side through this. Please, Lizzy, allow me to see for myself.”

  Finally, Elizabeth lowered her hand and closed her eyes, as her mother slowly removed the cloth from Elizabeth’s head. The hair on the left side of her head was beginning to grow back, though it was barely more than stubble. Mrs Bennet reached her fingers to caress the scars from the incisions and could feel where the holes had been made in the skull. “I wish I had been here for you, Lizzy. Your father was wise, though. Had I been awake when you had first been brought to the house, I would have been frantic. I have never been good with my first response to tragedy. It takes a little while for me to regain my balance and be able to pull myself together. And the rumors that started, claiming such wretched lies about you and Mr Darcy, oh, I fell apart. But now I can be here for you, Lizzy. Now I can be strong for you.”

  Elizabeth opened her eyes, looking into her mother’s, finding the comfort her mother had to offer her. Sobs began to wrack her body, as Elizabeth fell into her mother’s embrace. Soothingly, Mrs Bennet caressed her hand over her daughter’s head, speaking softly with words of comfort.

  ~~ ** ~~ For two hours, Mr Bennet and Darcy paced about the drawing room, waiting for Mrs Bennet to return. Finally, they heard the door from Elizabeth’s rooms open and the sound of Mrs Bennet and her second daughter laughing.

  When the two ladies entered the drawing room, Mr Bennet stopped for a moment when he saw his wife. “Thomas, I decided to join Lizzy in making a fashion trend. Oh, and Lydia wished to know what her elder sister was experiencing, so I cut her hair as well. She is also to be spending time at the Gardiner house’s nursery, with the other children.”

  Elizabeth was shocked at her mother’s confession. It was clear that Lydia did not wish to know what it was like for Lizzy, but that Lydia was being callous and foolish in her behavior and Mrs Bennet was finally putting her foot down with her youngest daughter.

  Mr Bennet smiled and walked to his wife, embracing her in front of everyone. “Fanny, you could not look lovelier than you do at this moment.”

  “I think I am quite fetching, if I do say so myself.” Mrs Bennet said, touching the bottom of her hair. ~~ ** ~~ Lord Matlock sent letters frequently to his sister, telling her of his improvement and his joy in Darcy finding Elizabeth. Though he wished to be with the family for the holidays, he did not feel strong enough to make the journey. Richard determined it was best if he were to join his father at Matlock. The latest reports from Norfolk, Anthony was keeping himself inebriated, though he never left his house. Richard was concerned, as the amount being spent on libations was far exceeding Anthony’s finances.

  The housekeeper for the house in Norfolk informed Richard that the spirits were being paid for with jewelry, evidently pieces which had been left to the heir when their mother died. Anthony had evidently stolen the jewels and sold them for his personal comfort. Richard was determined to recover as many pieces of his heritage as possible, and asked his cousin to be on the watch for any of the jewels. Lady Anne knew of most of the pieces, as they had belonged to her mother prior to the last Lady Matlock, and she was able to give detailed descriptions of the items.

  Richard also learned from the housekeeper in Norfolk of Anthony’s growing hatred of Darcy. Since learning of Darcy’s engagement, Anthony’s anger had become extreme. Fortunately, since the attack against Elizabeth, Richard had the housekeeper and footman monitor all mail which Anthony sent or received.

  ~~ ** ~~ Preparations were made for Christmas at Darcy House. Though Elizabeth was unable to shop for gifts for her loved ones, she gave Jane a list of items she wished purchased on her behalf.

  The decision had been made that there would be a double wedding on Christmas Day. Lady Anne and Mrs Bennet began the planning, though it was to be a simple event, with only family and very close friends, as Elizabeth was still shy about being seen by others.

  Lady Anne sent for her favorite modiste to come to Darcy House. Madame Fontaine had been creating gowns for Lady Anne since she prepared to marry Gerard Darcy. Though Elizabeth was nervous, Lady Anne convinced her of Madame Fontaine’s discretion.

  When the modiste arrived at Darcy House, Lady Anne spoke in private with her before taking to her to meet Elizabeth. Madame Fontaine was pleased to meet the future Mrs Darcy, and put the young lady at ease. “Ah, Miss Elizabeth, you have the figure that men truly enjoy. All the ladies who claim otherwise are jealous for they have no curves such as you do. You will be a pleasure to design gowns for. Your betrothed is a fortunate man, and will be envied by many. While we are designing gowns, we will also create pieces for your head to match. Have no fear, my dear girl, you will be the toast of London society.”

  ~~ ** ~~ Bingley was pleased to have Louisa and Hurst returned to Town, as Hurst would stand up for Charles during the wedding ceremony. Jane decided to have Mary stand up with her, which thrilled the middle Bennet sister immensely.

  Elizabeth asked Kitty to stand up with her, causing joy with Kitty and envy with Lydia, who was told she would not be allowed to attend the wedding. Lydia would be remaining at the Gardiner house in the nursery, with a governess which had been employed to watch over the young girl.

  This left Darcy with a conflict. Richard would have been his first choice, but Richard was at Matlock and would not be returning anytime soon. Bingley would have been his second choice, but, of course, he would be marrying at the same time. After much deliberation, Darcy decided there was only one choice.

  After a recent talk with his mother, Darcy had spoken with Albert Carrington. Though Darcy still had feelings he needed to work through from the past, something Elizabeth had said to him helped to put him on the correct path. She had told Darcy to remember the past as it brought him pleasure. Wisely, Elizabeth suggested it was time to let go of his anger towards Albert, saying that it was wonderful that Lady Anne had not lived the rest of her life alone, mourning her lost love, after Gerard died. “Besides, if Lord Covington and your mother had not married, your sister would not be here. You love your sister dearly, and Lord Covington helped to create her.”

  “You win, you win. I will t
ry to change my ways with regards to Lord Covington.” Darcy laughed as he conceded defeat. ~~ ** ~~ “William, I hope you do not mind my borrowing one of your books. I have wanted to read this one for some time, but have been unable to procure a copy for my own library.” Lord Covington remarked when Darcy entered the library.

  “You are welcome to read any of the books I have at either of my libraries.” Darcy said as he approached his stepfather. “I wondered if I could have a word with you.”

  “Certainly. Is anything wrong?” Albert asked. “No, everything is well. I was wondering, since Richard will not be able to be here for the wedding, would you be willing to…to stand…with me?”

  “You wish me to be your witness?” Darcy nodded his head. “I can understand if you would prefer to not. After all, I have treated you poorly for so many years.”

  “William, I would be honored to be at your side when you marry the woman you love. Elizabeth is a wonderful woman, and I know you will have a marriage filled with love. Thank you, William, for asking me.” The two men stood, and Albert placed a hand tentatively on his stepson’s shoulder.

  Suddenly, without a word, Darcy embraced the man who had given his mother many years of happiness and love. It was brief, and Darcy quickly broke the embrace and stepped back. It was then that Albert saw the tears welling up in Darcy’s eyes.

  “Well, now, shall we see into what sort of mischief your mother is? She has been so overjoyed with your finding Elizabeth, and Anne tends to make the world around her brighter when she is so happy.”

  “Yes, it is interesting to watch Mother’s

  enthusiasm. It becomes contagious.” Both men smiled at Darcy’s words. “Al…Albert, I am grateful. Not only for accepting my request, but for loving Mother and Georgiana, and for all you have tried to do for me over the years. I treated you very poorly, and I am grateful for this second chance.”

  Albert had tears of his own starting to build. It was the first time his stepson had called him by his name. “I am grateful as well, William. Let us find the ladies we love.”

  ~~ ** ~~ Christmas Eve was a joyous affair. The engaged couples were nervous, and the older men were enjoying being able to tease the younger men. Elizabeth and Jane were in a constant shade of deep blush, hearing the impertinent remarks from the men in their family. After enjoying a delicious dinner, the ladies took turns performing on the pianoforte.

  Later, the men separated from the ladies. The married men decided to celebrate with the grooms, pouring libations generously, as they teased and joked mercilessly.

  While the men were showing no mercy to Darcy and Bingley, Lady Anne and Mrs Bennet were speaking privately with Elizabeth and Jane,


  Elizabeth was quite nervous as she listened to her soon to be mother in law, though she was grateful to have Lady Anne speaking to her rather than her mother. Several times, Elizabeth’s mind wandered to her dearest sister, sure that Jane was mortified by all their mother was telling her.

  The evening ended early, as the morning would be filled with excitement and joy.

  ~~~~~~~ ** ~~~~~~~

  CHAPTER 14 Elizabeth woke just after sunrise on the day of her wedding. So many thoughts ran through her mind, though the one of utmost importance was that in a few short hours, she would be married to Fitzwilliam Darcy, the man she loved and with whom she would spend the rest of her life. She was sitting at her vanity table, holding her brush in hand, looking at herself in the mirror when Hannah and Mrs Jenkins entered. Not hearing the ladies, Elizabeth was lost in her thoughts of being in her betrothed’s embrace the night before, when he wished her sweet dreams.

  “Miss Elizabeth? Miss Elizabeth… are you well?” Hannah asked.

  “Forgive me Hannah, I was wool gathering. I am well.” Elizabeth blushed to be caught in such a state. Mrs Jenkins stepped forward. “Are you ready to prepare for the day? I have come to assist Hannah.” “Thank you, Mrs Jenkins. I am nervous, but very excited for the day to begin.” “Miss Elizabeth, we have prepared a bath for you, and will have a tray brought up here. I have asked Cook to fix some special items which will aid in calming your nerves and soothing your stomach, which I am sure is in knots.” Mrs Jenkins said. “I can remember the way my stomach felt when I was preparing the morning of my own wedding. And I was with my daughter when she wed. I recommend some tea with peppermint and chamomile in it. And the food I have requested is rather on the bland side, so as not to cause any strain to you.”

  “You are thoughtful, Mrs Jenkins. And Hannah, you are such a dear, the way you take care of me.” “Miss Elizabeth, you are a wonderful woman, and it will be joyous to have you as our Mistress. Mr Darcy could not have chosen a better lady for his wife.”

  The ladies helped Elizabeth prepare for the day, and as they finished, Mrs Jenkins stepped into the next room and returned with a box. “Miss Elizabeth, this is a gift, from Hannah and me, for your wedding day.”

  Elizabeth opened the box and gasped. They had given her the most precious gift she could imagine. ~~ ** ~~ Mr Bennet was waiting outside his daughter’s rooms, as everyone else entered the drawing room for the ceremony. Jane had already joined her father, and the two were waiting for Elizabeth to make her appearance. Hearing the sound of the door opening, Mr Bennet turned to see his precious second daughter. Jane gasped at the sight of her sister.

  “Lizzy, you are beautiful. Oh, my dear sister, we are about to marry two of the best men in all of England.” Jane cried out.

  “Elizabeth, I cannot begin to tell you how incredibly beautiful you appear today. I am pleased that you have found a man who will treasure you every day of your life.” Mr Bennet placed a kiss on his daughter’s cheek. He then turned to Jane and kissed her as well. “Now, once you two are married and will no longer be living at Longbourn, there will be no intelligent conversation from here on.”

  The sisters smiled at their father’s attempt to lighten the moment, as tears welled in his eyes. Jane took hold of one of his arms, as Elizabeth took hold of the other. Looking at her younger sister, Jane nodded as she spoke. “It is time to lead us to our husbands, Papa.”

  The footmen opened the doors to the drawing room and the sisters were escorted towards their futures. Mr Bingley was entranced by the sight of Jane, in her natural splendor, blushing becomingly at the intensity of his looks.

  It was the gasp that could be heard when Darcy saw Elizabeth for the first time that caught everyone’s attention. It was easy to see why. The gift that Mrs Jenkins and Hannah had given to their Mistress was a gift of love for the young lady. They had taken Elizabeth’s hair that had been cut or shaved from her head, and taken it to a wig maker. Elizabeth walked towards her betrothed, wearing her dark chocolate curls, elegantly fashioned upon her head, with several curls hanging down. The wreath of flowers Darcy had asked to be fashioned for her was placed delicately upon the curls, making her appear to be a fairy princess.

  Darcy could not wait for his bride to meet him at the temporary altar, he nearly ran to her and kidnapped her from her father’s arm when they were almost halfway up the aisle. Mr Bennet laughed openly, as did the other men. The other family members smiled as they watched Elizabeth, her confidence intact, take her vows with Darcy, side by side with Jane and Bingley.

  The bishop declared the couples to be husbands and wives, and Darcy needed no prompting to seal his vows with a kiss, which was far from chaste. Laughter broke out through the drawing room. Bingley and Jane had been sedate in their exchange, though the passion was visible in their eyes.

  After signing the register which the bishop had brought with him, the couples took a few minutes alone, Darcy and Elizabeth in his study and the Bingleys in the library, before they joined their guests in the dining room for the wedding breakfast.

  Pulling his wife into his arms, Darcy claimed another kiss from her. “My goddess, you cannot imagine how I felt, the moment you began to walk towards me. How did you manage to surprise me in such a manner?” His hand reach
ed up to touch one of her curls.

  “Mrs Jenkins and Hannah saved all the hair that was removed for the surgery and what I cut off. They took it to a wig maker and presented it to me this morning as a wedding gift. I was so surprised, and thrilled. Do you like?”

  “Very much so, though it was the look of

  confidence, the Elizabeth in which I had fallen in love, that I liked the most. You are beautiful no matter what, but today, you showed the strength and poise I have always known you to have. I could easily believe you to be one of the fairy princesses from tales I heard as a child.”

  “It was extremely thoughtful of them to have such a gift made for me. It must have cost them dearly.” Elizabeth said as she reached a hand up to touch her hair.

  “They did not care, for it was done with love. They think highly of you, my dearest love. My Lizzy. And have no fear, they will both be receiving a generous bonus for Christmas, larger than I had already planned to give them.”

  “Do you really like it?” Elizabeth asked, timid at the possible answer. Darcy cupped his wife’s face in his hands and leaned in to kiss her again. “My beautiful Lizzy, I would love you no matter what. As much as I like the look of your curls, I love the way you feel with the wig more. And I love the kindness of the ladies who were so inspired as to have it made.”

  “I love you, William. You are the best of

  husbands.” Elizabeth wrapped her arms around her husband’s chest, luxuriating in the feel of his strong embrace.

  ~~ ** ~~ The wedding breakfast was enjoyed, though the newlywed couples were ready to be rid of their guests. Mr Bennet was enjoying torturing his new sons, prolonging their agony by not taking his family and returning to the home of Mr and Mrs Gardiner.

  Lord Albert and Lady Anne had decided to have their townhouse opened for a fortnight, before they would return to their home. Georgiana was looking forward to visiting some art exhibits that were in Town from the Continent, as well as attending the opera. Knowing Darcy and Elizabeth wished for privacy, Lord Albert convinced his wife and daughter to hurry along so they could take their leave.


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