Meet Me at Oakham Mount

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Meet Me at Oakham Mount Page 19

by Melanie Schertz

  “But, my dear Caroline, I have told you that this is a delicate situation. We must use care in how we handle everything, as we do not wish to be connected with Wickham or the carriage accident. Culiver has been careful, but it would not take much to make him forget his loyalty to us if he were caught.”

  “Then we should kill him and be done with it all. We no longer require his assistance.” “Caroline, do not be foolish. We are the brains, while Culiver is our brawn. We might need his assistance again. If your brother was to get in our way, could you kill him?”

  The frustration was clear in Caroline’s expression. “Why he felt the need to be involved with that Bennet family, I will never understand. I wonder why he is still at Pemberley, with his friend dead. Does he think he will be able to weasel his way into taking control of my home?”

  “Perhaps he is being comfort to Lady Anne. Have no fear, we will deal with your brother if he strays into our path.” The man’s lips came down harshly to Caroline’s, his desire and need of her was obvious. Caroline nearly purred as she got what she desired most from her lover.

  ~~ ** ~~ For three hours, Bingley sent his valet to Jane’s rooms to learn how she was, and for three hours, the valet was refused any information of his wife’s wellbeing. Bingley was becoming frantic.

  Thinking of what his wife and her sister had said to him that very day, Bingley had to admit that he was behaving like an arse. How could he proclaim to have such deep love for Jane, yet turn her away from his life so easily? Did she mean so little that he could cast her from his life?

  Determination grew inside him. Bingley became obsessed with knowing his wife’s condition, and with each refusal of Jane’s loved ones to keep word from him, his fear of his wife dying took hold of his heart. He finally realized that his love for Jane was stronger than anything else in his life, and the thought of not having her at his side had been tearing his heart to pieces. Bingley knew he had to find a way to his beloved’s side, to tell her what an idiot he had been to think he could put her from his heart.

  ~~ ** ~~

  Having fallen asleep at her sister’s bedside, Elizabeth woke to the strangest sound in the hallway, nearing Jane’s bedchamber door. There was a scratching noise on the door, causing a confused Elizabeth to open it. To her surprise, Bingley was on the floor, having pulled himself along the corridor by inching his body along using his arms, until he reached his wife’s bedchamber door.

  “Mrs Darcy, might I come to see how my wife is doing?” He asked. “Of course, Charles. Would you like me to find my husband or a footman to assist you? I am certain Jane would find comfort if she woke with your arms wrapped around her.”

  Bingley looked at the floor for a moment before raising his eyes to his sister in law. “I would be grateful. I am exhausted after making my way this far, I doubt I could go much further.”

  Biting her lower lip to keep from smiling, Elizabeth nodded her head and went down the hall to find her own husband. “William, could you come to our brother’s aid and assist him to complete his journey?”

  Darcy was confused. “Where has he journeyed to?” “My sister’s bedchamber to check on her health.” Elizabeth finally allowed her smile to warm her expression. “I know I was harsh on Charles earlier, but I just could not tolerate his behavior any further. And if it is responsible for his having squirmed like a worm, all the way down the hall to Jane’s room, I will applaud myself.”

  “Remind me never to cross you, my love.” Darcy said as he placed a gentle kiss upon her lips. “Come, let us rescue my brother.”

  The couple made their way to Bingley, and Darcy lifted the man, carrying him to the bed where Jane was still asleep. Once Bingley was on the bed, Darcy and Elizabeth left the room, giving the couple some privacy.

  ~~ ** ~~ Jane felt warm and comfortable as she woke. It had been weeks since she felt secure, loved, and at home, for it had been weeks since she woke in her husband’s embrace. But how can this be? I am surely dreaming still. Opening her eyes slightly, she could see there was someone lying beside her on the bed. She turned her head and tears sprang to her eyes. Sleeping beside her, one arm draped over her, was none other than her beloved Charles. Though she was confused as to how he had come to be in her bed, Jane Bingley could not be happier.

  Moving slightly, Jane was able to snuggle into her husband and placed her head on his shoulder. Her arms snaked their way around his body, holding him close. After the previous weeks, she was of no mind to release him from her grasp.

  “My dearest Jane, are you well?” Charles asked in a sleepy voice. “I have been so concerned.”

  “I am well, now that you are here with me. How did you come to be here?” “Between your tongue lashing and the one your sister delivered later, I finally took my head from my arse and realized how dearly I love you and cannot live without you. Can you ever forgive me, my love?”

  Nodding her head, Jane smiled. “My sister gave you a piece of her mind?” “After her verbal flogging, I now feel a deeper respect for our brother in law. I never wish to be on her bad side again.”

  “Ah, yes, Lizzy is quite proficient when it comes to chastising people, especially if they cause her harm. She has always been my staunchest protector.” Jane giggled. “Are you well, Charles? I have been so worried about you.”

  “I am crippled, my dearest. The physician is not certain of my recovering, though he said there is a large bruise near the spine which has yet to heal. He said that it may be putting pressure on the spine, but I have accepted the worst, that I will be this way permanently. That is why I pushed you away. I cannot bear to be such a burden to you. It will be like taking care of a child, yet I will not be able to be a proper husband to you.”

  “You are my husband, Charles Bingley. As I said, in good times and bad, in sickness and in health. Our vows were not for good times only. They are not easily broken, as you attempted to do. I wish to be at your side for the rest of my life. No matter what the future brings, no matter what happens, I am you wife forever.”

  Bingley nodded his head as he kissed her head. His lips left a trail down until they met her lips, and they took comfort from each other until the couple fell back to sleep.

  ~~ ** ~~ Sarah Dalton walked out with her eldest son on the land of her childhood. She had never forgiven her family for the betrayal that she suffered in her teens. Though she knew her mother could not go against her father’s decision to marry Sarah off, her mother never went against Bennet’s dictate to never contact her daughter again. Not once, in the two and ten years between being forced to marry and her mother’s death, did Sarah hear from her mother.

  Thomas Bennet had defied his father in secret, writing to her when he was at university. After their father’s death, Thomas openly contacted his sister, even welcoming her to Longbourn before their mother’s death. Sarah refused. If her mother could not be bothered to contact her, Sarah had no desire to contact her mother.

  After their mother’s death, Sarah met with her brother and his family twice in Town. Mr Dalton had purchased a house in London for his wife to enjoy part of the year away from their estate. She had always wished for a daughter, and was disappointed to have never had one of her own. Sarah instantly fell in love with her eldest two nieces, especially Elizabeth, finding her vivacious nature appealing.

  Sarah never liked Fanny Bennet, as she could not separate the new Mistress of Longbourn from the former. She was also envious of Fanny’s being blessed with daughters. Several times, Sarah had attempted to convince her brother to allow Elizabeth to come live with the Daltons, but Thomas had refused to be parted from his dearest daughter in such a manner. He allowed Jane and Elizabeth to journey to his sister’s home once, but Elizabeth was not fond of their estate. If she was not happy with the nature available to her, Elizabeth quickly became melancholy. So Thomas had declined further attempts from his sister for Elizabeth to visit.

  Phillip could sense a change in his mother in the past year. She had become obsessed with
Longbourn, with her brother’s family, and especially with her second eldest niece. Sarah had insisted on Phillip working closely with Gregory, teaching the younger brother the workings of running an estate. The past year, Gregory had traveled a great deal, spending more time away from Phillip, stating he was well versed on being master of an estate.

  “Mother, do you think it is wise for us to remain here? I can sense a change in you since we arrived. You are not comfortable here, it is obvious.”

  “Phillip, have no fear. I am well. A few ghosts are haunting me, but I am putting them in their place.” “Let us travel to Town for a fortnight. You always enjoy attending the theater and visiting the museums. And it has been an age since you last went shopping. I promise to dedicate two full days to taking you shopping.” Phillip smiled as he patted his mother’s hand.

  “I have plenty of garments, Phillip. No, I believe I need to be here for the time being. I must come to terms with my past. For too long, I have held such bitterness towards this estate and my family. It is time to be free of it. Then we can work on the future. We need to find you a wife, and I need grandchildren to spoil. You and your brother need to start working on your own families.”

  As this was a familiar conversation, Phillip smiled. “Yes, Mother, I know that you require at least six children from me, and at least half of them daughters for you to spoil.”

  “Of course. I have dreamed of taking a daughter or granddaughter shopping for new gowns.” Sarah said, squeezing her son’s arm. “Sons are nice enough, but you never allowed me to put ribbons in your hair.”

  Phillip laughed. “Greg was the prettier one. Lace was more his style.” “Oh, Phillip, I have missed our walks. It seems as if it has been ages since we last spent time like this together.” Sarah smiled.

  “I have missed being with you as well, Mother. I was thinking, perhaps we should take a trip this year. You have wished to visit Ireland. We could take a month and travel the countryside there.”

  “Perhaps, Phillip. Time will tell if we will be able to make such a trip. Until then, we shall remain here and do what we can to comfort my brother and his family. And your brother will remain here, preparing for his future.”

  Phillip nodded and the pair continued to walk towards Oakham Mount. Upon arriving there, Sarah looked around her and smiled. Oh, yes, preparing for our future.

  ~~~~~~~ ** ~~~~~~~ CHAPTER 20 Elizabeth was pleased that her sister and brother in law were finally comforting each other. It had been terrible to watch Jane’s face when she was denied seeing her husband day after day, hearing how Charles was pushing his wife from him. Jane was in misery, yet she would not allow her sister to comfort her, for her main concern was for her husband’s care. This did not surprise Elizabeth, as she had always known her sister’s tender heart.

  Now that the concern for her sister’s marriage was lessened, the pain of knowing the loss the rest of her family was feeling was greater. How Elizabeth wished she could be at her father’s side, to read to him, to play chess with him. Any of their past enjoyment, which would bring him comfort at such a time. Tears welled up in Elizabeth’s eyes as she walked through the conservatory and saw one of the red roses blooming. Red roses had always been her mother’s favorite. Mrs Bennet was not a great lover of being outdoors, but she had a green thumb and spent many hours in the conservatory at Longbourn. Her flowers took prizes at the fair in Meryton the past five years, and her herbs were sought after by the apothecary and others in the neighborhood, for their fine quality.

  Mrs Bennet had sent starts of her favorite rose bush for the Darcys to enjoy at Pemberley. Elizabeth had one prepared for the flower garden below her private study, and another would be kept in the conservatory, allowing flowers year round. The Mistress of Longbourn had also sent some of her herb starts. All of her mother’s favorites surrounded Elizabeth, bringing her comfort. Mamma, I can feel you here, with me. I miss you, Mamma.

  Elizabeth reached over to stroke the leaf of one of the lavender starts. Suddenly, a flash of memory brought a smile to her lips. Elizabeth remembered an assembly, when she was near five and ten, when one of the young men in the neighborhood exclaimed Jane’s beauty being far superior to her own. Even Jane’s preference of scent, rose, was deemed to be far superior to the second Bennet sister’s preference. Mrs Bennet had taken her daughter’s hand, and holding a piece of lavender between her fingers and thumb, smiled.

  “Lizzy, roses are beautiful and they smell

  wonderfully. But think of all the good lavender does for people. It is calming, aids in people being able to sleep. It is a pleasant fragrance, which also blends well with other scents, or can stand alone. No, lavender is the scent for you, as it is so much like you. Beautiful on your own, or with others, calming and kind to people, and resourceful. That is my dear girl, my Lizzy. Though I love Jane, she is more the perfect rose, than the endearing lavender.”

  “Thank you, Mamma. I had never thought of flowers being like people.” “Everything in life can be the same. There are stones which are strong and hard, and able to aid us. There are some that are delicate and soft. And there are some which are beautiful, with no other real purpose in life. Trees, plants, flowers, they are the same. Remember always, my dear Lizzy, how precious you are. You are one of a kind, and have been a blessing to me and your father, all of your life. Now, scoot along. It is time for you to beat your father at chess.”

  Though Elizabeth had always believed she was not as liked by her mother, as she had always been her father’s favorite, she also knew that she was important and loved by both of her parents.

  Lost in her thoughts, she did not hear the man who walked up behind her. Suddenly, there were strong arms reaching around her and pulling her back into his chest. “How are you, my love?”

  “I am well, William. Just, so many thoughts coursing through my mind at the moment. I was remembering Mamma, explaining how fragrances and stones were like people. I miss Mamma.”

  Darcy leaned in to place a kiss behind his wife’s ear. “I know, my dearest. I wish we could go to Longbourn, immediately. I wish to be of some use to your father.”

  “He understands why we have not come. He wishes to see the person responsible for nearly killing his two eldest daughters, caught and made to pay for their crimes. I doubt it will be much longer before the culprits show themselves. So far, Anthony and Lady Catherine have tried to take the estate, and Caroline Goodman has showed her intensions. I have a feeling whichever of these is the scoundrel, they will soon make their next attack. Being dead in the eyes of the world, though it has its pluses with no one coming to bother us, is a pain in the rump.”

  Elizabeth smiled. “I miss my family. After everything that has happened, they have always been at my side to love me. Mamma’s death has been difficult to accept. I feel as if she will still be there when I return to Longbourn.”

  “I was at the Matlock with Richard when my father died. I was sure that, when I returned home, Father would be sitting in his study, going over plans for the estate. The first year was difficult, as I could not come to terms with referring to the study as mine, or the Master’s suite being my rooms. Only after I graduated from the university and remodeled those rooms did I finally take possession of those areas of the house here and Darcy House. There are still some places I expect to see Father come from a room or see him riding his horse across the land. I believe it is a way of keeping our loved ones close to us at all times, even after they have left this world.”

  “I was thinking of Mamma’s plants in the conservatory at Longbourn. She had such a way with plants, though she hated being in nature.” Elizabeth chuckled. “Shall we have a tray of refreshments sent to our rooms? I have not eaten much today, and my stomach is somewhat upset with my neglect.”

  Hearing a slight rumble for his wife’s belly, Darcy laughed. “Then it is time to fill that neglected belly. You need to keep your strength up.”

  ~~ ** ~~ The man sitting across the table from Mr Culiver tapped hi
s fingers lightly on the arms of his chair. “So, Culiver, are you prepared to assist me in this final endeavor?”

  “Sir, I am not certain I will be able to be

  convincing.” “It will not take much. I have papers forged which will add credibility to your tale, and there will be no possibility of discovery. I have been assured that there was a distant cousin of Gerard Darcy, his father’s second cousin’s son. I have learned the man is living in the wilds of Canada, and has never been to England. With Darcy out of the way, it will not be difficult for the estate to be taken from Lady Anne’s family. If anyone gets in the way of my achieving my goal, I will see that they are eliminated.”

  “But I am concerned, as Lady Anne and Lord Matlock are of the peerage, they have influence to have things done for them.” Culiver gulped at the thought of what they could possibly do to the likes of him.

  “Have no fear of those two. I will take steps to put them in their places, if they are foolish enough to make any problems for me.”

  “Very well, Sir. I will plan to leave for Lambton in the morning. And where will you be traveling?” The man leaned forward, clasping his fingers together. “I will be nearby, and prepared to handle Lady Anne and Lord Albert should they interfere.”

  Culiver waited for several moments before he said farewell to the man. He wondered how he had gotten to such a place in his life. He hoped soon he would finally be able to escape from England. His employer would never leave him be, so escape would be necessary to avoid being dragged into more of the man’s business.

  ~~ ** ~~ Bingley was pleased to wake each morning with his wife in his arms. Elizabeth had been correct, his arms and hands worked fine and they were well used to find comfort in holding his wife. Jane had suffered so much, though she was never one to complain. Few people understood exactly how deeply Jane Bingley, nee Bennet, felt things.

  After realizing he could not live without Jane by his side, Bingley decided to devote himself to her care. While he lightly ran his fingers over her arm, he felt a sudden tingling feeling. Could it be? Am I beginning to regain feeling in my body? Or is this wishful thinking, and I am remembering what it felt like to be with my wife?


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