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The Visitor - New York 1871-1873

Page 12

by Barbara Svetlick

  Meeks stood and pulled out her chair before she got carried away with the raspberries and they walked into the ballroom as the band started playing. He took her out on the dance floor and he didn’t bring her off the floor for the first four dances. After that he couldn’t get her before someone else was dancing with her. Mirisa finally excused herself and found her husband. Meeks pulled her close and told her he loved her.

  “Will you dance with me?”

  “You know I live just to dance with you.” Mirisa led him out onto the floor and put her head on his chest and danced slowly with him. When David finally took her hand, she found him to be very good on the dance floor and was extremely witty. This was maybe the fourth or fifth member of the Unit she had met and they were all very similar in looks and behavior. She couldn't imagine having to deal with an entire Unit. Mirisa thanked David when the dance was over and when he walked her back to the group she put her arm through her husband’s.

  At the end of the night the boys decided to head out for a drink and Mirisa and Meeks went back to the hotel and ordered a late night snack. She woke up Sunday morning curled up in his arms as he kissed the top of her head.

  “Good morning.”

  Mirisa stretched turning over until she was against him. She kissed the center of his chest running her fingers up the inside of his arms which were crossed behind his head. “You smell so good all the time.” Mirisa straddled him putting her hands on his wrists above his head and kissed him again. Meeks didn’t move but watched her as she wrapped herself around him before he threw her over on her back, held her down and took what he wanted with so much passion that it took her breath away.

  Meeks rolled over and climbed out of bed. She laid half under the covers watching him move across the room.


  Meeks turned and Mirisa thought there was nothing as beautiful as he was at that very moment and she wanted him to come back to bed. “Want more?”

  “I love having rough sex with you.” Her eyes were extremely dark. “But I especially like the things you did last night.”

  “I hope so since I believe you woke up the entire floor.”

  Mirisa slid out of bed and walked up to him. “I don’t think so but I should have because it was absolutely too good to not wake everyone up.” Mirisa ran her hands around his waist as she ducked under him to go into the bathroom. He smiled because he loved the fact that something so sweet could be so very bad.

  After checking on the children, they joined everyone downstairs for breakfast.

  “I am assuming your husband didn’t need ropes to elicit that response from you last night.”

  She turned to look at Garnett with an expression that James found so classic before she sat back forgetting she wanted the sugar. She turned and both James and Dominic were trying hard not to say anything.

  “Meeks, it’s nice to know that you really haven’t lost your touch.”

  They watched as she blushed but Meeks only nodded. Garnett passed her the sugar and she thanked him. Dominic thought she had the same look on her face as the first night he met her when she ran from the room in tears. He loved the memories when they were solely of her.

  Meeks looked at them and just shook his head. He asked her what she wanted to do since it seemed to be a beautiful day. She asked if they could make kites and fly them by the river.

  “Do you know how to make a kite?”

  “I would hope so since I had five brothers.”

  “I’m sure the children will enjoy not only making but destroying them. I’ll have them fix a basket for lunch and see if I can find something to make the tails.”

  “Is this an open invitation?”

  She looked at James. “It’s always an open invitation unless you would prefer to spend the day embarrassing me.”

  “Well, that was the first time I have ever heard anyone talk to God with such conviction and you do always say please with the sweetest of passion.”

  All four of them were having trouble keeping a straight face. She gave James a dirty look and put sugar in her coffee.

  They decided to take the street car down to the river so the children could enjoy the adventure. Dominic cut off branches from the tree and began to strip them. Garnett started tying the strips of bark around the cross as James folded the newspapers to make the kites. She didn’t realize that it would take four grown men to design a simple kite but thinking back on it in her family it took more than that with a few fist fights thrown in for good measure.

  “Alexander?” Meeks turned to her. “Is my father still in town?”

  “I believe so.”

  “Do you mind if I go home to visit for a few days?”

  “Are you taking all three children?”


  “Do you want me to go with you?”

  “Only if you’ll miss me.” He nodded.

  Mirisa tied the yarn to the stick and wrapped it around until it was a smooth ball and they tied it to the kite. Mirisa sat down with Maggie while boys eagerly held their yarn as they ran across the grass yelling at the kites to fly. She used the left over strips of the sheet to make a small doll for Maggie though she was more interested in watching the kites.

  Mirisa stood up as Garnett came up behind her and picked her and Maggie up swinging them around several times before putting them back down. Maggie loved to be swung in the air and when he set them down she reached over her mother into his arms and he threw her high into the air and she screamed at the top of her lungs and laughed.

  Maggie got down and started running around the trees with Jonathan and Mirisa watched them closely even though they weren’t near the water. Jonathan chased Maggie as she ran around her mother then back to the trees. The next time she came running across the field James grabbed her and swung her up in the air as she screamed in delight and Jonathan threw his arms around his legs knocking them all over. Mirisa was laughing so hard that tears were running down her face. After James made sure both children were alright, he helped Mirisa up. He pulled her up close and kissed her neck whispering to her. She hit his arm but didn’t untangle herself.

  During the commotion David dismounted and tied his horse to the tree. He walked over to Meeks and Garnett and watched as they all fell. "I didn’t realize you had children."

  "Only Maggie is mine, the boys are Dominic’s."

  "The boys look identical to Dominic but she looks too pretty to be yours. I’m glad to see you are taking advantage of a beautiful day."

  "Where are you heading?"

  "Just returning from a breakfast meeting in Alexandria. How long are you going to be in town?"

  "We’re pretty much up in the air. We won’t be heading back to Colorado until the spring thaw."

  "I would like to have you to dinner tonight if you have no plans. Very informal and maybe a good card game afterwards."

  Garnett looked at Meeks and they had the very same thought of whether or not Mirisa could behave. "Let me check with the others." He yelled out as James and Dominic walked over agreeing that they’d love to play cards.

  Dominic lit a cigar as he watched Matthew fly the kite. "Did anyone check with Mirisa?"

  "Does she play cards?"

  “When she’s in the mood.”

  "Well, then it should be a very good game." He put his hat back on. "I will see you around eight for dinner. Do you want to bring the children?"

  "No, we have a nanny to stay with them."

  "Eight then." He walked over, untied his horse and headed up the hill toward the Capital.

  "James, I want you to promise not to wind her up tonight."

  James took Dominic’s cigar and lit his. "Why in the world would I even think of making that promise? If you will excuse me, I have some children to catch."

  They caught the street car back to the hotel and Maggie fought hard to stay awake as she sat on her father’s lap. He pulled her curls away from her face and wondered how something so little could be so beautiful. He
took Maggie upstairs and had Jasmine put her down for a nap then joined everyone in the dining room for coffee. Mirisa had ordered the boys hot cocoa so he asked for that instead of coffee. Jonathan finally crawled up on his mother’s lap and fell asleep.

  "Do you want me to take him upstairs?"

  "Not yet. He’ll actually sleep soundly anywhere he closes his eyes." Mirisa leaned Jonathan back and kissed his nose. He was so precious when he was sleeping and she so seldom got to hold him for any length of time. As she softly ran her hand over his cheek, Jonathan turned into her and snuggled against her. She kissed him again and asked Dominic if he could take him upstairs. Dominic got up and pulled him up to his shoulder.


  "Yes Garnett." She picked up a cookie and dunked it in her hot cocoa.

  "Can I be the father next?"

  She started laughing. "You would have to be awfully fertile because I’m allergic to ropes.”

  Dominic sat back down. "Why would you be tied up?"

  "Garnett is going to argue why he should be given the opportunity to be a father."

  "I think I’ll stay out of this conversation."

  She picked up another cookie and went to dunk it.

  "Mirisa where did you learn to do that?" Dominic was watching her dunk the cookie.

  "The children. It’s actually quite good but Matthew said that Garnett taught him on the last ride."

  "Well do you think tonight you could behave while at dinner?" Meeks looked up at Dominic wondering why he was scolding her and whether or not she would take it.

  "Where are we going to dinner?"


  "If you want me to behave, I am sure I can manage it especially since Senator Yarrow could always withdraw his vote before Monday morning if I do something he might consider inappropriate." James almost choked on his coffee. "Would you like to pick out my dress as well?"

  "I know you are mocking me but sometimes I can’t tell the difference between you and the children."

  "And sometimes I can’t tell the difference between you and my father." It was obvious to Dominic that she was not going to back down.

  “I guess I deserve that.”


  “What Mirisa?”

  “I always loved the way you say my name. From the first time you said it. Even when you are mad at me your voice always softened when you said my name.”

  Dominic nodded. “I apologize.”

  “Thank you.” Mirisa put her napkin on the table and stood.

  Mirisa came downstairs with her husband dressed in knee high boots, a Mexican skirt and an extremely low cut silk blouse with her hair braided to the side. She was carrying her long leather coat. Dominic looked at her and knew they were in trouble even if she behaved herself. They were all dressed in jeans and leather jackets but she thought no matter how they dressed they always pulled at her senses. The butler showed them to the library and offered whisky and fresh cigars telling them that the Senator would be down in a moment.

  David came through the door dressed in jeans and a denim shirt. She looked at him and realized that he was so much like them that she probably didn’t even have to guess on whether or not he was once part of the inner circle because he definitely was. David shook hands with everyone before he took her hand and kissed it as he looked down her blouse. David reached down and picked up the three charms on her chain not apologizing at all for touching her.

  “The unit number I understand but what do the other two stand for?”

  She looked at him. “For memories and milestones.”

  He smiled and released them. “Meeks it must be your work since it is as intricate as the gun butts you used to design.”

  They sat and talked about politics until it was announced that dinner was served. The dinner was very simple but extremely good. The server kept her wine glass full so she drank it slowly. David was a good conversationalist and fell back easily with all of them. He looked over at her at one point and realized that Garnett had his hand over hers and she had wrapped her fingers around his without realizing it. Garnett talked low to her a few times as she would listen before turning her attention back to the conversation. Mirisa finally asked David where she could freshen up and he had the maid show her to the powder room. It was extremely large and very feminine. She came back out and they were walking to the library to play cards.

  “Mirisa would you like a glass of wine?”

  “No thank you.”

  David sat down between Garnett and Dominic and opened a new deck of cards. David shuffled the same way that Garnett did and James could see the thought going across Mirisa face before Meeks said something to her quietly. David dealt the cards and everyone anted. When it got to Mirisa she looked at her cards and reached across the table and took money from James. David looked at her then at Meeks who was studying his cards. Meeks anted followed by the rest of the table. David raised and it went around several times before Mirisa folded.

  Mirisa rarely won a hand but enjoyed watching them play serious poker. It wasn’t often that she was able to just observe them together when their attention wasn’t on her. James looked up and met her eyes. His expression didn’t change as he watched the smallest little smile turn up the corners of her mouth before moving to her eyes. James anted before sitting back chewing on his cigar as he looked at his cards. Meeks watched him knowing that Mirisa was spending time trying to learn who they were.

  David looked at his cards. “Does she play?”

  Garnett shook his head no and he looked back at his cards before he folded. They played for a few more hours while Mirisa left the library and spent time in front of the large fire reading a book she found on the coffee table.

  “I didn’t realize how much I missed being with all of you. It’s amazing that you have remained together for so long.” David shook hands with them as Meeks helped her into the carriage. “Any time you want to go drinking let me know because my habits haven’t changed all that much.”

  Dominic laughed. “Other than Meeks, we’re ready to drink any time you are in the mood. In fact, we’re heading out tonight.”

  “Where are you heading?”

  Dominic told him and David nodded. “I’ll meet you there in an hour. I think I deserve a little nostalgia after that card game. I assume Meeks reaps the benefits when he gets her back to the hotel.”

  “If he can hold her off that long.”

  "Did I already tell you that you have my vote?"

  They all laughed and mounted their horses.

  Voting by the Senate in the morning made everyone head home early. Mirisa was holding onto Meeks arm as they walked up the steps to the Rotunda which was crowded with a lot of very intense men. She thought if one more man lit a cigar that they would have to get someone to clean the beautiful ceiling at the end of the day. She was so taken by the grandness of the rotunda but not particularly with the garish statutes that lined the walls. Meeks immediately became embroiled in a conversation as she quietly stood back so as not to interfere.

  She turned her attention to a voice finding David standing in front of them. “Good morning Mirisa.”

  “Good morning. Thank you for being such a wonderful host last evening.”

  “My pleasure. Since your husband needs to work the room before the vote, I had hoped you would allow me to give you a tour before I have to take the floor.” Meeks acknowledged him but remained in the argument.

  “Thank you.” David put his hand on the small of her back and pointed her toward a long corridor and staircase. He told her about each of the statutes as they passed them and which state they represented. Even though several people attempted to get his attention he just nodded and kept his attention on his conversation with her.

  They went up the staircase and he led her into the old Senate Chamber which had not been used since before the war. He helped her up to the Vice President’s desk so that she could look over the senate floor. She was more interested in the furnishi
ngs instead of the history of government. David finally reached for her hand and she stepped down as he led her back out into the hallway. David found it so easy to talk to Mirisa and after talking to Garnett about her he somewhat understood the dynamics of her relationship with the four men. They walked toward the Senate Chambers which was actually on the first floor but the observation landing and seating of the audience overlooked the chambers. David moved through the crowds of men mingling along the landing to give her an overview of the floor.

  “Senator, I didn’t realize that you gave tours.” David turned to the Senator from Connecticut introducing Mirisa to him. The two Senators talked briefly about business before they were joined by several other men. She stood quietly and didn’t interject into the conversation since she couldn’t follow their arguments. An aide walked up and told the Senators that roll call started in ten minutes.

  “I think I need to locate your husband because leaving you unattended probably wouldn’t be wise.” David escorted Mirisa downstairs handing her back to her husband who escorted her into the audience section of the Senate and took a seat. Mirisa didn’t realize that a morning vote meant they got to do their last minute debates and arguments over the issue. There were several times that she thought some of them were going to actually fight and she thought it was funny when a very porky short man who had been shouting almost fell over the banister because he got so excited. The roar of laughter was deafening but he merely righted himself and poked his cigar holding fist at the Vice President using explicative adjectives with the deepest southern drawl.

  This was Mirisa’s first experience to a large body of very zealous men who found arguing to be the best thing in their lives, they heckled, yelled obscenities, were removed from the room, threw things and turned explosively red in anger. She watched as the audience interacted as loudly as the Senators on the floor. The gavel was used so often that she thought it would eventually break off as order was called over and over again. It was no wonder that there wasn’t another woman in the room. The gentleman in front of them turned and apologized to her for anything he would do during the session. It was almost noontime before they actually began the vote and that took another hour as the cat calls came from around the room with each vote. At the end she asked Garnett who won.


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