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The Visitor - New York 1871-1873

Page 23

by Barbara Svetlick

  “Happy twenty-sixth birthday.” Meeks handed her a small box with a silver and bone hair comb. The bone was carved wildflowers in front of the mountains. She wrapped her arms around him and told him she had fresh chocolate pudding warming on the stove.


  “A group of Modoc warriors, in Oregon, defeat the United States Army in the First Battle of the Stronghold, a part of the Modoc War. A small band of Modoc under Hooker Jim retreated from the battlefield to the Lava Beds south of Tule Lake. In attacks on November 29 and November 30, they killed a total of 18 settlers. Militiamen led by "Jump Off Joe" McAlester decided to pursue the Modoc toward the Lava Beds.”

  Matthew and Jonathan came home at the end of February. Meeks decided to let Jonathan ride on his own horse when they stayed in the lower hills or along the pastures. Mirisa felt so good with this baby that she didn’t know if it was because there was so little work with just Meeks in the house or if it was just going to be a good baby.

  Mirisa woke Meeks in the middle of the night in mid-April and asked him to get Jasmine. Jasmine heard them and immediately got dressed and came into the room to talk to Mirisa. She prepared a cup of hot tea and set it on the bedside table and helped Mirisa into the bathroom when her water broke. Meeks watched as Jasmine so competently handled things so he returned to the kitchen and put on a pot of coffee. The clock struck five and the sun was just starting to spread across the field in the distance.

  Meeks was fixing a cup of coffee when Jasmine came out and told him that the baby was coming. Her birth was as easy as the rest and she appeared to be in a birth weight between her sisters but closer to Maggie. She had very, very dark hair with an olive complexion. Jasmine washed her off and wrapped her before handing her to Meeks and telling him she would handle everything if he would take care of the baby. Meeks walked out into the great room and sat down looking at her pretty little face. She was so different than her sisters and held nothing of her mother that was obvious.

  Jasmine finally came out and told Meeks that Mirisa wanted to see him. He walked back in and laid the baby in her mother’s arms.

  “I see you really have decided to have nothing but daughters.”

  “I think it is appropriate since my mother had seven sons before I came along.”

  “Well, I think you are well on your way. I do think you are going to have to explain to Sara why she is no longer the baby when she’s still a baby.”

  Mirisa laughed. “I think the age difference between Sara and the baby will make them inseparable but I think I need a rest from carrying babies.”

  Meeks kissed her deeply. “And how are you going to do that when I refuse to give up my husbandly rights to pulling you into my bed?”

  “I’ll talk to Jasmine about the effects of the herbs on breast feeding though I think I will wean her sooner than the others.”

  Mirisa came out of the nursery in the early morning after feeding Elizabeth and putting her back to sleep. The three of them were sitting at the bar drinking coffee. She wasn’t dressed and hadn’t even bothered to do anything except crawl out of bed in her nightgown. Mirisa walked over and poured a cup of coffee and turned to them. Her hair was out of control and her eyes were still half closed. The satin nightgown fitted her so perfectly that all of them had trouble pulling their minds away from their thoughts.

  “Well sunshine, what gets you up so early?” Garnett had just buttered a biscuit when she walked over, leaned across the bar and kissed him. He smiled. Mirisa walked around the bar and climbed up on his lap and curled her feet under her gown.

  “I woke up hungry but I didn’t realize you were here anticipating my needs. When did you get home?”

  “A couple of hours ago.” Garnett put his hand on her stomach. “Where’s the baby?”

  James held his breath hoping she didn’t miscarry again. “In the nursery.”

  James poured a cup of coffee and leaned back against the counter. “You had the baby without me?”

  “Well, you only missed it by a couple of weeks.”

  Garnett grabbed her wrist and kissed her lips which were covered in butter from the biscuit she stole from his plate. “Garnett, did you miss me?”

  James leaned across the bar. “Mirisa, what did you have?”

  “James I have told all of you that after Jonathan I plan to only have little girls.”

  “You had another girl?”

  Meeks came out carrying Elizabeth. He was wearing jeans with his shirt open. She loved the sight of him when he was half dressed and just out of bed. She got up on her knees and leaned across the bar. Meeks smiled at her and kissed her so passionately that Garnett raised his eyebrows.

  “Obviously you two have not missed us at all.”

  Meeks looked at Mirisa and kissed her again. “Nope, can’t say that I missed any of you.” Meeks walked over and poured a cup of coffee, handed the baby to James and fixed a plate before sitting at the bar.

  Mirisa excused herself to get dressed. After she was gone, they discussed business and the things they handled back east. They talked about the government and James said they had been approached several times for assignments but had declined them. They had spent most of the time in Washington at the townhouse and a few weeks on and off in New York.

  James looked at the baby then looked at Meeks who met his eyes but didn’t say anything.

  “We sold most of the property southwest of my house and have a good offer on the rest of the property southeast. I’m keeping everything from the house north to the river. I’m not sure what they are going to do with the property but basically they are talking about breaking it up in pieces for homesteading and ranching hoping that the Indian problems will be gone by the time they get to the south end.”

  “There have been more sightings further north of the trail. The army is sending out regular details in hopes of discouraging the raids of travelers and has advised everyone to stay alert.”

  “Any problems this far north?”

  “We had an incident at your place night before last but Sam ran them off with the dogs. I hired men to patrol the area and put them up in the stables since that seemed to be their target. I assume that they were going after your horses so I moved them up to my stable.”

  “Are they dog soldiers?”

  “We assume so but Sam didn’t get a good look. He thought they were small in stature so it is possible that it was young bucks trying to earn approval by returning with horses.”

  “That makes no sense with as many wild horses that live on the land.”

  “Well, there’s not a lot of bravery attached to catching a wild horse compared to sneaking onto a white man’s land and stealing his good horses.” Meeks pushed his plate away. “I think the army is going to set up a camp about five miles south of town along the road coming north out of Santa Fe.”

  “Why the sudden outbreak of problems?”

  “I personally believe it is because the army is trying to rid the area in hopes of the population growing.”

  Dominic stood and put on his hat. “I guess I need to assess the problem.” Dominic went down to the nursery and asked the boys if they wanted to go home with him. Jonathan immediately started in on how he could ride his own horse now.

  “Can I keep the boys a few days?”

  “Of course. Do you have enough clothes?” Dominic nodded telling the boys to put on their boots and jackets and he would make them breakfast.

  Mirisa laughed because they would spend the entire day talking his ear off. She fixed the girls oatmeal with brown sugar and apples before she fixed a cup of tea and sat down next to her husband.

  The baby started fussing as James rocked her until she quit. Mirisa slid her hand under the baby as James turned her face up to him but he didn’t say anything. She smiled and kissed him thanking him for holding the baby. Mirisa turned and walked down to the nursery and James just watched her as they continued their conversation. Garnett said something but when James didn’t respond he turned to
the direction he was looking.



  “Are you even listening?”

  James nodded then turned to Meeks. “What did you name her?”

  Meeks smiled. “Elizabeth but the children call her Lizzie.”

  Garnett looked from Meeks to James. Meeks didn’t think he’d ever seen blood drain from anyone’s face so fast even while looking down the barrel of a cocked gun. Garnett stood up and walked down to the nursery where he found Mirisa straightening up the play room. He walked over to the cradle and pulled the covers away from her face. She curled up and stretched out before opening her eyes. Mirisa quietly left the nursery and made sure the girls were eating their oatmeal.


  She leaned up to James so they were nose to nose. “James it was planned but we didn’t know if it would happen since my husband demands so much of my time plus he gave me only one shot.”

  “I think you are absolutely crazy.”

  “I know but you have yet to consent to giving me a daughter.”


  “James, I love you and sooner or later you should relent to my wiles and it will be the best decision you ever make.”

  “Now I know you are crazy.”

  “I am but you love me anyway.”

  “I do but I think I’m going to stay away from you because you are far craftier then I ever imagined.”

  Garnett came out of the nursery and walked up to her pulling her in his arms as he closed his eyes.

  Summer arrived slowly but they were so active that the children seemed to grow without encouragement. Maggie spent more time out with the boys as Sara spent most of her time with her mother and Lizzie. Mirisa sometimes just pulled the girls into the big bed and would sit and watch them play. She thought a lot about the last few years and wondered if Meeks would want more children.

  The late summer was stormy with flash floods that came rapidly out of the mountains into the foothills. More and more homesteads were beginning to pop up in the distance but closer to Denver since the Indian raids were still coming north from the Santa Fe Trail. The army stayed busy and occasionally would stop by the lodge just to check up on everyone or for a good meal.

  They discussed heading east and decided to go back after the holidays since the winter seemed to be milder than normal. Dominic and Garnett had set up several hunts with politicians and lobbyists from the east and would head up into the higher mountains for the large game. His house had turned into a hunting lodge so he hired an oriental couple to feed and clean and several girls who would entertain during the evenings. Mirisa made sure their sons were not near his house when they would have guests. James and Meeks usually went on the hunting trips but Meeks never went down to the house though they hosted cookouts for those politicians who were less interested in the card games and activities.

  James came in after brushing off the snow and headed for the bar. Mirisa was sitting on the floor stretching as she held onto her toes with her head on her knees. He poured a shot and lit his cigar before sitting down across from her.

  “Where is everyone?”

  “The girls are down for the night and Alexander hasn’t come back from Denver yet.”

  “Why did he go to Denver?”

  Mirisa picked up the slight agitation in his voice and sat up looking at him. “He went in with Mr. Smith who is suffering from a tooth ache.”

  “That’s not his job. In fact, nothing about these hunts should take him away from this house when Dominic or Garnett are quite capable of handling situations.”

  Mirisa stood up and put her hand out to James. He looked up in her eyes and shook his head. Mirisa walked over to the door and locked it turning down the lanterns so the only light was the fireplace. He sat back and watched her as she crossed the room. Mirisa slowly unbuttoned her blouse letting it fall to the floor as she unbuttoned her jeans. She reached down and pulled her leg out of one side then the other until she was standing in front of James in a very sharply cut pure white silk camisole. She straddled his lap as he sipped on his whisky and she started to slowly unbutton his shirt until his chest was exposed. Mirisa leaned forward and kissed his neck as her fingers weaved through the soft hair. She looked up into his eyes which were fighting not to respond but she smiled sweetly and pulled his shirt out of his jeans before running her fingers along his waist until she received a reaction. James started to say something but she kissed him with so much love that his arms went around her.


  “James no babies will be coming anytime soon and never if you do not wish to be a father.”

  James pushed up from the chair as she lowered her feet and James picked up the whisky bottle and took her up to his room. He closed the door and walked over to his dresser taking out what appeared to be a sash of some type. He took a shot putting the glass down before turning her around. James tied the sash over her eyes and when she automatically reached up to touch it, he took her hands and tied them together behind her back. Mirisa could feel his response when he leaned into her and she wondered if he knew what Garnett had done to her. He talked to her in almost a whisper but his voice was becoming very deep as he stepped away and walked back over to the dresser and poured a shot and lit his cigar letting her become accustomed to the darkness. She stood quietly trying to figure out where he was in the room but the longer she stood there the stronger the smell of whisky and cigars became. James ran his hands down her sides and under her camisole asking her if it were expensive. She nodded before he asked her if it were her favorite and when she responded he cut both straps and pulled it down to her hips. He stepped back away from her as she turned trying to decide where he was standing. The door opened and she turned to it wondering why he was leaving.

  Garnett pulled her up to him as he ran his hands through her hair. She knew instantly as Garnett smiled and slid his hands down her hips pulling the camisole completely off of her. They could feel her body tense with each touch but both held back the desire to just take her.

  James kissed her shoulder and she turned her head away from him as Garnett reached up touching her face before kissing her again. She loved the way they complimented each other and how perfectly they moved to her desire. James ran his hands down her back and across her hips as Garnett took her breasts in his mouth. Mirisa put her head back against James moaning softly. Garnett ran his tongue down her stomach to her belly button softly touching her until she begged him. James pulled her back as his hands came around her stomach and between her legs bringing her breathing into uncontrollable gasps. Garnett stood up holding her hips as he entered her. Slowly she sunk into the feel of their warmth and the emotion filled her body with such a luxurious release.

  Garnett stepped away as James laid her on the bed on her stomach, untied her hands and took her with such precision as he wrapped his arm under her stomach keeping her at the perfect angle. Garnett leaned over and untied the sash around her eyes and stepped away as James stood up. She laid naked on the bed with her hair out of control and her eyes so very dark green. James started to lean over to kiss her when she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him down on the bed rolling him under her as she took complete control and Garnett stood back as she used him for her own pleasure. When she opened her eyes, James brought her back down and told her that she was in the wrong profession.

  She slid off the bed and without a word she slipped out of the room and looked over the railing. She went down and picked up her clothes putting them on the chair as she stepped out onto the porch. The cold air enveloped her in goose bumps as she walked down to the river and slowly immersed herself in the cold water. James stood on the porch and watched her in the moonlight as Meeks walked in taking off his jacket and gun before walking out onto the porch. Her silhouette showed the softness of her curves and the way the temperature affected her nipples.

  “Is she trying to cool off?”

  James looked at him as Garnett walked out
and handed him a shot. “I think she’s trying to deal with her own reaction.”

  Meeks looked at him and smiled. “The stars must have been aligned if you took her into your world.”

  “We did it on the soft side but the reaction was beyond anything I thought she was capable of.”

  “I should warn you that teaching her something new gives her more power over you not the other way around.”

  She slowly came out of the river as the water ran down her body like a lover who was trying to hold onto her. She walked up the steps and wrapped herself around her husband kissing him.

  “I love the way your nipples react to the cold.”

  “My nipples love the way you love them.”

  “I understand that you have been very, very bad.”

  “I haven’t been. I learned something new tonight and you always tell me I should learn something new every chance I got.”

  “I think you learned a few new things but you didn’t learn that you were set up by two very experienced men.”

  Mirisa looked over at James and Garnett who were trying not to respond as she looked back at her husband who was running his hands down around her ass. “I think I needed the attention. If I agree to sell the children, can I get sex like that all the time?”

  “The children would hunt you down for they are more persistent than the men in your life.” Meeks lifted her chin and kissed her. “I love it when you are so out of control that you are demanding.” Meeks looked at James and Garnett. “I’ll talk to you two later.”

  “Alexander, I want to talk to you in the library.”



  The snow on the ground wasn’t more than a few inches deep in the shadow of the trees or under the bigger rock formations. They had been riding a little over an hour when they happened upon the small haphazard camp and as they rode up several men stood up near the campfire and pointed rifles at them. Dominic stopped and sent Matthew back to make sure his mother stayed out of range in case there was a problem. Meeks stopped at the same time pulling Mirisa’s rein up. When Matthew reached them, Meeks let go and told her to move back a couple hundred yards and wait. James unsheathed his rifle and balanced it on his thigh as he moved slightly to his right. Garnett went just slightly the other direction as Dominic and Meeks rode up far enough to talk to the men without dismounting.


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