Book Read Free Mum!

Page 5

by Sue MacKay

  Flynn didn’t look fazed. ‘If she’s relaxed with you then that’s good. I’m not getting on my high horse because she’s my patient. What works for her works for me. Or we can both be there.’

  ‘Thanks.’ Why was she thanking him? Shrugging, she added, ‘Guess I’d better get on the road. My first appointment’s at nine and I haven’t looked at the map yet.’

  Flynn gave her that devastating smile of his. ‘You’re not in Melbourne now. Come here and tell me who you’re visiting.’ He closed the door behind Jerome and Ally felt as though the air had been sucked out of the room.

  What was he doing? Here? At work? Any minute someone could walk in for a coffee.

  ‘Here’s the clinic.’ Flynn tapped his finger on the back of the door. ‘Who’s first on your list?’

  Ally’s face reddened as her gaze took in the map pinned to the door. ‘Um.’ Think, damn it, peanut brain. ‘Erika Teale.’

  She watched in fascination as Flynn’s finger swept across the map and stopped to tap at some point that made no sense whatsoever. Running her tongue over her lips, she tried to sound sane and sensible. ‘That’s next to the golf ranch.’ Too squeaky, but at least she’d got something out.

  He turned to stare at her. ‘Are you all right? Is map-reading not your forte?’

  ‘I’m better with drawing bloods.’ No one could read a map when Flynn was less than two feet away. Even a simple map like this one suddenly became too complex. Taking a step closer to the map—and Flynn—she leaned forwards to study the roads leading to Erika’s house. Truth was, despite moving from town to town every few weeks she’d never got the hang of maps. ‘So which side of the golf place is she on?’ Why did he have to smell so yummy?

  ‘What are you doing tonight?’

  Gulp. Nothing. Why? ‘Eating food and washing dirty clothes.’ Like there was a lot of those, but she had to sound busy. Saying ‘Nothing’ was pathetic.

  ‘Have dinner with me. We could go to the Italian café. It’s simple but the food’s delicious.’

  She gasped. Yes, her head screamed. I’d love to. Yes, yes, yes. ‘No, thanks,’ came from her mouth. Sanity had prevailed. Just. ‘You’re married.’

  Flynn’s mouth flattened, and his thumb on his right hand flicked the tell-tale gold band round and round on his finger. The light went out in his eyes. ‘I’m a widower. My wife died two years back.’

  Her shoulders dropped their indignant stance as his words sank in. ‘Oh.’ She was getting good at these inane comments. ‘I’m so sorry. That must be difficult for you and Adam. But he seems so happy, you must be a great father.’

  Shut up, dribble mouth.

  But he’s free, available.

  Yeah. I’m a cow.

  Guilt followed and she reached a hand to his arm, touched him lightly. ‘I don’t know what else to say. How do you manage?’ The way he looked at that moment, he’d be retracting his invitation any second.

  ‘Adam keeps me sane and on the straight and narrow. If it wasn’t for him, who knows what I might’ve done at the time?’ Sadness flicked across his face and then he looked directly at her and banished it with a smile. ‘For the record, you’re the first woman I’ve asked on a date in the last two years. The only woman I’ve looked at twice and even considered taking out.’ Then his smile faltered. ‘I guess it’s not much of an offer, going to the Italian café, considering what you must be used to in the city.’

  ‘Flynn, it’s not about where I go but who I go with. I’d love to try the local Italian with you.’ She meant every word. A wave of excitement rolled through her. A date—with this man—who set her trembling just by looking at her. What more could she want? Bring it on.

  ‘Then I’ll pick you up after I’ve put Adam to bed and got the babysitter settled. Probably near eight, if that’s all right?’ There was relief and excitement mingling in his expression, in those cobalt eyes locked on her, in the way he stood tall.

  She was struggling to keep up with all his emotions. ‘Perfect.’ She’d have time for a shower, to wash and blow-dry her hair, apply new make-up and generally tart herself up. Bring it on, she repeated silently.


  SOMEONE SHOULD’VE TOLD the pregnancy gods that Ally had a date and needed at the minimum an hour to get ready. Seems that memo had never gone out.

  As she slammed through the front door of the flat at seven forty-five, Ally was cursing, fit to turn the air blue. ‘Babies, love their wee souls, need to learn right from the get-go to hold off interrupting the well-laid plans of their midwife.’

  Baby Hill thought cranking up his mum’s blood pressure and making her ankles swell was a fun thing to do a couple of weeks out from his arrival. Pre-eclampsia ran through Vicky Hill’s family but she’d been distressed about having to go to hospital for an evaluation, and it had taken a while to calm her down. Jerome had finally talked to his patient and managed to get her on her way with her thankfully calm husband.

  Ally suspected some of Vicky’s worry was because she was dealing with a new midwife right on the day she needed Kat to be there for her. Ally had no problem with that. Being a midwife had a lot to do with good relationships and they weren’t formed easily with her, due to the come-and-go nature of her locum job.

  The shower hadn’t even fully warmed up when Ally leapt under the water. Goose bumps rose on her skin. Washing her hair was off the list. A hard brush to remove the kinks from the tie that kept it back all day would suffice. If there was time. She’d make time. After slipping on a black G-string, she snatched up a pair of black, body-hugging jeans to wriggle her way into. The lace push-up bra did wonders for her breasts and gave a great line to the red merino top she tugged over her head.

  The doorbell rang as she picked up the mascara wand. Flick, flick. Then a faster-than-planned brush of her hair and she was as ready as she was ever going to be.

  She might not have had all the time she’d wanted, but by the look on Flynn’s face she hadn’t done too badly. His Adam’s apple bobbed as his gaze cruised the length of her, making her feel happy with the hurried result.

  ‘Let’s go,’ he croaked.

  We could stay here and not bother with dinner. Or we can do both.

  She slammed the front door shut behind her and stepped down the path. ‘I’m starving.’ For food. For man. For fun.

  Flynn knew he should look away. Now. But how? His head had locked into place so that he stared at this amazing woman seated opposite him in the small cubicle they’d been shown to by the waiter. He hadn’t seen her with her hair down before. Shining light brown hair gleaming in the light from wall sconces beside their table and setting his body on fire. He desperately wanted to run his hands through those silky layers, and over it, and underneath at the back of her neck.

  ‘Excuse me, Dr Reynolds. Would you like to order wine with your meal?’

  Caught. Staring at his lady friend. Reluctantly looking up, he saw one of his young patients holding out the wine menu. ‘Hello, Jordan. How’s the rugby going? Got a game this weekend?’ He glanced down the blurred list of wines.

  ‘It’s high school reps this weekend. We’re going up to Melbourne on Thursday.’

  After checking with Ally about what she preferred, he ordered a bottle of Merlot, and told Jordan what meals they’d chosen. Then he leaned back and returned his attention to Ally, finding her watching him with a little smile curving that inviting mouth.

  ‘How often do you get out like this?’ she asked.

  ‘Never. When I go out it’s usually with people from work.’ Comfortable but not exhilarating.

  ‘Who’s looking after Adam tonight? Not Marie?’

  ‘No, she needs her baby sleep. Jerome’s daughter came round, bringing her homework with her.’ Better than having a boyfriend tag along, like the last girl he’d used when he’d had a meeting to attend. He’d sacked her because of that boyfriend distracting her so she hadn’t heard Adam crying.

  ‘So they know at work that you and I are o
ut together?’ Her eyes widened with caution.

  ‘There’s no point trying to be discreet on Phillip Island. Everyone knows everyone’s business all too quickly, even if you try to hide it.’

  The tip of her tongue licked the centre point of her top lip. In, out, in, out.

  Flynn suppressed a groan and tried to ignore the flare of need unfurling low down. What was it about this woman compared to any of the other hundreds he’d crossed paths with over the last two years that had him wanting her so much? Admittedly, for a good part of those years he’d been wound up in grief and guilt so, of course, he hadn’t been the slightest bit interested. His libido hadn’t been tweaked once. Yet in walks Ally Parker and, slam-bang, he could no longer think straight.

  The owner of the café brought their wine over and with a flourish poured a glass for Ally. ‘Signorina, welcome to the island. I am Giuseppe and this is my café. I am glad our favourite doctor has brought you here to enjoy our food.’

  Ally raised her glass to Giuseppe. ‘Thank you for your welcome. Is everyone on Phillip Island as kind as you and the medical centre staff?’

  ‘Si, everyone. You’ve come at the right time of year when there are very few tourists. Summer is much busier and no time for the small chat.’

  Finally Giuseppe got around to filling Flynn’s glass, and gave him a surreptitious wink as he set the bottle on the table. ‘Enjoy your evening, Doctor.’

  Cheeky old man. Flynn grinned despite himself. ‘I intend to.’

  Ally watched him walk away, a smile lighting her pretty face. ‘I could get to like this.’ Then the smile slipped. ‘But only for a month. Then I’ll have somewhere else nice and friendly to visit while I relieve yet another midwife.’

  He wanted to ask what compelled her to only take short-term contracts, but as he opened his mouth the thought of possibly spoiling what was potentially going to be a wonderful evening had him shutting up fast. Then their meals arrived and all questions evaporated in the hot scent of garlic and cream and tomatoes wafting between them.

  Ally sighed as she gazed at her dish. ‘Now, that looks like the perfect carbonara.’ This time her tongue slid across first her bottom lip and then the top one. What else could she do with that tongue? Lifting her eyes, she studied his pizza. ‘That looks delicious, too.’

  ‘I know it will be.’ The best pizzas he’d ever tasted had been made right here. ‘One day I’ll get to trying a pasta dish, but I can’t get past the pizzas.’

  Sipping her wine, Ally smiled directly at him. ‘Thank you for bringing me here.’

  ‘It’s the best idea I’ve had in a long time.’ Had he really just said that? Yes, and why not? It was only the truth. Picking up a wedge of pizza, he held it out to her. ‘Try that.’

  Her teeth were white and perfect. She bit into the wedge and sat back to savour the flavours of tomato and basil that would be exploding in her mouth. As he watched her enjoyment, he took a bite. Ally closed her eyes and smiled as she chewed. ‘How do you do that?’ he asked.

  She swallowed and her eyelids lifted. ‘Here, you must try this.’ She twirled her fork in her pasta and leaned close to place it in his mouth.

  The scent of hot food and Ally mingled, teasing him as he took her offering. The tastes of bacon and cream burst across his tongue. ‘Divine.’ Though he suspected cardboard would taste just as good right now.

  They shared another wedge of pizza. Then Ally put her hands around her plate. ‘Not sharing any more.’

  Moments later she raised her glass to smile over the rim at him and let those sultry eyes study him.

  Flynn sneaked his fork onto her plate and helped himself. ‘You think you’re keeping this to yourself?’ Not that his stomach was in the mood for more food while she was looking at him like he was sexy. He felt alive and on top of his game, very different from his usual sad and exhausted state.

  Her tongue ran around the edge of her glass, sending desire firing through his body heading straight for his manhood. Pow. ‘You’re flirting with me, Miss Ally.’

  ‘Yes.’ Her tongue lapped at her wine, sending his hormones into overdrive.

  He placed the fork, still laden with carbonara, on his plate. ‘Come here,’ he growled. ‘I’ve wanted to do this for two whole days.’

  He placed his fingers on her cheeks to draw her closer. Pressing his mouth to her lips, all he was aware of was this amazing woman and the taste, the feel, the heat of her.

  Finally, some time later—minutes or hours?—Flynn led Ally outside, only vaguely aware they’d eaten tiramisu for dessert, and hoped he’d had enough smarts to pay the bill before leaving. No worry, Giuseppe knew where to find him. In one hand he held the wine bottle, still half-full, while his other arm wrapped around Ally’s waist as she leaned in close, her head on his shoulder, her arm around him with her hand in his pocket, stroking his hip, stroking, stroking.

  Forget the car. He led her across the road and down to the beach. It was cold, but he was hot. They didn’t talk, and the moment they were out of sight of the few people out on the road, Ally turned into him, pressing her body hard against his. Her hands linked at the back of his neck and she tugged his mouth down to hers.

  The bottle dropped to the sand as he slid his hands under her top. Her skin was satin, hot satin. Splaying his fingers, he smoothed his hands back and forth, touching more of her, while his mouth tasted her, his tongue dancing around hers. He wanted her. Now.

  ‘Ally?’ he managed to groan out between kisses.

  Between their crushed-together bodies she slipped a hand to his trousers, tugged his zip down. The breath caught in his throat as her fingers wrapped around him.

  ‘Ally.’ This time there was no question in his mind.

  She rubbed him, up, down. Up, down.

  Reaching for her jeans, he pushed and pulled until he had access to her, trying—and nearly failing—to remain focused on giving her pleasure. She was wet to his touch, moaning as his fingers touched her, and she came almost instantly, crying out as she rocked against his hand. Her hand squeezed him, eased, squeezed again, and his release came quickly.

  Too quickly. ‘Can we do that again?’ he murmured against that soft hair.

  Ally had wrapped herself against him, her arms under his jacket, her breaths sharp against his chest. Her head moved up and down. ‘Definitely.’

  ‘Come on, we’ll go home.’

  Her head lifted. ‘You’ve got a babysitter. We could go to the flat.’

  His lips traced a kiss across her forehead and down her cheek. ‘Are you always so sensible?’ He’d fried any brain matter he had. ‘Good thinking.’

  ‘What are we waiting for?’ Ally spun around and took his hand to drag him back up the beach to his car.

  The flat was less than five minutes away. Thank goodness. He didn’t know how he’d manage to keep two hands on the steering wheel for that long, let alone actually function well enough to drive.

  The moment she shut the front door behind them Ally grabbed Flynn’s hand and almost ran to the bedroom. That had been amazing on the beach, but it was only a taste of what she knew they could have. It had been nowhere near enough.

  She laughed out loud. ‘I want to wrap myself around you.’ She began tearing clothes off. Flynn’s and hers. ‘I want to get naked and up close with you.’

  ‘Stop.’ It was a command.

  And she obeyed. ‘Yes?’

  ‘Those knickers. Don’t take them off. Not yet.’

  So he was into G-strings. She turned and saucily moved her derrière, then slowly lifted her top up to her breasts, oh, so slowly over them, and finally above her head, tossing it into the corner.

  Then turned around, reaching behind her to unclasp her bra. Flynn’s eyes followed every move. When she shrugged out of the lace creation, his hands rose to her breasts, ever so lightly brushing across her nipples and sending swirls of need zipping through her. Once had definitely not been enough with this man.

  Twice probably wouldn’t be, eith
er. This was already cranking up to be a fling of monumental proportions. Her time on Phillip Island had just got a whole lot more interesting and exciting. ‘Flynn.’ His name fell as a groan between them.

  As he leaned over to take her nipple in his mouth he smiled. A smile full of wonder and longing. A smile that wound around her heart.

  Back off. Now. Your heart never gets involved. Back off. Remember who, what you are. A nomad, soon to be on the road again. Remember. You take no passengers.

  Flynn softly bit her breast, sending rationale out the window. Her hands gripped his head to keep his mouth exactly where it was. His hands cupped her backside. Tipping her head back so her hair fell down her back, Ally went with the overwhelming need crawling through her, filling every place, warming every muscle until she quivered with such desire she thought she’d explode.

  Flynn’s mouth traced kisses up her throat, then began a long, exploratory trip downward. Back to her breasts, then her stomach and beyond. It was impossible to keep up with him, to savour each and every stroke. They all melted into one, and when her legs trembled so much she could barely stand, Flynn gently guided her onto the bed, where he joined her, his erection throbbing when she placed her hand around him and brought him to where she throbbed for him.

  Ally rolled over and groaned. Is there any part of me that doesn’t ache? A delicious, morning-after-mind-blowing-sex ache that pulled the energy out of her and left her feeling relaxed and unwilling to get up to face the day.

  She was expected at work by eight thirty. Yeah, tell that to someone who cares. But she dragged herself upright and stared around. The bed was a shambles, with the sheets twisted, the cover skew-whiff and the pillows on the floor.

  What a night. Really only for an hour, but for once she doubted she could’ve gone all night. Not with Flynn. He took it out of her, he was so good.

  The phone rang. It wasn’t on her bedside table or on the floor next to the bed. But it did sound as though it was in this room. She tossed the cover aside, shivering as winter air hit her bare skin. Lifting the sheets and pillows, she found her jeans, but not what she was looking for. ‘Don’t hang up.’ What if it was one of her mothers having contractions? ‘Where is the blasted phone?’


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