
Home > Romance > Unpredictable > Page 14
Unpredictable Page 14

by C. A. Harms


  Quinn spent the night in my arms. After she called her dad, we went to bed and just held one another. She needed something solid and I just needed to hold her. I spent half the night staring up at the ceiling, listening to her soft snoring. It was hard to accept the fact that I couldn’t fix this. I couldn’t do a damn thing to help heal her wounded heart, and that fact ate away at me.

  The sunlight peeking in through the blinds heated my back, waking me from a restless night. Quinn was curled into my chest, her hand resting over my heart. I could tell by the heaviness of her body that she was still in a deep sleep. For a moment I thought about letting her rest. I knew she was exhausted. The dark circles around her eyes showed that she had not been sleeping lately.

  But I knew she wouldn’t want to miss time she could have with her mom, so after a few more moments I carefully shook her. She groaned and rolled over, now lying flat on her back next to me. I toyed with the idea of tickling her until she woke, but then she peeked at me through one barely opened eye and observed me, as if she knew what I had planned.

  “Don’t even think about it, Jameson,” she stated.

  A deep chuckle erupted from my throat as I dove at her and tickled her sides.

  Quinn squirmed from side to side, kicking her legs in protest. “Oh stop, please. Stop! Please, Jett, no,” she laughed, squealing in between heaving breaths.

  I crawled over her body, placing my legs on each side of her hips. Pinning her arms above her head with one hand as I continued to tickle her sides.

  “I can’t breathe, you beast. Let me go.” Her laughter filled the room.

  “I’ve missed you,” I said as I stilled my hand at her side. Her gaze immediately focused on me. “I’d started to believe that I lost you. That I pushed away the best thing in my life.”

  I released her hands and lowered my body over hers, bringing our mouths only inches apart. “I’m the one who’s sorry, Quinn. I never should have questioned what I already knew. I know you wouldn’t have willingly pawned your necklace.” I was bringing up the topic we had yet to discuss. I told myself I would wait, but I couldn’t. It still sat heavily on my mind, and I wanted her to know I believed her.

  “I didn’t mean anything by what I said to Callie. I don’t think of her that way.”

  She placed her finger over my lips and scanned my face with her beautiful, big brown eyes. “I know. Callie left me a million different messages.” She smiled up at me. “I know you wouldn’t hurt me like that.”

  “Never,” I assured her, her finger still pressed against my lips.

  “My mom pawned it,” she said, averting her eyes. “I still haven’t said anything to her about it.”

  “Don’t,” I replied. Her confused expression questioned me. I stretched my body over hers and reached in to the nightstand drawer. After pulling out the item in the corner, I brought my body back to hers.

  Quinn’s focus zeroed in on the bag I held between us. “Here,” I said as I tipped the envelope up. The contents slowly slid out and landed in her outstretched palm.

  She gasped. “My necklace. How did you get it back?”

  “I doesn’t matter. It’s where it belongs now,” I replied. “No reason to bring up the past to your mom. Let it go.”

  I watched her throat bob as she swallowed back her emotions. Wrapping her hand around the necklace, she wrapped her arm around the back of my neck and pulled my body down to hers. Quinn curled her legs around me and burrowed her heels into my lower back as she pulled at the hair along the nape of my neck.

  “I’ve missed you too, so much,” she said. “I’ve missed your comfort and how safe you make me feel.” She raised her head, and her lips met mine. A deep moan rumbled in my chest when she trailed her tongue along my lip.

  A week’s worth of longing took over as I felt the need in my girl’s touch. She wanted me, she craved me as much as I did her. There was no mistaking what our bodies craved—warmth and comfort in each other.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  “Are you sure he knows how to get here?” my dad asked as he looked out the front window once again. From his actions, you would think he was more nervous than I was for Jett to arrive. He had gone to the window at least half a dozen times in the last fifteen minutes.

  “He had to go to the restaurant first, then he was coming here. He’ll find it, Dad, it isn’t that hard. I mean, come on, there are only two other houses on this road.” I laughed when he narrowed his eyes at me. “Are you worried he won’t like your outfit, or maybe your shoes?” I giggled behind my hand when he rolled his eyes at me in response.

  “Okay, smartass,” he grumbled as he walked toward the kitchen. My comments even earned a laugh from my mother. A light, weak laugh, but a laugh nonetheless. These days I would take all I could.

  I sat down on the floor in front of the couch, silently watching my mother as she began to fall back to sleep. I gently rubbed the top of her hand as it hung over the edge of the chair arm.

  “That feels nice, baby girl,” she whispered. Her ragged breath slowly grew heavier, turning into a soft snore, a sound I had grown to love over the last week and a half. It was soothing, and I relished how calm it made me feel.

  Her body jumped along with mine at the sound of the doorbell. I remained completely still, willing her to relax once more. I could hear my dad talking to Jett, their voices growing louder as they approached the living room.

  “I found this guy on the front porch. Says he’s looking for my smartass daughter.” My dad smiled at me from over Jett’s shoulder.

  “It’s a good thing you’re here. Eager Edgar over there was about to wear a hole in the floor,” I said. Jett grinned over his shoulder at my dad before he looked back at me.

  I watched as his gaze roamed over my mother and slowly fell back to mine. “She hasn’t been asleep long, but she wakes often,” I said in the lowest voice I could offer.

  “Mm,” my mother cooed. “That boy smells good, Quinny. I can smell him from across the room. Maybe I should borrow him for a bit, he may be my cure.” Jett’s cheeks reddened.

  “Not funny, Mom,” I chastised her.

  Her eyes opened and she smiled up at me. “Baby, I need to smile and laugh about this. I can’t sit around and wait for the inevitable, silently counting the seconds as they tick away.” Her gaze shifted over to Jett. “Well, well, aren’t you a handsome devil. It’s no wonder Quinn has a glow. Boy, you could light up any girl’s world.” She fanned herself as if she’d suddenly grown overheated.

  I hung my head and buried my face in my hands. I guess I shouldn’t worry about him. After all, he’d grown up with Harper and her inability to control whatever crossed her mind. My mother was light compared to her.

  Jett took a seat on the floor beside me. Seeing his large frame as he tucked his feet beneath himself was almost comical. Poor guy looked uncomfortable. Before I could say a word he kneeled forward and placed a soft kiss on to my mother’s cheek. Leaning back, he smiled back at her. “It’s Quinn who lights up my world, Ms. Tucker.

  “Abby,” she whispered. “Call me Abby.”

  And just like that they had become friends. I don’t mean they had a friendly conversation. No, I mean they became friends. It was like they had known one another for years. They joked and laughed. Even my dad joined in. I sat back watching the three of them interact.

  At one point Jett looked over at me and winked before turning his full attention back to my mom.

  At that moment I fell in love with him just a little more. He knew what she had put me through over the years. He also knew she had taken a special gift he had given me and sold it for more alcohol. Yet he treated her as if she was the most delicate and sweet woman he had ever met.

  This was one of those moments I had longed for, one I could hold dear for years to come. The mother I wanted so desperately but who was always just out of reach. He gave me a glimpse into the heart of the woman I always knew she could be.<
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  Jett stayed for dinner. Afterward, he hung out with my mom while my father and I cleaned up the kitchen. They watched a couple reruns of some sitcom, their laughter spilling in through the kitchen.

  Just as we finished up and the last dish was put away, I turned toward the living room. The television had been turned down, and I could hear my mother’s soft whisper.

  “Promise me you’ll stay by her side,” she said. “I don’t want her to go through this alone. She has her father, and I am grateful for the bond they have begun to develop, but you…” She paused. “You’ll be the one she needs to keep her afloat. I see the way she watches you, the way she smiles at you when you’re not looking. I used to look at her father that way. That connection, it’s once in a lifetime. Don’t let go, Jett.”

  I looked back at my father as he stood just behind me. He placed his hand on my shoulder and squeezed softly.

  “Nothing could keep me away, Abby. I love your daughter very much,” Jett said.

  “I know you do,” she said in return. “That’s why you are gonna take her home with you tonight.” Jett chuckled and she laughed in return. “I mean it. She needs to get out of this house. She needs a break from here and from me. You take her home with you and help her forget, just for a short while.” She paused. “What are you smiling about? I know a night with you would surely have her mind on things other than her mom. Hell, you’ve only been here a few hours and I almost forgot I was sick.”

  I rolled my eyes at her shamelessly flirting with my boyfriend. She was having a good time ogling my guy.

  My father’s response was a deep chuckle. “You heard her, sweetheart, go on. Get out of here for the night. I’ll call you if need be, but things will be fine.”

  I hesitated and he smiled. He placed one hand on each side of my face and brought my attention to him. “Get out of here,” he said before leaning in and kissing my forehead.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine


  “Have I told you how perfect you are?” Quinn asked as she backed her way into my kitchen. I tossed my keys onto the counter and stalked toward her.

  I shook my head, staring directly at her. “Well, you are,” she replied. “The way you were with my mom, I’m pretty sure she has a crush on you.”

  I chuckled as I reached out for her and gripped her hips. I backed her up against the counter and pinned her with my body.

  “Have I told you how sexy you are?” I asked. She shook her head, mocking my earlier response. “Do you wanna go swimming?” I whispered as I kissed along her neck.

  “I don’t have a suit,” she replied breathlessly.

  Smiling against her neck, I nipped at her ear. “With what I have in mind, you don’t need one,” I assured her. “It would just get in my way.”

  “Really?” she taunted. “What exactly do you have strolling through that mind of yours?”

  I could tell by the way her breathing had sped up and her body sagged against mine that she was turned on.

  “I was thinking we could slip into the hot tub.” I flicked my tongue along her collarbone. A soft whimper fell from her lips, making my dick twitch in response.

  “Where I could slowly and very diligently kiss and devour you.” Another moan as her held fell back, opening her neck to my assault. Sucking along the exposed skin, I kissed her jawline.

  “Then when I have you at the point where you feel like you might burst from the need for me, I’ll bury myself inside your warm body. How’s that sound?” I asked.

  “You had me at hot tub,” she panted.

  I took her hand and led her out onto the patio. I turned off the back light and began slowly unbuttoning her shorts. The second we were submerged in the water, we were all hands, our slick skin gliding along one another’s, leaving nothing untouched.

  Pulling her onto my lap, I reached between us and slipped a finger inside her. She moaned, throwing her head back. In that moment I no longer cared if a neighbor heard us. My thoughts were filled with Quinn and nothing more.

  I removed my hand and she whimpered at its absence. “Patience, baby, I got something better,” I assured her. I positioned my cock beneath her and nudged against her.

  With her hands on my shoulders, she slowly began lowering herself over me, inch by inch. Digging my heels into the floor of the hot tub, I took a moment to calm myself. I didn’t want this to be over before we even really got started.

  She rocked her hips against me and I gripped her waist tightly and slid my hands around her waist. “Slow, I need slow,” I pleaded.

  I released her hips and she followed my request. Within a few minutes her speed began to increase, and once again my body wavered. I felt like a teenager with my lack of control. I wanted to break lose and fuck her, yet I knew I was on the edge.

  I lifted her, and at the loss of contact she protested, trying to take my dick into her hand. “Turn around, lean over the side,” I directed her. Her face lit up the moment my order registered. She loved when I took her from behind. My girl had a dirty side.

  “Arch it up, baby,” I growled. She parted her legs and did as I asked.

  Sinking back inside her, I then began moving at a steady pace. I wanted to be in the driver’s seat. I needed it. The sound of our bodies slapping together mixed with our moans fueled me. I thrust into her harder and faster, slamming her body against mine, holding her slim hips tight.

  “Yes, Jett,” she moaned. “I’m so close.”

  She had no idea how close I was myself. Her walls twitched around me, and I picked up speed, grinding my hips against her with each thrust.

  “Come on, baby, give it to me,” I groaned through gritted teeth. “Oh yeah, there ya go,” I coached her along. “Let me have it, Quinn, all of it.”

  She pushed back against me, riding out the orgasm ripping through her. I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her back, taking her mouth. I pumped upward, slamming into her over and over. The aftereffects of her orgasm caused her slick walls to twitch around my aching cock.

  My legs began to shake and heat filled my stomach, rushing through me. Thrusting upward one last time, I emptied myself deep inside her willing body, claiming what I already knew was mine. There was nothing in this world that would ever dull this ache I had for her. She was my girl, my woman, my future.

  Chapter Forty


  “Okay, what kind do you want? Rocky road, chocolate chip?” I flipped my keys around in my hand.

  It had been two weeks since Jett met my mom, and every day since then he’d stopped by. Even if it was just to bring us a coffee or donuts, he came. My mother couldn’t stop talking about him—oh, and how great he smelled. She swore she had never smelled anything quite as yummy as Jett. I had to agree, but I sat back and let her have that one. It kept her spunky and smiling, which in turn made me smile too.

  Today she looked weak, and her weight had been dropping over the last week. The last visit to the doctor was the same thing—more meds and instruction on keeping her comfortable.

  “I’m thinking cookie dough,” I said as I knelt down next to her. “What do you think, Mom?”

  Her tired eyes looked back at me, almost as if they were empty, void of any strength. “Surprise me, baby girl. They all sound great, you choose,” she replied, patting my hand with little to no strength.

  “Okay.” I smiled back at her. “You take a little nap and I’ll make a quick run to the store. I’ll grab one of each and we can eat straight from the cartons.” My dad chuckled from his spot at her feet. “If the old man down there doesn’t like the idea of that, then he can sit back and wish he had some.” I playfully stuck my tongue out at him, and he attempted to grab at it.

  The time here at my dad’s had been good for him and me. We had developed a playful closeness that has really kept me going. My father is a loving, kindhearted man. He wouldn’t admit it, but I knew the truth.

  A soft laugh flowed from my mother. “You better watch thi
s one, Beau. She’s feisty.”

  I kissed her forehead and stood from the floor. She didn’t release her hold on me, so I knelt down once more. Her eyes fluttered as she fought to keep them open.

  “I love you, Quinny. I have never in my life ever loved anything more. You were my angel baby, my gift. I have always been proud of you. Your heart is gold, baby, one of a kind.” Weakly she continued. “You go get that ice cream. Butter pecan was always my favorite. Grandma used to share hers with me when I was younger. I think she would like some butter pecan.”

  Her last comment left me just a little confused, but I brushed it off. She was exhausted and needed some rest. I looked up and smiled at my dad, but I could tell something had shifted in the air.

  “I’ll be back soon, Mom,” I whispered against her forehead before kissing her one last time.


  I pulled out of the driveway and had gotten about fifteen minutes from the house when a strong sense of loss hit me. I pulled over along the shoulder and scrambled for my phone. Frantically, I dialed my father’s number and waited as it rang and rang, my heart aching more and more with each unanswered ring. I tossed my phone onto the passenger seat when it went to voice mail for the third time.

  I placed the car in drive once more and pulled out, doing a U-turn in the middle of the road. I floored my pedal, heading in the direction of the house.

  The second I threw the car in to park, I rushed toward the door and flung it open. Rounding the corner of the kitchen into the living room, I collided against my father’s chest. His body shielded me from my mother.

  I tried over and over to look around him, but he only held me tighter to his chest. I hadn’t even realized I was crying, sobbing against him, fighting to be released.

  “She’s gone, Quinn,” he choked out. “She’s gone, baby girl.”


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