Good Girls Do It Well (A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance)

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Good Girls Do It Well (A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance) Page 7

by Michelle, Aubrey

  Outside the gate, I had no idea where I should be going. There weren’t any houses around and he lived far from any type of businesses. His entire estate was surrounded by park-like areas. They may have actually still been a part of his property but I had no way to know for sure. Still crying, I made my way into the park that was straight ahead of me. On an average night, I would have thought that it was beautiful with the way the moonlight shone through the trees. Rather than taking in the sights, I suddenly realized that I had left my coat in his house and was freezing. I can’t believe I forgot it but was glad I had enough sense to grab my purse on the way out.

  When I thought I was far enough away from his house, I found a bench and sat down. It was so cold that I could see my breath in front of me every time I exhaled. I wrapped my arms around myself as I shivered to try to retain as much of my body heat as I could. The fact that I was so cold pissed me off. My sister convinced me to dress in the tiny dress and I was paying the price for it. Shaking, I opened my purse and started searching through it to find my cell phone so I could call for a ride home. I let out an audible scream when I looked up and Christian seemed to appear out of nowhere. As I jumped, my phone went flying into the air, saved from destruction when he reached out and grabbed it before it could hit the ground.

  “Christian, just leave me alone. I don’t have anything to say to you and I sure as hell don’t want to hear anything you have to say to me.”

  “Please Sarabelle, just listen to me for a minute. It’s not what you think.”

  “It’s not what I think? How did I know you were going to say that? Of course you would say that. What else could you possibly say to try to save some kind of face? Look, I realize I was an idiot for falling for your tricks but I’m done. There’s no way you’re going to be able to con your way into my pants no matter what you do so save whatever bullshit excuse you’re going to try to throw my way. Besides, it looked to me like there was a half-naked woman inside your house. I don’t think that could look like anything else. How are you going to tell me it wasn’t what it looked like?”

  “Okay, so there was a half-naked woman in my house. I guess that part was exactly what it looked like.”

  “See? What kind of stupid bimbo do you take me for? I can’t believe you would bring me to your house when you already have a woman there. What were you hoping to accomplish? What kind of sick, twisted fantasies were you expecting to play out?”

  “Oh boy,” I ran my hand through my hair. “Calm down. You really need to listen to me for a minute. Yes, there was a half-naked woman in my house. The thing is, that half-naked woman is my sister and I had no clue she was going to be here. Had I known, I would never have brought you back here.”

  “Your sister? So you’re telling me that was one of your sweet sisters that you’ve been going on and on about all night? Why would your sister be in your house dressed like that? She was wearing what looked like one of your shirts.”

  “Yeah, well apparently she decided to get into my wine and my closet before I got home and helped herself a little too much. I’m not sure what to do with her.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, she is only sixteen years old. I only got to hear a little bit of what was going on before I noticed you were gone. From what I could understand through her slurred speech, she got into a fight with my older sister over something stupid and decided to run away and come to my place. I’m not sure what I should do. I know my mom is going to be worried about her soon when she doesn’t come home but I also know my sister will be in a lot of trouble if my mom finds out she’s been drinking. Hell, I’ll be in a lot of trouble if she finds out my sister was drinking at my house. It won’t matter that I wasn’t home. I’ll get lectured about keeping my alcohol locked away so things like this don’t happen.”

  Suddenly, I was feeling very self-conscious and completely embarrassed by the way I had just acted. Maybe I should have given him the chance to explain himself but I am pretty sure there isn’t a woman in the world who wouldn’t have come to the same conclusion I did if they were to see a woman dressed like that coming out of a guy’s bedroom. Even though I felt guilty for jumping to conclusions, I wanted to help him and help his sister.

  “Why don’t you call your mom and let her know that your sister is here. Tell her about the fight they had, if she doesn’t already know, and leave out the part about her drinking. Tell her that she’s going to spend the night with you and will be home tomorrow after she calms down. That will give your sister the chance to sober up and give her some time to chill out. It will also prevent your mom from finding out that she was drinking your booze.”

  “Yeah, that’s a good idea. When I get inside, I’ll tell my sister to keep quiet and I’ll give my mom a call. Maybe I’ll even talk to my older sister and find out exactly what happened. Hopefully, I can smooth things over a bit so they can hash things out tomorrow.”

  I stood up off the bench and started walking over to Christian. Even though I had every right to feel the way I did, I was embarrassed about the way I had reacted and wanted to apologize.

  “Listen, I’m really sorry for running off like that,” I began. “I’ve been hurt so many times in the past and you don’t exactly have the best reputation when it comes to women. I hope you can forgive me.”

  “Forgive you? You don’t even have to apologize to me. I know exactly what it looked like and I can’t think of another woman in the world who wouldn’t have reacted the exact same way you did. There is nothing to forgive you for. How about you give me a hug and we’ll call it even?”

  That sounded good as cold as I was. He opened his arms and I pressed my body against his. With his arms wrapped around me, I could feel his warmth, which was a welcome contrast to how cold I was. His embrace was sweet and had a comforting feel to it. He didn’t let go and I didn’t want him to. I was going to let him hold me for as long as he wanted. I felt butterflies in my stomach as I felt him kiss the top of my head. I don’t know what came over me but I raised my head towards his and leaned in for a kiss. Before I knew it, he was bending down to kiss my plump, willing lips. I wasn’t sure what I was feeling as we shared our first kiss but it was unexpected and not at all bad. What am I getting myself into?



  The evening was turning out much differently than I had anticipated. What was initially turning out to be one of the best dates I’d ever been on had quickly deteriorated to one of the worst. The thing that sucked the most about it was the fact that it was by no doing of my own. Believe me, I’ve ruined plenty of dates on my own but none of them were any significant loss. Most of them consisted of me trying to get my dick wet and the girl deciding at the last minute not to go through with it. Those situations were easy to deal with. The girl just had to get the fuck out of my place and was replaced by a new woman within the hour. My night with Sarabelle had been different. This was the first date in a long time that I really wanted to work. Why I wanted it to work so bad was still a question in my own mind, but all I wanted was for things to go well with her. Originally, it would have been a major victory and stroke to my ego to get her into bed. Somewhere along the way, though, I started to feel a connection to her and that was some scary shit because there was only room in my heart for the three women already in my life. A woman capture Christian Wilde’s heart? Not in a million years, but something about Sarabelle enthralled me.

  Feelings? What in the hell are those? I’ve never been one to catch feelings. On the rare occasion that I thought feelings may be starting to develop between me and someone else, I backed off quickly and brushed them to the side. There wasn’t time for feelings in my life. Whenever I met a woman, there were only three things for me to do: get in, get off, and get out. Did that piss off a lot of women? Yeah, it sure did. That wasn’t my problem. I was getting what I wanted and, at the time, what I wanted was the only thing that mattered.

  Let’s be honest here. When it comes to women, I�
��ve always been a dick. The thing is, being a dick is nothing that I’ve ever been ashamed of. It’s just who I was and it was what almost everyone expected from me. Sarabelle was doing something to me. She was stirring up all these feelings inside of me that I had no clue existed. Suddenly, the thought of getting the good girl into my room and fucking her brains out was a complete afterthought. That’s not to say I still didn’t want to make that happen but there was more to it this time. This was the first time in as long as I can remember when I could honestly say I liked the girl I was pursuing. So much so that when we kissed, I got all of those warm and fuzzy feelings. I always thought those feelings were bullshit, but there I was, feeling every single one of them.

  “I can’t believe I kissed Christian Wilde,” she whispered into my ear.

  “I can’t believe I kissed Sarabelle Williams,” I replied.

  I released her from my embrace and held her at arm’s length, staring into her eyes. She had a slight smile on her face but she was being cautious as well. I can’t say that I blamed her. I’d be wary of a guy like me too. Maybe she has found a side of me that no one knew existed, or maybe not. All I knew was that if I wanted to be with this girl, I was going to have to change my ways and change them quickly. As I stood in the middle of the park staring at her face, longing for another kiss from her, I noticed that she was shivering.

  “You must be freezing,” I said. “Why don’t you come back my house with me and get out of the cold? I promise no more surprises are waiting for you up there.”

  She thought about it for a minute before nodding in agreement. Even as cold as it was outside, I was still a bit surprised when she agreed to come back in with me. She had been through so much dumb shit with me that I doubted I’d ever see her inside my place again. The fact that she was coming back so quickly was a little bit of a shock to me. I figured she had already written me off.

  I pulled her close to me and wrapped my arm around her the best I could as we started walking back to my house. The temperature had dropped significantly in the previous few hours and it was all I could to keep her warm.

  The walk back to my house seemed to take forever. On an ordinary night where we would both have bundled up, it would have been easy to walk together and enjoy the winter sights and smells. I’ve always loved watching the skies turn gray before an intense winter storm or enjoying the scent of the cold air just before it snows. Maybe we would enjoy those things together at some point but that was not going to be the night. The only thing I wanted to do was get her back to my place and warm her up before she suffered from hypothermia.

  Once we finally got back to my house, I had her sit down on the couch while I went into my room to grab the thickest, warmest, fuzziest blanket I could find. My sister was passed out face-down on my bed so she wouldn’t be bothering us anymore that evening. Once I found a warm, soft blanket, I went back into the living room and wrapped it tightly around her. Even with the blanket wrapped around her, she continued to shake so I tossed a few logs into the fireplace to start a fire. Even though I haven’t used the fireplace much, I’ve had the chimney cleaned every year and make sure to always have a half-cord of heavily seasoned wood stacked up and ready to use. Eventually, after several minutes of trying, I was able to get the fire started.

  Even under the warm blanket in front of the fireplace, it looked like she was still freezing to death as she shivered relentlessly.

  “Why don’t you bring your blanket and come down here on the floor. Sitting close to the fire should help warm you right up.”

  I expected some resistance or, at the very least, a little hesitation. Instead, she wrapped the blanket around her tightly, got up off the couch and slid down onto the floor next to me. You could almost see her body thawing out as the orange flames flickered and popped. Slowly, I saw her body start to relax as she began to get more comfortable while the warmth took over her body.

  As she sat in front of the fire, we looked into each other’s eyes but neither of us said a word. Typically, having someone staring at me without talking would make me uncomfortable but not with her. Eventually, she unwrapped the blanket from around her and leaned back onto her elbows. She turned her face toward the fire before leaning her head back, letting the warmth cover her cheeks.

  I went into the kitchen to grab the wine I had poured for us earlier but all I found was two empty glasses. Apparently my sister had taken care of them for us. I poured us each a fresh glass and made my way back into the living room. As I handed Sarabelle her wine, she looked up at me and smiled. She looked stunning with her eyes sparkling and that cute little dimple showing up on her right cheek. I took a seat next to her on the floor and we talked about nothing in particular. We just hung out getting to know each other a little better.

  While it felt like we had only been talking for minutes, the next time I looked at the clock, I realized that nearly two hours had passed. I was going to offer to take her home when she did something entirely unexpected. She leaned up, wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me.

  Holding her face, I kissed her back as our lips lingered on one anothers. My cock jerked and I wanted to grab a handful of her breasts or reach under her dress and slide her panties off but I didn’t. If she were any other girl, I would have but not with her. There was something special between us and I wasn’t about to ruin it by making a move much too early. I put those thoughts out of my mind the best I could and kissed her back even more passionately. She caught me off-guard when she leaned into my ear and started whispering to me.

  “Christian, I want you. I want you right now.”

  I know she can’t be serious. I don’t know if it was the wine talking or if she was beginning to develop feelings for me, but it caught me off guard. I wasn’t sure what to do. On one hand, I didn’t feel like she was truly ready to give herself to me. On the contrary, she is gorgeous and sexy. She’d be hard pressed to find a man who would say no to her once she announced that she wanted him. My conscious was getting the best of me. What was I supposed to do?



  There was so much going on in my head. I was dealing with so many feelings that I’d never felt before. It would have been easy to get overwhelmed but somehow, that wasn’t happening to me. My mind was much clearer than it has ever been. I was in the moment but it wasn’t having any effect on me. I knew what I wanted and it was Christian. It didn’t matter that he was someone I never thought I would be with. The fact that I thought he was basically the scum of the earth just weeks prior no longer mattered because he was allowing me to see a side of himself that I’m pretty sure nobody has seen and if anyone had, it had been a while.

  We continued to kiss for a very long time. With no sexual experience to speak of, kissing has always been what I’ve used to show affection. I was impressed by how good of a kisser Christian was. It made me want him that much more. Eventually, we had to come up for air so we broke away from each other and laid down on the floor. I rested my head on his shoulder and let out a happy sigh. He stretched his arm outward and cradled me.

  “I can’t believe I’m here. I can’t believe we’re doing this together. I never dreamed in a million years that I’d be here with you.”

  He kissed me on the top of my head and I could feel my heart melt. “I know what you mean. I can’t believe we’re laying here either. I just want you to know that I’m glad you’re here. I’ll be honest with you. When we first met, all I wanted to do was get you into bed and send you on your way. Something changed and I started developing feelings for you. Strong feelings. I’m glad things are working out this way. I feel like I need you in my life.”

  “Really? How do I know you’re not feeding me more lines?”

  “You don’t, but I’m not. I may have told many women lots of things to get them into my bed, but that’s not what I’m doing here. This is different. I don’t know how else to explain it but this is different.”

  Those were exactly the words that I
was hoping to hear. I leaned over to him and started to kiss all over his neck. I flicked his earlobe and started nibbling on it, causing him to suck in a sharp breath. Rising up to my knees, I made my way in front of him and straddled myself onto his lap. As I ran my hands along his shoulders and neck, I kissed him passionately, allowing my tongue to explore his mouth.

  As we kissed, his hands began making their way across my body. Eventually, they found my breasts through my dress and he started to rub and squeeze them lightly as he returned my kiss. Since I was down on my knees, my dress was already slightly raised. He used his hands to push it the rest of the way up to my waist.

  I moved my hands across his chest and down to his stomach before slipping them under his blue polo shirt. I loved the feeling of his muscles under my soft touch. Slowly, I pushed his shirt up, exposing the muscles I was just touching. He broke away from our kiss just long enough to pull his shirt up over his head and toss it to the other side of the room.


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