Big Package_A Dark Vixens Novella

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Big Package_A Dark Vixens Novella Page 58

by Vivien Vale

  That's a perk of working with your best friend. Like I said, it's fun around here.

  "Earl Grey or green tea?" she asks.

  "Um, let's go with Earl Grey. It sounds like the perfect thing to perk me up for the rest of the day."

  She makes her way to the little kitchen I have in my office and prepares some boiling water.

  "So," she says over her shoulder, "how was the other night with Liam? You haven't even mentioned it."

  I try to act coy but she knows everything about me. I might as well just tell her the truth.

  "You want the truth? He was amazing."

  "Amazing, huh? I wouldn't have expected anything less from a man with that kind of reputation," she says dryly.

  She brings the tea tray over to the little seating area in my office and we relax.

  "Well," I begin, "don't think that I don't know what I got myself into. I know he's not gonna date me. I know it was probably a one-night thing."

  "Yeah," she says. "You don't do one-night stands so I was wondering what happened."

  I want to say that I feel shame but I don't. I don't regret a single thing that happened with Liam. It was totally worth it.

  I think of his rock hard abs and the incredible "V" that leads down to his massive cock. It's enough to get me off in my fantasies for the next year.

  I sit back into the plush chair with my hot tea and say, "I broke my rules for him, Charlotte. And it was worth it. He is seriously amazing in bed. I must've come like 1 million times."

  Charlotte bursts into laughter.

  "Wow, Claire, that's a lot coming from you. You're not usually into any guy."

  "I know," I say with a sigh. "And I just had to fall for the most unavailable man in New York City. Why do I do this to myself?"

  My best friend tries to console me. "Listen, Claire, I saw him. He's hot. He is like straight off the runway hot. He is like rugged, I've climbed Mount Everest hot. You'd be crazy not to have gone for him. You deserve a little fun in your life."

  Her words make me feel a little bit better. I don't feel remorse for having been with him but I did feel sad that it's over so quickly.

  It was a brief encounter and a magical night that I'll never forget. But I know you can't change a man and besides, I don't even know if Liam is the type of guy I'd ever date.

  I sip my tea and tell Charlotte, "The problem is that I'm gonna have to see him again. He's working on the same campaign. He's our biggest competition and that makes him a fixture in my life for the time being."

  "Yeah, but you're gonna win. Claire, you have to realize that you're gonna win this campaign. You're, like, the most creative exec in the city. They'd be lucky to have you."

  Her words pump me up a little bit. I know that she's speaking honestly. I am valuable. I do have so much talent.

  Every once in a while, I just need my friend to remind me of that. It's not easy being a little company going up against giant firms that have hundreds, if not thousands, of employees.

  "What's freaking me out, Charlotte, is the fact that if I lose this client, our company will close. I'm worried not just for myself but for everybody else. Where will they go?"

  She looks relaxed as ever as if she's not worried at all. "Oh, don't worry about them. Everyone here is super talented and they'll find another job easily. I know we're all just committed to keeping Epica open."

  "Thanks, that helps. I'm feeling a lot of pressure to win his campaign because I know it's so important for the company," I say.

  Charlotte grins at me. "Well, I've been thinking about something that's a little bit naughty.”

  Now I'm intrigued. What could be on her mind?

  "What is it?"

  "Well, if you ever see him again—I mean, if you guys keep fucking, you might have the opportunity to see what he's working on. He's our biggest opposition and if you were to say...get some secrets out of him, or perhaps find some paperwork that reveals his grand plan for the lingerie campaign, then it might help us get an edge."

  I can't even believe she's saying this. I know Charlotte would never even suggest this kind of underhanded behavior if it didn't mean the survival of our company.

  She's acting optimistic, trying to help me believe in myself, but she knows the dire truth. Could our doors really close in a matter of weeks?

  "Are you seriously suggesting I spy on him?" I asked incredulously.

  "I wouldn't call it spying, more like vetting out the competition. What could it hurt? He might even tell you," she says.

  I scoff. "Yeah, right. He's not gonna tell me his ideas. He's definitely smarter than that."

  "I'm just saying, Claire, you guys aren't even serious. You may not see him again outside of work. You know that you're just a fling to him so why do you care so much? Just see if he asks you out again and, if he does, do a little snooping. It won't hurt anything."

  Her words sting a little bit, but I realize it's the truth. I mean nothing to Liam. I shouldn't care about hurting him. And it might really help to do a little detective work to try to see his stance on the campaign.

  I wonder if he's even working on it himself or if he's assigned it to his corporate minions.

  I don't want to steal his ideas, but at least I can see how I measure up to him so I can adjust my thoughts accordingly.

  "Okay, Charlotte, I guess you're right. I need to make sure not to get wrapped up in him personally. If I see him again, outside of work, I will try to see what his campaign looks like."

  "Great!" she says. "And in the meantime, you can pull out all the stops to make sure that your presentation wins. We're gonna get this client, Claire. And it's gonna be bigger than big. Just imagine how far our company will go once we win this thing."

  After that, Charlotte takes her leave. Her words make me daydream about the future.

  Velvet Luxe is exactly the kind of client I need to drive me and my business forward. They are my dream client and I let myself to marinate in that thought for a minute.

  To gain their business would validate everything I've worked so hard to achieve. It would mean that I really am that good.


  I work throughout the afternoon, furiously creating sexy designs to match a super sexy company.

  In truth, this is the perfect fit for me. I absolutely love lingerie and that makes working on this campaign all the better.

  I'm lost in my creative bubble when the phone rings.

  I answer it absentmindedly and hear a deep voice on the other end. "Hi, Claire, how are you doing?"

  It's him.

  My stomach clenches with a kind of excitement that I can't tame. Just the sound of his voice is enough to make me wet.

  "Hi. I didn't think I'd ever hear from you again."

  "What? Why? Didn't you have fun the other night?"

  I know he's feigning disbelief as to why I thought he wouldn't call. He knows as well as I do that he has a reputation for bedding women. It makes me jealous even to think about how many he's been with.

  "I didn't think you'd call because I figured that I was just another one-night stand, a notch on your bedpost," I say honestly.

  When I'm honest, it catches him off guard. I love to tell the truth to him so that he knows that I know exactly what he's up to. He's not going to play me without my full and total willingness to be played.

  "You've been listening to too many rumors," he says.

  "You think?"

  "I'm calling for reason," he says, smooth as ever. "I want to take you out tonight. I can't stop thinking about you, Claire."

  His words cause a nervous excitement to bubble up within me, but I caution myself not to take them too seriously.

  "What do you have in mind?" I ask.

  "I'll have a car pick you up tonight around nine, okay? Does that time work for you?"

  "I have no plans, except for shampooing my hair."

  He laughs. "Okay, baby. I'll see you tonight."

  He hangs up and I'm left holding the phone, fee
ling the electricity that pulses between him and me even at a distance. Does he feel this, too? Am I insane to want to date a ladies’ man?

  I recall my conversation with Charlotte and about how she wants me to spy on him. This gives me motivation to go out with him.

  I have to meet with him to try to steal his ideas, I tell myself. I'm not going to fall for him; it's impossible. I'm smarter than that.

  I get back to work and put the full force of my inventive mind into the process. I'm extremely motivated to land this project, so much so that I don't notice the building becoming quiet as everyone has left.

  Evening has descended over the city. The days are getting shorter with the coming winter.

  The darkness alerts me to the fact that I'm running late. I got lost in my work and now I'll barely have time to get ready before meeting Liam.

  I wanted to have a proper bath before seeing him and I'll have to hurry if I'm going to do that.

  I close up the office and take a cab to my place.

  Once inside my little apartment, I'm completely inspired. I live downtown in a one-bedroom. It's enough space for me. And let me tell you, it's designed perfectly. My environment has to be beautiful or I simply can't function. It's part of being an artist and a designer.

  I need to be surrounded by beauty at all times. My place is modern and eclectic. Everything I have tells a story.

  The walls are painted dark and I've hung expensive artwork everywhere. Thin curtains make a partition between the living room and the kitchen. Soft, faux fur rugs adorn the floors and crystal chandeliers and pendant lights hang wherever I could find a spot.

  But my favorite place is the bedroom. It's ultra-cozy, lined with several duvets and opulent pillows.

  My flat screen faces the bed from an angle and I've got stereo speakers installed for when I need to hear music while I'm designing from home.

  Even my bathroom is decked out. I light the many candles that surround the tub and then I pour warm, almost hot water into the claw foot bathtub. It's my favorite feature of this apartment.

  I've spent entirely too many hours in the bath, reading and just lazing about.

  Tonight I have other plans. I undress and am thankful to get my work clothes off. Standing naked in front of the mirror, I analyze every part of my body.

  Luckily, I had the foresight to get a spray tan. I didn't know Liam would call, but if he's going to see me naked, at least I'll be at my best.

  I play some Sade and turn off the lights. The glow from the dimly lit candles makes the mood more solemn as I sink into the tub with my vibrator.

  I fully intend to get off to the image of Liam. It will help to release some of this tension before my date with him so that I'm not practically exploding in front of him.

  The music plays softly and the candles flicker as I switch on my vibrator and start to finger myself. I lay my head back against the lip of the tub and think about him.

  Dark green eyes penetrate me. Strong shoulders and arms around me. And that giant, massive cock enters me, slowly at first, then more roughly.

  I envision the way his huge hands feel on my body. In my mind’s eye, he’s kissing me and it's enough to make me come.

  I've never come so quickly in my life. This is proof that I badly want him.

  I shiver and quake from all the sensations coursing through my body. My head spins and for a moment I'm lost, out of reality.

  I want more.

  I give myself a rest and then start again. This time, I imagine that I really am his girlfriend, the only one he has eyes for. This makes me feel safe and my body opens easily to the idea.

  I circle the vibrator around my clit and think of that huge cock thrusting into me. I fantasize that I am on top. We're fucking in some huge, king-size bed. I circle my hips so that I can feel every inch of his manhood.

  And from this position, he has a perfect view of my tits. He pulls up and starts to suck on one nipple while twisting the other. I ride his cock in a motion that stimulates my G-spot. In my mind, he lies back down and enjoys the view of me coming all around him.

  I moan and arch my back against the bathtub. I'm coming almost violently.

  The thought of him being in my life in any way is enough to set me over that cliff. I want him so bad. And in this moment of self-stimulation, in the intimate confines of my bathroom, I can let myself dream these things.

  It's safe in here to imagine that Liam and I are together. It's okay for me to think of us being an item. It's just a fantasy, right?

  In my oversized bathtub, none of the realities of the world exist. I don't have to think about how he's my competition and how he's the biggest player in town.

  Instead, I can just dream.

  I've come twice and I figure that's good for now. If I don't hurry, I'll be late. Plus, he’s sending a car.

  That reminds me that Liam operates in an entirely different sphere than I do. He's used to limos, penthouses, travel, and private clubs. All of this is out of my realm and it's just very different than how I live my life.

  My apartment is modest, my business is small, and I take an Uber almost everywhere. I feel nervous to be a part of his glamorous lifestyle. I feel like I just won't be enough.

  I shampoo my hair and scrub myself with rose oil soap. I drain the tub and then pour sweet almond oil all over my body so that my skin will be silky soft. I put on all manner of essential oils so that he will love my scent, but not be able to define it.

  Quickly, I blow dry my hair and glance at my phone to see the time. 8:45. Fuck.

  I have to hurry. I go to my closet and pull out a little black dress. It's my go-to for the first date and it never fails.

  I step into the dress and put on a lacy thong, no bra. Then I slide my feet into some pretty black high heels, grab my fluffiest faux fur coat, put some lipstick into my purse, and I'm out the door.

  I make my way to the lobby of my apartment. The doorman nods at me.

  Outside, the air is getting crisp and I'm glad I brought a nice coat. There's the town car waiting and I know it's for me. I take in a deep breath and realize I'm about to go see him, this guy I'm obsessed with.

  The thought of seeing him makes me extremely nervous in that wonderful way. I never want this feeling to end. And yet, I scold myself that I need to know better. I can’t trust him.

  The driver gets out and says, "Are you Claire?"

  "Yes, I am."

  Then he opens the door for me and I get in. The black leather seats are cold against my skin. It does something to cool my burning loins.

  Here goes nothing.


  Where the fuck is she?

  I'm not used to waiting.

  Normally, women are so excited to be with me that they arrive early, if not at least on time.

  But not Claire. She apparently has to be defiant in every way. Whether she's late on purpose or not, she probably has left me waiting in some unconscious way. I know she's fighting the fact that we could be together. I know she's fighting her feelings.

  Why couldn’t she would just embrace me and the moment, and quit worrying about the future? I certainly don't think about it. I just want her, tonight. One step at a time.

  I've picked a private restaurant called The Rare Well to dine in. It requires VIP access which, of course, I have. I like places that are private, and that normal people don't get into.

  Besides, this place is romantic. This table is set with tall candles and crystal and roses. It's dimly lit, and our table is away from prying eyes, by the window.

  I'm aiming to impress her. Normally, I don't go all out for a girl but Claire's somehow different. I want her to think highly of me. And I know she deserves the best.

  She walks in unbelievably half an hour late. For a moment I'm taken aback by how hot she looks. She's got some kind of small black dress on and killer heels. Her legs are defined, and I imagine spreading them wide and entering her.

  I note the fact that she looks anxious and tha
t pleases me. She should feel anxious around me. I'm gonna make her come from here into eternity.

  I rise to greet her and kiss her on both cheeks. The hostess takes her fluffy fur coat and I'm glad that Claire will have nothing to cover up with for the remainder of the dinner.

  We sit down, and I reprimand her for being late. I don't wait for anyone.

  "You're late," I say with an unyielding tone.

  She senses my displeasure and that makes me happy. She should know I'm not like other men. I won't be at her beck and call, rather she'll be at mine.

  "I'm sorry Liam, I was working late and then in the...bath a little too long."

  My eyes narrow upon her as I digest the meaning of what she said. She was in the bath, huh?

  Suddenly, I feel like being less stern. I wonder what she was doing in there and who she was thinking about?

  I decide to drop it.

  "Well, you look beautiful," I say to her honestly.

  She looks like a million bucks. This girl could be a supermodel. What is she doing in the design world when she could so easily make money off her looks?

  It's refreshing to date someone that looks like a supermodel but who can also relate to me during conversations. I love that Claire and I have the same interests because were in the same field of business. It makes me feel like I could talk to her for hours about anything.

  "Thank you, Liam, really that means a lot," she says.

  God, this girl cannot be sweeter. She's like a princess, strong but determined, bold yet sensitive. She's a walking contradiction. She's complicated.

  And that turns me on probably more than anything else.

  I love a good challenge, an interesting puzzle, and I love that there are many layers to her. I'm dying to unwrap her and to see what's inside. You can't take her at face value. She's beautiful yes, but she also has a lot going on inside and that interests me more than anything.

  "So, do you like the place of picked out?" I ask.

  She looks around the room and before giving her reply.

  "Actually, all of this glamour is a little hard for me to take in. It's beautiful here, yes, but I'm not used to this kind of lifestyle."


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