Big Package_A Dark Vixens Novella

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Big Package_A Dark Vixens Novella Page 67

by Vivien Vale

  I pace around my office, fuming. I need to calm myself before calling Trish to tell Evan to come in here. I unclench my fists. I'm ready to face him.

  It's gonna take all my willpower not to get violent. He's earned it. But I don't need a lawsuit coming my way. I'll fire him and cut the cord for good, but he'll least walk out of here in one piece. He doesn't even deserve that. But I am more than that.

  Evan knocks on my door and I tell him to come in. All I see is red. Rage consumes me but I'd like to hear his explanation, no matter how flimsy it is.

  "Hey Liam," he says, approaching me. "About what happened. I was trying to protect—"

  I cut him off. On second thought, I’ll lose control if I hear one more word.

  "Evan, you're here because I want you to know that you just got fired. You really fucked up today. I never want to see you again and if it's up to me I'll make sure you never work in this town again. Got it?"

  He looks at me before he spews venom.

  "You think you're so great Liam, don't you? You'll never make it without me. I did all your dirty work. Always have. I'm the one that keeps this company together."

  He's so wrapped up in himself, it's ridiculous. For him to think he has any authority in my business is just the most delusional thing I think I've ever heard.

  "Evan, you're the wrong fit for this company. I can easily replace you and now I want you to go."

  He begins to act fanatical.

  "You're a goddamn fool, Liam. You let some girl come between us. She's not even worth it. She's a nobody. By the time you realize that and leave her, I'll be gone and you'll be left to fend for yourself. You can't run this company without me. I've been doing everything for you. I'm the brains behind this operation."

  I'm fuming as he has the nerve to reference Claire. I can't forget about what he did to her today.

  "You're off your rocker. None of that is true. What you did to Claire was awful. You really did dig your own grave. Now leave."

  This triggers him to scream and act crazy.

  "You'll see Liam. Everything's gonna fall apart without me. How can you be so blind?"

  "Evan, leave now or I'll call security."

  "Whatever," he says as he leaves and slams the door.

  I'm glad it didn't get messier than that. But just in case, I pick up the phone and call security to make them aware of the situation. I tell them to personally escort Evan out of the building if he doesn't leave willingly.

  It's all making sense now. Evan's ruthless desire to destroy Claire was a set up for his own success. For some reason, he thinks he’s more valuable to this company than he really is.

  I never should've let him in my inner circle. He has his good points but all that’s overshadowed by his faults. He's a bad friend, jealous of my success.

  And it took losing the love of my life for me to realize that.

  Now that Evan's gone, I turn my full attention to figuring out how to win back Claire. Her voice on the phone sounded so wounded and sad that it crushes my heart just thinking about it.

  I sit at my desk and deliberate the various options. I think about heading over there right now and professing my love. But first I have to do the right thing.

  I pick up the phone and call the people at Velvet Luxe. I’ll personally amend this situation.

  Immediately, they put me through to one of the execs. I love that my status means never having to wait. The secretary tells me the executive's name is Sarah.

  "Sarah, this is Liam Alton. I just need to set the record straight that everything my vice president told you was not true. Claire never stole any ideas for her campaign. It was all original."

  "Are you sure about this Liam? Your vice president was pretty clear that he had evidence of Claire's cheating," she says.

  I could easily take advantage of this opportunity. I could steal the Velvet Luxe campaign right from under Claire. But that was the old me.

  The new me believes she actually deserves it. I really and truly am proud of her and I know that this campaign was hers all along. I don't want to take advantage of the situation at all, I just want to fix things for Claire.

  "I'm absolutely positive. I've just fired my VP. He's a bad egg and quite frankly, he's acting crazy. I want you to know that Claire deserves this. She worked hard for it. Please, give her another chance," I say, hoping that I've convinced her.

  "Well," she says. "Claire's campaign really did shine against all the rest. She’s our first choice and if all you're saying is true, then I don't see why she can't take over the project once again."

  "That's great. Thanks a lot. I promise you won't regret this," I say to her.

  "Then, there's only one thing left to do. Do you want to tell Claire personally or shall I call her?" Sarah asks.

  It's a perfect opportunity for me to sweep in and try to convince Claire that it's been her all along.

  "Don't worry about it Sarah, I'll call her. I would love to be the one to deliver the good news considering it was my VP who ruined everything for her," I say.

  "Okay, Liam, please tell her that we're so excited to work with her, now that this new information has come to light."

  "Thank you, and goodbye," I say, feeling elated.

  Now I have some clout, something that could sway Claire. I don't want to just call her and deliver the news, I want to see her in person.

  But I feel like right now isn’t the right time. I'll give it the night, let her cool down, and approach her tomorrow.

  I decide to leave the office early so that I can go back to my place, clear my head and prepare for Claire.

  The limo ride only reminds me of how she's uncomfortable being spoiled with luxuries. I miss her being by my side.

  At my penthouse apartment, I spend the night thinking about her. I got her the campaign back but that doesn't necessarily mean she’ll take me back.

  What if I can't convince her that it was Evan's idea? What if she doesn't trust that I believe in her talent?

  What if I lose Claire?

  I push those thoughts aside. Whatever I want, I get because I’m prepared to work hard for it. There’s nothing I won’t do now just to win her back.


  I feel forlorn over Liam.

  The world has come crashing down around me and I find it hard to breathe.

  I slept fitfully through the night in waves of tears and bad dreams.

  I'm heartbroken over the coming loss of my company and I'm heartbroken over him.

  I keep chastising myself for not being able to see this coming, for letting me be vulnerable like this. But then I remember how he was with me. The gentle yet hard way he made love to me, the sweet kisses, and the undeniable connection between us.

  Was it all a lie? Could Liam have been that good at deceiving? Or was I just too eager to believe him?

  My thoughts vacillate back-and-forth between wanting to think what we had was real and knowing he's the scum of the earth.

  Charlotte's checked in on me several times but besides that, I haven't talked to anybody. I don't plan on leaving my apartment for the next couple days. I just need to be alone and try to mend my heart. Something tells me it's gonna be a very long process.

  It's midmorning and I'm about to make my fourth espresso. I need caffeine to jolt me back to reality. I have to figure out a game plan for my career. And I have to help my employees find new jobs.

  The logistics of closing my company are overwhelming. I don't plan on getting a lot done for my apartment but nothing's gonna get me to leave. I need to recover first.

  My phone rings and I think it's Charlotte once again but it's coming from an unknown number. I answer reluctantly.


  "Hi Claire, this is Sarah from Velvet Luxe. I'm one of the executives who reviewed your campaign. I just wanted to personally congratulate you on the good news."

  "Good news? Has something happened?" I say.

  "Oh, you haven't heard yet? Then I'll let Liam be the one t
o tell you. But I just want to say that were so sorry for the misunderstanding. Please be in touch with me later."

  "Um, okay. Thanks, I guess."

  I hang up with her and wonder about what happened. What could she be referring to? Maybe this has to do with Liam's plan? Maybe I'll somehow still be part of the campaign in a small way?

  I don't know but my mind is reeling. I feel like a broken shell of emotions. I feel like I've been through a storm and though the waters are now peaceful, gloom has set in everywhere.

  As much as I want to be optimistic about it, I can’t focus on what Sarah said. Thoughts are randomly bouncing around my head.

  Will I ever be happy again? Will I ever be able to forget about Liam?

  Despite his betrayal, I find it hard to instantly stop caring about him. What we had was special and even if it was all a lie, it's hard for me to forget because I was real for me.

  I curl up on my window seat with my warm cup of espresso and think about him.

  Fall is transitioning into winter and I think about all the cold, lonely days ahead of me.

  There's a knock at the door and I figure it's Charlotte. She really won't leave me alone. She can tell that I'm so heart broken, I just need to be alone for a while.

  I go to answer it and don't even care that I'm in my pajama pants. I don't need to show off for her. It might make her more worried, but I can’t be bothered now with getting dressed.

  I open the door expecting to see her but instead, Liam is standing before me.

  His large body takes up most of the doorframe and I find myself thinking how handsome he is. At the same time, I remember to put on my most unaffected face so that he doesn't know just how much I’m hurt.

  "What are you doing here?" I say with only a hint of sullenness in my voice.

  "I'm here to win you back," he says.

  "You can't be serious. You set me up, Liam. I fell for your stupid plan and now you have everything."

  "Can I please come in so we can talk?" he asks.

  What's the harm? The damage is done. I might as well hear what he has to say. I step back so he can come into my little place.

  He walks in and makes himself quite at home, sitting on the couch before I have a chance to offer it. He's still so full of arrogance but now I find myself thinking that it's endearing. And I realize how much I miss it.

  "Claire, I wanted to come by to deliver the good news. I got you back the Velvet Luxe contract. I told them it was all Evan's fault, that he was deranged, and he set you up."

  "You did?" I'm astonished. "This woman named Sarah called. She's one of the executives. She was congratulating me and talking about something that I didn't understand. I guess it must've been that."

  "It didn't take much to convince them," he says. "Once I told them the truth, everything fell into place. I'm sorry Claire. For a while, I was in on Evan's plan. But then, as I got to know you better, I realized that you're this creative spirit. I started to see things in a different way. I started to see you in a different way, though just a bit too late."

  His words pierce my heart and I don't know what to say. I'm literally left speechless.

  He continues.

  "You have to believe me that I didn't want Evan to do any of that. He took his plan too far. He's lost his mind a little. I fired him, but I know that won’t change what happened. I just want to apologize for how much it hurt you. I should never have thought to take over your company in the first place. But I promise you that what we have is real, and I wasn't faking any of it."

  I look at him and want to jump into his arms, but I know it's too soon. I have my own apology to make. I want to come clean too.

  "Liam, if what you say is true, then I think I owe you an apology also. I spied on you. One morning after we slept together in your penthouse, I logged into your computer and I looked at your folder full of ideas for the campaign. I feel awful about doing it, but you see, I was desperate to save my company. I would've done anything.

  “Once I found what I was looking for, I came to recognize that my talent is enough. I realized too late that I don't need to spy or do anything deceitful to win. My campaign was based solely on my own ideas. I hope you know that."

  He seems relieved but still intense at the same time. I wonder what he's thinking and if I’ll be forgiven.

  After a few seconds, he stands and takes me in his arms.

  "Claire, I’d forgive you for anything. I’ll go to the ends of the earth for you. Somehow, someway, you’ve stolen my heart."

  His words bring tears to my eyes as I ascertain that happiness is within my grasp once again. Happiness for me is having him in my life.

  He holds me tightly and then leans down to plant the most tender of kisses on my trembling lips.

  Just I'm getting ready for things to go further and to feel that glorious cock inside of me at last, he pulls me towards the front door and opens it. He beckons me into the hallway and as I step out I see dozens of black and white boxes marked Velvet Luxe.

  "What is this?"

  "Instead of a dozen roses, I decided to buy you some Velvet Luxe lingerie. And now I want to see you in it,” his tone takes a turn and becomes a little bit darker.

  I look at all the boxes and I can surmise that there's at least $50,000 worth of lingerie here. He's hit on my secret dream. I've been eyeing their stuff for a while now with envy.

  "I expect you to model each and every piece for me. Is that okay with you, Claire?"

  How can I ever deny him a thing? I've fallen...hard.

  He opens one of the boxes and pulls out a slinky, black little number.

  "Let's start with this one," he says as he drags me back into my bedroom.


  Words can’t even begin to express how thrilled I am for Claire. She deserves the Velvet Luxe contract. She’s worked so hard and so diligently. And to think I was supposed to ruin that for her.

  Fuck that. She’s so much more important to me than Evan’s stupid fucking plan. Seeing the sparkle in her eyes restored when I told her the truth…and seeing the smile on her face when I delivered the lingerie made my life one thousand times better than winning this contract myself ever could have.

  I gaze at Claire, still dangling the first piece of lingerie in front of her. She pastes a wide grin on that beautiful face.

  Quickly, she snatches the piece from between my fingers and raises her eyebrows. Her famous sinister smile greets me, and her eyes lock with mine as she disappears into her bedroom.

  I make myself comfortable, sitting on her couch as the delivery team brings the boxes inside and as Claire goes to try on the first item. As the last box comes in and is stacked, the men give me a wave and leave.

  I give them a slight wave back, and I watch as they exit, closing the door behind them. As I hear the catch on the door, I also hear an “Ahem”.

  I whip my head in the other direction, and fuck me if I’m not prepared for what’s in front of me.

  In the doorway, I see Claire. She’s posed with one leg bent in front of the other, her body turned slightly to the side, her hand holding on the doorway above her, and her hair tousled into a cute messy bun. She looks fucking ready to be taken into bed.

  The fabric of the lingerie does favors for her, not that she needs any, but goddamn.

  The halter top gives her the perfect amount of cleavage, while the thin satin material shows her perfect, hard nipples. The high-rise hips show off those flawless thighs and her spectacular ass.

  I’m doing all I can not to ravage her right now. She has so many more outfits she wants to try on.

  “You look amazing. Abso-fucking-lutely amazing, Claire,” I manage to get out. I get off the couch, and her eyes are immediately drawn down to my crotch.

  There’s really no hiding the excitement. This is by far my favorite outfit I’ve ever seen her in.

  “Damn, I’ve got good taste,” I say to her. Looking at her look like that…well, I deserve to toot my own horn here a lit
tle, don’t I?

  “You’re right,” she responds. She twirls around in a circle, showing me her sexy, heart-shaped ass. “You do.”

  She peeks at me over her shoulder. She looks like she should be on the cover of a magazine, with her incredible confidence and sensuality heightened by this outfit.

  “Claire, do you know what they say about lingerie?” I ask. “And don’t get mad at the answer, because it’s definitely still a good thing.”

  “No, Liam. What do they say about lingerie?” she plays along.

  “Well, if you ask literally any guy on the planet about their favorite lingerie, they’ll tell you it all looks amazing on you,” I reply, “but that it’s truly worn best when it’s slung across the floor.”

  “Oh, really?” Claire says. “Are you up for testing that theory?”

  I don’t even entertain that question with a response. Rather, I charge at her like a bull ready to fuck up a china shop, meeting her at her doorway and wrapping her into my embrace and kissing her passionately.

  I pull apart the bow holding the halter top up, and push the top down. My hands graze her nipples, and she shudders at my touch.

  I help guide the piece the rest of the way off of her and slide it down her legs as she steps out of it. I take a step back and admire the beautiful woman standing before me.

  She’s got no makeup, her hair is playfully messy, and she has no clothes on. She’s truly a vision of beauty.

  “I forgot one thing,” I say.

  She looks at me, confused.

  I sling the lingerie into her bedroom and we both giggle.

  “I absolutely, one-hundred percent, will take you however you want to. But I can say with certainty that no matter how cute your lingerie is, or how hard it gets me seeing you walk through a doorway in it, it will always end up right there,” I say.

  I take Claire in my arms again, and I kiss her. My kisses travel from her lips down to her neck. I grope her gorgeous, perky tits as I nibble at her nape and the side of her neck.

  She rotates her head, closes her eyes, and tilts her chin toward the ceiling. Her nails graze my head, and I breathe in deep at her touch.


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