Business Affairs

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Business Affairs Page 2

by Shirley Rogers

  Alex frowned. “Oh.” Meaning what? he wondered. She was disappointed she’d won him?

  “Look, I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to go through with this date,” she said hurriedly before things got further out of hand.

  “Why not?” he asked, a bit annoyed she was already reneging on spending an evening with him. “If it were any of the other men, you’d go, right?”

  Her admission came grudgingly. “Maybe, but—”

  “Then what’s the harm in an innocent night of fun, Jennifer?”

  “We work together, Alex.”

  She had a valid point, Alex thought. Their work relationship had to come first. He’d hired her because she’d been employed by some of the most well-known computer software companies. During her initial interview, Alex had admired her sense of integrity, even more so her ambition.

  And she’d lived up to his expectations. Hell, she’d exceeded them. Like him, work was vital to her, and she was damn good at getting results. He’d assigned her some of his more difficult clients, and she’d handled each one with poise, patience and what seemed like unending attention.

  “It’s just a date, Jennifer.”

  Before she had time to answer, a huge surge of excitement permeated the room.

  Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!

  The chant from the audience grew louder. Several couples complied instantly, putting a show on for the crowd with long, drawn-out kisses. Alex looked around, taking in their reaction, then his gaze landed on Jennifer’s generous mouth. He’d been tempted for years to taste her. Fate was giving him the perfect opportunity.

  Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!

  The crowd seemed to have their attention centered on them. Then he realized why. They were the only couple not kissing.

  Tugging Jennifer to him, he slipped his arm around her. He guided his hand to her neck, his palm cupping her face, lifting her chin. She stared up at him, her eyes aglow. Alex had often imagined kissing her, but none of his fantasies compared to this exquisite moment. His anticipation building, he leaned down, his lips hovering a breath away from hers.


  “Shh,” he murmured, and lowered his mouth. An explosion went off inside him as he kissed her. The audience cheered wildly and deafening applause filled the room, but Alex was unaware of anything except the velvet softness of Jennifer’s lips beneath his.

  In a million years he could never have imagined she’d taste this magnificent, this perfect. Her hands came up to his arms, grasping them tightly, as if she needed to hold on to him for support. Her lips parted slightly and he felt, rather than heard, her moan of pleasure. Spirals of desire surged through him as their tongues met briefly, retreated, then touched again.

  Alex groaned. She tasted sweet, enticing, and he moved closer. As their bodies touched, he became aroused. Stunned by his response to her, he broke off their kiss.

  Their eyes met and he sucked in a ragged breath.

  What the hell had just happened? Jennifer was staring at him, her eyes wide, her lips damp from their kiss. His kiss. Alex fought the urge to drag her back into his arms and kiss her again.

  His attraction to her had skyrocketed, and he wasn’t sure what to do about it. His fantasies of kissing her hadn’t come close to the reality of his mouth claiming hers.

  Damn. It was going to be a few minutes before he felt anything close to normal again. He wasn’t even sure he could walk. Unnerved, he remained rooted to the stage floor.

  For the first time in his life, Alex was tempted to throw caution to the wind and to pursue Jennifer as he would any woman he wanted.

  No. You’ll only hurt her.

  As much as he desired her, he couldn’t ignore the betraying thought that crept into his mind. He wasn’t the settling-down kind of man. He’d learned the hard way that marriage and commitment were merely empty words spoken by two people who felt nothing more than lust for each other.

  His own parents were proof of that. After twelve years they’d ended up in a nasty divorce. Jacqueline Dunnigan had wanted nearly everything his father had worked all of his life for, including their palatial family home, her Mercedes and her share of their small computer software business.

  The only thing she hadn’t wanted was her son.

  It had taken years, but Alex had worked through the pain of his mother’s abandonment. He’d vowed never to let a woman have any kind of hold on him.

  Kissing Jennifer had been an earth-shattering experience. Now that he knew her taste, more than ever he wanted to make love to her. But as was always the case when he started dating someone new, his attraction would diminish in a short amount of time. He enjoyed women, had dated his share and probably more, but no woman had ever held his interest very long. Not one.

  Would Jennifer?

  He didn’t want to hurt her. And he damn well couldn’t risk ruining their working relationship.

  As the emcee bid the audience farewell, a large black curtain slowly closed across the front of the stage, shutting the couples off from the noise of the observers.

  Great timing, Jennifer thought with a shiver. What was she supposed to say to Alex after the way she’d kissed him? It was just for show? Yeah, as if he’d believe she wasn’t affected by their kiss! She had known kissing him would be wonderful. But…oh, it had been so much more amazing than she’d ever dreamed.

  “Well, okay, then,” she stated, making an effort to keep her tone level as she stepped back.

  “We must have given them what they were cheering for,” Alex replied, aware she had physically distanced herself from him.

  “Yes.” Jennifer’s heart sank. So she’d been right. Trying to please the audience, he’d been playing his part to the hilt. Apparently their kiss had only curled her toes. The best thing to do was to remove any kernel of a chance of following through with her plan. “You know,” she said, boldly looking him in the eyes, “I couldn’t have asked for this to turn out better.”

  Alex studied her. “What do you mean?” He studied her features, tried to glean what she was thinking.

  She gestured with her hands. “I really didn’t want to come this evening. I was just trying to help your aunt’s charity event, and with Casey’s goading, I kind of got carried away with my bidding. So we can just call the date off.”

  “Call it off?” He frowned. He hadn’t expected her to suggest calling off their date. But he should have. He’d probably scared her off when he’d kissed her. His reaction to her had scared him.

  “Well, yes. I mean, under the circumstances, I don’t expect you to honor your agreement.”

  “You won, didn’t you?” he asked, put off she could so easily dismiss going out with him.

  “Well, yes. But, Alex, we can’t go out on a date together.”

  Alex didn’t like the way she’d said that, as if the idea of dating him was repugnant. He’d sensed her response to him. Unless she’d missed her calling as an actress, she damn well wasn’t immune to him.

  “You bid a considerable amount of money.” While waiting in a soundproof room backstage, he’d been stunned when he learned the amount of Jennifer’s bid. “And I made an obligation to my aunt and to the charity. I’m not going to back out. Besides, my aunt would be crushed.”

  “But surely she’ll understand when she realizes we got paired together.” She crossed her arms in front of her to stop her hands from shaking.

  “What difference does it make?”

  “We work together!”

  “So what? It doesn’t have to be a big deal. It’s probably only dinner or something. We’ll keep it simple,” he told her, trying to suppress his growing need to kiss her again.

  Simple for him, Jennifer thought, but not for her. Looking away, she considered her situation. Of course the date wouldn’t mean anything to Alex. He didn’t have feelings for her. But she was already attracted to him, and she was finding it increasingly difficult to keep her attraction under control. And since she’d kissed him, well, all she could think about w
as how much she wanted to kiss him again.

  Simple? No, not simple at all.

  But could a date with Alex lead to more? Could she sleep with him—possibly even become pregnant by him? Her conscience taunted her. She glanced back at him and her heart did a little flip. Licking her lips, she could still taste him, could still feel the heat of his kiss flowing through her.

  The temptation to try to seduce him grew even stronger. But if she agreed to accept the date, was she making an even bigger mistake?



  At Alex’s voice, Jennifer realized she’d been staring at him. “I’m sorry. Um, what were you saying?”

  “It’s not a lifelong commitment.” Before he could say anything more, Mary Davis strolled up to them, a wide smile making her aged face glow.

  “Oh, look at you,” she said, her voice full of excitement. “What are the chances the two of you would be paired?”

  Alex glowered at her. “Aunt Mary, did you have something to do with this?”

  Mary looked offended. “Don’t be ridiculous, Alex, dear. How could I have arranged something like this?” She waved her hand, dismissing the idea as laughable.

  “Mrs. Davis, this just isn’t going to work out,” Jennifer stated firmly. “Alex and I work together.”

  “What difference does that make?” the older woman asked, surprised.

  “Jennifer believes it would be inappropriate for us to go out together,” Alex replied, his disagreement evident in his tone.

  “As friends?” Perplexed, Mary glanced from one to the other.

  Jennifer frowned. Put like that, it did sound reasonable. She tried another tactic. “We have a hectic business schedule. It would be difficult to get away at the same time.”

  “So hectic that you can’t take a bit of time off?” She made a tsking sound. Shifting her attention to Alex, she asked, “Do you agree? Are you both so valuable at work that you can’t be spared?”

  Alex pulled at his collar. “Of course we can take some time off.”

  “It’s not just that—”

  “Great,” Mary interrupted, steamrolling over Jennifer’s excuse. “Besides, the radio station that helped set the auction up is donating a thousand dollars for each couple who won, provided they follow through and keep their date. Actually, I think they’re hoping for some interviews to generate publicity for their station, but their donation means additional money for the Children’s Hospital.”

  Oh, great, Jennifer fretted. If she didn’t go out with Alex, she’d be solely responsible for the Children’s Hospital losing money. Feeling bad, she still tried to get out of it. “I’m sure you have something special planned, and I certainly don’t want the hospital to lose my contribution.”

  “Good. You’re both adults,” Mary told her, stating the obvious. “Surely you can spend a few hours enjoying each other’s company. You do it all the time at work. This time, it’ll be in a more enjoyable setting.”

  Alex watched Jennifer and could see that she still wasn’t convinced. He didn’t want to give up the chance to spend time with her, but he wasn’t going to force the issue. “You can back out if you want to, Jennifer, but on one condition. If you do, I’m going to pay the money you bid to the charity.”

  “Back out?” Annoyed, she glared at him. “I can honor this obligation,” she blurted before she could stop herself.

  “Fine, then everything is set.” Mary smiled warmly.

  “What does this date entail?” Alex asked his aunt while he still had her attention.

  “Each date is different. You’ll receive a packet soon with full instructions about it. Last-minute details are being ironed out, but don’t worry, I’ll ensure it arrives at your office by messenger on Monday. Thank you both for helping me with this event. It was a great success!”

  The older woman turned and rushed off before Jennifer had a chance to respond. But what would she have said? She was trapped. Biting her lip, she looked at Alex and sighed. “I guess it’s a date.”

  “You don’t have to sound so excited about it,” he said grumpily. She acted as if she’d received a death threat.

  “I’m sorry,” she apologized. “It’s not like I don’t enjoy your company.”

  “That’s a relief. You had me thinking I had the plague or something.”

  Unable to stop herself, Jennifer chuckled. “I didn’t mean to.”

  “Well, good then,” he said, relaxing a bit. “My ego was taking a beating.”

  “Yeah, I’ll bet.” She knew it would take a lot more than her turning down a date with him to damage his ego. He was the most confident man she knew—especially when it came to women.

  Alex glanced around them and realized they were the only couple still standing on the stage. “Do you need a ride home?”

  “No,” Jennifer said quickly, eager to get away so she could think about what she’d gotten herself into. “Casey is waiting for me.”

  “Did she drive you here?”

  Nodding, she said, “I’m sure she wouldn’t have left without me.” But when they went out to where she and Casey had been sitting, Casey was nowhere to be found. Jennifer’s jacket was draped over her purse on the chair.

  Jennifer couldn’t believe her friend had left her stranded. She stole a look at Alex and her heart began to beat crazily. If she was going to gain some control over her attraction to him, she’d have to find a way out of their date.

  “I don’t see Casey,” Alex said, scanning the large room.

  “I don’t, either.”

  Picking up her jacket, Alex slipped it on her shoulders. He slid his hand down her arm to take her hand. “Come on, I’ll take you home.”

  “I can call a cab,” she insisted, snatching her purse from the chair.

  “Don’t be ridiculous.” Alex shot her a look of frustration.

  Accepting her fate, Jennifer followed him to his car, shivering as they stepped into the cold January night. Once they were seated inside his plush sedan, she gave him her address and the directions to her apartment in Virginia Beach.

  This was a wish she’d always harbored—Alex driving her home late at night. Only in her dreams, he’d come inside and they’d spend the evening in each other’s arms. Her thoughts brought back all the wonderful sensations she’d felt when he’d kissed her earlier in the evening.

  Stop thinking about it! she admonished herself. Alex wasn’t interested in her as a woman. Sure, he’d kissed her senseless on the stage, but as he’d admitted afterward, it had only been for show.

  “I wonder where our date will take us?” she commented to fill the silence once they were headed out of the garage. It didn’t really matter what it entailed. She was still trying to think of a way to get out of it.

  “You know how these things are. More hype than anything else. Probably dinner, maybe tickets to the theater.” It didn’t matter to him. He was looking forward to spending time alone with her, even if nothing could come of it. Over the years he’d been careful to keep their relationship on a business level. In doing so, he realized he knew very little about her personal life.

  “Are you seeing someone?” Maybe the reason she didn’t want to honor the date was because she was involved with someone. But if so, why would she have bid in the first place?

  Jennifer’s head swiveled in his direction. “What?”

  “I was wondering if the reason you didn’t want to go out was because you were involved with someone.”

  “No, it was more like the champagne they served went to my head,” she confessed with a nervous laugh.

  “Ah.” He mulled her comment over a moment. “Then you’re not seeing anyone?” he asked again, wanting to be sure when they went out, even for a night, he wasn’t infringing on another man’s territory.

  “Um, no.” She didn’t elaborate. The less Alex knew about her love life, or lack of, the better. Her past relationships hadn’t survived the demands of her job. She didn’t admit as much to Alex.

bsp; When she’d decided on using a sperm bank, she’d known that once she was pregnant, she’d have to quit her job. Long hours and numerous trips out of town weren’t conducive to raising a child.

  Jennifer knew how Alex felt about marriage and family. He wanted neither. She’d heard a rare comment or two from him about his parents’ bitter divorce, and sadness for him filled her heart. Unlike Jennifer, whose parents were not only still together but very much in love, Alex had grown up with parents who had fought bitterly.

  So if she seduced him and was lucky enough to become pregnant, it wouldn’t be as if she’d be trapping him, would it? She wouldn’t expect him to marry her or to be a father to her child. Actually, Alex would never even have to know. She’d just give her notice at work and move away. And knowing the baby was Alex’s, she’d love it even more.

  But could she seduce him? Just thinking about it, of having the luxury to touch his hard, lean body, made her want to throw caution to the wind.

  “I see.” Alex turned off the interstate, her answer pleasing him more than it should have. He knew she’d been seeing a man a few months ago. He wondered what had happened between them. She didn’t offer any explanation, and figuring it wasn’t his business, he didn’t press her for more information.

  “What about Lisa Garretson?” Jennifer asked, thinking about the woman Alex was currently dating. “Surely she won’t like it when she hears about this.”

  “I doubt she’ll care.”

  She looked at him. “Oh, please.” The woman was obnoxious and annoying whenever she came to the office to see Alex. Jennifer avoided being in the same room with her. Okay, so maybe she was jealous of Lisa dating Alex. But couldn’t Alex see that Lisa was superficial and pretentious?

  He probably only noticed her figure. Lisa actually had boobs, not small ones like her own. But Lisa’s were probably fake, so she didn’t think they should count, right?

  “We’re not seeing each other anymore.”

  “Really?” Jennifer’s eyebrows rose. Alex had been seeing Lisa for the past four months, a month longer than his other relationships. Their breakup must have been recent, because she’d seen Lisa just last week at a restaurant and she hadn’t mentioned a thing about Alex and her not seeing each other anymore.


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