
Home > Contemporary > Tempted > Page 11
Tempted Page 11

by Alana Sapphire

  This is interesting. “How come?”

  “I’m surrounded by easy women. I can cover my dick, not my mouth. The Hounds…I pretty much know where their mouths have been.”

  “That first night, you didn’t know where mine had been.”

  “True…but I had a feeling about you. I couldn’t let you get away.”

  “Now I feel special.”

  “You should. You are.”

  Now I really do feel special. I bask in the adoration in his eyes and pull him down to me. He kisses me softly then climbs off the bed.

  “We should get back out there,” he says.

  “You go ahead. I’ll be out in a minute.”


  I use the bathroom and wash my hands and face. My hair is a mess. Doesn’t this man own a comb or brush? I finally find a brush tucked away under the sink and run it through my hair. I trail my fingers over the red spot on my neck with a smile. I can’t wait to see my breasts covered with his hickeys. I pull his chain from under my wife beater and smile giddily at my reflection. I’m his. I belong to him. Never in a million years would I have thought I would happily refer to myself as a man’s property. But I am. He owns me. It’s scary to feel this way, to feel so strongly about a man who isn’t interested in love. Yes, he may have changed his mind about the relationship aspect, but what about the rest? What kind of relationship will we have without love? I don’t know, but I want him. We’ll see where it goes from here.

  I leave the room, close the door, and freeze as I see Lonnie waiting for me. She scowls, clenching her fists at her side. I watch her and wait, my resting bitch face firmly in place.

  “I should kick your ass for what you’ve done,” she snarls.

  “I haven’t done anything. It’s not my fault you’re a slut.”

  “Says the slut leaving his bedroom.”

  “I’m still a virgin. Unlike you, I don’t need to spread my legs to keep a man’s attention.”


  She steps toward me, but I don’t budge. I’m done taking her shit. “Go ahead. What do you think Gage will do when I tell him? When he sees the bruises?”

  She pauses, uncertainty blanketing her features.

  “You saw Mr. Glenn, right?” Her eyes widen in realization and she steps back. “We’ve never really gotten along, but I didn’t know you hated me that much. He was going to rape me, and you set it up.” At least she has the decency to look away in shame. “If Gage hadn’t been there that night…”

  I shake my head and take a step in her direction. Her eyes drop to my chest and Gage’s pendant and she takes another step back in shock. “In a few days, Daddy’s lawyer will be here with the papers for me to sign. After that, we’ll be nothing but strangers. I no longer have a sister.” I push past her, but her next words stop me.

  “I never did.”

  I turn around slowly, my emotions flittering between hurt and anger. The look on her face tells me she’s serious. These are not fighting words. This is how she feels, how she’s always felt.

  “What have I ever done to you, Lonnie? Why do you hate me so much?”

  “I don’t know why Papa was so in love with your gringa puta of a mother. All she did was spit you out and run back to her bougie parents.”

  “What does that have to do with anything?”

  “Before you, I was Papa’s princess. Then you came along, and I didn’t matter anymore.”

  “That’s not true.”

  “How would you know?” She asks, folding her arms under her breasts. “You were too busy being Daddy’s little girl to notice how he treated me.”

  That does it. She can bash me all she likes, but there’s no way I’m going to let her talk shit about Daddy. To say she was a problem child would be putting it mildly. Before she left there was a rumor going around that she was hooking on 8th Street. Now I see it could have totally been true. At some point, Daddy just gave up when he realized he couldn’t reach her.

  “That’s a fucking lie. Daddy loved us both. You’re the one who was a constant bitch, who did nothing but disappoint him at every turn. If he treated you differently, you have no one to blame but yourself.”

  “I blame you!” She shouts. “You always take everything away from me.”

  “What have I taken from you?”

  “Even in death, Papa chose you, leaving you almost everything. Now, you come here and you steal Gage from me.”

  “You’re delusional. Gage was never yours.”

  Her eyes begin to tear up and I almost feel sorry for her. Almost. I can’t believe all her hatred toward me is based on jealousy.

  “It was only a matter of time before he realized how much I love him.”

  “How was he going to do that when you’ve been fucking everything with two legs?”

  She blinks away the tears and moves closer, getting in my face.

  “Gage is a man. A man with the appetite of a hundred men. A little girl like you won’t know what to do with him. He’ll realize that soon enough and send you back to the playground where you belong.”

  “And you think he’s going to come running to you? Even if that happens, he’ll never want you. Get that through your thick skull. Grow up and get a clue while you’re at it. I may be younger, but you’re the one behaving like an errant child. I’m only going to say this once – stay away from me.”

  I spin on my heels and leave the clubhouse, searching the crowd for Gage. Allah has set up his equipment outside and is in his element. I spot Gage sitting on a table next to Dr. E, but there’s some half-naked, blonde trick standing between his legs. She’s pushing her tits in his face and running her fingers down his chest. Fuck that. I need to set some boundaries here. This shit is not happening in my presence. Gage smirks at me as he watches my approach. He wants to see how I’ll handle it. I tap the bitch on her shoulder and she turns to me, her smile fading.

  “Excuse me. You’re in my spot.”

  I motion for her to run along, and she looks between me and Gage in confusion.

  “Are you…is she serious?”

  “You heard her. Move, bitch.” Gage tells her.

  There’s an uproar of “Oh!” from the men closest to us and she staggers back in shock. I don’t know how it got to Allah so quickly, but he starts to play Ludacris’ “Move Bitch”. I lean against him and he wraps his arms around me. Everyone is staring at us. As Lonnie walks out of the clubhouse, I decide to take it a bit further. These hoes need to get the message – he’s mine. I turn around, snake my arms around his neck, and pull him down for a kiss.

  Suck on that, bitches.



  “I have something for you.”

  “I know. You just won’t give it to me,” Raven says with a scowl.

  “Jesus. The closer we get to your birthday, the more of a sex fiend you become.”

  “How is that a bad thing?”

  “Just look in the glove compartment. There’s an envelope in there.”

  She sighs and pulls out the envelope with the little blue bow.

  “What’s this?”

  “Early birthday present. Open it.”

  She removes the tickets from the envelope and I watch as her eyes go wide.

  “Oh, my God…oh, my God…”

  “You like him, right? He’s the one always playing on your phone?”

  She screams in excitement and bounces in her seat.

  “Pull over!”


  “Just do it!”

  I pull over, park, and turn to her. She unbuckles her seat belt and climbs into my lap. Her lips are all over my face, a “thank you” coming out between each kiss.

  “You’re welcome, babe.”

  “You are so getting a blowjob for this.”

  “Shit. Who else you like?”

  She giggles and moves into her seat as I pull back onto the road.

  “I’ll give you a list. Why are there four tickets?”
  “I thought you’d want to take Chrissy. The other one is for Ron.”

  “Awesome! But…these are for tonight. Gage! You couldn’t give me a little notice?”

  “We might have to stay overnight, so pack a bag.”

  She pulls her phone out of her pocket, and pretty soon I hear Chrissy screaming on the other end. I pull into her driveway just as she hangs up.

  “Okay. She’s gonna come over, so you can pick us up here.”

  “Got it.”

  “Where’s my kiss?” I ask as she reaches for the door. She rolls her eyes and pecks me on the cheek. I grab the back of her neck and pull her lips to mine. I tease them with my tongue until she grants me entrance. Before I can slip inside, she pulls away, drawing a shaky breath.

  “Three days, Gage. Three days. Can you believe it?”

  “I know.”

  “Seems like I’ve been waiting forever.”

  “Tell me about it. Maybe we should go away somewhere…just the two of us. Go lay up on a beach for a few days.”

  “Yeah, we could make love under a palm tree.”

  Make love. Usually, those words would make my skin itch. But not coming from her. The dreamy expression in her eyes makes me want to give that to her. The problem is, I don’t know how.

  “We can fuck under a palm tree.”

  She glares at me and pushes me away. “You just had to go and be nasty. Bye.”

  “I’ll pick you up at seven!” I shout just as she slams the car door.

  I wait until she’s inside then drive off. From three months to three days. I can’t believe I made it. I can’t believe I made it with no pussy. Well, the last six weeks since we got together anyway. Shit. I hope I don’t make a fool of myself and come too quickly. I guess I just need to make sure I take care of her first.

  When I get to the clubhouse, I find Ron waiting for me. I toss the car keys to Booker as I pass him. “Get it washed, will ya?”

  “Sure thing, Prez.”

  They’ve both been great so far. I think it’s about time I put their membership to a vote. Especially Ron. I don’t know what I would have done without him these past few weeks.

  I shower and pull on some black jeans, a white shirt, and black Timbs. I actually comb my hair, remembering how Raven looked at me that night at Scythe. I also wear her favorite cologne. I grab my wallet and black, leather jacket and head out.

  “Wanna take the Mustang?” Ron asks.

  “Nah. The Charger. You drive.”

  The girls are on the porch, waiting when we arrive. We lean on the car and wait for them at the end of the driveway.

  “Oh…shit,” Ron whispers next to me.

  They’re wearing the same outfit – little black skirts that barely cover their asses and some crisscross contraption of a top that has their tits popping out.

  “Go change,” we say at the same time.

  The girls look at each other then burst out laughing. Raven opens the back door and gives me a defiant look.

  “We’ll be late. Let’s go.”

  Fuck me. I toss their bags in the trunk and slide in next to her while Ron and Chrissy take the front. She settles under my arm and places her head on my chest. Every now and then, she takes a deep breath and releases it slowly.

  “You’re like a little puppy. Always sniffing me.”

  “Because you smell amazing,” she and Chrissy say in unison.

  “Okay, you two spend way too much time together,” Ron says as they laugh.

  “Look who’s talking. The ‘go change’ twins. Don’t worry, baby. You smell amazing, too,” Chrissy says.

  By the time we get to the venue, they can barely contain their excitement. They’ve put on jackets, but that does nothing to curb the interested stares. I drape my arm around Raven’s shoulder and pull her close to me. There’s no way she’s leaving my sight tonight. She leans against me as we wait for the show to start. Damn, she feels good. She raises her phone above us and tells me to smile. After she takes the picture, I watch her post it to Instagram.

  The show starts and she steps away from me. When the guy comes on stage, all the women lose their fucking minds. Including mine. She and Chrissy are screaming, their phones trained on the stage. At least she’s happy. That’s all that matters. After a few songs, I have to admit the guy isn’t bad. He starts the song Raven had as a ringtone and she stands transfixed, just staring up at him. When he gets to the chorus, she starts to sway. I take her hand and pull her back into my arms.

  She presses her ass against my crotch and slowly rolls her hips. I move her hair to the side and feel her shiver as I kiss behind her ear. She places a hand on the back of my neck and grinds harder. I squeeze her thigh as my dick starts to harden. I hear a soft moan as I slide my fingers under her skirt. I’m so close, I can feel her heat. Before I can move my hand, she bends her knees and my fingers slip. They connect with the crotch of her panties. The wet crotch of her panties. Fuck! I pull my hand away as if I’d been burned. She turns around and stares up at me. Looking into her eyes, everything clicks into place in my mind. I know exactly what I’m getting her for her birthday.


  Toni is freaking out. I sent her some videos and pictures from the show, and she is losing her mind. Not to mention it’s the first time she’s seen Gage, so she’s berating me for not fucking him yet.

  “Who are you texting at this hour?” Gage asks, annoyance in his voice.


  “Who the fuck is Tony and why are you texting him?”

  I roll my eyes as I resign myself to the fact that all men are the same. “Toni. I’ve told you about her. She’s my Miami Chrissy.”


  “She wants to come visit. Says she wants a big, bad biker, too.”

  “Well, we have plenty of those around here. Can she come for your birthday? I’ll buy her ticket.”

  “You will?”


  He grimaces as I scream and climb onto his lap. Chrissy and Ron laugh, but I don’t care. I text Toni and she replies with a “Hell yeah!”

  “Aaah! She said ‘yes’. Thank you. This is going to be the best birthday ever!”


  His voice is strained, so I furrow my brows at him in confusion. He glances down and so do I. With me straddling him, my skirt rode all the way up and he has a very nice view of my lady bits. I give him a sheepish smile and slide back into the seat, pulling my skirt down.

  We stop at Waffle House and then Gage gets us two rooms at a hotel. I wanted to stay with him but he decided it would be best if Chrissy and I share a room. Just a few more days and we don’t have to worry about appearances. We’re beat, so Chrissy and I shower and crawl into our beds. Just as I’m nodding off, the room door opens. Chrissy lets Ron in and shushes him.

  “Raven’s sleeping,” she whispers.

  They climb into bed and under the covers and I think they’re going to sleep. That is, until I hear a moan. No, Baby Jesus. Tell me they’re not going to have sex with me in the room.

  “No. You’ll wake her up.”

  “Please, baby. I need you.”

  Shit. The desperation in his voice makes me want to fuck him.

  “Okay…but be quiet.”

  I’m lying on my back, so I can pretty much see the movement under the blanket. I don’t want to move and alert them, but I also feel like a perv. Chrissy’s trying to be quiet but even if I was asleep, I would have heard her. Ron tosses the blanket back and kneels on the bed. He reaches into his back pocket as she works on his button and zipper. I swallow a gasp when she pulls his dick out of his pants. She’d told me he was packing, but good Lord. You go, Ron! I watch with appreciation as he rolls on a condom and tells her to turn around. Oh, God. What should I do? I shouldn’t be watching this. Most of all, I should not be turned on! But I am. I can’t help it. I clench my fists at my sides to stop myself from sliding my fingers into my panties.

  Ron holds on to her hips and
slowly slides inside her. My muscles clench as I think about Gage doing the same thing to me. I think about him pumping into me the way it’s happening right next to me. The pulsing in my clit gets harder to bear. Ron reaches up and grabs her hair, pulling her head back as he moves a little faster. I try to keep my breathing even, but I don’t think I’m very successful. Thank God they’re not paying attention to me. He throws his head back, lost in pleasure as Chrissy meets his thrusts. He grabs her hips, steadies her, and thrusts deep, holding the position. She cries out, unable to keep quiet. I really can’t ignore that. Ron jerks his head in my direction and tries to pull the blanket around them.

  “Great, guys. Traumatize me, won’t you?”

  “Oh, God, Ray. I’m sorry!”

  Ron chuckles as I wrap my blanket around myself and head for the door. “Have fun,” I tell them.

  Luckily, we got adjacent rooms. I knock on the door and a confused and shirtless Gage opens up. He looks beyond me out into the hallway.

  “Are you okay?”

  I push past him and toss my blanket on Ron’s bed, the untouched one, and climb into Gage’s.

  “Those two can’t keep their hands off each other for one night.” He chuckles as he joins me, pulling me into his arms. I lay my head on his chest and throw my leg over his. “Can you keep a secret?” I ask.

  “Of course.”

  “Promise me you won’t tell anyone. Pinky swear.”

  “I promise, babe.”

  “I watched them.”

  “Ron and Chrissy?”

  “Yeah…until they got too loud to ignore, anyway. They thought I was asleep.”

  “You bad, bad girl.”

  He chuckles and trails his fingers up my thigh. The stirring between my legs returns. “I thought about you…about us.”

  “Soon. Very soon.”

  “I know. Two more sleeps.”

  “I hope you won’t mind leaving your party early, but we’re out that bitch at midnight like Cinderella.”

  “Are you kidding me? I’ll drag you to a closet if I have to.”

  He squeezes my thigh and takes a deep breath. I feel him getting hard against my knee.


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