Swallowing His Pride

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Swallowing His Pride Page 15

by Serena Pettus

  Her soft, red curls spiraled down her back as she removed her bra with a sigh, but before she could start on her pants, Dylan stepped forward. “Let me.”

  The sweet way her lips curved up had the power to bring him to his knees, and it did. Kneeling before her, Dylan hooked his fingers into the stretchy fabric of her pants and began easing them down, planting tender kisses along the way. It didn’t come as a surprise when he felt a little push against his lips.

  “Hello in there,” he whispered against her skin. “Daddy loves you.” Another little bump against his hand was the response he got.

  The feel of Samantha’s fingers running through his hair brought his focus up to her glowing face. “Isn’t it amazing how much you can love someone you haven’t even met?”

  “Considering how much I love the mother? Nah, it’s no surprise at all.” Dylan gave Sam a little wink and finished removing her pants, sliding the socks from her feet as well. Rising, he gave her a deeper kiss, lingering on the sweet taste of her lips. “Mmm, you taste like strawberries.”

  Sam giggled. “It’s from dessert.”

  “You always taste good, sweetheart,” Dylan teased. “Now, let’s get into that bath before the water overflows.”

  * * * *

  Samantha walked into the bathroom as best she could. In all honesty, she’d been waddling for weeks now, the uneven weight distribution making the awkward gait necessary. The truly wonderful thing? Dylan still couldn’t keep his hands off of her even though she saw herself as less than desirable. No, the man was every bit as insatiable as he’d always been. He seemed fascinated with the changes occurring with her body, both inside and out. While many men tended to hold off while their spouses were in the later stages of pregnancy, that was so not the case with Dylan, and Samantha was incredibly happy about that. It seemed that the massive influx of hormones in her body pretty much kept her in a constant state of arousal anytime he was near.

  Stepping into the tub, she froze when she saw Dylan stripping out of his clothes. The man was just too gorgeous for words. His solid chest and abs came into view as he pulled the shirt over his head, all that golden skin on display just for her. Thick hair fell in waves over his forehead. It had gotten longer since they’d been together, and she loved the carefree look it gave him, like a surfer/cowboy combo that never failed to stir the butterflies in her stomach.

  Taking in his strong legs as he removed his jeans, Samantha was glad she’d kept up with her exercises. Though running had been out after she’d started to really fill out, she still walked on her treadmill for about an hour every day. Lynn had assured her exercising would benefit her in the end, since labor was a real test of strength, and nobody knew what to expect with her delivery.

  Sam moaned as she slid down into the warm water. Such a simple thing, but lately, the weightless sensation from being submerged did wonders to alleviate some of her backaches.

  Dylan stepped in behind her, and Samantha slid forward so he could get situated. When his big hands splayed on her back and began to knead her aching muscles, she let out a long, appreciative groan. Oh, did he ever have some talented hands. He could reduce her to nothing but a quivering puddle whether he was giving her an innocent rub or something much more intimate.

  His hands moved to her sides, his thumbs digging into the tighter spots as his fingers rested against her belly. “You’re stomach feels harder,” he said, concern evident in his voice.

  “It’s just some Braxton Hicks contractions. I’ve read about them, and they’re normal late in a pregnancy.” The last thing Samantha wanted was for him to worry about her going into labor. As it was, she barely noticed them. “They don’t hurt at all, and sometimes, I don’t even realize I’m having them unless I happen to be touching my stomach at the time.”

  “Lynn knows about this?”

  “Yes. She’s watching closely, so there’s no need to be concerned right now. Besides, you’ve got enough on your plate with the hotel.”

  “Tell me about it,” Dylan sighed. “I swear, anything that can possibly occur to slow down the project has happened, but after we switched companies, things have smoothed out considerably.”

  “I’m glad. It means you can relax a little.”

  He hugged her close, and Samantha relished the feeling of safety she found in his arms. Dylan showed her in every way possible just how much he loved her every day. It was the little things, like drawing her bath, rubbing her feet or just brushing her hair, but it felt to her as if she were the center of his world. What woman didn’t dream of having a relationship where the man wasn’t afraid to be openly affectionate, no matter where you were? Or how about the fact he treated her like a queen, even going so far as to do all of the housework just so she wouldn’t strain herself. Regardless that she was perfectly healthy, he still insisted she be pampered, but he wasn’t smothering her in any way either. No, it was the perfect balance, and she’d never been any happier.

  Resting back against his chest, Sam pulled his hands around her and placed them over their child as it kicked and rolled within her. “I love you, Dylan.”

  “I love you too, sweetheart. Are you ready to get out?”

  “Sure, but you may have to give me a shove so I can get to my feet,” she joked. “Honestly, I’ll be happy when I can see my feet again.”

  “Speaking of which, let’s get you to bed so I can rub your feet and ankles. They looked pretty swollen earlier.”

  “Yeah, Lynn says that’s common too, but that I need to watch it. Too much swelling can be a sign of pre-something.” She shrugged. “I don’t think it’s anything good, but she assured me I’m not to that point yet. Trust me, I catch her checking out my legs more than you do.”

  “Maybe, but I bet she’s not thinking about having them wrapped around her head.”

  And just like that, the man had her wet, and not from the bath. His eyes glowed, telling her he lusted for her as well, as if his erection poking her in the back wasn’t a dead giveaway.

  “Okay, let’s get out.” Why beat around the bush…so to speak? Now, all she could think about was her legs on his shoulders as he made a meal out of her. She placed her hands on either side of the tub and wasn’t shocked when Dylan grabbed under her arms and lifted her up.

  Once she was on her feet, Dylan gave her a playful smack on the ass as he stood behind her. “Anything you want, sweet cheeks.” He offered her his hand as she stepped out then followed and wrapped a bath sheet around her shoulders, rubbing her body to dry her. Well, most of her body. The punk avoided the main areas where she craved his touch most.

  “Dylan,” Sam growled.

  “I love it when you growl, baby,” he whispered by her ear, causing shivers to skate up her spine. “But I’d rather make you purr.” And he could, but then again, she’d heard him do so as well.

  On numerous occasions.

  When he had them both dry, they moved into the bedroom, where he sat at the end of the bed and made good on that promised foot rub. The only problem was he didn’t stick to just her feet. No, his long fingers continuously roamed up her legs, along her inner thighs, skimming her folds, driving her to the brink of madness.

  Samantha wasn’t able to hold back the frustrated sound that escaped her throat.

  “Still growling, I see,” Dylan tsked. “Hmm, let’s see what I can do about that.”

  What he did was bring both hands up to frame her mound and slowly swiped his thumb over her clit, nearly causing her to buck up off the bed. Just like that, the sounds coming from her mouth changed, and he got what he wanted.

  “Now, that’s more like it,” he murmured before dropping out of sight.

  The next thing to slide over her was his deliciously rough tongue. While not nearly as harsh as a regular cat, the texture was such that it skated across nerves there she’d never known existed. It was a damn good thing he had a grip on her thighs, otherwise she might have snapped his neck. He kept hitting that one magical spot that never failed to make he
r legs twitch, but when he added a little more pressure, they practically convulsed.

  “Oh, God!”

  At her outburst, Dylan stopped his oral assault and raised his head. “Now, now, we can’t have that.”


  “Remember my brother and Lynn are in the house, and Jag is somewhere outside.” He gave her a naughty grin and inserted one thick finger into her heat. “So, the way I see it, you’ll have to keep quiet, or I’ll have to stop. You know, so we don’t disturb our guests.”

  Oh, that evil little…

  Dylan effectively shattered that thought when his mouth latched on at the same time he added a second finger. Grabbing a pillow, Samantha all but smothered herself in her effort to contain the sounds he expertly extracted from her.

  Every flick of his tongue, combined with the thrust and curl of his thick digits, had her body tightening, a fantastic pressure building in her core, until it finally burst. Samantha sank her teeth into the pillow over her face as she smothered the scream that erupted from deep in her throat.

  With her body now a limp mass of orgasmic bliss, she was grateful when Dylan removed the cover from her face and grinned down at her. “Is now a bad time to remind you of Liam’s enhanced hearing?”

  Sam slapped her hands over her face. How the hell was she supposed to sit at the table with him in the morning and eat breakfast when he knew what they’d been doing tonight?

  “Relax, sweetheart. Liam sleeps like the dead, and I can hear him snoring in the living room now,” Dylan assured her.

  “Good. I’m not sure I’d be able to handle seeing him knowing he’d heard all of that.”

  “Now, I didn’t say I was done with you just yet.” And there was that grin again.

  Dylan crawled up next to her on the bed, and Samantha turned to face him, her hand gliding up his chest, to his shoulder and grasping his neck to pull him in for a smoldering kiss.

  Then his phone began to ring.

  With a groan he pulled back, his breath coming out in short puffs. He was seriously on edge because his fangs were out, a bonus that never failed to give her that little extra thrill.

  “I better check that,” he sighed. “Nobody would call this late unless it was important.”

  Samantha could admit to being frustrated with the interruption, but some of that seemed to melt away as she watched his tight ass walk back into the bathroom in search of his pants. Of course, when he let loose a rather scary roar, she figured he was right. Not only was it important, but it was probably bad news, too.

  This was confirmed when he stepped back out, fully clothed. “There’s been a break-in at the resort. The human security guards on duty were injured, one seriously, and they’re claiming a big cat attacked them.”

  Okay, this was bad. “You don’t think anyone from the Pride did it, do you?”

  Dylan shook his head. “No. My money is on the drifters you and Jag saw in town. The lion I spoke to said he didn’t recognize the scent as one of ours, but he suspects it’s either cougar or panther.” He brought her robe over and draped it across the bed. “I have to go in for a bit and see if I can help track them.”

  “Please be careful,” she begged. The thought of anything happening to him would keep her up all night. Their child rolled, kicking out, and Samantha wondered if the baby picked up on her heightened stress level.

  “Relax,” Dylan soothed. “Everything will be fine. They’re probably already gone anyway. Most likely, they were looking for some quick money or something they could sell. It’s what drifters do.”

  “I’ll make a deal with you. I’ll relax once you’re back and lying next to me in our bed.” And hopefully, sooner rather than later.

  “Now, how can I refuse that?” he asked, leaning down to give her another sweet kiss. He placed his palm on her stomach. “Take care of your momma for me while I’m gone.”

  “Hurry back.”

  “I will; I promise.”

  He left the room, and Samantha remembered he didn’t have his truck. She struggled to her feet, pulling her robe on as she made her way to the front of the house. To her dismay, he’d already gone, but Liam was now awake and pacing the room.

  “I was coming to tell him to take my SUV,” she explained when he looked up at her.

  “He went as a lion, but don’t worry, he would have done so anyway.” When she frowned, Liam gave her a reassuring smile. “We can track better in animal form. This way, if he runs across their trail on his way, he can follow it.”


  “No, there are scouts out in the woods looking for the drifters, too. I have no doubt they’re already hot on their trail.”

  “Why didn’t you go with him?” She’d have thought Liam would be by his brother’s side, but then again, perhaps, she was making this whole situation out to be worse than it was.

  “Jag is still out and about on the property. Dylan asked me to stay so he would know you and Lynn were safe while he’s gone.” Liam moved back to the couch, sitting down and leaning back so he appeared relaxed, when Samantha knew he was anything but. “Why don’t you head back to bed, and I’ll do the same? No use in everyone missing out on some shut-eye.”

  “You’re a lousy liar, Liam. I’ll go lay down, but I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep until I know Dylan is okay.”

  “Fair enough. Goodnight, hon.”


  * * * *

  Dylan was furious. Somehow, the security around the resort had allowed some unknowns not only into their territory, but into the very heart of the community.

  “Prime, I’m so sorry. I don’t know how this happened, but I assure you it won’t happen again.” His men seemed more worried about his reaction to the breach than they were about the actual incident and that was doing nothing to calm him.

  “I want guards doubled,” Dylan ordered. “This will not happen again, and patrols need to be out in full force, starting now. If these bastards are anywhere on our land, I want their asses brought in. They were looking for something, and I want to know what.”

  One of the men stepped forward, his head bowed. “Prime, they only went to two places while here.”

  The lion male before him avoided eye contact, and the distinct smell of fear wafting from him told Dylan he wouldn’t find those locations very comforting. “Where?”

  After a good minute of stammering, another finally stepped forward to answer. “The strangers only went to your home and to the suite you’re renovating in the resort. They didn’t enter either dwelling, so we can only assume they were looking for you, but you weren’t home.”

  Perhaps, they weren’t looking for him at all. “Which direction did they go when they fled?”

  “East, sir.”

  Straight towards Samantha’s house. “Shit! I need trackers with me now. They’re after the new Prima.”


  “Yes,” Dylan shouted. “I’ve taken a mate and was waiting to introduce her, but if we do not hurry, I may never get the chance.” And whoever slowed him in his race to reach her was as good as dead, be they friend or foe.

  “Tell us what you require, Prime.”

  “I need every available fighter we have, but they need to be okay with humans. You’re Prima is human, and she is also carrying my heir.” Dylan paused long enough to allow that information to sink in before continuing. “Her friend is there, as well, and also human. These two women are priority one! Their safety is your mission here, and I will accept nothing less.”

  “Yes, sir!” they answered in unison, dispersing and no doubt preparing to shift and head out.

  Racing through the building, Dylan tore off his clothes then shifted as he entered the tree line, putting on a burst of speed as soon as all four legs hit the ground.

  He was less than a hundred yards from the house when the sounds of battle reached his ears. Liam’s enraged roar erupted, followed closely by a yowl of pain from one of the drifters. It appeared he was late
to the party. He only hoped that Samantha and Lynn had made it to safety.

  Chapter Nine

  It had been an hour when Samantha heard the front door crash open. Having changed into a pair of pajamas when she’d gone back to bed earlier, she bypassed her robe to hurry out and see what was going on.

  To her dismay, Jag stood in the living room, naked and panting, completely unashamed of his nudity as he barked orders at Liam. “We have to get the women to safety. Now. There are shifters coming, mostly cats, but I’m almost certain I detected a bear, too.”

  “The same from town?” Liam asked, already pulling on his boots.

  “One, the rest are new,” he replied. “We should take them to the resort. It will be easier to protect them in the heart of Pride territory.”

  “No can do. Dylan got called away because of a security breach at the resort. Now, it looks like that might have been nothing more than a distraction. Shit!”

  “We can’t defend here, Liam, you know that. It’s too open.”

  “Well, what do you suggest then, because I’m all ears.”

  Jag raked his fingers through his hair, clearly stressed. “I’ll take them to my home. It’s easily defended, and unless these guys are packing dynamite, it’s indestructible.”

  Just where the hell does Jag live? Sam thought as she listened.

  Lynn stumbled down the hall, her long blonde hair a tangled mess around her face, and Samantha saw Jag’s attention shift.

  “What’s going on?” Lynn asked.

  “We’re leaving.”

  Well, that was blunt, but if what Jag had said was true, they didn’t have much time to waste.

  “Grab what you need and keep it light. Only what’s essential.” He looked right at Lynn. “Bring any medical supplies you might need.”

  Eyes wide, Lynn nodded and disappeared back into her room, only to emerge once more with her small duffle bag. She took one look at Samantha and frowned. “You need shoes and a jacket.”


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