Interra (Awakened Series Book 5)

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Interra (Awakened Series Book 5) Page 16

by Harley Austin

  “She is Dominion, Mark. Just because she’s a member of your church doesn’t mean she’s not a double-agent. That’s part of the confidence game they play here.”

  “Why would the Dominion sell us out?”

  “Who knows? They’re obviously not on the side of the American people.”

  “That doesn’t make sense, Brian. They helped us root out the virus in our defense systems saving millions of lives. Helped us setup Fred as the new president, only to sell us out and get him killed?”

  “I know. I’m struggling with that one too.”

  “This puts us dead in the water now. No pun intended. Poor Fred.”

  “I know. We’re in a wait and see mode now, Mark.”

  “So that bastard Brett and his cronies all get to come home scot-free after launching full-scale nuclear attack on their own people.” Mark just shook his head.

  “Nothing we can do, my friend, except keep on praying.”

  “I think I’m all out of prayers about now, Brian.”

  “Don’t lose faith, Mark. Jesus is looking out for His people.”

  Mark ended the call. A deep scowl growing across his face. “Sometimes I wonder about that …”

  * * * * *

  Frank entered the president’s office. Besides Brett sitting relaxed on the sofa, another man sat opposite him, an older looking and distinguished man, a Scotch in his hand. “You wanted to see me, Mr. President?”

  “I did, Frank.” Both men stood. “I wanted you to meet someone, the man responsible for placing us here in the White House, in fact.”

  Frank’s eyebrow went up as he looked briefly askance at the president but then at the distinguished older gentleman, shaking his hand.

  “Finally, a pleasure to meet with you, Frank. I have heard many good things about you.” He shook his hand very firmly, his British accent thickly cultured and refined.

  “I got over here as fast as I could. Everything okay?”

  “Yes and no, Frank,” the British gentleman confided. “Please, sit down. Brett and I were just having a discussion about the state of your Union.”

  “State of our Union?” Frank looked again at the president and then back at the other man.

  “My name is Rigel, Frank. I, represent the global interests responsible for Brett’s ascension to the presidency of your nation.”

  “Really?” Frank looked a bit puzzled. “I thought the voters were responsible for that?”

  “That is the perception we try to maintain, Frank. Unfortunately, that is no longer going to be an option for us, moving forward, I’m afraid.”

  “What do you mean, it’s no longer going to be an option? We do have elections,” the DHS Secretary assured. “The people elect their representatives.”

  “Yes, well, Frank, that is the perception. Isn’t it.” Rigel smiled.


  “Frank,” the president began, “the truth is, we didn’t actually win the last election. Or the one before that.”

  “Well, of course you did. I saw the numbers. Didn’t I? It was close, but—”

  “What you saw were our numbers, Frank,” Rigel interjected.

  “I’m afraid I don’t understand what I’m hearing here. Are you saying our last two elections were a fraud?”

  “Oh, heavens no, Frank,” Rigel assured. “Fraud is not what is happening here. Management is.”

  “You’re both losing me.”

  “Indeed.” Rigel stood again, sipping from his glass. “Frank, you are no doubt intimately familiar with the gods?”

  “You mean the Ra?”

  “Correct. Since the beginning of your accelerated evolution into sentience we have been—guiding, Human affairs; creating nations; building them up, even tearing them down when necessary. Our goal has been to create peace and harmony within your often unruly populations. Humans tend to breed unusually quickly. You can be—difficult to manage at times, especially in large numbers. Population control becomes necessary when the supporting infrastructures become unwieldy.”

  “I’m not sure I believe what I’m hearing,” Frank admitted.

  “That’s why I’m here, Frank,” the president chimed in. “I wanted you to know that Rigel and I have been working together since the beginning.”

  Frank was quickly putting two and two together. “So you were in-charge of—”

  “The investors, yes, Frank. Both of your investors work for me—personally.” Rigel took an elegant sip from his glass.

  “But, if you run things, why even bother to buy the election?”

  “It is as I have been saying, Frank. Perception.”

  “That’s really expensive ‘perception’, Mr. Rigel.” Frank couldn’t hide his indignation.

  “It’s just Rigel, Frank. No need for titles. There are several levels of our involvement with nations such as yours; it is best to keep the perception of elections at the highest observable levels possible. When that fails, we need to fall back to more expedient forms of management.”

  “Forgive my incredulity, Rigel, but for people who are supposed to have exceptional IQ’s, the U.S. is a shit mess at the moment.”

  “Frank!” the president glared.

  “No, no. Brett. Frank is one hundred percent correct. I, in fact, share his observation. Human management is a difficult task at best. And the Ra being at war between ourselves has not helped the situation for eons.”

  “The Ra are still at war?” Frank mused.

  “Indeed, Frank. We continue to have an adversary. Since before Humans could write a single letter of any alphabet, the gods have been at war with each other. I will spare you the details, but suffice to say, your nations would be living in peace and harmony right now were it not for elements within our own people keeping you at war within yourselves.”

  “Rigel,” Frank stood. “Assuming I buy this whole gods manipulating humans thing, why all the secrecy? Why not just tell all of us: We’re gods, you’re Humans, do what we say or we’ll beat you up.”

  “Our cultures are very, very different, Frank. Indeed, you think like a Human. That is not how the Ra perceive the world nor is it in our nature to interfere so directly with Humanity.”

  “But you are interfering. Are you not?”

  “Not by choice. Certain factions of the our people, long ago, sought to involve the Ra in the affairs of the lesser races, specifically your Human race. The fact is, we went to war because of you. A war that is being waged to this very day. In fact, your own histories are filled with events, the repercussions of this extended conflict.”

  “I’ve been reading about this—conflict, from fragments we have of the Books of God. One side chose to help the Humans while the other side wanted leave us alone. Which side are you on?”

  “Your side, Frank.” Rigel assured.

  “That doesn’t answer my question.”

  “It does, actually. Your race is very young, Frank. It needs time to develop, naturally. Whenever the Ra have involved ourselves in human affairs, accelerated your development, so to speak, it has always ended in catastrophe. Your race is simply not ready for the knowledge that our more developed and evolved people possess. Instead of using our tools for good, you tend to use them on each other, and with disastrous results.”

  “Well, I’m not sure I agree with your assessment, but for now, I’ll possibly agree with you.”

  “We are only asking for you to listen, Frank. To have an understanding of what is happening with your people and ours. Nothing more.”

  Frank nodded.

  “Our adversaries are well equipped. They are often very difficult to deal with. But eon after eon, we have been able to thwart their efforts to poison your race with our knowledge.”

  “I’ve seen some of your knowledge, Rigel. That glass structure in the Cascades—I wouldn’t exactly call that poisoning our race.”

  “I know you wouldn’t. But allow me to bring this down to a level you can understand, I mean no insult. What would you do if a group
of your friends were gathered around and one of those friends gave a chimpanzee a firearm? What would you think?”

  “I’d say that would be a really stupid thing to do. Someone’s going to end up dead.”

  “Precisely. Now you see our position.”

  “We’re hardly chimps, Rigel.”

  “Take no offense, Frank, but compared to us, yes, you are. I am sorry if that sounds insulting or offensive. As high as Humanity is above Primates, so the Ra are above Humans. Nature has created you to be what you are. To go beyond that—prematurely, is to violate the path that Nature intended for your race to follow.”

  “I’m—” Frank sought the right words, but none came.

  “Torn. Yes. As you should be, Frank,” Rigel continued. “It is the natural reaction. You have been given knowledge in advance of your race’s ability and capacity to deal with. We are simply attempting to mitigate the damage.”

  “Mitigate? How?”

  “Slowly. But surely, we are winning the conflict within our own people. We’ve had some setbacks, but the war is being won. We are putting your race back on track.”

  “By dumbing us down?”

  “In the near term, yes. But in the long term, your people will evolve and survive as long as any of the rest of us.”

  “And if we don’t relinquish the knowledge we’ve been given? What happens then?”

  “You tell me—you are the chimpanzee, with the gun.”


  D ays had passed with Serena hearing not much from Rion, other than he couldn’t wait to get back home from London to see her. Their usual warm weather had returned with a vengeance and melted their brief snow leaving nothing but a few dwindling snow banks were a plow had pushed it off the road.

  Serena prepared to hit the trails for a run. She changed into a sports bra and tank, slipped on her favorite running shorts, retied her running shoes, and then opened her door to find four large men in business suits standing outside her door in the hall. The man in front was all business.

  “Serena Erickson,” he said in a kind of non-question.

  Serena stood wide-eyed. She didn’t know what was happing and felt very much intimidated by their presence.

  “Yes?” she offered cautiously.

  “I’m federal agent Spencer.” He flashed his credentials that had large ‘DHS’ letters imprinted next to his photo. The agent had tanned skin, piercing blue eyes and dusty blonde hair neatly short and nicely styled. Serena found his looks unusually handsome and very striking.

  “Is something wrong?”

  “We need to ask you some questions. Privately.” He looked down the hall at the numerous doors now ajar with inquisitive residents all too interested in what was happening.

  “Can you come with us for just a few minutes?”

  Without really thinking Serena answered, “Okay.”

  They led her to the parking lot where three black SUV’s were waiting with a number of other well dressed agents in dark sunglasses all standing about. Another man opened the door for her as she got in with Agent Spencer following behind. The interior had facing bench seats that were very nice and smelled new. The driver raised the dark privacy glass. It was just Serena and Agent Spencer who sat in the back of the idling vehicle now.

  “I’m sorry to ask for your time like this, Miss Erickson, but I didn’t feel like your room would have been the most private,” he apologized.

  She nodded, nervously fixing her hair.

  “You are not in any kind of trouble or under any investigation, Miss Erickson,” he assured. “Homeland Security is in the middle of an important inquiry. If you can be of any assistance to us we just have a few questions.”

  Serena relaxed a bit as she saw agent Spencer nod and smile.

  “What kind of questions?”

  “It’s about your boyfriend, Rion Steele.”

  “What about him? Is he in some kind of trouble?”

  “He’s been the focus of an ongoing inquiry for some time now. How long have you known him?”

  “Just a couple weeks.”

  “I see. He can be quite the ladies man,” the agent offered, staring at her with a grin. Serena blushed. Spencer moved on.

  “Miss Erickson, has Rion ever told you what business he’s in or what he does?”

  “He works for a network security company.”

  “I see. Did he mention anything else to you about his family or has he introduced you to any other friends?”

  “No,” she thought carefully, ”he’s been pretty quiet about his family. I haven’t really known him that long,” she reiterated.

  “Miss Erickson, we have reason to believe that your new boyfriend is involved in a number of recent computer break-ins; and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. As far as we know he doesn’t have any family.”

  Serena’s eyes grew wide. “I had no idea.” Rion not having any family was news to her. She listened to agent Spencer intently.

  “We know that the two of you have been dating. You’ve been spending nights at his apartment, have you not?”

  Serena suddenly grew cold. Agent Spencer raised an eyebrow. She nodded.

  “What can you tell me about Rion?” he probed.

  Serena shrugged unconvincingly. “We haven’t been dating that long.”

  “We know Rion was in Houston last week. Did he mention the trip to you or what it was for?”

  “No. You’d have to ask him. He doesn’t tell me a lot about his work really.”

  Spencer let out a slightly annoyed sigh, “Miss Erickson, You do realize the reason I’m telling you this is for your own safety. Rion Steele is a very dangerous underworld criminal. He’s wanted in more than a dozen countries for breaking into everything from banks to military installations. He’s murdered more people than you have fingers and toes. I’m not sure you’re aware of that.”

  Serena’s eyes now grew wide again.

  Spencer continued.

  “That’s right,” he nodded professionally. “He probably knows we’re very close to making an arrest. We’re tightening the noose on his criminal operations and anyone close to him, when that happens, could get unnecessarily involved, indicted, or even hurt. Can you tell me when the last time you saw him was? The last time you were at his home?”

  “Last week.”

  “And do you know where he is now?”

  “London, I think.”

  Agent Spencer nodded but said nothing, continuing to listen.

  After a long uncomfortable pause, Serena added, “I know that he’s been really busy with something lately—rebuilding his boat, I think. He doesn’t tell me much,” she finished.

  “That’s probably a good thing at this point, Miss Erickson.”

  Serena’s face showed surprise and uncertainty; the conversation had left her very unsettled. She unconsciously fixed her hair yet again, then nervously toyed with the chain around her neck.

  “I cannot tell you what to do, Ms. Erickson, but if you continue to involve yourself with Mr. Steele you run the risk of becoming mixed up in this, and now that we’ve had this conversation, the government might even consider you an accomplice. Remove the façade of wealth and charm and Rion Steele is nothing more than a very dangerous international underworld criminal.”

  A new wave of alarm washed over Serena. She had never been in trouble with the law at all—ever! And now suddenly, she was toying with becoming a felon!

  “I understand,” she managed to say despite the growing lump in her throat. She released the chain she had unconsciously wrapped around her finger. Agent Spencer suddenly seemed to be preoccupied with staring at her chest.

  “Something wrong, Agent Spencer?” she asked.

  “That ring you’re wearing, around your neck. Where did you get it?”

  She clasped her hand around it.

  “Did Rion give that to you?”

  She nodded.

  “Do you mind if I see it?” he held out his hand, while nodding a professional smile.r />
  She slipped the chain off from around her neck and began to hand it to him.

  She watched as Agent Spencer watched her. Her hand hovered momentarily just above his. He smiled wider with another pleasant nod.

  She was about to drop it into his hand when an odd seating moved quickly through her feeling. It was like the ring didn't want to leave her grasp. Serena suddenly drew back her hand. “I don’t think so, Agent Spencer.”

  Spencer abruptly lost his smile. “Give it to me, Serena. Now. You have no idea how radioactive those things can be. They’re highly toxic. Even dangerous.”

  “I don’t believe you!” She glared, suddenly not liking the federal agent at all now.

  The agent stepped out of his seat toward her as if to reach out his hand and take the band forcefully from her. He was a lot bigger than she was. It would be no contest with the two of them confined in the back of the SUV. He could easily overpower her.

  But the agent’s hands seemed to stop only a few inches from her. It looked like to her that he was still trying to reach out for her, to take hold of her, but for some reason, his hands just hovered, unmoving, a few inches from her. She could see he was putting some real effort in the way he was standing and in the way his face showed fierce determination, but he wasn’t getting any closer to her.

  Serena watched him relent with some frustration and then take a deep breath as he hovered over her. He suddenly stared at her for a moment; a new look of surprise moved over his face. She watched him draw another deep breath, as if taking in the scent of her perfume. But she wasn’t wearing any perfume at the moment. His whole demeanor seemed to change.

  “You. You seem to have a very—compelling aura, Miss Erickson.”

  She watched him draw in another breath, much more slowly this time.

  Her hips involuntarily rocked in the seat, as if her body was suddenly very interested in the man standing over her. But she wasn’t!

  “That’s quite a scent your have.” His voice grew alluring.

  Serena’s mouth opened slightly as she needed to draw a sudden breath. Her heart was beating more quickly and it wasn’t from nervousness. She was suddenly feeling very attracted to the handsome agent.


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