Interra (Awakened Series Book 5)

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Interra (Awakened Series Book 5) Page 37

by Harley Austin

  “Exactly. The gods and demigods appear to be gathering for battle. Again. Just like they did, forty-thousand years ago. Over a place the Hebrews translated as Har Magedōn.”

  “Right,” the Admiral agreed. “The valley where the final battle of the armies of Lucifer go to attack Christ.”

  “Hardly.” Diane scoffed. “Not even close.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The battle at Har Magedōn isn’t prophecy, Admiral. It’s history. It’s already happened. That’s why I said it’s a mistranslation. Look at your Hebrew. First of all, Har Magedōn isn’t a valley. It’s a mountain. A city, in fact, on that mountain.”


  “She’s exactly right, John.” Frank hadn’t said a word the whole meeting. He could not agree more with what Diane had just said. “I’ve read those same MSS fragments, the ancient pages of the Books of God. I’ll show them to you if you like. These fragments are historical, not prophetic. The events have already happened.”

  “I wouldn’t know a jot from a tittle of Hebrew, Frank. I’ll take your word for it. But if these Ra are gathering for a battle, again, I’m going to assume it’s against this city, wherever this mountain is. So, the question is, where are they gathering?”

  The president stood up. “I have a pretty good idea I know the answer to that.”


  R ion coughed up blood. Another heavy punch landed hard into his thickly ripped and now badly bruised and lacerated abs. He called out in excruciating pain as a large laceration over his abdominals tore once again, the deep wound filling and seeping blood all over again.

  “Alright! That’s what I wanted to hear.” Spencer, lifted Rion’s bruised chin with surgical gloved hands, grinning sadistically. “You look like shit, Rion.” He then let go, Rion’s head falling weakly into a droop.

  “Pay attention to me, boy! I’m talking to you.” Spencer wrapped his fingers over Rion’s upper thigh and dug his thumb into another long half-healed gash that ran up to his groin, re-opening another wound making it bleed again. Rion wailed with the pain as Spencer watch him, his thumb sliding down slowly and ripping open the wound wide.

  “You can make all of this stop, Rion. It all goes away—as soon as you give me the key.”

  Rion shook his head.

  Spencer was suddenly in rage. Two of his gloved fingers dove into another half-healed deep laceration between Rion’s thighs where his manhood once was. Spencer shoved his fingers up into the wound hard, as if the deep wound were a vagina.


  Rion screamed. His entire body convulsed in the pain. Spencer gritted his teeth forcing his fingers deep into the wound cavity, causing Rion to wail again and again.

  From outside the closed door of his cell, other newbloods listened, grimacing from behind their cold bars, their naked awakened bodies just as vulnerable, reduced to that of mere a Human, as they heard his cries for help echo through the stone corridors.

  * * * * *

  “Today’s top story: U.S. and British naval warships, along with the vessels of five other nations, including China and Russia, gathered along the Pacific coast in what is being called a multinational joint military exercise. Several aircraft carriers and multiple destroyer-class vessels showed off their might today while the invited media were allowed to film some of the exercises. Here with more is our KOMO military correspondent, Sheila Hudson. Sheila—

  “Thank you, Connie. As you can see behind me, moored in the spaces normally reserved for US carriers and their support ships, both a Chinese carrier and a Russian destroyer have been parked, next to US warships in the port of Everett Naval base.

  “After a contingent of U.N. dignitaries from all over the world are given an official red carpet tour, the local public will also be allowed to tour these allied vessels beginning tomorrow morning.”

  “Sheila, this is kind of unprecedented, these exercises between so many nations?”

  “Unprecedented to be sure, Connie, but not unplanned. We’re told that the participating nations have been organizing these exercises for close to a year now, by both the U.N. and the leaders and top commanders of their respective militaries.”

  “How long will these maneuvers be taking place and where?”

  “That’s a good question Connie. We’re told anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. Commanders have a kind of checklist that they are winding through and they intend practice and complete this checklist for optimum performance.”

  “Practice makes perfect in this case, apparently.”

  “That’s exactly what some of the commanders I spoke with off-camera were saying. The good news is, while these exercises are taking place, tours of the various vessels will be available for a small fee to cover the costs of just …”

  * * * * *

  Elle sat curled up on the couch in the dim light of the small but luxury upper-floor apartment, a half-read paperback in her hand that she had found in the building’s bookshare library down on the main level. She took a deep breath, sighing while looking out over the not-so-still waters of the cavern. Usually, the waters were placid and calm. But storms outside on the Great Lake would often bring small ebbs and flows into the giant subterranean lake, leaving behind ripple-like waves—waves that Elle watched, wondering how severe the storms were outside. Usually, it was just a thought to see what was happening over the continuum, but with their knowledge lost, the rings that used to be the keys to their knowledge were dead and silent.

  She felt Serena stirring. Felt her wake softly and then watched her come out into the main room of the apartment.

  “Hey.” Serena gave her a sleepy smile. “Why are you out here? You don’t have to sleep on the couch.”

  “I know. I was just reading.” Elle closed the book.

  “Anything good?” Serena walked up to the couch.

  Serena's beauty and her attraction were still a bit overwhelming. A soft pink ribbed tank barely contained her chest and didn’t quite reach to the top of her matching panties as she folded herself onto the other side of the short couch.

  Elle watched her sit, then handed her the book. Serena looked over the red cover with a picture of shirtless tanned-skin, hunky man wearing a black hat, holding a lariat, and dressed in leather chaps that framed his just as hunky denim-covered package beneath a stack of well ripped abdominals.

  “Cowboy romance?” Serena grinned. “My kind of guy.”

  “He’s a jerk.” Elle frowned. “Why women fall for men like that is beyond me.”

  “He’s rugged.” Serena smoothed her hand over the embossed cover.

  “He’s an ass. He treats her like she’s a young restless filly that needs to be broken before he’ll respect her.”

  “Let me guess, he needs to ride her bare back to break her?”

  “Probably. I haven’t gotten that far. And then they’ll both live out his dream of riding the rodeo circuit. And then the two of them will live happily ever after. The end.”

  Serena giggled, setting down the novel.

  “It boggles my mind why people write this stuff.” Elle gazed across the cavern to the next building a few hundred yards away. Even at 1:00 in the morning, a lot of people were still up as her eyes scanned the tall windows of other apartment pyramids in the distance. At least one of the apartments caught her notice as the couple within it appeared to be getting romantic on top of the sheets instead of below them.

  Serena watched Elle’s attention fade from their conversation. She was amazed at how good her own vision had become after being awakened. Even in the dimmest of light and at huge distances, her eyes focused well. She scanned the windows of the building beside them until she was pretty sure she was now looking at what had caught Elle’s attention.

  “Oh. Well,” Serena blushed audibly.

  The thin but muscular guy was obviously giving his girl a shirtless backrub over the covers of their room a pyramid away. Both were dressed only in panties and briefs.<
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  Elle smirked. “I think we’ve found your cowboy.”

  Both watched as he mischievously began massaging her lower back and then her ass, eventually drawing down her panties to continue his massage of her smooth curves.

  “Don’t these windows have blinds or something?”

  “They used to dim and blackout, but they stopped working since our tech went offline. I’ve noticed few other little things around Jericho that don’t exactly work anymore.”

  Serena continued to watch the couple. Even at this distance, she could easily make out the nice detail of the guy’s unevenly tanned but military built muscular body as he drew down his own briefs and continued his massage of her legs now.

  “I feel a little voyeuristic.” Serena grimaced.

  “At least she’s enjoying herself.”

  “How can you tell?”

  “You’re a goddess. You can feel people, Serena. Try it.”

  “You’re not serious?”

  “I bet Rion could feel you.”

  She nodded. “But, we were dating.”

  “Serena, at some point, you are going to need to learn survival. Your aversion to sensing the world around you because of some stupid cultural mores is going to win you a first-class Darwin Award. You’ll be perfectly socially acceptable. And also, perfectly dead.”

  Serena frowned, mulling over Elle’s words. Rion had already mentioned her ‘Human culture’ as something she needed to unlearn. There was some logic to the whole Human mores argument. Mores that Humanity had inherited from the Seven and not something that was actually logical.

  Serena watched as the guy teased the young woman from behind now. Her hips were lifting as she drew in her knees.

  Timidly, Serena reached out with her feelings. The unclothed woman she felt was fit and about thirty. Serena could sense her disciplined mind; she felt like a soldier. Her heart was beating quickly, but not like she was running a marathon. The muscular guy kneeling behind her was slowly filling her now, deeply. Slowly, over and over. Serena felt his hands gripping around her hips spreading her knees with his own. She couldn’t help but rock her own hips softly, feeling what the woman in the next building was feeling. Serena opened her pout, softly, as if to breath like the woman in the distance. Serena’s heartbeat quickened until it now matched hers.

  Elle grinned watching the newbie empath take in the full feelings of another person—especially another person in intimate play.

  Serena rocked her hips softly again. “Mmmm, Elle, are you not feeling this?”

  “Of course I am.” She smiled beautifully. “Only I'm with the guy.”

  “Oh. You are not!” The thought hit Serena with complete surprise. “You’re inside me?—Her?” she fumbled. It felt like Elle was inside her!

  “Welcome to empathic proxy, Serena. Some people call it feedback, but that’s is not entirely accurate.”

  Serena moved her hips softly again, letting out a soft exhale. “I feel her, what he’s doing to her; but now—haaaa—I can feel your feelings in him too.”

  “You’re using her to sense other things around her, Serena. That’s not an easy thing to do. You must really be—ohhhh—” Elle shuddered with an ecstatic ripple feeling his cock slip quickly into his date, “sensitive.” Elle suddenly began showing signs of her own intimate empathic connection as she drew an unexpected quick deep breath, her face wincing with a new amorous expression. The guy was good.

  “Are you okay?” Serena grinned watching Elle—and also feeling her.

  “Damn. This guy is taking his time. Mmmm—” Elle breathed, moving her own hips now.

  “Don’t speed him up.” Serena complained.

  “You like him going this slow, don’t you?”

  “Yea,” Serena breathed, feeling everything the woman in the distance felt, including Elle all over inside the buff guy who was filling her. Serena moved to her knees, spreading them over the cushion, her pink ribbed panties rocking softly with his soft rhythm.

  “Are you tying to be a tease?” Elle asked, her eyes all over Serena’s amorously rocking curves.

  Feeling a warm hard cock sinking deeply into her, Serena lifted her arms over her head, while drawing an uncontrolled breath. “I can’t help it.” Serena said softly, sexily. “God—mmmm—Elle. This guy is really good.”

  Elle slipped off the yoga pants she had been comfortably wearing while reading. Dressed in the black version of Serena’s Dominion-issue ribbed tank and panties, Elle moved closer to Serena on the cushions, her knees spread just as wide as Serena’s, while her body slowly mimicked the movement of the young man a building away.

  “God you look nice in black,” Serena exhaled softly.

  “I think I could get used to seeing you in pink.”

  “You know you’re fucking me—” Serena whispered, feeling someone’s hands on her hips. Serena suddenly realized that she was simply mimicking the words of the woman a building away.

  “You need to be fucked, slowly.” Elle whispered in return. Serena could hear the voice of both the man in the next building and Elle in front of her. But Serena could also see the look in the eyes of the goddess in front of her, and she could also feel Elle’s feelings in front of her. It was more than just the two of them feeling another couple making love by proxy in the distance now. It was obvious both women were feeling their innate attraction to each other as well, an attraction that was spilling over into the couple in the next building as well.

  Serena moved up to Elle on the sofa. With both of them kneeling on the cushions, Elle’s hands rose warmly to the skin of Serena’s softly rocking hips, while her own hips bucked softly, as if delivering long, hard length slowly between her thighs.

  “God, Serena—you’re killing me with how hot you look.” Elle breathed. Serena didn’t hear anything from the couple. They were Elle’s own words—to her. Serena’s hands smoothed over Elle’s arms to her chest; her nipples already hard and popping tall from beneath the ribbed cotton fabric of her tank. Elle gasped as Serena took hold of them, kneading them firmly between her fingers over the soft fabric.

  “AAHHH!” the young man gasped, lunging into her quickly instead of slowly. It felt like someone had just gripped his tall-taut nipples.

  Elle moved the front of her softly rocking hips against Serena’s. Both embraced warmly looking deeply into the eyes of the other. Serena closed her eyes, opening her pout as Elle’s perfect lips folded sweetly into her own.

  The young man could swear his date’s lips were on his. His mouth moved; feeling the warmth of her kiss. “God—Kellie, you kiss like a goddess—” he breathed, lost in the sensations of what felt like her lips on his.

  She couldn’t speak. Her own lips felt like they were deeply buried into his somehow. “Hmmmm—” she breathed sensuously, feeling Preston’s cock slip warm and wet once again into her so slowly from behind.

  “You’ve done this before,” Elle kissed her, feeling Serena lift her top up over her ample pert breasts, then kneading and teasing her bare nipples, just the way Elle needed her to. “You’ve been with another girl.”

  “And you haven’t?” Serena kissed.

  “Have now.” Elle kissed, lifting Serena’s top completely off and dropping it to the floor. Serena felt her panties also being pushed away, but with both of their legs spread over the cushions, Elle simply pulled them away from the goddess’ skin, leaving them in shreds on the floor.

  Elle’s fingers wandered sensuously between Serena’s spread thighs, lightly toying with her wet folds, her finger, ever so lightly resting on Serena’s tall clit, then moving over it sweetly, causing Serena to call out.

  “AHHH, AHHH! God! Preston!—that feels so GOOOD!”

  Serena dove her lips into Elle’s, pressing her pert breasts between hers. It didn’t take Elle long to have Serena’s body at the edge of an explosive climax, her empathic cock quickly sinking deeply into Serena. Serena’s emotions detonated—hard.

  Elle’s lips covered Serena’s euphoric cr

  Preston dove himself deeply into Kellie hard and fast feeling her whole body tense and shake with a violent climax, the thick comforter beneath them muffling her ecstatic cries and screams.

  “Oh-God. Elle!” Serena kissed her savagely. Serena’s fingers tangling in her thick blonde hair while Elle gripped her ass and fucked her—hard. “Ohhh—God. You’re gonna kill me.” Serena complained, a soft glow of perspiration covering her skin.

  “You’re—ooohh,” Elle was breathing deeply now. “Not the only one—”

  Serena’s teasing fingers were already between Elle’s thighs. It only took another few moments for her to tease Elle into—

  Preston couldn’t help but call out—loudly. His thick cock buried deeply into Kellie, with an exploding eruption! He pulsed hard, over and over; spilling like a stallion, but his throbbing cock wasn’t stopping! His jewels were now aching empty, but the feeling wasn’t subsiding. Kellie was tickling the tip of his throbbing hard shaft somehow.

  With Serena’s fingers teasing Elle’s rock-solid wet clit, Elle had detonated with a deep intensity. Her head was cocked back and her mouth open with the unrestrained feelings rocketing through her body from between her thighs. Still empathically linked with the young guy a building away, Elle’s body rocked with ecstasy as Serena teased wave after wave of ecstasy from her. Elle now held tightly to Serena, both of her hands cupped over Serena’s ass holding herself up, her legs and body weak from the intense shared euphoria.

  Preston rested himself over Kellie’s damp back, his still rock-hard cock buried deeply inside her, his glands in pain, his stamina completely gone, his chest filling deeply against her skin as he kissed her back between her shoulder blades. He somehow found the strength to roll Kellie to her back, as Preston refilled her wetly again with himself and the two of them began kissing wildly, his shaft still deeply pleasing her.


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