TORMENTED: Bratva Fury (book 1)

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TORMENTED: Bratva Fury (book 1) Page 1

by Alexi Ferreira


  Bratva Fury (Book 1)

  Copyright © 2018 Alexi Ferreira

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or by other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in used critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses as permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the author, mentioning in the subject line:

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  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to any person or persons, living or dead, any event, occurrence, or incident is purely coincidental. The characters and story lines are created and thought up from the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  To know more about ALEXI FERREIRA you can follow her on the links below:






  WULF (book 1)

  BJARNI (book 2)

  BRANDR (book 3)

  CERIC (book 4)

  BION (book 5)


  Thank you to my wonderful daughter and son that believe in me and that have stood by me from the first.

  To my readers for all their support without all of you this dream wouldn’t be possible, and to Bertus that is the insperation in my life, my very own alpha male, love you.


  JADE 2


  JADE 4


  JADE 6


  JADE 8


  JADE 10


  JADE 12


  JADE 14


  JADE 16


  JADE 18


  JADE 20



  NIK 1


  My breathing is erratic. My heart is racing. I can feel someone approaching from behind, but I can’t turn around. Why can’t I face whoever’s behind me?

  I struggle, but nothing happens. I can’t see who it is, but suddenly I can feel a blade being thrust deep into my back. I feel the pain radiate throughout my body. I try again to turn. I need to fight back, but my body is heavy. My arms feel like lead. I try to call out for help, but no sound comes out. There is a hand over my mouth and strong arms holding me down. I fight trying to get free, but to no avail. I feel the blade being extracted from my body, and then I feel the piercing pain as it plunges deep into my body once again.

  Whomever it is better kill me, because if I live, I will hurt everyone they hold dear before I exterminate them. They will know not to cross my path; I am Alexey Vasiliev, son of the Pakhan. No one challenges the Bratva and gets away with it. My breathing is rugged. I struggle again to turn, but my body feels heavy. My throat is burning from my erratic breathing.

  With my heart pounding, I awaken. Looking around the room, I see the sun’s rays penetrating through the curtain in my room. Everything is normal.

  "Fuck." I try to get up, but my black silk sheets are wrapped around my legs. These fucking nightmares. It has been five years, and I still have nightmares from my time in the Russian prison. Standing up from my king-sized bed, I move towards the full-length windows. I know I’m not going to be able to go back to sleep. I never do after a nightmare.

  When the Bratva managed to get me out of that hellhole, I had to leave Russia and everything I knew behind. I moved to South Africa and started all over. I’m now the most feared. All other crime lords want to associate with the Russian Bratva except for one, but with time, I’ll squash Salazar. As the oldest son of Ivan the Pakhan in Russia, I’m feared, but not only because of who my father is but because I’ve earned my place in the Bratva.

  At twenty-five, I was imprisoned for killing a police official. Did I kill him? Fuck yes. Would I kill him again? Yes. He was raping young girls, and no matter all the evil we might be involved in as the mafia, we do not hurt women or children. The two years I was held in that hellhole were the worst of my life. I was tortured before I took control. By the time the Bratva got me out, I was leader of most of the worst men in Russia.

  My hand moves to the scar on my lower back. I nearly died, but they missed any major organs. The three men involved died a slow, excruciating death. Looking out at the lights in the city below me, I try to find that peace of mind that usually comes to me when I look at the still-sleeping city below at this time of the morning, but today, it escapes me. Turning my back on the city, I make my way out of the room towards the kitchen, still naked. No use getting dressed. There is no one who would dare disturb me, except maybe Vlad.

  Vlad is younger than me. He has always looked up to me. When I left Russia, he insisted on following me. It’s still a surprise that Dad allowed it. Vlad is the only person I love on this earth. I’ll do anything for my youngest brother, and I know he would do the same for me.

  The mafia isn’t a business of trust. Trust is earned, and in my case, I don’t trust anyone except for Vlad. We’re both hardened men. We do what we must for the Bratva, no questions asked. Turning on the coffee machine, I lean back against the island in the centre of the kitchen and crack my neck to release some of the tenseness from my nightmare. Looking over at the clock on the wall, I see that it’s five in the morning. Vlad was going with Boris, his bodyguard, and ten of our guys to collect our weapons from the supplier.

  Most people think that our main business is the nightclubs we have throughout the city. We also have various other businesses, but the truth is, we supply weapons to countries in Africa, and that is our main stream of income. Moving to the counter, I fill my mug with coffee. Bringing it to my lips, I sip, finding pleasure in the hot, bitter, and strong coffee as it makes its way down my throat. After being in a Russian prison, I’ve learned to appreciate the little things in life.

  I make my way back to my room, mug in hand, towards the bedside phone. Seven messages. Picking up the phone, I scroll through my messages until I see one from Vlad. Opening the message, I tense. "Fuck." Today is turning out to not be a good day.

  I hurry and dial his number. Vlad says they were attacked. Whoever the fuck thinks they can attack me and come out unscathed will learn. The phone rings twice before I hear my brother’s voice. "Brat," he greets, his voice deep and accented like mine. "Are you okay?" I growl. If anyone ever hurts Vlad, I’ll burn down this city until I find the asshole.

  "Da, but Boris was shot. I’m with the doc now. He’s taking a look," Vlad says angrily. Boris is Vlad’s best friend. He’s thirty-two, my age, and three years older than Vlad. Boris is one tough son of a bitch. That’s why I placed him as Vlad’s bodyguard.

  "Who was it?" The only person stupid enough to try to attack me must be Salazar.

  Salazar is the boss for the Castilian Mafia and a pain in the ass. Up to now, he’s been irritating, but he’s never outright attacked us. This is war, and he knows it. I wonder what has him so confident suddenly. Salazar and I have been at each other for a few years, but he has never outright challenged me. There must be a reason he has now.

  "Still unsure, but I have a meeting with Sloan in an hour. I’m hoping he has proof," Vlad answers. Sloan
is someone who owed us money, he did not pay us back, therefore we agreed that he would infiltrate Salazar’s fold and report back to us on any new occurrences. Up to now, Sloan has been very useful. Let’s hope he continues.


  "A little coffee shop called Sweet Addictions. It’s close to here," Vlad answers distractedly as I hear talking on his side.

  "I will meet you there in thirty," I state before hanging up. If Sloan has proof that Salazar was involved in this attack, I’ll come down on him with everything I have.

  Twenty minutes later, I’m walking out my penthouse apartment, wearing my Armani suit. My two guards are standing outside in the hall, waiting. "Morning, Boss," they both call out as I walk towards the lift. I nod at their greeting as I step into the lift, with Ivan and Andrei behind me.

  All the men who work for me are hardened, well-trained fighters. My men respect me because I’ll never order them to do anything I couldn’t do myself. As I step out of the lift in the basement, I approach my black Mustang. Out the corner of my eye, I see another of my men standing guard. I get into the driver’s seat of the car, seeing my two companions get into another black Mustang parked behind mine. I have a few black Mustangs that have been modified to my specifications. They are faster and safer, and all are bulletproof. Vlad and I each drive one, and our bodyguards each have one.

  I take off. Making it to the coffee shop with minutes to spare, I see that Vlad is already inside, as his car is parked in front. I like punctuality. If I book a time, I expect the same from others. Vlad knows me too well. Parking across from where Vlad is parked, I look around before getting out of the car and making my way towards the coffee shop.

  I can see Ivan and Andrei behind me as I enter. The first thing that catches my attention when I enter is the wonderful smell of baked goods. As it’s still early, there is no one here except for Vlad, who is sitting at the table near a floor-to-ceiling window. Drawing closer, I can see the scowl on my brother’s face.

  "Brat," I greet as I sit opposite him. Ivan and Andrei are seated at the table near the door.

  "You didn’t need to come, Alexey," Vlad says as greeting.

  Ignoring his answer, I ask, "How’s Boris?"

  If possible, Vlad’s face darkens even more with anger. "He’ll be fine. He got shot in the shoulder."

  "Did they get the shipment?" Vlad shakes his head in reply. "Were there any casualties?"

  "Yeah, we shot one of the fuckers in the leg," he grunts in anger. Just then, the waitress comes to stand at our table. I grunt in irritation, not ready to finish questioning him.

  "Are you ready to order?" a chirpy voice says from next to me. "Yes, thanks, kapacota." At Vlad calling our waitress beauty, I look up for the first time at her. My breath catches. My brother is not wrong—this woman is a beauty. Her long chocolate-brown hair is down her back in waves, her twinkling brown eyes seem to shine with humour, and her kissable lips are turned up in a smile. She seems so innocent compared to all the other women in our world. Her voice has a sexy rasp when she talks. I can feel her voice stroking my skin, making me hard. At that, I tense. What the fuck? I’m acting like a teenager. The last time any woman caused this reaction to my body was when I was sixteen.

  With so many women to choose from, and having whichever one catches my fancy, I don’t usually pay attention to women who aren’t in our world, but this one has something that is calling to me. "I would like scrambled eggs on toast and another coffee," Vlad says. I see her feminine hand writing down his order as he talks. Then she looks at me, and the intensity of her look has me hardening even more.

  "What about you?" she asks. Is her voice raspier or is it me? Whatever it is, I don’t fucking care. This woman is going to be mine.

  "I want you," I say. At my words, I see her shocked look. Her shoulders tense. "Well, I’m sorry, but I’m not on the menu," she says. "Now, would you like to order something?" I can feel Vlad’s shocked eyes on me. This isn’t like me, but I will have this woman.

  "Do you know who I am?" I ask. No one denies me.

  "I must say I don’t, not that it would change anything,” she says, and then looks at Vlad. “I will go get your food order in and bring your coffee in a jiffy." Turning she faces me. "I will take your order when I come back if you need more time." I hear Vlad chuckle when she turns and looks away.

  "Looks like the mighty Alexey Vasiliev doesn’t always get what he wants," he answers between chuckles.

  "We will see," I say. There is no way I’m not going to take this woman for myself. If she only knew the thoughts going through my mind, the things I want to do to her. She would run out the back door.

  “We will see,” I repeat as my eyes follow her to the kitchen.

  JADE 2

  "White toast with scrambled egg, please, Joe," I call as I walk into the kitchen. Looking over my shoulder, I see the hot guy looking at me. His eyes are a piercing green that penetrate my soul when he focuses on me. The other guy with him is also intense, but not as bad as the one who makes my mouth water just by looking at him. When he first looked at me, I lost my breath. I have never been so affected by a man before, but this guy affects me with just a look. No one has to tell me that he’s trouble. It radiates from his every pore.

  "Hey, honey, why so pensive?" Lara asks. Lara is my friend and roommate. I met Lara when I was in high school, but then she moved here, and we only spoke over the phone. When I finally decided to leave my old life behind, she offered to help by arranging this job for me. We rented an apartment, and I am forever grateful to her to be able to leave the past behind.

  "Look behind me. Do you know them?" I’m curious to know who he is. He must be someone important if he thought I knew him.

  "Nope, but I wouldn’t mind knowing them," she teases.

  "Joe, do you know the guys sitting at table fourteen?" Lara asks.

  Joe wipes his hands on the cloth hanging from his waist and then approaches us. When his eyes land on the guys, he tenses. "Fuck, that’s the Bratva boss. Why the fuck are they here?" he whispers, looking weary.

  "What’s the Bratva boss?" I ask curiously. I can tell that Joe fears them.

  "Where you from, girl, space? The Bratva is the Russian mafia," he answers quietly, and then points at the guy who said he wanted me. "That there is Alexey Vaseliv, the main guy. The one in front of him is his brother, Vlad." He turns, hurrying towards where he was preparing the eggs. A few minutes later, he hands a plate stacked with eggs and golden toast to me. "Hurry. Don’t make them wait. They aren’t known for their patience or forgiving nature."

  That’s all I need, a damn mafia boss thinking he can have me. Huffing, I take the plate from him and grab the coffee on the way to their table. Pasting a smile back on my face, I approach. "Here you go, scrambled eggs and toast and a coffee refill," I say chirpily. Lifting my eyes from the food, I see a twinkle in the brother’s eyes as he looks at me.

  "Thank you, kapacota," he says in his sexy voice.

  "What does that mean, kapacota?" I know I have just butchered the word by the way he flinches.

  "It means beauty," the boss answers. His sexy growly voice strokes my senses. I was biding my time before I had to look at him again, but now there is no way out.

  His piercing green eyes are looking at me as if he owns me. I swear I can feel it right through to my soul. "Oh." What else can I say? His words and his stare are scrambling my thoughts. "Have you decided on anything to eat?" At my words, his eyes, if possible, heat with untold pleasures as he leisurely looks down my body, stopping at my abundant chest and then continuing all the way down right up to my toes. My breath catches as I feel moisture pool between my legs.

  "For now, you can bring me the same as Vlad, malysh," he says, his voice implying that later, it will be what he actually wants—me.

  Stretching my arm, I start to pour his coffee and see that my hand is shaking. I can see his luscious lips kick up on one side when he takes note of the effect he’s having on me, but suddenl
y, his whole demeanour changes when the bell above the door rings. There is a hardness in his eyes that wasn’t there a minute ago. Looking over my shoulder, I see a guy of about forty walking in, his hair slicked back, a thick gold chain around his neck.

  "Malysh, go to the back," he orders, not taking his eyes off the newcomer as one of the men sitting by the door stands up and frisks him before letting him approach Alexey’s table. Taking a nervous breath, I hurry towards the kitchen. When I open the swinging door, I see Lara and Joe standing there, looking out at the tables.

  "What’s going on?" Lara asks.

  "Don’t know. He was ordering his food when the other guy came in. Suddenly, he tenses and sends me back here. He might be hot as hell, but he’s a presumptions asshole," I declare angrily.

  "Shh, are you mad? Do you have a death wish or something?" Joe asks angrily.

  "Whatever. He wants the same as his brother," I state, irritated. I don’t know why this man is affecting me so much.

  Turning, I look out the one-way glass circle of the swinging door. Alexey and his brother are still sitting as they were before, but there is a whole feel of danger around them now. The new guy is looking nervous as he talks to them. I see Alexey clench his fists on his lap, but besides that, he shows no sign of anger.

  "Orders up," Joe calls, cleaning around the plate. This time, the plate has even more egg than the previous one. "Come on, girl, take it while it's hot." Huffing at his commanding tone, I make my way back out of the kitchen and towards their table. At my approach, I see the new guy’s eyes flicker to me.

  "Here you go. Hope you enjoy. Would you like any more coffee?" I ignore his scowl and hold up the coffee jug. Alexey shakes his head slightly. Looking up at the new guy, I see him looking me up and down as if I'm a piece of meat. What’s up with these guys today? "Can I get you anything?" I ask politely. Meanwhile, all I want to do is turn my back and leave.

  "Well, sugar, if—" Suddenly, Alexey has his hand around the new guy’s neck and is lifting him off his chair. I jump in fright at the suddenness.


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