TORMENTED: Bratva Fury (book 1)

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TORMENTED: Bratva Fury (book 1) Page 9

by Alexi Ferreira

  “Okay, she’s back. Betty, we need to hurry. I have to get this bullet out.” I let out a breath that I didn’t realize I was holding and slide down the wall until I’m sitting on the floor with my head in my hands. My arms are resting on my knees that are drawn up. I don’t know how long I sit like that with Vlad standing over me like a guardian angel, my mind filled with memories of the last few days. Jade is my weakness, and Salazar knows it.

  “What happened to Ivan?” I suddenly remember that when we arrived at the scene, I didn’t see anyone in the car.

  “One of the boys got him out and brought him here. The doctor had a look at him earlier,” Vlad says. “He has a concussion, but otherwise, he’s fine.” When this is all over, I’m going to want to know why he would take Jade out when we are in the middle of a war.

  “All done,” I hear the doctor say; lifting my head, I look at her and see her removing her bloodied gloves. I stand and move towards Jade. She looks so pale against the pillows. The sheet is covering her, but I can see a bandage around her shoulder.

  “Is she okay?” I ask, not taking my eyes off her.

  “She lost a lot of blood, and I think she might have a concussion, but if there are no complications, she should pull through,” she says as she comes to stand next to me to look down at Jade.

  “Thank you,” I say, and see her nod and then turn and start to pack her medical tools. I place my hand over Jade’s that is covered with a sheet and squeeze gently. I don’t know how long I stand like that until Vlad touches my shoulder and points to a chair he placed behind me. I notice that Betty and the doctor aren’t in the room anymore.

  “I want him found. Look under every rock if you have to, but I want him,” I grunt.

  “Nik is on it,” Vlad replies. “Also, do we hold off on the plan?” We had agreed to burn down Salazar’s remaining prostitution houses today. What happened delayed things.

  “No, I want it all destroyed by the end of the day,” I growl. I will destroy his things like I will destroy him. He thinks he can start a war with the Bratva and get away with it. He will see what I am capable of. “Get me plans of his hotel.”

  Vlad leaves to go do my bidding while I sit and stare at Jade and hold her hand. I know I should go tell her mother, but I will do so when she wakes up. I cannot let this happen again. Once was too much. I close my eyes to rest them and must have fallen asleep, because I’m startled awake. My eyes snap open, and I encounter Jade’s beautiful brown eyes focused on me.

  “Jade,” I whisper as I sit on the edge of my chair so that I’m closer to her. My hand lifts to smooth back the hair that has fallen over her forehead. “How are you feeling?” I ask as I lower my head and kiss her forehead. When I stand back up, her eyes are closed, but I know she’s not sleeping, as there’s a slight grimace on her face.

  “My head hurts. The light,” she murmurs. I move towards the light switch and turn the light off. It’s now late afternoon, so the light streaming through the window is enough to still see inside the room.

  “Is that better?” I ask as I hear her sigh.

  “Yes,” she says as she opens her eyes to look back at me. “Alexey . . . How is Ivan?”

  My anger rises at the thought of him. If it weren’t for him allowing her to leave, she wouldn’t have been hurt. “For now, he’s fine. There is only a concussion.”

  Jade brings her hand up and lays it against my chest as I’m standing next to the bed. “Are you upset with me?” she asks quietly, and my stomach tightens.

  “No, of course not. Why would I be upset with you?” I bend over, and this time, I kiss her lightly on the lips.

  “Ivan didn’t want to take me, but I had my final today. Please don’t be angry with him. I told him that I couldn’t miss the exam.”

  “Don’t worry about Ivan. If anything, it’s my fault. I told you I would keep you safe, and already you have gotten hurt,” I grunt in anger at myself. This feeling of failure is crippling. I cannot fail again. I nearly lost Jade today. Next time, I might lose her or Vlad, and that is not an option.

  “Alexey,” she murmurs as she closes her eyes, “it’s not your fault. They were bad men.”

  I lay my forehead against hers. “I’m a bad man, malysh, and you deserve so much better, but I won’t ever let you go,” I whisper in Russian, but I know she didn’t hear me, as she’s already dozing. I close my eyes as I feel her breath against my face. I’m a monster. I’m the darkness to her light. She’s too good for me, but I’m too selfish to ever let her go. I will hold her close, cherish her, and hope that my life will never destroy the best thing to ever happen to me.

  JADE 12

  The day after the incident, Alexey moved me upstairs to our room. My mother came to sit with me every day while Alexey would go to his office, but he never left the apartment in these last three days. My mother was worried about me and asked if I was sure that Alexey was the right man for me. I know that for someone who has been abused for so many years, this relationship seems toxic, but Alexey is so caring, so good to me.

  I know that I got hurt because of whom he is, but I also know that he loves me. He may not have told me yet, but actions talk louder than words, and his actions are loud and clear. My mother has just left when I hear Alexey and Vlad arguing. Sitting up, I move out of bed. I’m still dizzy because of the blood loss, but if I move slowly, I should be fine. I place my hand on the wall to support me as I move towards their voices.

  When I round the corner into the lounge, I see both of them facing each other. They are so similar in structure, both handsome with their rugged looks, but Vlad is wider than Alexey because of his boxing. But Alexey is so much bigger in every other way; his energy dominates everyone and everything.

  “Alexey.” They both stop to turn their heads towards me. Alexey comes rushing towards me.

  “What are you doing out of bed?” he asks as he picks me up. He’s about to take me back when I stop him.

  “No, I want to sit here. What’s wrong? Why are you two arguing?” I ask as I stroke my fingers across his jaw.

  “I’m sorry we woke you up,” Vlad says as Alexey moves towards the couch and sits with me on his lap. “It was just a slight disagreement.”

  “That wasn’t a slight disagreement. You were both angry.”

  “Vlad is upset because I rescheduled his fight,” Alexey confesses as he strokes my hair. “There is just too much going on at the moment.”

  “So when is the fight?” I ask as I look at Alexey.

  “It will be in two weeks’ time,” he grunts.

  “But that’s great,” I say with a smile, and see both men raise their eyebrows at me, so identical to each other in their reaction. “Like that, I can come and see you fight. I’ve never been to a boxing match, and I really want to see you.” I feel Alexey tense, and then Vlad is chuckling as he crosses his arms and sits before us.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Alexey snaps.

  “Why not? I will be fine by then, and you will be there, won’t you?”

  “Yes, Alexey, why not?” Vlad says with a smirk.

  “Vesti sebya. Behave,” Alexey snaps. “It is dangerous.”

  “Please, Alexey, I want to see Vlad fight, and I know if you’re there, everything will be fine, that you will keep me safe,” I murmur. I can see the indecisiveness on his face when he looks down at me with a frown. “Please.”

  “We will see how you’re feeling by then.” I gasp, and then I’m kissing him right in front of Vlad. “I didn’t say yes. I said we will see,” he says when I pull away, but there is a smile on his face.

  “She’s good,” Vlad teases with a smirk.

  “You’re just jealous,” I quip, and stick out my tongue at him. They both chuckle at my playfulness. Alexey tenderly squeezes my waist, and I lay my head against his shoulder and sigh. This feels so good, so natural.

  Every night when Alexey comes to bed, he pulls me close to him, and we talk about random things until I fall asleep. The
one thing that he didn’t speak about was his nightmare. The day he brought me home, he had a nightmare, and I could tell that it affected him, but he insisted that he didn’t remember what it was about, but I’m sure he was lying. I listen to the two of them speaking, and my mind starts to wander until I doze listening to Alexey’s heart.

  I awaken with him covering me in bed. “Sleep, lyubov moya,” he whispers as he kisses my forehead. I sigh as I close my eyes and let myself drift back to sleep.

  I’m woken up from a slumberous nap by Silvia, who is setting down a plate of food next to the bed. “Silvia?” I murmur.

  “Hello, dear. I brought you some dinner.” These last three days, I’ve been eating with Alexey, but I see only one plate on the tray. “Here, let me help you,” she says as she helps me sit.

  “Where’s Alexey?” I ask.

  “He had to go out about two hours ago and asked that I stay here until his return,” she says as she sits next to me and places the tray on my lap.

  “Oh, Silvia, that’s not necessary. Thank you, but you can go back to your family. I’m fine,” I say as I place my hand over hers.

  “Nonsense, dear. It’s a pleasure to sit with you, and besides, Alexey wouldn’t be at ease if he knew you were here by yourself,” she says with a smile.

  “I’m not a baby; he’s treating me as if I can’t take care of myself,” I grumble.

  “Be patient. He’s just worried. I’ve never seen him so shaken as when you were hurt, and it was a close call, so you need to give him some time.”

  “I know. I’m sorry. I just don’t like to inconvenience other people,” I murmur as I start to eat.

  “No inconvenience. Have you thought that maybe I like to be here with you and be able to help Alexey? He has done so much for me and my family that it is a privilege to do something for him when he asks.” She strokes a strand of my hair behind my ear. “How about I prepare you a nice bath after your dinner? And then I can change your bandage.” Before I can answer, my phone rings. Looking at it, I see that it’s Lara. She’s been so worried about me. When I didn’t show up at the coffee shop that day, she came here looking for me.

  “That would be great. Thank you, Silvia.” I pick up my phone and smile. “Hello?”

  “Well, you’re sounding better, girlfriend,” she teases. “Must be all the doctoring from the hunk of a man you’re sinning with.”

  I laugh at her silliness. She’s a good friend and has always looked out for me. “You’re crazy,” I joke as I shake my head.

  “Talking about crazy, who was that bad-ass-looking guy outside your door when I went to visit you?” she asks

  “You talking about Nik?” I ask. “Tall, dark hair, brooding?”

  “Sounds like him. He wanted to frisk me, and I was so happy, thinking my lucky day had arrived, and then your man walks out and tells him it’s okay and that he doesn’t have to,” she grumbles, making me laugh. “Don’t laugh. I nearly started to cry right there.”

  “Would you like to come visit me tomorrow for lunch, and I can have Nik join us?” I ask.

  “Would I? Are you kidding? Thought you would never ask,” she teases. “I’ll make sure to put on my push-up bra.”

  “Well, then it’s a date. I’ll see you around one.” We say our goodbyes just as Silvia walks out of the bathroom, cleaning her hands on a towel.

  “Are you ready, dear?” She smiles as I place my empty plate on the tray next to me and move to stand. She approaches and helps me up and to the bathroom. “So, I couldn’t help hearing. Is your friend coming for lunch tomorrow?”

  “Yes,” I say as I laugh, remembering our conversation. “I think she has a crush on Nik.”

  Silvia smiles as she helps me with my clothes. “That boy needs some softness in his life,” she mumbles as I step into the bath.

  “Do you know why he’s so closed?” I ask, but she shakes her head as she rinses my hair.

  “I’ve known these boys for a couple years, and he has always been like that,” she says as she helps me out. “There’s darkness in his soul, but he’s faithful to Alexey.” We continue to talk as she changes my bandage and settles me back in bed. I nearly jump out of my skin when Nik appears at my bedroom door.

  “Nik.” I gasp.

  “Sorry to scare you. Alexey is going to be late; I will be in the lounge if you need me.” With those words, he turns and leaves.

  “Well, I guess that’s my cue to leave. Do you need anything else, dear?” Silvia asks as she stands and picks up the tray.

  “No, thank you, Silvia.” I lay in bed for a while, but because I slept for so long this afternoon, I’m not tired. I get up and make my way slowly to the lounge. I find Nik standing by the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking outside.


  His head snaps around to look at me. “Should you be out of bed?” he asks, but instead of answering, I wave my hand.

  “I’m fine,” I state, and hear him grunt as he turns his back to the window and stands looking at me. Moving towards the couch, I sit.

  “Do you need anything?” he mumbles.

  “I want to be your friend,” I reply, and see his body tense and his jaw harden.

  “What?” he asks quietly.

  “Well, you, besides maybe Alexey, are the only person who’s going to spend most of their time with me. I want to be your friend.” He just stares at me. I can tell I’ve surprised him, as there’s a slight frown to his face. “Well, I’ll start. I will tell you something about myself.”

  “I know everything about you,” he says. At his words, my stomach flutters. Of course, Alexey must have gotten information about my background when he met me.

  “Okay, well, I bet you didn’t know that I hate shopping malls.” At my answer, he grunts, and I nearly smile but hold it in. “What about you? What do you hate?” I ask.

  “Friends,” he grumbles as he turns his back to me and looks out the window. Okay, well, this is going to be more difficult than I thought. I sit there quietly, looking out the window at the view; we must have been like that for about five minutes when Nik says, “Deception.” With that word that is so full of pain, my heart cries out for him.

  I don’t say anything, just nod, knowing that he can see me in the reflection from the window. I lean my head back and close my eyes. I realize that I dozed when I hear the door open, but I’m so comfortable that I don’t open my eyes. I snuggle, only then realizing that Nik must have covered me with something.

  “Nik, what’s my woman doing here?” I hear Alexey ask, but he’s trying to be quiet as not to wake me, and I’m too comfortable to open my eyes.

  “I don’t think she likes to be alone,” Nik states. “After Silvia left, I thought she was asleep, but she walked in here and said she thinks her and I should be friends.”

  “She wants to be your friend?” Alexey asks in surprise.

  “Yeah,” Nik replies as I feel Alexey lifting me against his chest. “Goodnight, Boss.” I hear the door close. I snuggle closer to Alexey and sigh as he carries me to our room.

  “You smell good,” I murmur as I rub my nose against his neck.

  “So do you,” he murmurs against my hair. “Nik tells me that you want to be his friend. Why?”

  I kiss his neck and sigh in contentment. “He seems so lonely all the time. He looks like he needs friends.” Alexey grunts at this, which makes me lift my head and look at him. “What?”

  He places me on the bed and stands to look down. “Malysh, Nik isn’t the friend type of person,” he says as he discards his shirt. My eyes follow his movements, and I forget what we’re talking about as I see him flex his muscles. My eyes follow the tattoos that start on the side of his neck and run the length of his chest and arms. I could sit here and stare at him the whole night. I feel my heartrate speed when he starts to unzip his pants, but then I see that his knuckles are swollen and grazed.

  “What happened to your hands?” I gasp as I sit up. He lifts one of his hands as if only seeing the d
amage now and then shrugs and drops it to continue undressing.

  “Difference of opinion,” he murmurs as he discards his pants and boxers. He sits on the bed with his back to me and pulls off his socks. I move onto my knees and stand behind him. Stretching my good arm, I start by massaging his tense neck. He sighs in pleasure. I know that Alexey usually struggles with tension around his neck, and he loves neck massages. I continue doing this for a while in silence, first one side, and then the other.

  “Lay down, baby. Let me take care of you for a change.” It’s difficult to do the things I want to do in this position where I have to lift my injured arm, but if he’s lying down, I can massage with both my hands. He looks over his shoulder at me and raises his eyebrows as he looks at my shoulder. “Please, just lay down over here on your stomach and I’ll make you feel good.” He looks at me for another second, and then he stretches out with his arms under his head that is turned towards me.

  “Like this?” he asks.

  “Mmm, perfect,” I groan, and hear him chuckle as my hand strokes over his ass cheek. I start to get out of bed, but his hand shoots out and grabs mine.

  “Where are you going?” he asks.

  “I’m just going to get some oil to massage you. Relax, baby.” With that, I pull away and walk towards the bathroom to get the oil that I’ve seen in the cabinet. In the bathroom, I discard my pyjamas and walk back to the room in my black thong. Alexey is still facing the other side, so he doesn’t see me return.

  I get onto the bed and straddle his waist. Pouring some oil on my hand, I rub my hands gently and then place them on his back and start to massage. Every few minutes, he sighs in contentment as I work the knots out of his back and then his neck. I make sure he’s nice and relaxed before I move down his body and start to massage his powerful thighs and calves until I get to his feet. I don’t particularly like feet, but Alexey has beautiful strong feet. I massage them using my thumb with just the right pressure to work the knots on the arches of his feet.


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