Unleashing the Beast: A Sci-Fi Alien Abduction Romance (Dark Moon Prisoners Book 2)

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Unleashing the Beast: A Sci-Fi Alien Abduction Romance (Dark Moon Prisoners Book 2) Page 10

by Aline Ash

  I spread my thighs wider as Tulo starts to slam himself into me, hard and without hesitation. He’s so large and thick that a sharp pinch of pain radiates through my body, but Tulo doesn’t seem to notice. He grits his teeth and continues to pound away, fucking me like he’s angry. His movements frantic, frenzied, the rage he feels fueling his passion. I’ve heard the expression “fuck me like you hate me” back on Earth, but I never understood it. Not until now.

  I can see so many emotions cycling through his eyes, anger being chief among them. But behind it all, I see something more. I see his desire, his longing, and something even more profound – the feelings he has for me. It nearly takes my breath away and I surrender myself to him completely. The tension leaves my body as he thrusts himself deep inside me and takes the pain along with it. In its place is a rush of pleasure more intense than a hurricane.

  I press my head back against the bed and cry out as he drives himself into me with every ounce of the desire and fury that fill his body. As he stares into my eyes, the intensity of his gaze burning a hole through my soul while making me impossibly wet, Tulo moves his hand to my throat once more. He grips it tight and squeezes, cutting off my breath as he fucks me.

  I grip his wrist with both hands, writhing and moving beneath him, all the while, I feel my face growing red and see darkness creeping in at the edge of my vision. I try to draw breath, but can’t, and as Tulo slams himself into me with such force, I’m half afraid he’s going to split me in half, I feel my entire body stiffen, feel my lungs crying out for air.

  As my body shakes wildly, I open my mouth to scream, but nothing comes out. Bright pinpoints of light dance before my eyes, but then he releases his grip on my throat. Blessed, cool air flows into my body, but tears spill from the corners of my eyes as my orgasm crashes down over me with the intensity of a nuclear bomb blast.

  I cry out, screaming his name as I rake my fingernails down his back. I feel weightless, like that moment when you crest the biggest hill on a roller coaster, and plunge down, down, down. The feeling tearing through me is exhilarating and goes on so long, it’s frightening as it steals the breath from me every bit as much as Tulo’s hand around my throat had.

  My body is quivering from head to toe and I have a strange, wavering smile on my face. He slides off the bed and pulls me to my feet. I look at him, my body still awash in sensation, and he forces me down onto my knees. Tulo grabs me by the hair, pulling it tight as he steps forward and forces his cock into my mouth. He pushes himself deeper until I start to choke, then backs off.

  He tightens his grip on my hair and starts to pump his hips, slamming his cock into my mouth with as much vigor as he fucked me. I grab hold of his thighs and tighten my lips around his shaft, swirling my tongue around his cock as he fucks my mouth. He grabs hold of my head with his second hand and holds it in place, slowing his motion, but still thrusting himself in firmly.

  I drag my teeth over he raised ridges on his dick, making him gasp and groan. His eyes are closed, and his head is back. I reach up with my hand and grab hold of his balls, squeezing them firmly, and draw a loud, low grunt from him. I grip him even tighter, slowly and languidly dragging my teeth across his ridges, and Tulo’s entire body tenses as he continues pumping his staff into my mouth. I’ve never been more excited. I’ve never been hotter or wetter in my life.

  I don’t know that I would have this same experience with anybody else. There is just something about Tulo that makes me want to surrender myself to him. Something in me that wants to give everything, including my own power and control, two things I guard jealously, over to him. It feels natural. It feels…right.

  Tulo shudders and a low, rumbling growl passes his lips. An almost rapturous look crosses his features and I feel his cock swelling in my mouth. I squeeze his balls harder at the same time I tighten my grip on the base of his shaft. And then he bursts. My mouth is suddenly tingling with that feeling of cooling menthol as he fills it with his cum. His cock throbs and pulses, shooting his thick, warm seed into my mouth.

  I swallow down as much as I can, but there’s simply too much, and rivulets of that pale blue spunk spill from the corners of my mouth, and race down my chin. I feel some of is splash onto my breasts, and I keep squeezing his shaft, milking every last drop out of him.

  I feel his cock begin to grow flaccid in my hand and he steps back, a look of absolute bliss upon his face. I grab a fragment of my shirt that’s on the ground near me and wipe my mouth off with it. My skin and my mouth both continue to tingle, and I laugh as Tulo scoops me up and tosses me onto the bed. He drops down heavily next to me and I lay my head on his chest as he pulls me to him, wrapping his arm around me almost protectively.

  I close my eyes and feel my body tingling. Feel the aches and pains already beginning to form, though they make me smile as I recall how I earned them. The memory of what we did is delicious and sends a flutter through me. No matter how stiff and sore I wake up tomorrow, I will only look at them fondly. I’ll savor them as I recall the things Tulo and I did together.

  We lay like that in complete stillness and silence for several long moments. I trace lazy circles on his stomach with my fingertip and listen to the steady, strong beat of his heart. He strokes my hair gently and I shudder as he trails his fingers down my back. I plant a soft kiss on his chest, reveling in this moment that seems so perfect.

  Things between us are so complex. So complicated. And yet, there is something genuine and profound building between us as well. It’s something that not only sets my intimate parts ablaze, but it makes my heart flutter in ways I never thought possible.

  I don’t know what the future holds. All I do know is that I want my future to include Tulo. And all I can do is hope he feels the same.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I roll off the bunk and quickly throw on my clothes. Tulo gets dressed as well and drops back down onto the bed as I pad over to the table against the wall and pour a cup of water. I drain most of the glass, relishing the feel of the cool liquid slipping down my throat, which had grown drier than a desert. His gaze is heavy. It almost has a physical weight to it. And when I turn to him, I find those red-ringed, crystalline blue eyes focused on me, a soft smile playing upon his lips.

  The way Tulo looks at me sends a flutter through my heart and makes me feel like a stupid schoolgirl with a crush. His eyes slide up and down my body in the most sensual way, and he wears an expression of unabashed desire. He looks at me like I’m the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen, sometimes as if he’s in awe. And his desire for me is never slaked.

  I haven’t thought about feeling pretty for a long time. Ever since I was taken, I’ve been fighting, and just trying to survive. I can hardly remember now that there were times back home when I would dress up. When I’d put on a slinky black dress, get all made up, and make myself feel sexy. But even back then, nobody ever made me feel even half as sexy or desirable as Tulo does, just with the way he looks at me, without any heavy handed words or trite expressions, He makes me feel pretty, desirable, worthy.

  I swallow down the last of the water and refill the cup before I move back to the bed and sit down on the edge. I hand the cup to Tulo and give him a small smile that he returns before taking a drink.

  “What are you smiling about?” he asks as he lowers the cup.

  I shake my head. “I was just thinking. About…us. All of this.” I wave my hand around the room.

  “And what is it you’re thinking?”

  I smile and shake my head. “It’s nothing. It’s silly.”

  “That does not mean I do not want to hear it.”

  My stomach does a flip-flop and my entire body tingles, making my smile widen as that feeling of being a silly, giddy schoolgirl deepens. I can’t really explain it in a way that’s satisfactory, but just these small things like wanting to hear what I have to say, or his protectiveness, mean a lot to me. More than I really understand simply because I’m not used to it.

  “It’s just you make me feel special, Tulo,” I finally say. “And with all of this going on around us, I just never expected to find something like that. Or find somebody like you.”

  He frowns and looks away. It’s then I start to wonder if my feelings are misplaced. Wonder if I’m feeling something he’s not. Have I misread the situation? Have I seen signs that aren’t actually there?

  Suddenly, the fluttering in my chest turns into a hard stone in the pit of my belly. Tulo turns his startlingly blue eyes to me, a thoughtful expression on his face. I see emotions churning in the depths of his eyes, his feelings for me.

  But am I merely seeing only what I want to see? What I hope to see?

  “You have been an unexpected and pleasant surprise to me as well,” he finally says, the low rumble of his voice washing across my skin. “I never expected that I would find myself caring for…anybody in this place. You have made me feel things I’ve been trying to avoid.”

  There’s a slight pause in the conversation and I gnaw on my bottom lip for a moment. I’m so overwhelmed that I’m not sure what to do with it all right now. I can’t even seem to organize my thoughts in any sort of coherent way.

  But knowing that I wasn’t mistaken and that Tulo does feel the same way about me like I do about him fills my heart with a lightness that nearly steals my breath. I feel like I could float up into space, and the smile on my face stretches from ear to ear.

  Before I can say anything more, the door to our chamber slides open, and the young Tabiean girl who normally brings us our meals walks in, pushing a hovercart of food for us. She silently pushes it over to the table and lays it all out.

  The girl has a soft, dark blue fur that covers her back, with a lighter blue belly. If she were a human, I would put her at no more than thirteen or fourteen years old. And yet, the look in her pale purple eyes is one of a much older person. She’s a girl who has seen far too much.

  She is always so silent and scared that I have never tried to talk to her. I was worried she would get a heart attack if I did. But now, I’m so overwhelmed with happy emotions that I decide to try and talk to her. I hope that a small chat can cheer her up.

  “What is your name?” I ask carefully, trying to sound as silent and calm as I can.

  She shudders and turns to me, but remains silent.

  “It’s okay,” I tell her. “You can talk to us.”

  She glances at Tulo nervously and I can see that she is still afraid of the G’osha. The reputation Tulo’s clan has among the other Tabiean tribes still holds sway, even in a Gargolian-occupied world. That says something about the reverence the other tribes have for the G’osha. Or maybe just the fear they inspire.

  “What is your name, honey?” I ask again.

  “Ilfa,” she finally says. “I am called Ilfa.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Ilfa.” I give her a small smile. “I’m Ev—”

  “You’re Eva. And he’s Jin,” she cuts me off, shooting a quick glance at Tulo.

  I feel him bristling on the bed behind me. We’ve talked about it some, but he still sees the moniker as offensive, and it’s not for me to say otherwise.

  “His name is Tulo,” I gently correct her. “Call him Tulo.”

  Her eyes widen for a moment, and she nods, looking terrified as if he’d leap from the bed and tear her to pieces. I know better than that. Despite the fact that he bristles at the name, and despite the fact that he can be brutal when he needs to be, Tulo has a golden heart. He does not like fighting. He does not like violence or killing. And he would never harm a child.

  But Ilfa does not know that. All she knows are the stories of the G’osha she’s been fed and grown up with. The G’osha are portrayed as ruthless killers. As monsters who descend from the mountains to snatch away the lives of other Tabieans. Though many hold the G’osha in something like awe, there are those who genuinely fear them and spread false legends.

  “You don’t need to fear Tulo, Ilfa,” I tell her. “He’s gentle as a teddy bear.”

  The girl cocks her head. “Teddy bear? What is this?”

  I laugh and shake my head. “Forget it. Just know he’s very kind and very gentle.”

  She licks her lips nervously and shifts on her feet, uncertainty upon her face. I give her a gentle smile, then look back at Tulo, urging him with my eyes to say or do something to put the girl at ease. A small grin curls his lips and he scoots to the edge of the bed, leaning forward with his forearms resting on his thighs, and looks directly into Ilfa’s eyes.

  “You have nothing to fear from me, little one.” Tulo’s voice is deep and rumbles like thunder. “I have no desire to harm you.”

  She blinks at him, remaining silent for a moment, looking like a rabbit caught in headlights. Tulo’s smile is gentle and in his eyes I thought I could see a sense of longing. It had never occurred to me that he would ever think about children, let alone want one. But as I watch him smiling at the girl, I can see an almost paternal side of him emerging.

  “What tribe are you from, Ilfa?” he asks.

  “The Fl’utyn.”

  He nods knowingly. “Your home is near the great Mychr Ocean.”

  A dark shadow crosses her face and she frowns. “It was. The Gargolians destroyed it. They killed many. Took some of us as slaves. The rest scattered into the jungles,” she says, her heart obviously heavy.

  Tulo reaches out and takes her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze, an expression of deep sympathy on his face. It’s such a small, but very touching gesture that it makes my heart swell to the point I feel like it might burst. But then I look at Ilfa and see the haunted look in her eyes and know that she lost much when the Gargolians attacked her village.

  “Your parents?” I ask.

  Her eyes shimmer with tears that she’s trying valiantly to hold back. “Dead,” she replies, her voice barely more than a whisper. “The Gargolians murdered them.”

  There is so much steel and hatred in her voice all of the sudden that I’m taken aback slightly. Far from soft-spoken and shy, Ilfa is suddenly hard and steely, her voice dripping with venom. I can see the hate for the Gargolians she has in her eyes and the pain of all that’s been taken from her in her face. My heart breaks for this girl who should never have to know such pain.

  Tulo sits back and lets go of her hand, giving her a soft smile. The girl looks at him differently. Though she still looks slightly skeptical, the fear that marked her face before is gone. But then she turns to me, and I see nothing but grit and determination in her face.

  “You fight with the resistance?” she asks.

  I give her a nod. “I do.”

  I see a spark flare up inside her. There’s a smoldering of rage and defiance lighting her eyes and in the set of her body.

  “I want to fight too,” she declares. “I want to kill the Gargolians who murdered my parents. I want to help free this world of them.”

  Tulo scoffs. “The dream of a free world is dead. The resistance cannot beat the Gargolians.”

  Ilfa and I both turn to him at the same time, our eyes wide, disbelief on our faces. He stares back at us and I see a resignation in his eyes. He’s angry and I can see that he wants to fight. But he does not let himself even entertain the notion.

  “I…I should go,” Ilfa says quickly.

  Before I can say anything, she’s pushing her hover-cart out the door. As it closes behind her, I turn to Tulo, narrowing my eyes and gritting my teeth. He looks back at me, his face passive, his demeanor angry.

  “What in the hell was that?” I snap.

  Chapter Seventeen


  She doesn’t have to say a word for me to know that she is angry. Eva seems unable to control her emotions and her face is very easy to read. And right now, her face is red, her eyes are mere slits, and her nostrils are flaring—all indicators that she is angry. In addition to that, I can smell the chemicals her body is releasing, and far from being the pleasant smelling endorphins she releases when we mate, wh
at I smell now is bitter and acrid.

  “What has you so angry?” I ask.

  “Why did you tell that girl that?” she answers my question with a question.

  “Because it is the truth,” I reply.

  She stands up suddenly and crosses her arms over her chest as she paces back and forth before the windows on the far side of the room. She wears a scowl on her face and refuses to look at me. I move to the edge of the bed again and lay my forearms on my knees, watching her in silence.

  I do not know why she is so angry with me for stating a fact. We Tabieans have lived in an uneasy peace with the Gargolians for generations, uneasy because it was one that was very one-sided. We had resources the Gargolians desired, and because of that, they worked with us. But they have always been the more aggressive, warlike, and technologically advanced race.

  It seems simple now to say that it was only a matter of time before that fragile peace was broken. When the Gargolians figured out they did not need us and could take the resources they wanted on their own, they invaded. They destroyed and killed at will, and there was nothing we could do to prevent it.

  The flatlanders tried. They fought valiantly. I will give them credit for fighting as hard as they could, for as long as they could. But the simple fact of the matter is that the Gargolians had more fighters. They had advanced technology, better weapons and equipment. And the Tabiean people are fragmented, with all of the different tribes fighting for themselves, no coherent joint plan of action.

  With those factors, among many others, it is no surprise that the Gargolians were able to conquer our world. And now they have enslaved most, took our women for their breeding programs, and continue to eradicate any resistance systematically. I suspect it won’t be long before Tabieans as a species cease to exist.


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