Kian: House of Flames (Daddy Dragon Romance) (Dragon Guardians Book 1)

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Kian: House of Flames (Daddy Dragon Romance) (Dragon Guardians Book 1) Page 12

by Scarlett Grove

  "Sure," Kian said. “What’s a trip to the city without a triple mocha latte?"

  Everly giggled, and they all climbed in the cars. They pulled the SUV out first and then Dax pulled up behind them.

  The drive into the city took a few hours. But it was worth it. They drove through the coffee shop and got iced mocha lattes.

  "She's at the café right now at work," Everly said, as they drove out of the café.

  "Then we'll drop the car off there.”

  “What will we tell her?"

  "That your billionaire boss fell in love with you?”

  "That sounds plausible," Everly said with a giggle.

  They drove up in front of the Fifth Street diner and parked in the lot out back. Having just finished her mocha latte, she was feeling a bit energetic. Kian took Ember out of the car seat and carried her in a sling on his hip.

  "A table for three?" the hostess asked.

  "We're just here to see Stacy Morgan," Everly said.

  "Stacy?" the hostess said. "I'll get her right away."

  She hurried into the back and Stacy came out a moment later, dressed in her pink uniform and white apron.

  "Everly!" she said, running to her friend. "I missed you so much. How have you been? And who is this?"

  "Stacy, this is my fiancé, Kian," Everly said, trying to come up with the best equivalent of mate. “And our friend Dax.”

  "Was he your boss?" Stacy asked at a whisper.

  "Uh huh," Everly said.

  "What brings you to the diner?" she asked.

  "We just wanted to bring you something to pay you back for everything you did for me."

  "It was nothing. What are friends for?" Stacy said, looking at Dax and Kian.

  "You helped me out at the most difficult part of my life, and now I want to pay you back. I know you are struggling. So, we brought you something.”

  Dax lifted the keys and dangled them in the air.

  "What did you bring me?" Stacy asked.

  "Come outside and see," Everly said.

  They all piled out of the café and walked down through the parking lot to where the cars were parked. Dax hit the unlock button on the Subaru and the lights flashed. Stacy's mouth dropped open when she saw the car. Dax dropped the keys into her hands.

  "That's for you," Dax said. "Can we get another mocha latte now?"

  "He bought me a new Subaru?" Stacy stuttered, walking closer to the station wagon.

  "Your Volvo was falling apart,” Everly said.

  “Do I need to take over the payments or something?" Stacy asked.

  "Nope. It's all yours, free and clear," Kian said.

  "This is too much," Stacy said.

  "It's not too much. You were there for my mate when she needed someone to help her. I take that very seriously. This car is nothing compared to that kind of loyalty."

  "Thank you so much," Stacy said, turning to Everly and throwing her arms around her.

  The friends embraced and Everly could feel Stacy's tears dripping on her shoulder. She rubbed her back and pulled away, looking into her friend's face. Tears were streaming down her cheeks.

  "I know that you were hurting when you took me in, and you never once complained or made me feel bad. My life has taken a complete turn for the better, and we wanted to share our good fortune.”

  "You have no idea how much this helps. I just had to take my Volvo to the shop. It was going to cost me a thousand dollars to replace the engine. I just didn't have that. I was going to have to start taking the bus to class and work. And that would have made me late for everything. You are basically saving my life right now."

  "I'm just glad that I can help you," Everly said. “It's been weighing on me since I left.”

  “The loyalty of friends is important to us,” Kian said.

  "Thank you, Kian. And thank you for being so good to Everly. I've never seen her so happy.”

  She reached out her hand to shake Kian's and he cupped it with both of his.

  "She has given me everything I've ever wanted and more. She is the best mate I could've asked for."

  Stacy mouthed the word “mate” and shrugged, looking back Everly.

  "Can we get another mocha latte now?" Dax asked.

  "In a minute, Dax. Have a little patience."

  “I really should be getting back to work," Stacy said.

  "Keep me updated on school. If you need anything else, I don't want you to hesitate to call.”

  "My last year of grad school is going to be so much easier now that I have a new car. It's really amazing. I still can’t believe it.” She hugged Everly one more time with tears in her eyes. She wiped her eyes and turned, waving before walking back into the café.

  "My heart feels all warm and fuzzy right now," Dax said. “But I still want another mocha latte."

  "All right, all right, Dax," Kian said. “We better get going back to the mansion."

  They all piled back into the SUV. Everly felt better than she had in so long. She could barely contain her joy. She had wanted to pay Stacy back since she had left to work for Kian. And now it felt like the cycle was complete. Her friend had been there for her and now she could be there for her friend.

  She looked over at Kian and smiled. His heart was as big as his shoulders were broad. And she knew that he could bear the weight of her past and their future. He was a man that could bring balance and clarity to her life. And now that she belonged to him, she knew that she would always have a solid foundation to stand upon. He had given that to her. Now that they'd brought the car to Stacy, she could see it with greater clarity. It was like walking out into the daylight for the first time. A tear slid down her cheek, and she brushed it away. Kian glanced over at her.

  "Are you okay?" he asked.

  "I'm better than okay," she said. “I've never been better."

  "Are we getting a coffee now?" Dax asked.

  "Yes, Dax," Kian growled.

  Everly giggled in the front seat and glanced back at Ember through the mirror on the rear facing car seat. Ember slept peacefully. Dax was scanning the street, looking for another drive-through café. One word entered her mind like a flashing neon sign.


  Chapter 22

  The white ball cracked against the striped ball, and it flew into the corner pocket.

  “Yes,” Kian said, pumping his fist like a human.

  “Oh, come on,” Aiden said, holding his pool cue in his bejeweled fist.

  “Fair is fair,” Kian said. “And our team drew first.”

  “This is unfair because whoever goes first, wins,” Cato said.

  Dax held his pool cue over his shoulders, resting his arms over the stick. “I think this works just fine,” he said.

  Taking another shot, Kian hit three striped balls into various pockets and smiled at Cato and Aiden who were the opposing team together.

  “This blows,” Aiden said, putting his pool cue back in the rack.

  “Blows?” Cato asked, standing on the sidelines, looking at a hologram from his wrist device.

  Everly held Ember in the corner where they were playing with a rattle. The baby bounced in her bouncer, and Everly cooed at her. He smiled at his mate before he made his next shot and sank the rest of the striped balls into the pockets, ending with the final eight ball.

  “Oh, come on,” Aiden said, rolling his eyes and growling.

  “Maybe you guys should come up with new rules,” Everly suggested. “It would be more fun that way.”

  “If my mate thinks we should make new rules, we make new rules. Cato, can you create ‘dragon pool’ for us?”

  “Yes. But first I have some information you should be aware of.”

  “What's that?” Kian asked, craning his neck to look at Cato's hologram.

  “As you know, I left sensors in the vampire’s mansion, so I could keep track of their movements and what they were doing. They have continued with their nefarious deeds. It appears they are holding a Dragon Soul at their ma
nsion right now.”

  “Oh?” Kian said.

  Cato flipped his finger over his wrist and projected a picture of a beautiful young girl, standing near a window, looking forlornly out at the grounds of the vampires’ mansion. Dax dropped his pool cue on the ground and strode over to the hologram.

  “Who is she?” Dax whispered, touching the hologram of her face with his fingertips.

  “From facial recognition and a DNA and analysis, I've determined that this young woman's name is Aria Maxwell. She is an orderly at an old folks’ home. The vampires found her and kidnapped her, bringing her to their mansion to drain her blood.”

  “We can't let that happen,” Dax said.

  “Of course we can't,” Cato said.

  “You have to save her,” Everly said. “Those vampires are horrible fiends.”

  “Don't worry, my love. We will save her,” Kian said.

  “She's so beautiful,” Dax muttered to himself. “I'm going to get her right now.”

  Dax charged out the door, but Kian caught his shoulder on the way out, pulling him back into the pool room.

  “No, you're not. We will make a plan, and we will all go together.”

  “But I can't leave her there.”

  “Dax, you will not to go off by yourself with no plan. You may be able to take on three dozen vampires at once, but we are going to sit down and create a strategy for her rescue.”

  “I can't let her stay there a minute longer!”

  “I understand that you want to protect this Dragon Soul, but we have to think rationally.”

  Dax shrugged off Kian's hand and grumbled as he stormed out of the room.

  “What's gotten into him?” Aiden asked.

  “I don't know,” Kian said. “Dax is usually so happy and laid back.”

  “He doesn't like to see anyone hurt. It's making him angry,” Cato said.

  Kian turned to Everly and took her hand.

  “We’re going to create a strategy to save the Dragon Soul. We may be in discussion for the rest of the day. I want to make sure that you and Ember are okay.”

  “As long as the defense shields are up, everything will be fine,” she said bravely.

  He reached down and kissed her cheek. He was so proud of his mate. Ever since he had claimed her, the strength of her Dragon Soul had been coming through. Everly had always been a strong woman, but now that the claiming had activated her Dragon Soul, she was even stronger and more capable of helping him lead the House the Flames like a true queen.

  He kissed her cheek. When he smelled her scent, something extraordinary hit him like an asteroid falling from the sky.

  “Everly,” he whispered.

  Cato and Aiden left the room, leaving them alone with little Ember. He blinked several times, looking at his beautiful mate.

  “What is it?” she asked, sensing his thoughts, his moods and his emotions.

  “You are… You are with child,” he said.

  “I'm pregnant?” she repeated, holding Ember in one hand and clutching her belly with the other.

  He had just claimed her the night before. But to find it had already taken root in her belly, he didn't believe he could ever feel happier than in this moment.

  “Yes, it's true,” he said. “You are bearing my child.”

  “Oh my God,” she said, hugging Ember to her. “Now our family will be complete. You, me, Ember, and the baby. Oh, Kian.”

  She rested in his arms as he held her close and kissed the top of her head. She looked up at him adoringly, and he gazed into her beautiful blue eyes, sending her just as much adoration back.

  “I love you so much. I'm so happy.”

  He held her for long moments, not wanting to let her go. It was his deepest wish to find his mate and start a family. He had little hope when he'd awoken from stasis. But the moment he'd seen her for the first time, his hope sprang anew. Now they would be together forever, creating a dynasty on this planet.

  “I am so proud to be your mate,” Everly said. “What you are doing to protect humans and Dragon Souls from vampires, it is the worthiest cause I could ever hope to champion. I am lucky that I am here with you, to help you, to never stop fighting, never stop protecting what is true and good.”

  “I know, my love. You truly are a Dragon Soul. Together we will help his planet become the world it should be. Full of love and hope.”

  “You better go to the basement and start your strategy session before Dax runs off on his own,” she said with a giggle, rocking Ember and her arms. “Ember and I will be just fine on our own. I'm going up to the nursery to put her down for a nap, and then I'm going to our room to read a book in bed.” She winked at him. “You come up and find me when you're done.”

  She giggled and walked off. He watched her curvy behind as she went. His desire for her was unceasing. He would have to ravish her again as soon as possible. She glanced back at him over her shoulder, having sensed his thoughts as he had them. She gave him an air kiss and continued up the stairs with Ember. He let out a long, contented sigh. That woman was everything to him. He did as she bid and went down to the basement to find his men waiting for him.

  “So,” he said. “Let’s make a plan.”

  “I say we go in and burn their house down,” Dax said.

  “I was thinking a subtler approach.” Aiden said.

  “I'm tracking the girl’s movements. She appears to be in the northwest tower,” Cato said.

  “I suspect that the vampires have new wards against dragons now that they know we are here,” Kian said.

  “It stands to reason that getting into their compound will be more difficult than it was the last two times,” Cato said.

  “No more talking,” Dax said. “I demand action.”

  He slammed his fist on the computer terminal, sending a shaking crack through the entire room.

  “All in due time, Dax. We will leave soon, and we will save the girl. Why are you so bent out of shape anyway?” Kian asked.

  “Because,” he said. “She's mine.”

  Chapter 23

  Kian made his way to his and Everly’s bedroom and found her waiting for him in the big four-poster bed. Candles were lit all around the room and soft music played through the sound system. She was tucked under the blanket reading a book, the mounds of her breasts hidden under the fluffy comforter. He approached, smelling the air, thick with her perfume.

  "What are you reading?" he asked, sitting down next to her. She put down the book and looked up at him and smiled. “It's a romance about a girl who was rescued by a handsome prince.”

  "What she doesn't know is that she rescued him right back," he said.

  A soft smile curved on her lips, and she reached out to him, cupping his face. Her delicate hand on his cheek made his inner dragon rumble to life. He leaned over and kissed her. Home. Smelling the scent of her skin, feeling her soft palm against his lips. He grasped her hand and kissed the pulse point on her wrist, pulling her closer.

  He kissed down her arm and she gasped when he reached her neck. He licked up the sensitive skin behind her ear. The covers fell away, revealing her body. She’d dressed in a thin white camisole that hinted at her pert breasts underneath. He ran his hand over the fabric, feeling her nipples grow erect under his touch. He kissed her neck and cupped her face in his hands, looking deep into her eyes.

  "You are the most gorgeous woman,” he said.

  She gasped again, falling into his embrace. He held her close and claimed her mouth. The taste of her made his dragon roar. He pulled her against his body, feeling the soft curve of her flesh under his hands as he kissed her more deeply. Their tongues danced sensuously and slowly. She groaned under his kiss, the scent of her body filled the air. He ran his hands over her breasts and down her hip, sliding his fingers under the silky camisole. She wasn't wearing any panties! He slid his finger between her legs and pressed her clit with the pad of his thumb. She groaned as he twisted his thumb around on her erect pleasure button.
/>   "Are you going to come for me, little mate?" he growled.

  Pulling her up onto his lap, he held the back of her neck, kissed her hard and vibrated his thumb on her pleasure button. She groaned, her breasts heaving, her legs wide. She grew wetter with each stroke of his thumb. He wanted to feel her orgasm clench on his fingers. She erupted with pleasure, her body going rigid as she groaned in his mouth.

  She clasped her arms around his neck, and her core throbbed on his hand. He ran his fingers up and down her slit as she quivered under him. He laid her across the bed as he sank between her legs. He pulled her camisole down, revealing her breasts. He lazed them with his tongue as she lay groaning underneath him. She ran her fingers through his hair as he sucked her nipples, nibbling on the taut flesh.

  "Oh yes," she groaned. "You are my king."

  "And you are my queen."

  This was a fairytale that they would live together. Now that they were mated, they were the King and Queen of the House of Flames. He sank between her legs, lapping up the juices that flowed from his touch. He loved to taste her, ripe and wet from her release. He licked her slowly and hungrily, lapping up every last drop.

  "Oh, Kian,” she groaned. “You give me so much pleasure."

  He growled and looked up at her.

  "It is my deepest desire to give you pleasure every day of your life.”

  She moaned, arching her back as she stared up at the ceiling. He gripped her hips and began to lick her pussy again. He loved the feel of her soft flesh under his tongue. Loved the flavor and the scent of her. He took a long draw of her perfume as he licked up her slit and down it again. He thrust his tongue into her channel as he twirled his finger on her clit. She gasped sharply and looked up at him, letting out an exclamation of surprise.

  "Oh my God. My king," she moaned.

  He replaced his tongue with his fingers inside her channel. He tapped her pleasure button, running his sopping wet fingers in and out of her. He hooked them upward, finding the spongy spot inside her that she seemed to love him to stroke. With his tongue on her clit and his fingers inside her, her entire body went vibrated as she groaned and screamed with release. He loved to watch her come. It gave him more pleasure than his own orgasm. He held her still as he worked her body. Feeling her pussy pulse on his fingers, he couldn't take it anymore. He needed to be inside her. As she came down from her orgasm, he ripped his clothes off and sank between her wet thighs. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him hungrily.


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