Worst Case Scenario

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Worst Case Scenario Page 24

by Chenell Parker

  “Let’s go pretty girl. We need a bath and a bed,” Misty said as she got Summer out of the car.

  She grabbed Summer’s bag and decided to leave hers in the trunk. Misty groaned when she walked up on the porch and heard the loud music and laughter coming from inside. For the past few weeks, it had been the same thing with Milan. She always had a bunch of niggas in the house and all they did was drink and smoke. Her attitude had been fucked up lately and Misty tried hard to stay out of her way. She was shocked to learn about Stori being pregnant with Naseem’s baby but Milan was taking it hard. She tried for months to give Nas a baby and she was never successful. Gavin pretended like he didn’t care but Misty knew that he had to be crushed. Stori was his world and he loved Nas like a brother. He used to get mad with Misty when she told him the truth. Nas didn’t fuck with him the same way but Gavin didn’t want to believe it. Besides Remo, he didn’t really fuck with nobody.

  “What’s up beautiful? You got a man?” one of lil boys who was sitting in the front room asked as soon as Misty walked in.

  He looked like he was no more than eighteen and missing a few meals. Corey was sitting next to Milan looking like he was up to no good. He was a snake and that wasn’t hard to see. Milan always got weed from him but letting him hang around her house so much was something new. Corey never came over by himself. He always had at least three other lil boys with him. They were childish and always loud as hell.

  “Lil boy get out of my way. I already got a baby to breastfeed,” Misty snapped as the other men laughed. She fanned the weed smoke away from Summer as she made her way to her bedroom.

  “She’s acting all stuck up like she ain’t a stripper. I bet you pull out some singles and she’ll get her mind right real quick,” Corey said as he puffed on his blunt.

  “This is my house. Fuck her.” Milan frowned.

  “What’s up Milan? You trying to fuck me too?” Corey asked flirtatiously as he rubbed her thigh.

  “Nigga please. You can’t even afford to sniff this pussy. My husband got bank and he took care of me. I can’t downgrade,” Milan replied as she moved his hand away.

  “Your husband? Maybe you missed the memo but that nigga is in love with the next bitch. Besides, with this lick that I’m about to hit, you’ll be begging me for the dick,” Corey replied.

  “You’ve been hitting licks since we first met and ain’t come up yet,” Milan pointed out.

  “That’s because I haven’t been hitting the right ones. Your husband is about to be the nigga to get me right though,” Corey noted.

  “How so?” Milan asked.

  “Him and his bitch are my next two licks. I already got the inside scoop and everything,” Corey answered.

  “From who? Nas don’t even talk to nobody like that. Somebody is sending you on a straight up dummy mission,” Milan said.

  “Maybe he doesn’t but his bitch does. I got a few things in the works,” Corey replied.

  “Good and make sure that bitch is no longer breathing while you’re at it.” Milan frowned.

  “And what do I get?” Corey asked with a devious smile.

  “You make Stori a distant memory and you can get whatever the fuck you want,” Milan swore, right as Misty walked back into the room.

  “Can y’all turn the music down please? My baby is trying to sleep,” Misty said as politely as she could.

  “I guess that’s our cue to get going,” Corey said as he and his cousins stood up.

  “Y’all don’t have to go nowhere. This is my damn house,” Milan argued.

  “We got some moves to make but I’ll be in touch,” Corey said as he and his crew walked out of the house.

  “Don’t be coming up in my muthafucking house trying to run shit!” Milan jumped up and yelled at her sister.

  “How am I trying to run shit? I only asked y’all to lower the music so my baby can sleep. I don’t know what the fuck has been up with you lately, but I can’t wait to get out of your house,” Misty replied.

  Milan had been snapping on her more and more and she didn’t have time for it. She seemed to be trying to provoke her but Misty never took the bait. They barely even talked anymore and Misty hadn’t done anything to make her sister act differently.

  “Why wait? Get you and your baby’s shit and get the fuck out right now,” Milan snapped angrily.

  “No worries, I’ll be gone for good in another week or two,” Misty assured her.

  “I want you gone tonight. It’s because of you that my husband is no longer here,” Milan argued.

  “You can’t be serious. What do I have to do with Nas leaving you?” Misty inquired.

  “If you wouldn’t have fucked with Gavin, Stori wouldn’t have fucked with my husband. She was trying to get back at you and Gavin and she used my husband to do it. All of this shit is your fault. I’m happy that you’re going back to Texas. I don’t know why I even begged you to come here,” Milan cried.

  “I know you’re hurt and upset but none of this is my fault. I don’t know how Stori and Naseem ended up together, but it has nothing to do with me. He left you before Stori even found out about Summer anyway. That’s not on me,” Misty noted.

  “I don’t give a fuck, just get out. I don’t even want to look at you anymore,” Milan sobbed. She was having a complete meltdown and Misty didn’t know what to do.

  “Where am I supposed to go with Summer? You know that we don’t have any family here,” Misty said as her eyes filled with tears.

  “I don’t know and I don’t give a fuck!” Milan snapped.

  The more she sat down and thought about it, the angrier she became. She had never had any problems with Stori and she was a faithful customer at her salon. It wasn’t until Misty had Summer that everything started to go left. Milan felt like she was being punished for the sins of her sister and she hated her for it. She was so hung up over Remo that she ruined everybody’s life. All she had to do was get the abortion like he told her to and things would have ended differently.

  “I have nowhere else to go Milan. I can’t believe you’re doing this to me. Summer is your only niece. How can you throw an innocent baby out on the streets?” Misty questioned as she cried. Milan was a piece of work. She wasn’t saying all that when Misty was getting pissy sticks from her co-worker to help her fake a pregnancy. She loved her to death as long as she was doing something for her.

  “I don’t care! Just get out!” Milan yelled like a crazy person.

  Misty wasn’t about to keep begging her sister to let her stay. She walked down the hall to her bedroom and started packing a bag. She still had the bag that she took to Texas in her car but she needed a few more items. There was no way that she could take it all but she could always come back for the rest. Misty played a huge part in the demise of Gavin’s marriage but that was all that she was taking responsibility for. She had lots of regrets but Summer wasn’t one of them. Her daughter made her want to do better and she was trying. Milan was trying to blame everybody else for Nas leaving her when it was her own fault.

  Once Misty was done packing, she picked Summer up and headed down the hall. Although she wanted to break down and cry, she held her head high as she walked out of the front door. Misty wanted to call her mother back as she drove away, but it was too late. Instead, she called the one person who she dreaded calling the most.

  “Yeah Misty,” Gavin answered with an attitude.

  “I need a huge favor Gavin. Milan put me and Summer out of her house and we have nowhere else to go. I only need somewhere to stay for a week or two before we leave for Texas,” Misty sniffled.

  Gavin’s first mind told him to curse her out and hang up the phone. Since he had Summer to think about, he had to behave like a mature adult. He still couldn’t stand Misty but she was the mother of his child. He hated that she was moving Summer four hours away but he couldn’t let her be homeless until then.

  “Make no mistake about it, I’m only allowing you to come here because of my daughter. I’ll se
nd you the address,” Gavin replied before he hung up.

  “Stupid ass,” Misty mumbled as she continued to drive. She was mentally and physically drained and her move to Texas would probably happen sooner than she anticipated. She loved the food and culture in New Orleans but it was no longer the place for her.

  “W hat happened?” Remo asked as he looked over at Kalani.

  “The voicemail picked up again,” Kalani replied.

  “Man, Fuck! Something is wrong. It’s not like Nas not to answer my calls,” Remo replied nervously.

  “Calm down baby. Stori would have told me if something was wrong when she sent the text. Maybe their clinic appointment ran over. That’s probably why she wants us to get Toi from school,” Kalani reasoned.

  “Damn man. I hope nothing is wrong with my niece. Roll me up something baby. My nerves are bad as fuck,” Remo said as he drove towards Toi’s school.

  “Pull over in the Walgreens parking lot so I can drive. You’re not even focused,” Kalani noted.

  Remo couldn’t even argue with that. He pulled over into the half-empty parking lot and got out of the car. He knew that Kalani wasn’t going to stop in front of a store and not go inside. Knowing her, that was her motive all along.

  “Don’t be all day Kalani and bring me back something to drink,” Remo requested.

  “Okay,” Kalani replied as she got out of the car.

  She wanted some candy and she wanted to grab Toi a few snacks while she was in there. She got a small hand basket and made her way to the candy aisle. Once she was done there, she went to the coolers and got Remo something to drink.

  “Kalani Simmons. It must be my lucky day,” a deep voice boomed from behind her.

  Kalani spun around and smiled when she saw her ex-boyfriend Jamar standing there staring at her. She hadn’t seen Jamar in a while and she was shocked to see him standing there in a police uniform. He was a lot more muscular than she remembered him but he looked great.

  “It’s actually Kalani Donaldson now.” She smiled as she flashed the huge rock that was on her finger.

  “Wow. I know I’m supposed to congratulate you but it wouldn’t be sincere. Who’s the lucky man?” Jamar asked.

  “Who do you think it is?” Kalani countered.

  “Please don’t tell me that you married that crazy ass twin,” Jamar said as he looked at her with wide eyes.

  “My husband is not crazy,” Kalani laughed.

  “That nigga came to my job and was already sitting in my car when I got in there. You’re absolutely right. Crazy is too good of a word to describe him,” Jamar replied.

  “He can be a little extreme sometimes,” Kalani shrugged.

  “How is your mom?” Jamar asked.

  “She’s good, thanks for asking,” she smiled.

  “What about Stori and Toi?” Jamar asked.

  “They’re good too. Stori is five months pregnant,” Kalani replied.

  “Wow. Tell her that I said congrats. Besides being married to a lunatic, how have you been?” Jamar asked as his eyes roamed her curvaceous frame.

  “Not too much on my husband. But, I’ve been fine,” Kalani replied.

  “You look great,” Jamar complimented. Kalani was about to reply but she heard Remo’s voice before she even saw him.

  “So, you want me to kill a policeman? Huh Kalani? Is that what you want?” Remo questioned as he stood in front of her with a menacing glare.

  “Calm down Kareem. Jamar was just saying hello,” Kalani replied as she grabbed his hand to make sure he didn’t swing.

  “Let that fuck boy go say hello to somebody else’s wife. Let’s go,” Remo fumed.

  “Still insecure I see,” Jamar spoke up as he smirked at Remo.

  “Don’t start feeling yourself because you got on that clown suit nigga. You’ll be getting buried in that same outfit. Fuck with me,” Remo gritted.

  “Are you threatening me?” Jamar asked incredulously.

  “Nah nigga, I’m promising you,” Remo answered.

  “We’ll see each other again, trust me,” Jamar noted.

  “Most definitely,” Remo smirked menacingly as he grabbed Kalani’s hand and walked away.

  “Did you have to do all that?” Kalani asked him as they went to the counter to pay for their items.

  “You should be happy that I didn’t do more. I’m stressed the fuck out worried about my brother and sister-in-law while you’re in here reminiscing with your ex. If you thought I cut up when you were my girl, I’m fucking shit up now that you’re my wife,” Remo noted.

  “You need to relax. You always get crazy whenever you don’t hear from your brother. Nas and Stori are fine,” Kalani assured him.

  Remo dialed his brother’s number again and got even more worried when the voicemail picked up. Once they left the store, Kalani drove as he sat in the passenger side smoking and worrying. Once they got Toi, Kalani broke the speed limit getting to Stori’s house. When they saw Jarvis’ car parked out front, Remo almost lost it.

  “I told you that something was wrong!” he yelled as they all jumped out of the car together.

  Toi used her key to get inside and they all paused as soon as they walked in. Stori was sitting on Nas’ lap crying while Jarvis and Latrice sat next to them. Jarvis was holding her hand while Latrice lovingly rubbed her back.

  “What’s wrong Stori? What did the doctor say?” Toi asked when she walked over to her.

  “Why didn’t you answer your phone bro? You had a nigga going crazy,” Remo said as he looked at Nas.

  “My bad bro. I left it in the car,” Nas replied, as Stori got up to grab a paper towel.

  “Come sit down baby. I could have gotten that for you,” Nas said as he got up and wiped Stori’s eyes.

  “What’s good bro? Is my niece okay?” Remo asked.

  “You’re not having a niece,” Stori sniffled.

  “Oh shit! It’s a boy?” Remo asked excitedly.

  “Yeah, two of them,” Nas replied as the entire room got quiet.

  Toi and Kalani stood there in shock as they digested the news. Jarvis looked worried and Stori was a mess.

  “We’re having twins?” Remo asked, just to be sure.

  “Two boys.” Nas nodded.

  “Two babies,” Toi repeated as she took a seat on the love seat.

  “That’s what the fuck I’m talking about! Nas and Remo reincarnated around this bitch!” Remo yelled happily as he wrapped his arms around his brother and hugged him tight.

  “Oh God,” Stori groaned as she started crying again.

  “Chill out with that shit Kareem. The damn girl is already traumatized and I can’t even blame her,” Jarvis said as he got up to hug Stori.

  “Traumatized for what? That’s about to be me and Nas all over again baby.” Remo smiled.

  “God no. I don’t want my kids to be like you and Naseem,” Stori sobbed.

  “Kareem stop. That is not a compliment,” Kalani said as she fussed at him.

  She pulled Stori over to the sofa and sat her down. Nas and Remo were secretly celebrating while Jarvis paced the floor. Nas was in shock when the doctor first told them that they were having twins. Stori asked them to do the ultrasound again and, again, the results remained the same. Nas ended up calling Latrice and she told them to get a second opinion in the form of a three-dimensional ultrasound. She called around and found a place that took walk-ins and she and Jarvis met them there. Stori asked Kalani to get Toi from school because she didn’t know how long it would take. The first doctor couldn’t confirm the sex of the babies but the second doctor did. When they told Stori that she was having two boys, she almost lost it. Jarvis didn’t make it any better by telling her stories about Nas and Remo. She hadn’t stopped crying since they left the appointment. Nas was happy as hell and he knew that Remo would be too.

  “My bro wasn’t playing. That nigga dropping babies two at a time around this bitch,” Remo said as he gave Nas dap.

  “Don’t worry about not
hing Stori. You know we got your back,” Latrice assured her.

  “Yeah and I’ll help out too,” Toi said as she squeezed into a spot on the sofa right next to her sister.

  “Aww, thank you my Stanka,” Stori said as she smiled through her tears. When Toi hugged her, she felt as if everything would be okay. It was crazy how her baby sister could always make her feel better.

  “They gotta be close too bro. We have to make sure of it,” Remo said seriously as he looked over at Nas. He took his bond with his brother seriously and he wanted his nephews to do the same.

  “Most definitely.” Nas nodded in agreement.

  “They gon’ be bad as fuck too. I can feel it,” Remo said like that was something to be proud of.

  “Kareem!” Kalani yelled angrily. Every time Stori seemed to start feeling better, he said something else to make her cry again.

  “Let’s go outside,” Nas said as he headed for the front door with his twin following right behind him.

  “What’s good?” Remo asked him.

  “We got a lot of shit to figure out,” Nas said.

  “Like what?” Remo questioned.

  “Like who we’re gonna get besides Bee to help run all these damn businesses. You’re married now and I’m about to be the father of two soon. We can’t do all the long days and nights no more. I’m not too worried about the barber shop because I can close that up early. I can probably do the club two nights a week and that’s only if Stori don’t trip. We got the location and all the inventory for the hair spot with nobody to run it,” Nas pointed out.

  “Yeah, that’s true. Don’t even worry about the hair spot though. I’ll take care of that. Bee can run the club with his eyes closed but we need to get somebody else that we trust to help him,” Remo said.

  “Nigga, besides each other, who else is there that we trust?” Nas asked.

  “Shit, that’s the damn problem,” Remo sighed.

  “We need to keep our eyes open and make something shake soon,” Nas said.

  “I’m on it bro. But, check it. We ran into Kalani’s ex nigga at the store a few minutes ago. The nigga is a cop now and I feel like he might be a problem in the long run,” Remo stated.


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