Jason's Dilemma: Vampire Fantasy (Bonds of Damurios Book 2)

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Jason's Dilemma: Vampire Fantasy (Bonds of Damurios Book 2) Page 9

by Nicki Ruth

  He stumbled back as a wave of elation spiked with disbelief crashed over him. “F . . . Father?” He stammered, confused by what was happening.

  His sire, his father, here? He didn’t want to believe it, but his father’s scent suddenly surrounded him, and his blood thrummed in resonance.

  “You’re about to go into a bloodrage. Come, sate your thirst now.”

  Jason’s vision cleared to see Alexios standing before him. He released a strangled sob, reaching out for him, for the comfort of his father so close within his grasp. Surely this was a dream, a hallucination caused by his thirst?

  With a snarl, he sank his fangs deep into a pulsing vein. Blood flooded his mouth, electric and vibrant, quenching the burn in his throat. Jason no longer cared whether he was dreaming. Only the blood flowing into his mouth and his veins, that returned his sanity.

  “That’s it. Take what you need,” Alexios grunted, caressing his back.

  Jason tightened his grip, demanding more, quenching not only his thirst but his helplessness, his melancholia, the hollowness of his loss. A hand on his head gently pried him away. He gasped, his restoration releasing him from the haze. Leaning back, he blinked into the dark eyes of his sire, and a sound of relief slipped from his lips.

  His father was here.

  His father was here?

  “You c . . . came for me?” Jason stammered.

  A frown creased Alexios’ brow. “Of course I did. Did you think I wouldn’t?”

  Jason’s face heated, and he averted his gaze, embarrassed to let his father see the truth of his belief. Why did he come after him?

  Alexios sighed. “Jason, look at me.”

  He raised his eyes once more to his sire’s intense scrutiny. “You are mine. Sired by my blood, you’re my sired son. I would never let anyone take you from me. Never. Do you understand? Do not doubt this again.”

  This time, Jason blushed. He couldn’t hide his immense pleasure, his joy that rushed toward him at hearing those words. Of course his father wouldn’t abandon him. He’d always find him, Jason could trust in his safety.

  But doubt festered.

  As if knowing the direction of his thoughts, Alexios took Jason’s face into his hands and peered into his eyes. “I meant what I said when I first made you mine. You’ll never be alone or hungry again. I won't leave you to be alone.”

  Jason lips parted, heart racing at the promise of his words.

  “Now, tell me. What has happened? And what’s this I hear about wings?”

  And just like that, the happiness at being reunited with his father drained away like water through a sieve. His hands trembled, and he stepped back, no longer able to meet his sire’s eyes.

  “I can’t wait to hear about them, either. I’m so excited!”

  Jason turned to see Davina leaning against a tree, grinning at him. He stared wide-eyed at her, the Damurian queen, here for him. An icy chill snaked up his spine and he shook his head. He couldn’t, wouldn’t let them see his latest shame. He wanted to hold fast to his father’s promise a little longer.

  Chapter 13

  Alexios saw Jason’s demeanor change at the mention of his wings, and was about to suffer a panic attack if the heaving of his chest was anything to go by. Davina exchanged a look with him, and he stepped towards his sireling, who retreated from him.

  “Jason,” he called again. “Why don’t we first head back to the ship? Brandr is eager to see you. You can tell us how you came to be here in these woods by yourself.”

  From Brandr’s information, Jason had been distressed over the sudden appearance of wings on his back. Feathered wings, no less, which provided Alexios no clue as to Jason’s ancestry.

  Jason stuttered, almost gasping for breath. “I’m sorry. Ab . . . about the wings, father. I promise I’ll get rid of them, so you won't have to s . . . send me away.”

  Alexios pulled Jason into his arms, holding him close, unsure how to proceed. Jason’s fear that he would somehow reject him was puzzling. He glanced at Davina seeking her help.

  “Oh, Jason, why would you say such a thing?” she asked softly at his side. “We don’t want you to go away. You belong with us.”

  Jason remained silent, his breath coming out in short puffs at Alexios’ neck.

  “But imagine all the fun we could have if you could fly. I’m sure your wings are beautiful,” she added animatedly.

  Alexios motioned Davina not to mention the wings.

  She pouted and shrugged.

  “There’s nothing to be ashamed of. I’ve always known you were different, that there was something special within you waiting to come out,” Alexios said.

  Jason pulled back, a look of wary astonishment on his face. “You knew?” he asked incredulously. “Knew about . . . everything?”

  Alexios nodded. “I harvested your memories. Now they make sense.”

  Alexios had never mentioned the visions of flight high above snow-capped mountain peaks that pierced the sky. He’d have to tell Jason of all he’d seen. Jason’s mouth opened and closed, his yellow eyes bright against the shadows of the canopied forest.

  Without a word, Jason leaned forward and buried his fangs into Alexios’ neck again, his arms snaking up his back drawing them close. Alexios allowed his sireling the comfort he needed.

  A loud whistle of wind, like a hurricane barreling through a tunnel, sliced the quiet, and the forest exploded around them, branches and dirt hurtling into the air. A blast of heat slammed them into trees that splintered with the force of their impact.

  Alexios bounded to his feet with a growl, unsheathing his dagger and readying it in his claws.

  “Jason!” A roar vibrated the earth.


  From the air, Cade spied the trio after a wayward breeze parted the leafy canopy. He’d been frantically searching for Jason who’d escaped his chamber sometime that night. Stifling fear robbed him of breath, knowing Jason might have already been halfway across the universe. But to see him in the embrace of another made Cade’s flames flare bright with rage.

  He roared, cinching his wings to his sides as he dove through the air, smashing through a sea of green. The impact of his landing sent the trio flying, and he wasted no time in his charge.

  “Jason!” he cried out.

  A flash of red darted through the swarming dust cloud as leaves and twigs plummeted to the ground. He charged for it, no doubt the reddened eyes of a leech. He slammed into a body, the aura on which was strong, but Cade didn’t care. No one touched what was his!

  Claws raked across Cade’s face, but he flung the creature to the ground. It grunted but recovered with a quickness he didn’t expect. He fell back as it plowed into him, and a fist encircled by lightning fire connected with his jaw, the electric energy stunning him for a moment.

  Leaping away, Cade let out a menacing growl, which was returned though the swirling dust. He extended his wings with a snap, slicing through trees with precision. He saw the vampire now in the cleared space, a dark-haired fiend who bared his fangs with intent to kill in his eyes. Cade inhaled and called his flame.

  “No, Cade!”

  A body landed across his chest, knocking him back a step. He snarled and swiped at it.

  “Stop it, Cade! I’ll never forgive you if you let out that fire.”

  He stopped. Jason’s face registered through his rage, large yellow eyes glaring at him. He paused, eager flames dancing at the back of his throat. But at the periphery of his vision, he saw a movement to the right and shoved Jason out of the way just as a cool blade made contact with his skin.

  “Father, no!”

  Cade’s scales rippled beneath the surface, his beast clamoring for release and to burn the forest of anything, or anyone, that came to take from him. He opened his throat to deliver his retribution

  “Cade, for fuck’s sake. I said stop it!” Jason jumped in the front of him. “You’re not gonna burn anything today.”

  He snarled in response, his rage teari
ng at the seal that held his drogulis’ release.

  He is ours. He is mine.

  “Just calm down. Please, everyone,” Jason pleaded.

  “What’s this Jason? Is he the one who abducted you? Why do you protect him?” The vampire stood tense with bloodlust in his eyes.

  “I can explain everything once everyone calms down,” Jason said, not taking his eyes off Cade.

  He scoffed and partially folded his wings. The leeches weren’t taking Jason back was all he knew. There were three. Where was the other one? He craned his head seeking out the third he’d seen from the air. With his emotions so frayed, he couldn’t get a sense for them.

  “Cade, this is my father. My sire. He came here looking for me.”

  Cade growled low, ignoring the way Jason said the words, as if they were of significance to him. Jason’s sire would be dust soon.

  “Will you stop that and listen to me?” Jason stepped forward and placed a hand on his chest.

  “Hey there, beastie, I see you. I know you want to come out. But not yet, okay? I need Cade to be in full command of whatever sense he has left.”

  Cade blinked, unmoving as his beast responded to Jason’s words. The flames receded into his chest, and his head cleared.

  Jason’s hand moved slowly up his chest to the nape of his neck, and he ran his fingers through his loosed hair. “Now do I have your full attention?”

  Cade stared hard at Jason then panned his gaze to the other behind him. Now there were two.

  A shapely woman of extraordinary beauty stood next to Jason’s sire and watched him curiously. Her aura was suppressed, unlike the crackling lightning storm that stood next to her. Even bits of the earth hovered low around him with the energy he exuded.

  Cade, with more rational thoughts forming in his head, wondered how they were able to find Jason.

  Jason, who should have been in his bed, writhing under his body, instead of here, hidden among the forest with leeches. He returned his gaze to Jason, suppressing the urge to howl at the reminder of his furtive desertion.

  “You left! We had a deal.”


  “I had to,” Jason whispered, avoiding Cade’s glare. He felt Cade’s aggression bubbling and wanted to soothe him but couldn’t.

  “What’s the meaning of this?” Alexios thundered behind him.

  Jason couldn’t dwell on the confusion in his heart. He needed to make sure Cade and his father didn’t kill each other.

  “Father, Cade has been helping me understand about . . . well . . . who I am.” He turned to face his father but remained standing in front of Cade, who practically shook with simmering fury.

  Alexios stepped closer and Cade snarled.

  “And is he the one who forcibly took you from Damurios, and assaulted Brandr?”

  Jason swallowed. The atmosphere literally crackled with its intensity. “Well, sort of. But I did agree to come here with him. Cade’s sorry for what—”

  “I don’t owe any explanations or apologies, leech,” Cade spat. “I suggest you return from wherever you came. I will not abide leeches in my territory.”


  “I’ll give you thirty seconds to be gone from my sight.” Cade folded his arms, daring anyone to challenge him.

  “You will answer to me,” Alexios hissed. “No one disrespects my sons. No one crosses me without consequences.”

  “Twenty seconds.”

  “Please. Just give me a chance to explain everything.” But Jason didn’t get the chance.

  A dizzying tornado of wind and leaves burst into the clearing, fiercely churning, and the scent of eucalyptus overpowered his nose. When the whirlwind abated he saw Karina standing before them, draped in white robes and with a deep blue shawl over her shoulders. She held her tall, curved staff like a scepter in her hand. She eyed each of them with a frown, her displeasure flashing in her violet eyes.

  “What is the meaning of this commotion? Cadeonidas?”

  Cade lips curved in derision. “Leech trespassers in our territory.”

  “They’re my kin. My father,” Jason interjected, glancing at Cade with exasperation. He really needed Cade to adjust his attitude.

  “Oh? Your sire?” Karina broke into a grin. “He came for you? Ack, of course he did.” She glided forward regarding Alexios with a regal air.

  She tilted her head, watching him and he coolly leveled his dark eyes on her, anger lurking in their depths. “You must have exceptional ability to sire and bond with a vahana. Come, we must talk.”

  “Oh no—” Cade began, but she raised her hand to silence him.

  “And who are you?” Karina paused, as if now noticing Davina. “Lillian?” she gasped, jerking back, her grip tight on her staff.

  Davina smiled and shook her head. “No. I’m Davina.”

  Karina recovered. “Well of course. You couldn’t be Lillian.” But her voice betrayed her uncertainty. She cleared her throat. “Welcome, Jason’s family. Please, join us.”

  “Karina! I’ll not have leeches in the sanctuary. I won’t tolerate it.” Cade bellowed so loudly, a flock of birds screeched, shaken from their perch.

  “And what about me? I’m a leech!” Jason rounded on Cade, lips pulled back baring fangs.

  Cade was momentarily speechless. “That’s different. You’re . . .”

  “Good point, Jason. He had no problem with leeches in his bed, surely he can share a few hours discussing important matters on your behalf,” Karina said serenely.

  “Oh, Cadeonidas. Don’t give me that look. We must be hospitable.” She looked back at Alexios and Davina. “Besides, Wushien has returned.”

  Jason took Cade’s hand and squeezed.

  “I know you’re angry with me. But he’s my father,” he implored softly so only Cade could hear. “They’re not a threat to anyone.”

  Cade stared at him until the silence grew uncomfortable. A desperate uneasiness fluttered in Jason’s core. If Cade refused, he’d leave with his sire, but he didn’t want to, despite his earlier actions. Finally, Cade’s mouth tightened, and Jason saw him relenting.

  “We still have a deal, Jason. You need to hear what I have to say and show you. You can’t leave before then.”

  Jason sighed and squeezed Cade’s hand again. “All right, Cade.

  Chapter 14

  Cade received chiding looks from Karina as they entered the sanctuary and settled in her house. What did she think she was doing inviting the bloodsuckers into their home? Had she forgotten what these creatures were capable of? The one called Davina made him uneasy. She was all smiles as she chatted away with Karina, and ooh-ed and aah-ed as she surveyed the village and those in it. Probably marking her next meal. Well, not on his watch.

  “Will you stop being an ogre? Are you trying to provoke another fight with my father?” Jason nudged him.

  “They’ll be roasting at the fire if they get out of line.”

  Although Cade knew Jason’s sire held much needed information about Jason’s past, he couldn’t get over how Jason had left him that morning or finding him in the arms the leech.

  What was the real nature of their relationship? Vampires were notoriously incestuous with their spawn, and at the thought of Jason in the bed of the dark-haired demon, he wanted to torch something.

  “He’s nice once you get to know him,” Jason said.

  Cade returned an incredulous stare. He could never accept leeches.

  Jason sighed. “I’m sorry. About earlier. I—”

  “All right. Now that we’re acquainted, why don't we address the most obvious,” Karina began, taking a seat on her favorite red silk cushion.

  They settled into her plush chairs and cushions, but Cade opted to stand. Jason’s sire did the same. Davina cozied up to Jason who grinned at her. Cade suppressed a snarl at their familiarity before noticing dark eyes narrowing on him.

  “First, I must apologize for the poor way Cadeonidas handled things back on Damurios. He’s young and was a bit,
ah . . . overzealous. Please forgive him,” Karina said.

  Cade was about to rebut Karina’s offered apology when she motioned him to be quiet, her icy glower giving him cold warning.

  “For what purpose was my sireling brought to this place?” the vampire devil asked, his eyes moving over Karina to Cade.

  “Jason’s our kin. He’s vahana, as are the others here. Refugees seeking shelter,” she replied.

  The vampire straightened. “Vahana?” He panned his gaze to his sireling, who shifted uneasily in his seat. “You believe Jason to be a vahana? What proof do you have of this? Vahanas are extinct.”

  “Yet here you are, standing among them.” Karina waved her hand in dismissal. “Jason is a winged vahana. A gryphinx.”

  Cade stepped forward. “What we need to know is how you, a lee—vampire, came to sire Jason?”

  The vampire’s eyes flashed red before they returned to their abyss-like blackness. “Sire him, I did. He belongs to me,” he challenged.

  Lips flattening, Cade clenched his fists, tamping down on his increasing desire to pound the demon into the ground.

  “So, Alexios, sire of Jason. What can you tell us of his past? Of his siring? It’s most unusual to hear of a vampire being able to sire a vahana. Much less one like Jason.”

  Alexios turned to Karina. “Since I’ve yet to speak to my son of his recent transformation or abduction,” he glared in Cade’s direction, “I’ll be speaking to him first. I care not of your refugees. Jason is not one of them. He has a family that can take care of him, whatever he is,” he said tersely.

  Jason’s eyes glimmered with awe and devotion. It was obvious he idolized the vampire, and that irritated Cade. He grumbled as Karina rose to her feet.

  “Of course. You should spend time with your young. However, Jason’s dual nature is not without incongruity. His vahanan spirit is struggling for release, and without being fully unsealed, it will eventually fade and die. I believe only the one who sired him and placed the seal on his vahanan spirit can undo this. For Jason’s sake, it should be done soon.”


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