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Reckless Page 9

by R. M. Martinez

  So, with no one else she was willing to drag into her mess, she turned and headed for her bedroom. She closed the door and locked it behind her for a little extra safety before climbing into bed. She pulled the blanket over her head and tried to clear her mind. Soon all she was doing was concentrating on her breaths. A few tears escaped her eyes.

  And then she was asleep.

  Twenty Five

  For three whole weeks, he ignored her. She didn’t know why Drew was suddenly upset with her. Their date ended well, she was sure she didn’t say or do anything to put him off. She hoped that he hadn’t seen James leave her apartment. One day she got a note that she was no longer needed in his office anymore, and from that day on, she was stuck under the thumb of Regina the Mean.

  Brianna spent her free time shopping with Eleanor, Kevin, Amira, ad Kelsey. She had plenty of fun dinners and nights out dancing with her friends. And she also cried herself to sleep every night that James sent her a text reminding her of her past and the fact that he was waiting for her as soon as she stepped back into Colorado.

  She was so thankful that it was the weekend again, but at the same time she was nervous about the mandatory company picnic at Drew’s house in the Hamptons. She really didn’t want to go, but Kevin and Ellie insisted. Kelsey also promised that she would be there and wouldn’t let her brother’s recent bad mood affect her good time.

  House didn’t even begin to describe the mansion that they pulled up to. It looked to her like it was part Victorian house and part light house with two regular houses welded in between. Who knows, maybe that’s what it was. It certainly was big enough.

  Eleanor was already stripping out of her sundress before they reached the side gate that led to the party. She had plans to spend her time either by the pool or on the beach, getting a natural tan. She definitely had her choice of both. The massive lawn spread out as far as the eye could see and blended flawlessly with the beach and then the ocean. It was really beautiful.

  “My brother’s here.” Kelsey’s voice came from behind her.

  She turned and hugged her friend. “Of course he is. It’s his house.” She said.

  “Not him.... Well, yeah, him, but Lucian is here too. With Sam.” Kelsey said.

  “Oh.” What else could she say? Kevin squeezed her hand and pulled her towards the pool.

  She decided to take her cue from her friends. She was going to enjoy her day. There was food going on a grill, drinks in bins around the yard, and people and children playing and having a good time. She stripped out of her sundress as well and joined her friends by the pool, closing her eyes and taking in the sun. She was almost asleep when she heard a familiar song start to play.

  “A band?” she asked.

  Kelsey nodded. “Every year my brother hosts a mini concert for the employees.” She said.

  With that, she stood up and searched for the stage. There was a crowd screaming and dancing as Jon and the others played through their first song of the day. Her heart was suddenly so full that she started crying as she made her way to the front of the crowd.

  De’Antae quickly pulled her onto the stage before the next song started and returned to his congas. She wiped the tears from her eyes as she danced with the band, hugging each and every one of them, completely happy to see them. Jon looked relieved to see her in one piece and held her close through two more songs, swaying with her in his arms as he sang.

  When their set was over, he brushed his lips against hers, making the crowd go wild. It was a completely friendly gesture, but the crowd didn’t seem to know that. And when she locked eyes with Andrew, it seemed that he didn’t know it either. There was fire in his eyes and he looked like he was ready to throttle both her and Jonathan.

  “Are you okay, sweetheart?” Jon asked as they walked the beach awhile later.

  “I’m not sure.” She admitted.

  “Did James hurt you?” he asked.

  “No. Just threatened.” She shrugged.

  He wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “We don’t have that kind of money, Bree.” He said. She appreciated that he included himself into the equation. “Did you call the cops like I told you?”

  “Yep. They’ll protect me as long as I’m in New York and the police in Colorado fined him for leaving the state while he’s on parole. But he’s not behind bars, so when I get back, I’m sure he’s going to be on my back.” She sighed. “Maybe I should just cut my losses and just work for him.”

  “That’s the worst thing you can do. And I won’t allow it.” He growled.

  “Maybe I don’t have a choice. I mean, I royally screwed things up here. Andrew hates me for some reason, Lucian is getting married. And even if Drew didn’t hate me, if I kept seeing him people would think I was trying to sleep my way to the top. That’s according to my other boss, Mr. Kline.” She sighed. “I thought I had such a good chance coming here. I thought I could start over, but my past came back and bit me in the ass, and I was just being reckless with myself even before that. I don’t deserve to be here.”

  Jon stopped walking and gripped her shoulders. He looked like a rock star. He cut his hair, was growing out a beard, and even his clothes were different. He didn’t look like the poor boy she grew up with anymore.

  “B, if you say that one more time, I’m going to be forced to slap you. Remember the slap game we played when we were kids? You hated it, but you still played thinking you could keep up with the boys. Remember?” When she nodded, he went on. “That’s the kind of girl you are. The kind of woman you are. You don’t give up. You just knew that you’d win one day.”

  “But I never did.” She pointed out.

  “That’s because we learned to never hit girls.” He said. “You just need more time. So what if this Drew guy hates you. You don’t have to work for him when it’s all said and done. Just work your ass off for your boss and take your great reference letter to another company. I guarantee you’ll do great and you’ll be happier.”

  “That’s true.” She agreed.

  “I love you, babe. And if this job thing doesn’t work out, you know I’ll always take care of you until you figure out your next step.” He pulled her in for a hug, kissing the top her hair before resting his chin on her head.

  “I love you too.” She said, inhaling his scent. He still had two more weeks of touring before heading back to the Midwest for a few bookings before he heads home. She couldn’t wait to go back to normal. She was starting to crave it.

  Jon left her with a new sense of determination. She spent the rest of the day eating and enjoying herself with her friends. Every now and then she would catch one of the brothers staring at her, but she would just turn away and continue what she was doing. She participated in some of the games, she ran around with some of the kids, and she enjoyed two plates of the barbeque.

  By the time the day was done, she was exhausted. She had a good conversation with Mr. Kline about her future plans, she met a handful of the executives, and even Regina seemed nicer outside of the office. When the day wound down she was exhausted and ready to go home and relax.

  She was looking for Eleanor and Kevin so that they could head back to the city. She’d searched half the beach, the pool area, and the front yard. She really didn’t want to head into the house, but after twenty minutes of searching, she had no choice. Walking into the kitchen wasn’t so bad. It was a gorgeous space with people working in the kitchen putting away food and talking.

  It felt weird being in Andrew’s other home with him being upset with her for some reason. That’s where her thoughts were when she turned a corner and was suddenly pulled into a library. Lucian’s lips were on hers and it made her furious. She pulled away and slapped him.

  “What are you doing!” she demanded.

  “I…I don’t know.” He was drunk. She could taste it when he kissed her, and looking at him, he could barely stand without swaying on his feet. “You look delicious in that little pink bikini. And your navel with that piercing has been
driving me wild all day. I just want to dip my tongue there.”

  “I think you need to talk to your fiancé about letting your tongue explore her body.” She said, pushing him away.

  “She doesn’t have your body. I want yours.” He said, pushing her against a bookshelf. She tried to push him away again, but he was using all of his force to stand his ground. Then he shocked her by slamming her against the bookshelf, causing a few books to fall around them.

  “Lucian, you’re drunk. Stop it.” She said, pushing against him.

  “I hate that you’re in that dress. It’s covering the bikini.” He said, grabbing at the shoulder straps of her dress. She tried to pull away and felt one of the straps rip.

  “Stop, Lucian.” She pleaded. He was beginning to scare her. She’d been in this situation a few times before and it was never good.

  “I miss you so much. I don’t really want her. I just need her. But not how I need you.” He murmured, burying his face into her neck. He placed a kiss on the space between her neck and shoulder, then rested his head on her shoulder. “Do you feel it to, Bree? The spark?”

  She did, more than ever whenever he touched her. And when he kissed her, just like every other time, she couldn’t resist him and she kissed him back.

  “I think I love you, Brianna.” He whispered before his tongue dipped sensuously into her mouth. She couldn’t think. She could barely breathe. She was once again caught up in the delectable cloud that he surrounded her in as his hands roamed her body.

  “I’m telling you, I saw him come this way.” Samantha’s voice drifted in snapping Lucian out of whatever drunken haze he was in. He snapped her out of hers as well as he moved away from her so fast that she almost fell on her ass just before the door opened.

  Samantha and Andrew walked into the library and stopped cold, taking in the scene before them. Brianna was leaning against a bookshelf, close to tears, with her dress ripped. Lucian was standing a few feet away, obviously drunk and swaying on his feet with a mix of lust and regret written across his face.

  “Honey, the car is waiting.” Samantha walked over to Lucian and started tugging him towards the door.

  Without a word, he followed his fiancé, allowing himself one look back at Brianna before disappearing around the corner. She slowly lowered herself to the floor. She’d forgotten that Andrew was still in the room until he walked over to a cart and poured a glass of water and handed it to her.

  “Tell me everything.” He stood in front of her with an impassive look on his face. She didn’t know if she wanted him to know everything so she stalled.

  “What exactly do you want to know?” she asked.

  “How long you’ve been sleeping with my brother. How you got into my company. Who the singer guy is to you. What you’re running from. Why you’re so reckless. And….. What it is about you that’s driving both me and my brother insane.” He said.

  “You don’t even know me.” She said. “Neither of you do. You each had a week with me and now you think you have some sort of feelings for me. He let me stay at his place to hide out from someone a couple of months ago. One thing led to another and we were fucking like bunnies. You and I met in a bar, made a bet that I barely remember, and one thing led to another and you have me in your office every day for a week.”

  He sat down on the floor next to her. The party was almost completely cleared out and she could see the cleaning crew through the window, picking up after everyone. He sighed and then surprised her by putting his arm around her waist and pulling her closer to his side. She rested her head on his chest and took comfort in his heartbeat.

  He looked good in his shorts and polo shirt. He almost blended in with everyone else at the party except for the fact that even in casual clothes, he screamed powerful. He kissed the top of her head and rubbed her arms.

  “I’m going to be truthful with you, Brianna, and I expect you to do the same for me.” He said. She nodded her agreement. “I know a lot about you. Maybe some things that you don’t want me to know. I have to say that you piqued my curiosity. From the moment I saw you, I wanted you. I’m assuming it was the same with my brother. But only one of us can have you, and I assure you, if you pick him then he’ll drop Samantha in a heartbeat.”

  “I don’t know if I want him to.” She admitted.

  “But you don’t know if you if you want him.” He sighed again. “I have to admit that I hate my brother right now. More than anything. I hate feeling like he violated what’s mine. He came to my city, my restaurant, and messed with a girl that I was considering to be mine.”


  “And you. You fucked my brother practically in front of me.” He said.

  “I wish that never happened.” She told him.

  “Me too.” He agreed.

  They sat quietly for a moment until the door opened again. Eleanor and Kevin stepped inside looking relieved to have found her.

  “Hey, guys.” She greeted them while standing up.

  “You ready to go, doll face?” Kevin asked.

  “We have your things.” Ellie added.

  “Yeah.” She nodded.

  Adrian gripped her wrist when she turned to say goodbye to him, and tucked her by his side. “Brianna and I have a few more things to discuss. I’ll get her home when we’re done.” He told them.

  Her friends looked at her and she nodded. They kissed her goodbye and headed off.

  “What do we need to-“ His lips were on hers and she hated herself for melting into him. Without missing a beat, he picked her up and still had his lips on hers as he locked the door. He pressed a button somewhere and the blinds shut, darkening the room.

  She couldn’t see a thing and that put all of her other senses on high alert. She could feel his breath on her neck. Her skin felt scorched where his fingers brushed against her shoulder, tugging down the remaining strap of her dress. She closed her eyes and moaned when his tongue hit her skin at her neck and slowly moved down to her navel, circling her piercing before dipping into her belly button.

  His hands reached up and gripped her breasts as his lips moved and kissed her pussy through her bikini bottom. Her hands tangled into his hair, anticipating his next move.

  “What do you want, Brianna?” he asked. “Tell me, baby?”

  “I want to feel you inside of me.” She answered.

  “I’m not sure I can take something that belongs to my brother.” He told her.

  She shook her head. “I’m not his.” She insisted.

  “Then who does this belong to?” he asked, sliding his finger down her sensitive folds. She moaned, wanting nothing more than for him to fill her.

  “You.” She whispered.

  “What?” he kissed her thighs and she had to work not to squeeze her leg together and hold him there.

  “You. It’s yours. I’m yours!” she cried as his lips circled her clit.

  “Mine.” He growled as he suddenly moved on top of her.

  Without warning, he was inside of her, filling her until she wasn’t sure she could take anymore of him. Then he was thrusting. He wasn’t gentle at all. He was thrusting like he was punishing her for everything she’d put him through. She could barely hold on to him, he was riding her so hard.

  “Andrew!” she screamed as an orgasm hit her fast and hard.

  “Another.” He growled, not even slowing down to let her catch her breath.

  When she couldn’t immediately muster up another orgasm, he withdrew from her replacing his hard cock with his tongue. It didn’t take much longer before the next orgasm started to build up. Then he was inside of her again. She dug her nails into his back to the point where she was sure she was drawing blood as she rode out her next orgasm. She felt his body tighten as his rhythm started to speed up, practically banging her into the ground. He roared out an orgasm that almost scared her as he pulled her hair and nibbled on her neck.

  They stayed on the floor, tangled in each other’s arms, panting and exhausted. Andrew careful
ly rolled off of her, pulling her against his body.

  “I’m not going to tell you what I know about you. I want to hear everything from you.” He said.

  “That’s fair.” She agreed. She sat up, patting around in the dark for her dress. “I want to tell you, but I don’t know anything about you either.”

  “What do you want to know?” he asked.

  “Why do you and Lucian seem to have such a strained relationship, but you both seem to adore Kelsey?” she asked.

  He pulled her back down and she felt him breathing into her hair. “You’re jumping right into the big stuff.” He said. “Kelsey is our half-sister. She has a different father from us.”

  “But, Lucian’s last name is Davenport too. At least, it’s hyphenated.” She said.

  “My brother’s a fucking kiss ass pussy.” He snorted. “Our father died when I was thirteen and he was ten. My mother married Oliver Davenport and immediately got pregnant knowing that he wanted a son and her window for carrying a child was closing fast. Oliver loved Kels, but he wanted an heir. A male heir. He immediately targeted me, but I hated him.”

  “Why?” she rubbed her hand up his thigh and enjoyed hearing him moan a little in her ear.

  “He and my mom were having an affair before my dad died.” He said.

  “Whoa! No shit!” she breathed.

  “I wanted nothing to do with him or that business, so he groomed Lucian. Lucian was his golden boy. So much so that he dishonored our father by tacking on that bastard’s last name to his own. A fucking traitor.” He snorted. “And in the end, he inherited almost all of it. It’s really Kelsey’s birthright, but he has the bigger majority of it.”

  “Wow.” She breathed. So now she knew part of their backstory, she was a little more open to share some of hers. “I worked at a gentleman’s club before I got offered a summer position at your company. It helped me pay for school and a place to live. I met Kelsey at school and she offered me a room for next to nothing in her eyes. She would let me stay free, but I insisted on paying her. I’m no one’s charity case.”


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