Code Red

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Code Red Page 3

by Amy Noelle

Within the hour, I had the Micro5000 file done and sent to Christopher for his viewing pleasure. Then I opened my e-mail and deleted the spam that still leaked through despite the filters. Apparently our IT department couldn’t keep the Viagra and penis enhancement ads from hitting my inbox. I never should have made out with Murray the techie at the Christmas party last year. He was still carrying a grudge that I didn’t sleep with him, and my inbox was suffering as a result. I narrowed my eyes at the e-mail informing me there were plenty of forty-plus Asian singles in my area. Asshole.

  I logged into my personal mail so I could send a message to Jen. Chris practically gave me permission to dick around for a few hours, and the porn filters were strong here, so really there was nothing else to do.


  I’m bored. Entertain me.


  I fired it off and grinned when I got a response within a minute. My girl was always on her e-mail.


  I’m not bored. I’m busy. Entertain yourself.



  So you’re “J” now? You can’t even be bothered to write three little letters? You wound me, woman, you really do.

  All right, no Jen, no porn, I’d already watched SportsCenter this morning and my Cardinals were continuing to lead the Central division. Living in a city full of Cubs fans was awful, but at least I got to lord over them that I rooted for a winning team. Lovable losers? Who wanted to root for a team of losers?

  My e-mail dinged, and I opened it.

  If you’re bored, you should go play with BOB. Or better yet, get a real boyfriend so you can bother him all day instead of me.

  Why was she dissing on BOB? A battery-operated boyfriend was way better than a real one. I grinned because suddenly I knew a good way to pass the time, but not by using BOB. It wasn’t like I carried him to work with me. Her thinking I might was a bit disturbing. Me wishing I had was a lot more disturbing.

  I hit reply.

  Reasons why BOB is better than a real boyfriend:

  1.He hits the right spot, accurately, each and every time.

  2.He is always ready to go. If his battery is low, a quick change can equal hours of fun. A real boyfriend requires rest and recuperation.

  3.He doesn’t expect me to cuddle or talk to him after he’s fulfilled his purpose.

  4.When I’m not in the mood, he sits quietly in the drawer and doesn’t bother me.

  5.When I am in the mood, he’s right there ready to fulfill my needs instead of out with the guys or doing shit for his mother or something.

  6.He’s not too small, not too big, and if he was, I wouldn’t have to pretend he wasn’t to spare his feelings. I’d just replace him with a more fitting model and there’d be no fuss about it.

  7.He doesn’t have to lie to get me into bed.

  8.He doesn’t care if I look like shit. He performs regardless.

  9.He doesn’t say he loves me and

  “Excuse me.”

  I jumped. The voice behind me was smooth and masculine and unfamiliar. Across from me, Angela’s eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. Oh, shit. It was the Suit. Had to be.

  I turned slowly and the first thing I saw was a watch. An expensive-looking watch. A Rolex, or a very good knockoff. Next was a crisp, white shirt and a black jacket that stretched over what appeared to be a rather broad chest, upon which sat his burgundy tie. Finally, there was a very amused pair of bright blue eyes and a killer smile.

  He was hot. His dark brown hair was a little long and fell over his forehead, which only made his eyes pop out more. His jaw looked strong and sexy and bitable. Plus, he had a little bit of stubble on his cheeks and chin. Handsome was too pale a word for him. I would have to think for a while to come up with something fitting.

  Lisa whispered, “Oh, God,” and I nodded mutely. God was definitely involved in the creation of this man.

  “Hi,” he said, holding out a hand to me. A long-fingered hand. I commanded myself to take it and fortunately my body followed my orders. His grip was light, and I was pretty sure I was sweating and grossing him out, but he didn’t show it. He continued smiling at me and making my heart pound.

  “I’m Josh Daniels, from the New York office. I managed to get on an earlier flight. Is Christopher Price available?”

  Why was he asking me? Didn’t he know I’d been struck dumb from the instant I saw him?

  “Sure, he’s expecting you. His office is that way.” I pointed and tried to sound confident. At least if he fired me, I probably wouldn’t care because he was too handsome to get upset with.

  “Thanks. And you are?” he asked, still holding my hand. Or was I holding his? Oh, no, was he trying to get away from me and I was holding onto him like a little kid with an ice cream cone? Then again, I did want to lick him.

  “Nicole Magette,” I said, after a few tries. My tongue didn’t want to work. At least not to form words.

  “Nicole. I’ve heard a lot about you. I’m looking forward to working with you.”

  “Me too,” I replied automatically. He released my hand and I tried not to be sad about not touching him any more. I failed.

  “I’ll see you in a bit,” he said before walking to Chris’s office and knocking on the door. Suit was a perfect thing to call him because he was born to wear one.

  “Lucky bitch,” Lisa said, keeping an eye on the door Josh had disappeared into.

  “What? Why?” I asked. Because I’d touched him? Then yes, I was a lucky bitch.

  “You heard him. You’re working with him.”

  How did I miss that? “I am?”

  “Why do you think Chris hasn’t given you an assignment yet? He’s your assignment. I hate you.”

  I turned blindly back to my computer and saw the e-mail I’d been working on when he appeared behind me. Had he seen it? I was going to die. I was going to have a heart attack, which was embarrassing at my age, but maybe Josh could give me mouth-to-mouth.

  I had a big problem. I could not, I would not, be attracted to a coworker. That was just asking for trouble. I had to get through this day and Jen would make me forget all about Josh with the sexy suit and sky-blue eyes. And the dimples. Oh, God, he had dimples. I hadn’t processed it before. He was imprinted in my mind now, and I needed to get him out.

  I didn’t bother finishing the list of BOB’s merits before robotically hitting send. Then I drafted a message to all four of my friends. Nothing in the body of the e-mail, just the subject line: CODE RED.

  Chapter 3

  I kept looking away from the computer screen toward that closed door that hid him from my view. What was wrong with me? So, he was handsome. The best-looking man I’d ever seen, if I was being honest, but that was no big deal. I didn’t know him. He could be married. He could have five children, and here I was lusting after him while his perfect wife and perfect kids awaited his return back in New York. This was ridiculous.

  Then came the quiet ding of my e-mail. It was about damn time. What were they thinking, making me wait? I opened up Ashley’s message. Finally, one of my girls came through.

  Are we still doing that? I thought it was a college thing.

  Well, excuse me for not finding Mr. Right in college like she did. Some friend she was. There was a time when she was single and susceptible, and it wasn’t that long ago, but she obviously didn’t care to remember. I glared at the computer as I banged out my response.

  It was only a college thing for you, since you got married the second we graduated. I have a problem! You’re supposed to help!

  When my e-mail was gone, I saw two more waiting. I opened Jen’s first. She, unlike the others, wouldn’t let me down.

  First off, the BOB thing was hysterical, but we’re going to have to discuss the benefits of a real man soon. Or are we? Because you haven’t called a Code Red since that linebacker asked you out senior year. And you should have gone with him because he’s in the NFL now and you’d be rich and able to buy me nice presents
. But I digress. Maybe you’ll know the benefits of a real man soon?

  Meet you at six at the usual.

  I knew she’d be there for me. I responded to her quickly.

  If I had gone out with, and subsequently married, the linebacker, I’d be living in Buffalo right now. Buffalo! I’d get buried in snow, suffer hypothermia, and die, and you’d be super sad. I spared both of us from death and heartache. You’re welcome.

  I definitely will not know the benefits of a man. One, he’s my coworker. Two, he’s gorgeous and, therefore, likely married. Maybe he has seven wives spread out across the country and is looking for number eight. Could I settle for being one of eight? For him, maybe. Hence, the Code Red.

  See you there. And I love you even if you’re trying to banish me to Buffalo.

  Just writing to Jen made me feel better. I was smiling as I opened Kim’s e-mail.

  Well, it’s about damn time. Send me a picture. I can’t make it tonight and even if I could, I wouldn’t come because I refuse to talk you out of going out with a man you’re actually attracted to. Live a little. I’ll call you tonight for details. And don’t forget to send me a picture.

  Screw her. Like I was going to make a fool out of myself and snap his picture. I glanced over at Lisa who was still staring at that stupid door just like I’d been doing. I could probably get her to snap a picture. She had no shame.

  Kim, how could you abandon me in my time of need? And Josh—that’s his name, by the way, Joshua Daniels—said he looked forward to working with me. If I have to work in close proximity to that man for any length of time, I’m either going to have a heart attack and die or attack him and go to jail for being an office pervert. Do you really want that for me? Cancel your plans.

  I sent that off and sighed as I opened Mandy’s e-mail. I knew what it was going to say before I even read it. She was too much the horny housewife to give good advice.

  I can’t be there. Ty’s teething and Kurt’s working late. You don’t need us, anyway. I call my own Green Light and say “go for it.”

  The Code Red had been forged on the night we all became friends. The night Damian betrayed Mandy and me. It had served its purpose, too. It was our way of forming a support group and to keep ourselves from falling for Mr. Wrong. We’d all used it at one time or another throughout college. Kim over a professor she was totally hot for; Jen over a coworker; Ash with Rick; and Mandy with a guy whose kids she babysat for part-time. And, well, I’d used it a few times prior to the linebacker. I couldn’t help it if I met a number of attractive men I needed to stay away from for my own self-preservation. Good-looking men were my kryptonite, and my friends were the antidote. I needed them.

  I answered Mandy’s e-mail and told her I understood, even though a part of me didn’t since we led such different lives now. Then I got another message from Ashley.

  I would say I’m sorry about meeting the love of my life in college, but we both know I’m not. And if you remember, he was my last Code Red, and look how that turned out.

  I’ve got dinner with his folks tonight, and I’m already walking a fine line with his mother since I’ve yet to give her a grandchild. Canceling now would send her over the edge, and I’d have to pop out a baby to get her to forgive me. No can do. Give me all the details tomorrow.

  I should have expected that, too. Things were so different these days. I told her I’d talk to her later and opened up the next e-mail from Kim.

  You’re such a drama queen. Was he wearing a ring?

  Was he? I hadn’t noticed one, and I’d lingered on his fingers for a while. They were long. Long and tempting. I felt sure there wasn’t a ring, but that didn’t mean anything in this day and age.

  Your heart is too strong to give out already. You’ve got it tucked away behind about ten yards of pure steel. Maybe you could peel off a layer or seven and see what’s behind it. I’m doing this for your own good. Attack the man. I bet he’ll like it. And if he does have you arrested, I promise to post bail.

  I huffed and closed her e-mail. Damn right she’d post my bail. She’d have to, for encouraging me. What kind of friends were they?

  “What do you think they’re talking about in there?” Lisa asked.

  “The project, duh,” Andrew said, rolling his eyes. “Why do I sit with all females? What was I thinking?”

  “What are you talking about?” Angela asked.

  “I’m talking about the love vibes bouncing off those two.” He pointed at Lisa and me. “And don’t think I didn’t notice your reaction to the guy, either. I’m telling Tom.”

  “Tom knows he has nothing to worry about.” Angela folded her hands primly. “Just because I find someone attractive doesn’t mean I’m going to throw myself at him.” We looked at each other. “I’m more apt to set him up with a friend than go after him myself.”

  I felt my cheeks flushing and looked away. “I’m not vibing.”

  “The hell you’re not,” Andrew said.

  “Well, if you’re not going to get in the way, can I have him?” Lisa fluffed her hair, and I noticed that a button on her blouse seemed to have come undone since the last time I looked at her.

  “Nobody can have him. We work with him. And he might be married,” I said. She was annoying me.

  “No ring, I checked.” She licked her red lips. She hadn’t been wearing lipstick earlier either. Josh was going to think a whole new person was sitting there.

  “It doesn’t matter because—” My phone buzzed. It was Chris. I gulped and picked up the phone. “Hello?”

  “Nic, can you come in my office, please?”

  Part of me wanted to run into his office, and another part of me wanted to run out of the building and not return until the hot Suit left for New York.

  “Yes, I’ll be right in.”

  Lisa was glaring at me when I set the phone down. “You suck.”

  I ignored her and got to my feet. My palms were sweating and my heart was pounding. I was going to see him again, and my reaction was stupid because of course I was going to see him whenever he came out of Chris’s office. I was driving myself insane over the hot guy. It was like being back in high school. No, it was worse, because I was an adult now. I told myself to suck it up and be a professional. That’s what they were calling me in for, not to make out with Josh. Which was a damn shame.

  I walked across the office and knocked on the door. A muffled “Come in” answered me, and I closed my eyes and prayed I wouldn’t make an ass out of myself. I opened the door and immediately searched for him. He was seated just a couple of feet in front of me, and he was smiling that same warm smile from before. His teeth were incredibly white. He should do toothpaste ads. Maybe he did.

  “Take a seat,” Chris said and gestured to the chair next to Josh. I had to sit next to him. I could do this. I tried to smile and hoped I passed that test as I slipped into the chair next to the Suit. I crossed my legs and accidentally kicked him lightly in the shin.

  “Sorry,” I muttered, embarrassed beyond belief.

  Josh laughed, and it was manly and sexy and just as attractive as the rest of him. Lethal. That’s what the man was. He leaned toward me, his laser blue eyes shining.

  “I think I’ll live, though I’m grateful you don’t wear those spike heels, or I might have bled to death.”

  I gave him a real smile this time, relieved he had a sense of humor. And that he apparently didn’t think a girl needed to wear stilettos to work. A man after my own heart. Which was exactly why the Code Red was in place.

  His scent hit me as he leaned back. He smelled like sandalwood and musk and just delicious. It didn’t help kill my desire to taste him at all.

  “Josh mentioned he met you, so I guess I can save the introductions,” Chris said. I turned to him and tried not to focus on the man next to me. It was going to take all my willpower not to stare at him for the duration of this meeting.

  “As you know, Josh is headquartered out of our New York office, and he recently landed a
major account for us. One that could keep us busy for years to come if we make them happy.”

  I glanced at Josh and saw the look of pride on his face. I felt excited for him, even though I didn’t know what we were talking about yet. But I had to admit I was curious. We had a lot of continuing contracts, but the way Chris was talking, this was something beyond our usual.

  “We’ve been given the opportunity to write the operations manual for the best phone to hit the market since the TouchPhone.”

  Phones? Chris knew I didn’t do electronics. I narrowed my eyes at him, and he laughed. “I know exactly what you’re thinking, Nic, but you don’t have to worry. That’s why Josh is here.”

  Was Josh here to hold me while I cried over having to write a phone operations manual? Or was he here to take my mind off it in other, more interesting ways? Naked ones?

  “The Comet is going to make the TouchPhone moot in a couple of years,” Josh said. I tried not to glare at him. I loved my phone, and I wanted to defend it until my dying breath. I didn’t need some new one to come along and make it suck in comparison. Especially a new one I had to write the manual for. I’d never understand it, so how was I going to write it? Chris must have bumped his head before making this decision.

  “The Comet is the first in a long line of products that’s going to be put out by Starfire Electronics. We’re talking computers, tablets, televisions, MP3 players . . . you get the picture. If we knock it out of the park on this one, we’ve got the potential to hook contracts that span decades. Imagine it!” Chris looked like he was vibrating with excitement. He reminded me of Jen when she was on a sugar high.

  Both men were staring at me, so I figured I’d better say something. “It sounds like an amazing coup.” I smiled at Josh, who was still bursting with pride. “But honestly, I’m not sure why you’re discussing it with me. Andy and Margo usually handle the electronics contracts.” I did appliances, damn it. Things I actually knew how to use.

  Chris sat forward and propped his elbows on his desk. “Simple, Nic. We need the best writer on this staff. That would be you.”

  I felt my own wave of pride flow through me. He’d never said that before. I had no idea if it was true or not, but it felt good to hear it.


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