A Sugar Daddy’s Secret: Billionaire Romance

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A Sugar Daddy’s Secret: Billionaire Romance Page 8

by Kathleen Hill

  "Nice to meet you Kenneth. Your wife is the hottest woman here, but I'm guessing you already know that. Must be nice to know that she's going home with you." Stanley's Southern drawl was extremely exaggerated tonight. He must be doing it to get under Kenneth's skin. Aida was red faced and hot all over. Kenneth was fully aware of the sexual tension between Stanley and Aida. She was deeply attracted to the man. Sadly, Kenneth could see why. With blonde hair, gray eyes, a shirt stretched tight across a muscular chest, pants so tight his junk was prominent, and a deep Southern drawl, he was every woman's wet dream. Except for the hair color, he was the man Kenneth used to be. Kenneth took Aida by the hand and said, "You are correct and I'm taking her home right now."

  Kenneth far exceeded the speed limit returning home. He continued to pull Aida by the hand through the house to their bedroom. He only paused long enough to grab a bottle of champagne and some whipped cream. Kenneth was quite creative with the whipped cream, licking it off Aida's breasts and from between her legs causing her to climax repeatedly. He even covered his member with it and let Aida bring him pleasure, something he had not allowed for years. The champagne came into play for a second round after a brief nap. Aida enjoyed every minute and yet she felt something was missing, leaving her feeling lonely.

  The next morning, Aida explained her feelings to Kenneth and pleaded with him to continue taking her to the parties. She begged him to try the partner exchange next time. Kenneth feared he was losing Aida, so he reluctantly agreed.

  Chapter 5

  Kenneth was called away due to an emergency with oil rigs on a property in Oklahoma. Aida took the opportunity to find out if Stanley would be competing in the National Rodeo scheduled for that weekend. Her sources confirmed that he would be. She eagerly called Emily and asked, "Please come with me to the rodeo. I'm dying to see Stanley compete and to see if he is still interested now that he knows I'm married."

  Emily wasn't so sure if it was a good idea and replied, "Do you really think it's okay to do this? Does Kenneth know? "

  Aida was too into the idea of going to worry about it being a good or bad idea. "If it turns out there could be something between Stanley and me, I will deal with Kenneth then. Why bring it up if nothing happens? Please go with me. I need my best friend." Emily couldn't let down her friend so she agreed to go.

  Aida felt right at home in her boots and jeans, but Emily was extremely uncomfortable and self conscience. Rodeos had never been a part of her life, but she was willing to try anything once. The dust being kicked up by the animals was another matter and Emily protested as they got closer to the pens, " Aida, I'm choking on dust! Do we have to go back here where the animals are?"

  Aida sighed and said, "You'll live. We will only be back here for a minute. I just want Stanley to know we're here, otherwise, this is a waste of time."

  At that moment she caught sight of Stanley in a group of other cowboys and ran ahead of Emily. One of the cowboys turned and saw her, shouting, "Look at that! We've got ourselves another groupie. And damn this one’s hot!" The group turned as one, but Stanley stopped them before they all went after Aida by clearly stating, "This one belongs to me. Hands off!"

  Aida and Stanley met just a few feet from the group who couldn't stop their shouts of "Yeehaw, sugar!" and," I wouldn't mind a piece of that." Stanley had to agree. In her skin tight jeans and low cut tank top, Aida was a sight to behold. Right behind her came a red-haired beauty who looked like sin in boots. The boys were getting an eyeful for sure. Stanley pulled Aida to his side and asked, "Darlin', what are you doing back here? Not that I'm complaining, but this can be a dangerous place."

  Aida grinned from ear to ear as she explained, "Honey, I traveled with the rodeo circuit for years. I brushed and saddled the horses, fed those big bulls, and even tried my hand at a few competitions. This is like old times for me. Kenneth was once a poor cowboy. We did what we could to stay with the circuit, until he was hurt too bad to continue. I came back here so that you would be aware that I came to cheer you on."

  "Hot damn, a real cowgirl, not a groupie! Your presence should bring me luck, but you better find your seats. The animals are about to be wandering around and your friend looks a little freaked. See you on the other side, babe." Aida gave him a smack on the lips for luck, grabbed Emily by the hand and headed for their front row seats.

  The rodeo was as exciting as Aida remembered. She screamed and cheered along with the crowd. Even Emily got into the action, cheering the cowboys and booing when the bulls won. A few beers didn't hurt either. Emily could see why Aida missed this. It was pure excitement without having to mind your manners or worry about your looks. When Stanley won the bull riding contest, he climbed the railing, grabbed Aida for the hottest kiss on record and gave her ass a squeeze for good measure. He also slipped a small piece of paper into her hand which contained his cell number.

  On the drive home, Emily conceded that Stanley was indeed a hot ticket and she understood the attraction but warned, "You can't do this behind Kenneth's back. He loves you and he has been good to you. I know that you still love him too. Be careful."

  Aida would definitely take Emily's advice. A part of her loved Kenneth and didn't want to hurt him, but she felt she would die without some excitement.

  Aida and Kenneth sat down to have the hardest conversation of their lives. While Aida made it clear that she wasn't giving up on her marriage and that she still loved Kenneth, she needed some space and freedom. She felt the need to move into an apartment and to see other men, namely Stanley. When Kenneth started to protest, Aida explained that she still wanted to work things out with him and that she would continue to "date" him too. She expected to see him at the parties as well. Even though Kenneth was ruthless in business, he was a pushover when it came to Aida. He gave in and let Aida have an apartment and Stanley.

  Chapter 6

  Aida was thrilled. Stanley was taking her out to have a day with his friends. He had told her to dress in comfortable clothes that she wouldn't mind getting dirty and not to forget her swimsuit unless she wanted to skinny dip with a crowd. She was waiting and ready in faded jeans, a t-shirt and boots with her bikini in place of underwear, when Stanley arrived. He gave her a boost up into his jacked-up truck being sure to fondle every curve on the way.

  Singing country songs along with the radio and telling stories from their lives, they finally reached their destination. There were hills, valleys and tire tracks everywhere along with a gang of beer drinking, fun loving people urging them to hurry and join the races. They were going four-wheeling! Aida had never done it, but couldn't wait to try.

  It turned out that Aida was good at handling the four-wheeler and came close to winning a couple of the races. The crowd was pleased with her performance and readily accepted her as part of their posse. Everyone was hot and sweaty, so they grabbed the ice chests full of beer and headed into the trees. Stanley took Aida's hand and led her to their paradise spot. On the far side of the trees was a beautiful, clear swimming hole where half the group was already jumping in. Stanley started undressing Aida as fast as he could, being sure to caress each part that he uncovered, to Aida's delight. When he pulled off his shirt, she almost swooned. His chest and abs were perfection, muscular and tight. As he reached to unfasten his jeans, Aida brushed his hands aside and undid them herself, allowing her hands to roam. When he reached to pull her toward him, Aida ran to the water and jumped in, laughing at his stunned look. Stanley followed and the race was on. He was a faster swimmer and grabbed her by the ankle, pulling her to his chest. Stanley's kiss was long and deep as Aida wrapped her legs around his waist. Body parts rubbed together getting them revved up. The kissing and caressing continued as the sun began to set. It came to an abrupt halt when Stanley's friend erupted out of the water beside them declaring, "Come on guys, save it for later! It's time to eat."

  The bonfire felt great after the cool air hit their wet bodies. Aida stood beside it and slipped back into her clothes as Stanley did the sam
e. Plates of food were pressed into their hands along with cold beers. They found a large flat rock to sit at and eat. Aida was having a super time. She curled up in Stanley's arms as guitars were brought out and the group began to sing.

  In an effort to bring back their spark, Kenneth asks Aida out to the kind of date they used to have, pizza and a movie. It was fun and brought back memories, but didn't bring the type of thrill that four-wheeling had. Aida could tell that Kenneth knew she wasn't excited, though she did her best to pretend.

  It rained for several days, leaving Aida depressed until Stanley called and invited her to go mudding, making the best out of the rainy days. Stanley let her drive the truck through the muddy fields in a race with several other wives and girlfriends of the rodeo cowboys. Her laughter was contagious as she pulled ahead of the pack, covering the huge truck in mud. As she came to a stop, she jumped out into Stanley's waiting arms and they fell into the mud, kissing as they went down. Aida felt like a teenager again, even more so when she and Stanley made out in the back of the muddy truck. Tops came off and hands delved into unzipped jeans, bringing climaxes without actual penetration. Stanley was building the tension between them at an astounding pace and Aida was loving it. She even managed to get him to stop at a field of cows and do some old-fashioned cow tipping.

  Kenneth called to check on Aida and could hear the excitement and joy in her voice. Aida, on the other hand, could hear disappointment and depression in his. Aida started to consider letting go of her life with Kenneth, maybe a divorce would be the right move after all.

  Chapter 7

  Tonight was the night. Everyone was going to the sex party. Aida, Kenneth, Emily and her husband, and of course Stanley would be there. Aida couldn't wait to get her freak on. She was finally brave enough to wear the tiny black dress with the slit down to the navel that she had bought at the boutique. It would showcase the long-stemmed rose tattoo that started on her right breast and followed her cleavage. The tattoo had been a gift to herself for courage. Spiked gold heels and smoky eyes completed the look.

  Aida entered the party as groups were still in business mode. Oddly enough, many big deals were made and business contracts signed at these parties, giving powerful men a second reason to attend. It seemed to Aida that the conversations paused and all eyes turned to her as she walked across the room. Kenneth looked shell-shocked when he caught sight of her and Stanley's eyes grew intense and hot as he approached. Dinner was going to be interesting with a man on either side of her.

  Emily pulled Aida to the side to ask, " When did you get a tattoo? And that dress? You look so hot you could melt metal! Stay away from my husband. He wouldn't be able to resist."

  Aida replied, "I would never step on your toes that way. I plan on getting Stanley to finally do the deed. He and I have done everything but the finale until now. Wish me luck." The dinner bell rang and they sashayed to the long table, drawing many appreciative stares.

  After dinner, both Kenneth and Stanley made a play for Aida. She took Stanley's hand and put her other hand gently on Kenneth's chest saying, "Pick someone lovely and have a wonderful night." As she walked away with Stanley, Kenneth grabbed a drink in each hand and chugged them, then reached for two more. He didn't want anyone but his wife. Seeing her actually enter a cubicle with someone else cut him to the core.

  Stanley slowly removed Aida's dress, kissing every inch of skin he uncovered, lingering over each breast to suckle. He worked his way down and let his tongue stroke the prize between her legs. Aida's legs almost gave out at the first flick of his tongue. Creaminess flooded Aida's core. She wanted Stanley naked with her, so she pulled him up and reached for his zipper as he pulled off his shirt. Stanley's heavy, engorged member sprang free into her hands. They used the body oil that was provided on a bed side table to cover and massage each other’s body, building more sexual tension. Stanley laid Aida back on the edge of the bed, spread her legs and let his tongue finished what it had started. Before her climax came to an end, Stanley rose and entered her, letting her muscles clench around him. They rolled over allowing Aida to be on top and take control.

  Surprise and shock showed in their faces when the curtain opened and Kenneth entered the cubicle. He was obviously quite drunk as he began stripping. Stanley shrugged off the interruption, he was willing to try anything. He gripped Aida's hips and urged her to begin moving again. Kenneth pressed himself to Aida's back, reached around her body and started playing with her oiled-up breasts. As she rode Stanley, Kenneth's penis rubbed up and down on her back, still slick with oil. Aida had the most powerful climax of her life as Stanley screamed out with his. She felt Kenneth's pumping out onto her back at the same moment. Then he collapsed onto the floor in a drunken stupor. Aida checked to make sure Kenneth was okay and sent Stanley for some champagne. While Kenneth slept it off, she and Stanley went for rounds two and three using some of the sex toys provided.

  As the sun rose, Aida and Stanley helped Kenneth into a cab and went their separate ways promising to meet up later and go for round four. Aida, though exhausted, was happy. She finally felt that her life was exciting again, and she had enjoyed Kenneth being a part of it. Maybe he would be willing to join them again. She headed for her apartment with a new bounce in her step.

  Chapter 8

  Kenneth invited Aida to brunch. As she dressed, she imagined that he wanted to talk to her about another threesome. Hopefully, he liked it as much as she did. She chose to wear his favorite color, donning a deep blue silk shirt with cream slacks and deep blue flats. Kenneth wore a slightly sad smile when Aida entered the restaurant, greeting her with a kiss on the cheek and saying, "You look lovely. That blue has always been my favorite color."

  Aida replied, "I wore this color just for you. I wanted to say thank you for joining in at the party and say wow, what an experience." Kenneth pulled out her chair and frowned at her words, hiding his face behind her back. They continued with small talk until their food arrived. Aida then brought the subject back up. "Kenneth, I enjoyed the other night immensely and I would love us to do it again. You climaxed, so you must have enjoyed it too. Do you think we can have a replay?"

  Kenneth sighed and replied, "I was drunk. That night was a huge mistake. I didn't want to share you then and I don't want to share you now. I love you and I am willing to fight for us, but not until you prove you are ready. Do what you must to make yourself happy. Just don't expect me to join in. I will be here when and if you want our marriage, until then this is goodbye." Tears were in both their eyes as Kenneth walked away.

  Aida immediately called Emily to tell her what had happened. Emily was sorry for Aida but wasn't really surprised. She knew Kenneth wasn’t into the swinging scene and had noticed the deep sadness and concern in his eyes every time he looked at Aida. She felt that Aida was heading for a fall and she would be there to help pick up the pieces. Emily was truly sorry that she had ever suggested the sex parties to Aida. Kenneth and Aida didn't have the same kind of relationship as Emily and her husband.

  That weekend, Aida went to the rodeo alone to watch Stanley compete. She was upset for him when he lost. They went to a diner afterward and she could feel his anger. In an effort to cheer him up, she told him, "Everything's going to be fine. After all you have me all to yourself now. Kenneth has stepped away and we can go for a true relationship. I'll be with you whether you win or lose. You can even stay with me at the apartment."

  To Aida's surprise, Stanley didn't smile or jump at the offer. Instead he calmly replied, "I'm not staying here much longer. I'm moving on to a new venue soon. You are more than welcome to go with me. You said you used to travel the rodeo circuit." Aida didn't give an immediate answer. She was too shocked at Stanley's take me or leave me attitude. She had thought his feelings for her were growing as hers were for him. The idea of traveling the rodeo circuit sounded like fun, but she wanted to go as a girlfriend not a groupie. Maybe his attitude tonight was just due to his loss. Aida decided to let it go and maybe he would
fall in love with her.

  During the next two weeks the subject of Stanley leaving wasn't mentioned. Aida began to believe that he had changed his mind. She happily went out with Stanley and his posse and brought him to her apartment for the night as often as possible. Saturday morning though she wasn't feeling well and declined Stanley's invitation for a day of four wheeling fun. The thought of bouncing around over the dusty hills in the heat just made her nauseous. She invited him to a day of movies, pizza and lovemaking instead. Stanley declined. He wanted to be outdoors with his friends not cooped up in a tiny apartment.

  Aida lay down for a nap with tears in her eyes. When she woke up, the nausea had grown worse and she ended up in the restroom throwing up. For a moment Aida thought she had gotten the flu, but then she realized she hasn't had a period. She frantically dressed and headed for the drug store.

  An hour later, with three positive pregnancy tests sitting on the counter, Aida was both thrilled and terrified. She had been trying for years to have a baby and she was finally pregnant. Although there was a slight possibility that the baby was Kenneth's, she felt sure that it was Stanley's. Traveling the rodeo circuit would no longer be wise. Stanley had to understand and stay with Aida. She called his phone, but there was no answer, so she left a message asking him to stop by tonight no matter how late he got back.

  The doorbell finally rang at 1:13 a.m., waking Aida from sleep. She had been watching movies and fell asleep on the couch. Aida groggily answered the door to a half drunken Stanley. He immediately pulled her to him for a sloppy kiss. Aida pulled back not wanting to get into a sexual situation right now. She asked Stanley to please come in and sit down for a discussion. He looked aggravated and confused, but he complied.


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