A Sugar Daddy’s Secret: Billionaire Romance

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A Sugar Daddy’s Secret: Billionaire Romance Page 44

by Kathleen Hill

  “You’ve got a nice cock, Leo,” she said, with a somewhat desirous voice. “Come fuck me with it.”

  Her legs spread. There was a skirt in the way, but this was an obstacle Leo was equipped to deal with, sliding it up into a rumpled line about her hips, the pads of his fingers running smoothly up Barb’s thighs. Her smile widened at the enthusiasm running through him, a giggle bubbling on her lips as he bodily pushed her further up the bed, falling upon her from above. Strong, muscled arms came down at either side of her head, framing her as the man descended, the sheer heat of his hardness pressing into the inside of her thigh. A groan escaped her then to feel it, soft, near imperceptible below the shuffling on the bed and the creaking of the frame.

  But Leo heard it. He pressed his lips to her throat, trailing a line of kisses up the line of her jaw to try and replicate the sound, to draw it out of her again. Nothing he did seemed to work. Though he could pull a great many entertaining sounds from Barb, that primal, small sound of desire was not one of them. It didn’t stop him from trying, however, each new noise spurring him on to greater heights. By the time he finally slid his hardness into her, Barb’s pink panties pushed to one side to allow him entry, she was already sopping and throbbing around his length, her hips rolling instinctively into his probing member. The pair joined together almost instantaneously, Leo pushing into Barb to the hilt, his teeth sharp and nipping at her neck.

  Her belly was a constant presence between them, a pressure on his abdomen that caused Leo to arch his back around it. Steadying himself with one hand on her hip and the other against the bed, he moved first in slow, gradual thrusts, the kind that felt a woman out, rather than plunging all the way in. A silence settled between them, broken only by the rough panting of unsteady breaths, the shifting of sheets below them as they began to fuck. It was a delightfully simple process, an exchange of pleasure with no strings attached, no expectations beyond this moment, this grind of skin on skin.

  Perhaps, Leo hoped, Barb could be convinced to make this a recurring deal. As her back arched and her lips parted in a shivering moan, she certainly didn’t seem to dislike the arrangement.

  His eyes scanned her body, taking in every pale detail. As he worked inside her, Leo allowed himself to stare openly, to enjoy the woman moaning and writhing beneath him, to lean in and sample her looks and sounds and scents and tastes. Her skin was salty against his tongue, licking a line to the hollow of her throat as he thrust in especially deep, so that the muscles in her neck flexed against him in time with Barb’s moaning. Her every motion a subtle delight. Leo allowed his grip on her to tighten just slightly, holding her in place as her hips rolled and her ankles locked behind him, joining them together so that decoupling would need to be a conscious act. Parting even by accident seemed distinctly tragic to the pair, giving up a moment of this pleasure something neither wished to countenance.

  The back of Barb’s heels pushed at Leo’s ass, holding him closer, reducing his thrusts to small, deep things, the majority of his cock inside her at all times. Her wetness seeped around his shaft, her head tilted back so he could no longer see her expression, but the harsh pant of her breath told Leo all he needed to know. With a sudden restlessness, Barb’s hands rose from the bed, where they lay splayed and limp in their fucking, reaching for her own chest, fondling her heavy breasts, pinching her nipples. One slid, quickly and smoothly, over the bump of her stomach and between her legs, just above the undulating thrusts of the man, locating her clit and holding it between two fingers. Stroking and flicking at the center of her pleasure, Barbara bit her lip, moving purely on instinct now.

  It was here, completely incorporated in their communal action, absorbed in one another and the place where they had joined, that Leo and Barb were reminded that they had left the door open.

  “Whoop!” The sound was stark and clipped, an exclamation of surprise that began close by to them, but quickly pulled away. “Don’t mind me!”

  There was the clomping of heavy boots on the stairs as Nate descended, rather more rapidly than he had ascended in the first place. Leo and Barb both stared out through the open, now empty door for a while, stillness replacing the grinding, thrusting movement of sex, before looking at each another. For a moment, it was clear to Leo that the two of them shared a feeling of being caught, perhaps even of having done something they weren’t supposed to be doing, in a guilty flush that ran between them, communicated through widened eyes and a sheepish tilt to their brows.

  But Leo’s rational mind caught the problem quickly.; Nate had no real claim on Barb, and even if he did, Barb could make her own choices. Nate wasn’t exactly a parent to either one of them, though he might be considered Leo’s boss. It wasn’t as though he had never darted off on some lustful adventure and closed the store in his absence, either.

  Barb giggled. Leo shrugged. They both stayed in the bedroom and finished, of course.

  In the afterglow, when Barbara leaned over and purred into Leo’s ear, attempting to convince him to stay for another round, it was hard to argue against that.

  Chapter 4

  Nate stayed out of the Hard Tack for most of the day, electing to keep the store closed and give the couple copulating upstairs some space for their fun. The shock of seeing them like that lingered, an energy that had nowhere to go, bearing in mind that it wasn’t like either of them owed him anything. He had just been a one night stand for Barb, just as she had been for him. There was simply no reason to feel any particular way about what he had seen, aside from perhaps briefly embarrassed that they had all, as a group, been put into that situation.

  It wouldn’t even be the first time that Nate had walked in on two of his friends fucking before.

  If they wanted to keep the store closed for that, then it was their choice. The Hard Tack, no matter how much it actually brought in under its own steam, was not exactly hurting for money. Nate knew that, in the event that there was a big sale that they had missed out on, Leo was good to make up the difference. Nate himself was never lacking in things to do, and with his home’s main body currently occupied with things he didn’t particularly wish to see, he took himself instead to the corral and barn attached to one side. A ring of sturdy fences, hewn from whole wood pieces, swooped out from the side of the Hard Tack, encircling a patch of lush grass, carefully tended and cut. The outer edge of this patch, hugging the inner rim of the corral, consisted of tamped down growth, worn through to the brown earth beneath in places by the incessant pounding of hooves. One could envision, looking at that defined track in the pen, the slow canter of well-cared-for horses, ridden and directed by a small group of men who nevertheless knew their way around the beasts easily.

  The nearby whinnying of precisely those horses issuing from the barn off to one side certainly helped there.

  Nate made his way around the edge of the corral at a slow amble, not feeling any need to hurry. Warm sunlight hit his skin at a glancing angle, the dappling shade of nearby trees offering a pleasant interplay of heat and coolness on his bare arms and face. There was a lot to like about Remlow Creek, its pleasant weather and natural beauty key among those reasons; on days like this, it was tempting to leave the door open to the store, to allow the cool breeze to waft inside.

  He should have known something was up, just to see the store sealed up like that.

  Nate caught himself frowning as he entered the barn, shoes scuffing across a hay-strewn floor. His family owned a number of horses, and Nate himself paid for his nearest neighbors to take care of them when nobody else was at the Hard Tack. He hadn’t been here for too long, a strange sense of wistful relief settling over him as he slipped inside, familiar sights meeting his gaze. Immediately he went to his particular horse, a chestnut mare he simply had not ridden in too long a time. After a few minutes of meeting her again, he reached for her saddle.

  As it turned out, the Hard Tack remained a house of ill-repute for several hours more, the occasional snatch of sexual noise reaching Nate through window
s that he could have sworn, before this moment, were thick enough for that not to be an issue. Purposefully ignoring it, he took his mare around the corral for a while at a slow trot before letting her out onto the small, dirt trail that ran between the Hard Tack itself and the town of Remlow Creek proper. A few circuits around that track brought him back to the Hard Tack just in time to see Barbara leaving it, now in more clothes than she had been the last time they had laid eyes on each another. Seeing him caused her to alter her path, taking a direct line and stopping a good distance from his horse.

  “Hey,” her grin was sheepish, shoulders raised in an apologetic shrug. Her hands were behind her back, but the twitching of her muscles suggested a sort of nervous fidgeting. “Sorry about earlier. You didn’t need to see that.”

  “Nothing I hadn’t seen before,” Nate shrugged, then dismounted. “I mean, not from you. I don’t make a habit of looking at Leo’s ass like that. Yours was as nice as I remembered, though.”

  “Such a gentleman,” Barb giggled, falling into step beside him as he led his horse back to the stable. “I hope I didn’t… make things weird or anything, between you two. He said you were gonna be out for a while, and I believed him. You guys seem kind of… bro-ey. I’m sorry.”

  “You shouldn’t be.” Nate led the mare into her stall, then closed the gate behind him. “It was as good an excuse as any to take the horse out, you know? No need to feel weird about it. If you don’t make it weird, it won’t be, as far as I’m concerned.”

  “See, now that’s weird to me,” Barb’s mouth crooked down. “No possessive crap? Are you a city boy, or a country boy? Neither act like this.”

  “I’m both, really. Life’s too short and too busy to fight over a girl when you don’t need to,” Nate’s lips curved upward into a smile. He offered the blond woman a wink. “Besides, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t need to fight too hard to get with you again, little lady.”

  “Oh yeah?” Barb said.

  “I remember what you sounded like when I was with you before.” A suggestive note entered Nate’s voice. “You weren’t exactly complaining. Why, I might venture to say you enjoyed yourself.”

  Barb was quiet for a moment, her eyes taking on an appraising aspect, memories clearly playing out in her imagination. Slowly, a blush crept into her cheeks, and she looked away. Nate folded his arms, allowed himself a smug grin, and leaned against one of the wooden support posts holding up the roof of the barn. He shot Barb the finger guns.

  “Yeah, alright,” she nodded, perhaps a little grudgingly. Suddenly, her eyes lit up. “Hey, you wanna know who’s a better lay, you or Leo?”

  Nate pushed himself up off the pillar, pointedly ignoring her. “You ever fucked outside, Barb?”

  There was a lovely degree of joy to be found in how obviously he had thrown the woman off her game. Blinking, Barb took a step back, wrapping her arms around herself in an almost defensive way. Possible responses whirled in her eyes, from the offended to the intrigued, and each one was a new source of satisfaction for Nate, as he watched her consider and file them away in quick succession.

  “I… have not,” she finally replied, cautiously.

  “Would you like to change that?” Nate shot back, his grin never leaving his face. He took a step forward, and then another, bringing himself into Barb’s personal space, his eyes not so much suggesting as shouting lasciviousness. “And not even in a competitive way, by the way. I’m suggesting this in an ‘it would be fun to spend some more alone time with you’ sort of way. You ain’t lived until you’ve screwed under these stars.”

  “Is that so?” It was only a small thing, but Nate could have sworn he spotted Barb licking her lips.

  “Oh yeah. If you happen to want to find out, swing by here tonight, around sunset.” For just a moment, a small and blisteringly intimate moment, Nate placed his palm flat on Barb’s hip. He pulled back a moment later, but in the scant second he had been touching her, she had leaned into his touch, seemingly on instinct. She continued to blush, as he sauntered away, calling out over his shoulder, “Plenty of ways to see the stars with me, girl.”

  The grin never left his face.

  Chapter 5

  Before he started waiting for her, Nate wondered how long he should wait for Barb to show. What span of time should he sit out there, under the stars, before he allowed himself to suspect he was being stood up? What reason would she have to come anyway, outside of the promise of some loving?

  As it happened, the entire line of reasoning was moot. Barbara was already waiting for him at the barn by the time he arrived.

  Summer nights in Remlow Creek were warm enough that only minimal clothing was needed, a fact that Nate savored upon seeing the woman lingering in the slowly fading twilight. Barb’s summer dress clung to the curves of her body, pressed there by the light, chill breeze that rustled through the boughs of the trees overhead. The advancing state of her pregnancy gave her far more curves to appreciate, the low light turning her into a soft silhouette clad in roundness and light, flowing fabric. Her hair caught the dying sunset just so, a golden waterfall flowing down her back.

  “I’d ask if you come here often, but, I mean…” Nate shrugged. “You will be.”

  “Well, well, listen to your confidence. Mister Hawke. I’ve been told there are nice stars to see here, that’s the only reason I showed up.”

  She offered Nate her hand, and allowed him to lead her around the side of the barn, through the tall grass that grew there, and down the slight slope of a hill lined with brush. At the bottom of this sprawled a river, a ribbon of water stretching off laterally in either direction with its path winding off toward the sinking sun. Soft reeds grew on the bank, and trees leaned out over the water, their canopies just sparse enough to see the sky above through them, while still retaining the pleasant sway of the leaves in the wind. Wild growth obscured the pair from the path into town, the hill leaving them out of view of the Hard Tack; it was truly the perfect place for a clandestine rendezvous.

  “Okay, I’ll admit, this is nice,” Barb said, as Nate helped her down against the papery bark of the nearest tree, gnarled roots offering an oddly ideal seat for the pregnant woman. “I was expecting something else, I guess.”

  “Like what?” Nate cocked his head to one side, sitting down beside her.

  “More antagonism, I suppose,” she shrugged. “We’d already slept together, and then I slept with Leo. I’m used to those things leading to fights. Like I get marked by the first guy to be with me and from then on it’s the black spot, warding off every guy that first guy has ever known from trying anything with me. And when you go out as much as I do, you run into people more than once, and other people that know them. Somehow, I’ve been the object of a few drunken bar fights. I don’t like being a trophy. I just get out to have fun.”

  “Even when you’re…” Not knowing how to complete that sentence, Nate gestured to Barb’s stomach.

  “Well, no drinking now that I’m like this, obviously, but if I find a guy that I like I’m hardly going to say no if he wants to go further,” Barb looked out over the river. “Has to be a pretty special guy, though. Have to feel a spark.”

  “Did you feel a spark with the guy who knocked you up?” The words were out of him before Nate realized what he was asking, and he clapped a hand over his mouth immediately after, his eyes welling up with apologies. Something about this river, the inexorability of its flow, put him too at ease; he had never been able to think sharply when he was out here. All of the major fights in his life had started at this little creek.

  “Yes,” Barbara glanced at Nate sidelong, her voice soft and winsome. As if in answer to a question he hadn’t asked, she continued, “But he’s not in the picture anymore. It’s fine. We had our fun, I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Sometimes things just end, and you go your separate ways. I like where my path has led me, and the company it put me in.”

  She turned and pushed herself toward Nate, tilting his chin in her han
ds to lay an affectionate, deep kiss on his lips.

  “Even when they put their foot in their mouths,” she murmured, the corners of her own mouth turning up into a smile. Sticking close together for a moment, their noses almost touching, Barb stared into the man’s eyes, seeing the awkwardness brew in them, before she pulled away, and placed her back to the trunk of the tree once more. “We don’t have to worry about that, though, now do we? You brought me out here to show me stars, not to yap on about the mysterious origin of my baby bump.”

  “That’s true,” Nate bobbed his head, taking a moment to close his eyes and push down the embarrassment he felt, to remind himself of why he had come here and drag himself back to some form of normality. If Barb wasn’t bothered by his little faux pas, why should he be?

  Desperate to take the initiative back, Nate rose to his knees there in the grass, reeds rustling as he repositioned himself in front of the seated woman, daring to run his hands up below the hem of her dress, his fingertips running small, tickling circles over the sensitive skin he found there. Barb’s thighs tensed beneath her, causing the woman to rise up off of the root she was seated on for a moment, a little squeak of surprise leaving her lips at his forwardness. Slowly, their eyes locked, he slid her skirt up higher, then higher still, a widening smile emerging on his face as Nate, at no point, encountered panties.

  “Naughty girl,” he growled, pushing the skirt up over her exposed pussy.

  “I knew what I was here for,” Barb replied, shrugging.

  “Then I’d better get to it.” Nate slid one hand down the length of Barb’s leg, down the silken curve of her calf, and lifted it up, placing her ankle atop his shoulder. Turning his head to one side, he planted a trail of kisses down her inner thigh, working his way inexorably inward, toward the join of her now spread legs. As he approached the swelling, sweet lips of her pussy, Barb reached forward and ran her hands through Nate’s hair, drawing him in those final few inches.


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