Cole, Kaliana - Tag and Release [Liberty Springs, Wyoming 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Cole, Kaliana - Tag and Release [Liberty Springs, Wyoming 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 21

by Kaliana Cole

  “Oh, God, yes!”

  He was ready to dive right in until he realized her impassioned plea was in response to Luke. He looked down her arched body and saw the fingers that held her clit and were milking it gently. “Fuck, Luke! How the hell is she supposed to answer with you doing that?”

  “It’s the only way I could think of to get her to say what you want to hear.” Luke’s color was high and his voice rough but relaxed. He had an uncanny ability to hold off his own orgasm.

  Brody shook his head. He rolled her nipples, making her writhe against him, her lithe body strong and lean beneath her silken skin. “I want to be inside you so bad, Casey, but I have to know that you want it, too. Tell me you want it.”

  Her head dropped back on his shoulder, her frantic panting sweet against his neck. The warm touch of her lips sent coils of pleasure down his spine as they ghosted up his jaw.

  And then she bit him. Hard. Right on the earlobe.

  “Fuck me like you mean it.”

  His cock was halfway up her tight little ass before he registered moving. Sweet mercy! She drove him crazy. Her wail of tortured pleasure rang throughout the room, accompanied by Luke’s deep groan and his own hiss of breath. His cock felt like it was on fire. Hot, tight pressure blasted it from every direction. Luke’s cock was a shifting, solid presence fighting for room on the other side of her fragile and slender tissues, her tailbone was an unyielding barrier against which he butted, and her muscles twitched and danced along his shaft as she writhed.

  “Fuck, honey! Hold still.” She squeezed down upon him, tightening further. “Don’t do that. Breathe, relax and let me in.” he pushed her down into Luke’s waiting arms and ran his hands along her back to try and relax her. He had worked his way in last time, but he’d prepared her well and she’d been captivated by the novel experience instead of demanding her pleasure. This time he was fighting all the way.

  He pulled back an inch and looked down. Brody reckoned the most powerful vision for any man was the sight of the woman he loved bending over to take his cock. Her ring wrapped him tightly, stretched thin and showing pink where he pulled back against her powerful grip. His cock looked obscenely large protruding from between her cheeks. He reached for more lube and poured it over their joined flesh, rocking back and forth just enough to work it in to her. He wasn’t game to pull out in case he couldn’t get back in.

  He could hear Luke urging Casey to relax and let him in, but it was her whispered response that had him digging deep. “Burns. Burns so good.” He watched as she shoved her hand down between her and Luke’s bodies. “Need more. Move, damn it!”

  She began fucking herself on Luke’s deeply buried cock, and Brody couldn’t help but join her in the rhythm she set. She pushed back against him, taking more and more of his length. She was glorious in her passion, uninhibited and wild. Guttural cries filled the air and Brody found himself swept along, unable to resist the tight grip of her ass or her unrestrained desire.

  “Fuck me, fuck me, oh, God, harder, deeper.” Demands rather than pleas fell from her lips, and Brody’s balls pulsed in warning. He wasn’t going to last.

  “Come for me, Casey, right now.” He brought his hand down on the side of her ass and was rewarded by a moan of undiluted rapture. He cut loose, determined to bring her to orgasm before he disgraced himself and shot his load. Harder and faster he smacked at the sides of her ass while he fucked it. The ringing of flesh on flesh joined the cacophony of moans, grunts, and gasps ringing in the desire-filled air.

  Clear and high, a scream rang out, a cry of agonized ecstasy that jerked the seed from his balls and flung it up his pistoning shaft. A bellow erupted from Luke, and Brody found his cock squeezed tighter than ever before as they both forged to the hilt and her muscles seized and violently gripped them as she shook with orgasm.

  The sweet bliss rode him as blood roared in his ears and pounded through his body. Unending spurts caused his cock to jerk in her unholy grip, making her writhe and Luke groan and thrust again. Around and around the pleasure chased them until Brody pulled from her clasp, too sensitive to endure more. He kept his chest pressed to her back, unwilling to break contact in the foreseeable future. Holding Casey felt like home.

  * * * *

  Sandwiched between her two lovers, Casey felt like purring in pure satisfaction. Their heat and strength surrounded her, making her feel treasured and smaller than she actually was. Freshly showered and smelling like sin, Luke held her against his chest while Brody curled around her back. It felt so secure, so right. Their bodies were passive with sleep, the hard muscles relaxed and softened. It was a sharp contrast to the unrestrained strength of only an hour before.

  It shook her to the core how deeply these two men could possess her. Their power over her body should have terrified her, but she was woman enough to glory in it without reservation. She’d gained nothing in life by being meek and mild. Between Luke’s fixation on her pleasure and Brody’s domineering bent, they awoke a side of her she’d buried deep out of sight.

  She had always loved sex. Right from the first time she had found pleasure, and she hadn’t been afraid to embrace that sexual side of her nature. But Casey hadn’t slept around, far from it. Instead she had rationed herself, allowing a blowout every six months when masturbation just wasn’t cutting it anymore. Her work had always come first. But the sleek and stylish young men she’d picked up to scratch the itch couldn’t hold a candle to the two rough and ready cowboys who had taken her body and made it their own.

  They were both everything she had ever wanted in a lover and, at the same time, everything she promised herself she would never fall for—arrogant, pushy, and controlling, but generous, caring, and strong. In their arms, her body burned like wildfire, her boundaries were brought crashing down, and her will captured. If ever she was convinced she held their hearts, she would release the bonds protecting hers.

  In their game of carnal tag and release, they’d caught her twice. The first time she had escaped before they had a chance to set her free. She steeled her heart as she realized that both the strength and the will to walk away a second time were lacking.

  She was gonna get burned. How badly she would get burned was in the hands of the men holding her so sweetly between them.

  Chapter 14

  Shattered windshields, flames, and little blue men chased each other around in Casey’s sleep-fogged head. She groaned and buried her face into the pillow. Why couldn’t she have normal dreams? The deep ache riding her body told her that last night’s events hadn’t been imagined. Her memory flashed back to a bright blue rubber and she couldn’t help but smile. She’d never look at a Smurf in the same way again. The stupid grin was still in place as she rolled to her back.

  “I hope that smile has got something to do with me.” Luke’s easy drawl came from the doorway.

  She knew without opening her eyes he would be propped against the frame as if it weren’t capable of holding itself up, all long lazy lines and practiced ease. He didn’t disappoint her. His damp curls hung over his broad forehead and a small dimple bracketed his mouth where it lifted in a smile. He was wearing decent jeans and a long-sleeved shirt that was actually buttoned. He wasn’t dressed for home or work.

  “Hey.” Her voice was scratchy with sleep. “Where are you going?”

  “We are all going to town. Andy wants to see us at the station. We were just waiting for you to wake up.”

  “You should have woken me earlier.”

  “Oh, I wanted to, sweetheart. I had some big plans for waking you up, but grumpy ass sent me out to feed the horses. He seems to think he was too hard on you last night and you would need the rest.”

  “Christ almighty! When is he going to get over himself? I’m a big girl, Luke, and if I don’t want something, I sure as shit won’t put up with it. Brody didn’t do anything I didn’t want him to.”

  “Hey, you and I know that, but Brode’s a little slow on the uptake. Come on. Get your ass out of b
ed before I crawl back in there with you.”

  Casey felt her womb do a little flip-flop at the thought of some of Luke’s loving attention. “That’s a bad thing?”

  His chocolate eyes sparkled with devilment. “Very bad if Brody catches me. Come on, I’ve got coffee made for you.” He straightened up. “Just put some clothes on first, if you walk out there naked I know exactly what I’m having for breakfast. Brody won’t be able to tell me no twice in one morning.” He gave her a grin that had pleasure coiling in her belly and turned away. She watched his ass until it turned the corner.

  Loving Luke Marshall would be so damn easy.

  She sighed and climbed out of bed. She salvaged her bra, but that was all that was wearable, so she went in search of clothes. Brody’s closet yielded a T-shirt and a pair of track pants that fit with the waist tied tight and rolled over. She was making sure they took her home to get some clothes before they went anywhere in public. The woman in the mirror was not remotely presentable when she scrubbed her teeth and washed her face.

  Luke didn’t seem to mind as he gave her a steaming mug of coffee and nuzzled her neck. His big hands wrapped her waist, making her feel tiny, as he snugged his body in tight against her back.

  “Mmm, you smell good.”

  “I smell like your deodorant.”

  “It smells better on you. Brody’s shirt fits you a lot better, too.”

  Casey took a sip of the rich brew and sighed. Luke made a damn fine coffee. “What’s for breakfast?”

  “I’d prefer you, but Brody said something about cereal or Pop-Tarts. We have to get over to Andy sooner rather than later.”

  “I’ll have Wheaties. I don’t know how anyone eats Pop-Tarts for breakfast.”

  “I do.”

  “That doesn’t surprise me.” With the amount of sugar Luke consumed, Casey was surprised the ants hadn’t carried him away.

  He released her with one last nuzzle into her neck that had her wishing she was wearing panties. It didn’t matter that her mind was still half-asleep, her libido was wide awake and rearing to go. She sat down at the table before she embarrassed herself and demanded that he finished what he’d started.

  Brody came in as she was halfway through her bowl of cereal. His gaze went to his shirt she had appropriated, and her nipples stirred in response. She cursed them for brazen little hussies as her cheeks reddened.

  “Good morning, Case. How did you sleep?”

  She restrained the “with my eyes shut” that so desperately wanted to escape. What was it about Brody that had her inner smart-ass firing on all cylinders?

  “Good, but you should have woken me up if we have to get into town early.”

  “I did offer.”

  “Your method would have set us back at least half an hour, Luke.” Brody’s tone was arch.

  “Hey, I’m good for longer than that!” Luke was indignant.

  “Settle down, Smurf boy.”

  Casey nearly shot milk out of her nostrils as a snort of laughter gripped her. She choked and coughed and, if Luke’s laugh and the smile Brody had on his face as he passed her a napkin were any indication, amused the hell out of both of them.

  “It’s funny, sweetheart, but not that funny. For Christ’s sake you’ve got tears rolling down your cheeks. Are you always this easily amused?” Brody leaned against the kitchen bench.

  Casey managed to bring her laughter under some control. “I’m sorry. It’s just that Marley bought that box for Andy. It gives a new meaning to boys in blue.”

  “I don’t think it would worry Marley none. It could be pink with purple polka dots and she’d still wear it to a stub. I pity that man if she ever gets hold of him.” Brody straightened up. “If you’ve finished having hysterics, we’ll get going. We need to stop at your place so you can get changed. You are not going anywhere with those sticking out like that.” He eyed her pert nipples meaningfully and headed for the door.

  * * * *

  Thirty minutes later Casey was dressed a lot more respectably and was feeling a lot more in control after taking her birth control pill, as she stepped out of Luke’s vehicle in front of the police station. She glanced around somewhat nervously, but other than a petite, well-groomed brunette sitting on the bench outside the building, no one was to be seen. Brody held the door for her, his face once more looking like carved granite.

  “Stay with me, Brode. Send the Neanderthal back to his cave. I need you.” His gaze softened a little as she let him see the fear and worry that had reappeared since leaving the ranch. Yesterday had shaken her more than she cared to admit.

  “I’m here, honey. Just belt me if I slip away from you again. Not too hard. I’d hate to cry in front of Andy.”

  Casey smiled, just as she knew he’d intended, and accepted the kiss he laid on her temple. Luke strolled around the vehicle to her other side so that she was bracketed between them. He touched her waist reassuringly and they headed inside. She noticed they were both moving like bodyguards, shielding her body with their own. It was no small measure of relief when they entered the building.

  She didn’t expect to see Danny and Jack in there or to see Marley on the wrong side of the bars behind the office area. She had thought Ty was joking about Andy locking her friend up. Casey left the men exchanging greetings and headed over to the leggy brunette. “What’s going on?”

  “I don’t know. If I ask Andy anything, he tells me to sit down, shut up, and let him work. You know, all I wanted to do before was have my wicked way with him, but now I think I’ll smack him around a bit first.”

  Casey laughed at Marley’s vehemence. “How are you feeling? We were both a bit shaken up yesterday.”

  “I was fine once Andy left and Jane smuggled me the fifth of whisky Andy keeps in his drawer.”

  “Andy doesn’t look like a drinker.”

  Marley laughed. “Jane calls it his ‘Marley bottle.’ Apparently I drive him to drink at times.” Marley’s startling green eyes looked over Casey’s shoulder. “Here he comes now. I might be allowed out.”

  Casey turned and saw the tall deputy coming toward them. His jaw was tight beneath the scars that marred his otherwise handsome face, and his shoulders were squared like a warrior before a battle. Or a condemned man before the gallows, Casey thought wickedly. He was holding a Styrofoam cup. “One cup of Earl Grey tea. Why can’t you drink coffee like a normal person?”

  “Because then I would be cranky and moody every morning until I get my fix. Kind of like someone else I know.”

  Andy didn’t acknowledge Marley’s dig at him. “Good morning, Casey.” He nodded before turning back to the tall woman swaying winsomely against the bars she held. “If you can behave yourself, you can join us. There have been a few developments we need to talk about.”

  “I’ll be good.”

  “That’s what scares me.”

  Casey doubted Marley heard the deputy’s muttered response, but she stood back and watched with amusement as Marley was released from her incarceration. When she turned back to the gathering around Andy’s desk the looks of deep concern on all the faces had her bracing. She knew they were going to hear something unsettling.

  The smile Danny bestowed on her was a shadow of its usual self, falling far short of reaching his eyes. “I’ll have a new windshield in the Kenworth tomorrow, Casey. Do you want anything else done while I’ve got it?” His eyebrows waggled.

  She knew he was talking about tweaking the motor beyond manufacturer’s specifications. “Run diagnostics and you’ll find that everything that can be done, has been done. There are a few more horses running loose under the hood than the five hundred she came with.”

  Jack shook his head. None of his customary cheer was apparent. “That thing is already overpowered. It’s ridiculous having a motor that size in a rigid truck.” He said it absently, as if his thoughts were someplace else.

  Both she and Danny looked at him like he’d grown a second head. “There’s no such thing as too much power
, jackass.” Danny echoed her thoughts eloquently.

  “Casey, take a seat please.” Andy’s voice hushed them, sounding tired and strained. Casey noticed he stood as far away from the seat he’d held for Marley as was possible.

  She slid into the chair Brody pulled out for her and took the hand Luke offered. Brody stayed standing at her back, his hand resting on the back of her chair and his thumb playing along her spine.

  Andy cleared his throat. “Until this morning, we had been treating the fire at Casey’s house as suspicious and investigating it in relation to the acts of vandalism she had been the subject of in Carson City. We had assumed that Marley’s car was just a convenient target, or, possibly, had been thought to belong to Casey.

  “The events of yesterday have changed that. Casey, we believe you are not the target at all.” She felt the relief in the touch of Luke’s hand and the way Brody relaxed his death grip on her chair. “The brake lines in Jack’s truck had been tampered with. There is a small pool of brake fluid in the hospital parking lot where we suspect the tampering took place. However, Marley had parked in the only section of parking not covered by surveillance, so we can’t be positive. Once you leave Sheridan, the only place she would have touched her brakes, barring an emergency, was on the pass. We are now assuming that the shooter meant to take care of what their tampering didn’t finish. Someone wants Marley gone and doesn’t care how they accomplish it.”

  Casey saw the pinched fury in Andy Calhoun’s face and knew hell was going to rain down on the person responsible.

  Marley went pale, her emerald eyes slightly dazed. “I’m a nurse, for God’s sake! I’ve never given anyone a reason to contemplate homicide.”

  “That’s a matter of opinion.” Andy’s muttering rang clear in the silence. “As of right now, you are in protective custody. A full investigative team will be here this afternoon. Jack, Danny, can I rely on you two to help out the forensics team? They’ll need a base to work from.”


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