Wayward Beginning (Wayward Saints MC Book 3)

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Wayward Beginning (Wayward Saints MC Book 3) Page 2

by Renee, K

  As much as I should have seen it coming and saw all the signs, I was blinded by the fact that I thought she would never be a big enough bitch to take my daughter from me. Hell, I still don’t even know why she took off like she did, but I do know that I’ll never let another bitch do that to me or my kids again.

  The day my sons started calling her Slutlena should have been the day I kicked her ass to the curb and kept my daughter away from her.

  The call from Emily was one of the worst days of my life, and I left my guys halfway through a run to run home. That stupid bitch took my daughter and left the boys at the house with no supervision. She was damn lucky I didn't put her in the ground after that. Trust me, I thought about it every day.

  Trying to explain to my boys why their little sister was gone was difficult. Raef and Bentley didn't understand, and Dom and Robbie expressed how mad they were. They wanted their little sister back.

  I used all my connections and favors to get a lead on her. Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months. The trail had gone cold, but I couldn’t give up hope that I’d find them.

  Eight months later, one of my guys saw them at a grocery store, so I had him follow her. When he called to tell me they stopped at an apartment complex in Miami, I jumped on my bike. When I finally got there, I was surprised to see that Anslie was a happy-go-lucky little girl. At times, she was happier than she was back at home with us.

  I watched her from afar for two days before I actually went to the door. Knocking, I didn't expect Selena to actually open it. Coming face to face with her made my blood boil. "Cason, wh-what are you doing here?" she stuttered.

  "You took my daughter and left while I was on a run. Why the fuck else would I be here?"

  I heard little giggles coming from the hallway. Anslie came running at me as fast as her little legs could carry her. Jumping into my arms, I felt my anger melt away.

  "Daddy!” she squealed, wrapping her chubby little arms around my neck, peppering my face with wet kisses. "I missed you!" I squeezed her tight and kissed her cheek. This little girl had me wrapped around her little finger and I couldn't be happier.

  "Momma, Daddy’s here! Can I show him my room?" Selena nodded, but I could tell she was pissed. I didn’t give a fuck. Somehow, I was going to get my daughter home with me.

  Anslie drags me to her room and I spend most of the day playing dolls with her. She is happy, which is all I ever wanted for her. At five-years-old, Anslie is the spitting image of Selena. The only thing she got from me was my eye color. She's going to be gorgeous, and I will have to beat the boys off with a stick. Luckily, I'll have her brothers to help.

  By the end of the night, I'm starting to rethink taking her away from her mom. She is so happy. I don't want to be the parent she resents for taking her away from her home.

  I decide to tell Selena I’d let Anslie stay with her, but with some conditions. I tell her everything I will pay for, and what the schedule would be for my visits. Selena is ecstatic that I am willing to pay for her new apartment and all my daughter’s living expenses. I should have been able to see the bitch for what she really is.

  The day my little girl called to tell me all the bad shit that had been going on at her mom’s, I flipped. I just wanted to get her away from that stupid bitch and back home where she belonged.

  Chapter Four

  Having four sons, who were patched members of my club, and one teenage daughter was fucking hell. My boys made Anslie’s life hell and I had to hear about it almost every day. I felt like I was living in a fucking soap opera, instead of a damn MC. Dom and Robbie were treating Anslie like she was their daughter instead of mine. Not that I hated it because I didn’t. They helped me keep her safe, so I wouldn’t change a thing about it.

  Forcing her to go to the barbecue was probably one of the only things I regretted. I watched the way her and Brantley looked at each other the whole day. It was the same exact way Avelyn and I used to look at each other.

  I watched them get closer every day and I was powerless to stop it. I spent months trying to figure out how to keep them from going any further. When I found out about the football players trying to take advantage of Anslie and her friend, Casey, I knew it would drive Brant closer to her. He was always her knight in shining armor and would do anything for her. Hell, I respected it as much as I hated it.

  When I finally had an excuse to send Brant away, I did. I spoke with Nick and got him on the same page as I was. I wanted better than the club life for my daughter, and sending him away helped me keep her out of the MC life.

  The day Brant left, I saw a part of my daughter die. She was no longer the happy girl who came to live with me.

  I owed a lot to Casey. She helped keep Anslie sane after Brant left. Part of me hated what I was doing to her, but I felt like I had no other choice.

  When she got excited about going away to college, I was relieved. Even though she wanted to go to school in Oregon, I knew she made a good decision by going to Seattle. Of course, it helped that I did everything in my power to convince her that Seattle was the better choice for her. She would be close to a charter and away from Brantley. Plus, Casey was also accepted to the school in Seattle.

  The only thing I didn’t account for was Gunner. I knew Brant and Gunner were close, but I didn’t expect Anslie and Casey to go to Gunner’s new club one night, and I sure as shit didn’t expect them to run into each other again and sleep together.

  Over the years, I have watched my little girl go through more tragic events then any woman should have to go through. I watched her bring herself back after being raped and beaten by a bastard who hated Brantley and Robbie.

  My little girl was strong and I knew she could get through anything life threw at her, including getting her heart broken by my VP’s son more than once. I just didn’t expect her to pull away from her family. Once she went back to Seattle, we barely heard from her. Fuck, I never even knew she got married or had twins.

  It was amazing what you could miss in your child’s life when you were too busy to pay attention, or when you thought you were doing what was best for them. When Casey called to tell Brant Anslie’s husband was hurting her, all I could think about was putting a bullet in the bastard’s head. Little did I know that when Anslie came back, things were going to change.

  The day Brantley and Dominic brought Anslie home, I knew our lives would be completely different. Meeting my grandsons for the first time was an experience. Those little boys reminded me so much of Brant and Jase at that age. It has been fucking fantastic watching the boys over the last year, but watching them try to understand why their daddy got shot saving their mommy’s life was hard to stomach. They wanted to know as much as they could about the bad man who took their mom. Anslie and Brant tried to explain it the best they could, but that wasn’t something a child should have to learn about.

  As much as I want to kill that kid, I know he is the right choice for Anslie. I should have swallowed my pride back then, but I couldn’t admit to myself that my little girl had grown into a beautiful woman and mother.

  Chapter Five

  Tonight's the first run we are doing since Brantley got shot saving Anslie. He still isn't able to ride, so I'm taking his place. Once all the boys are ready, we take off towards Arizona. Having no problems whatsoever, we stop at the drop and trade the guns for cash. We fuel up, grab some food, then make the trip back home.

  Driving on the I-95 through Henderson, gunfire starts coming at us from black vans driving the opposite direction. I watch two of my men go down, while the rest of us are dodging bullets.

  The gravel flies up as the guys go skidding down the asphalt, sliding into a grassy area. I pull off the road, grab my gun, and start firing back.

  I see the bullets kick up dirt right next to me and I move just fast enough to keep from getting hit. Bullets are connecting with metal, so I know the bikes are going to need a lot of repairs.

  I would bet it’s the Black Hills pricks trying to ta
ke us out. They have been trying to take over our route for months, and I would really like to put a fucking end to it. No one wants to deal with them, so they think if they take what we have, someone will.

  I watch Dom, Bent, and Jase open up the throttle of their bikes and go after them. Shit. Sebastian and Kenny are both on the ground with road rash and wrecked bikes. Luckily, none of them took a bullet. I walk over to see how bad their injuries are.

  "Bash, you okay?" I ask, surveying the damage. His jeans are ripped, and I can see the blood starting to stain the material.

  "Yeah, Prez. I'll be fine. Not sure about my bike, though,” he says, wincing.

  "Fuck,” Kenny says under his breath, slowly standing up.

  I help them move over to the side of the road and pull out my phone. I dial my VP and tell him to send the prospects and the tow truck.

  War is on the horizon and I want to level the club who has tried to take my men out. The Wayward Saints don't take kindly to people who hurt our family, and the Black Hills assholes just made it to the top of my list.

  Waiting for the prospects, I get a call from Bent. "Dad, Dom and Jase just got arrested. What do you want me to do?"

  Just fucking great. "Get back to the club house. I will deal with it."

  When I hang up, I start to help the prospects get the bikes on the tow truck. Both Bash’s and Kenny’s bikes are pretty much totaled. One has a bullet through the engine, and the other is so bent, they’ll crack the frame trying to fix it.

  Once we get Bash and Kenny in the van and on the way to the club house, I pull out my phone and dial our lawyer.

  "Sutter, I need someone to meet me at the club. Two of my men are in jail and I want them out." Sutter promises to get someone over to the club by the time I get there. Dropping my phone into my pocket, I start my bike and head back home.

  When I finally get back there, I see a car I don’t recognize in the lot. Must be the new lawyer. As I’m walking to the doors, my phone rings.

  "Yeah?" I answer.

  "This is Danvers. Cason, as your friend, I wanted to call and give you a heads-up."

  Fuck me. "About?" I ask. I already know and I'm not in the mood to deal with it.

  "I have Dominic Davoli and Jason Insico in my cell." As I continue walking to find Nick, he goes on and on about trivial shit.

  "What are the charges?" I sneer.

  "Evading arrest and attempted murder is what they are being booked on.”

  "I'll send my lawyer. Thanks, Danvers."

  He starts to explain something, but I'm fixated on the hot little brunette sitting at my bar.

  Her curly brown hair is a mess, and the black shirt and jacket mold to her body, showing off all her curves. Fuck me. This girl has a banging body. I tell Danvers I have to go and hang up as I make my way to her.

  Waiting for the lawyer will give me time to check this woman out and see what a prim and proper lady is doing in a bar like this.

  I pull out the barstool next to her and sit down. As I order my drink, I check her out from the corner of my eye. When the prospect sets my drink in front of me, I tell him to get the pretty lady whatever she wants. She just waves him off and I look at her.

  "So, what's a pretty little thing like you doing in a bar like this?" I ask with a smirk.

  She looks me up and down before replying, "Trust me, this isn't the scariest place I've ever been. I represent criminals every day. This place looks pretty tame." I can't help but laugh at her feistiness.

  I lean in to whisper in her ear, "You have no idea how rowdy we can get."

  She smells amazing. As much as I want to run my tongue down her neck, I hold myself back. I can feel her shiver, so I pull away.

  "Do you try to intimidate all the women who come into the bar, or am I just special?" she asks with a frown.

  I look her over again. "Oh, angel, you are special. So what brings you to my bar?”

  Chapter Six

  As soon as I walked into this bar, I knew my clients were going to be difficult. Bikers. I don't know why Sutter would make me take this case. Maybe it's because I hate bikers and this is his way to say “screw you”. Last month, Sutter hit on me and I turned him down. Now, every case he gives me is either impossible to win, or the guys are assholes. I can tell that this case will be no different than the rest.

  Sitting at the bar of the Wayward Tavern, I can tell this case is already going to be a lost cause. The guys are pretty much fucking in the open, not caring who sees.

  Waiting for the president of the Wayward Saints is almost uneventful…until a very attractive man walks in. When he looks my way, I turn and look back at the guy behind the bar. Out of the corner of my eye, I track his movements until he sits right next to me, even though the bar is empty. I can feel my body temperature spike and it’s definitely not from the Nevada heat.

  Holy hell. I don't even know this man and I want to strip him and fuck him right on top of the bar. Shit. I shake my head and try to get the vivid images out of my mind. My panties are now wet, causing me to squirm in my seat.

  I feel him staring at me and I want to say something to him, but I'm frozen. When he finally says something, my mouth is dry and I am having a hard time thinking of a comeback.

  "So, what's a pretty little thing like you doing in a bar like this?" he asks with a smirk. I want nothing more than to smack the smirk right off his face. I hate how men think they can call us “pretty little things”, assuming we can't take care of ourselves.

  I spend some time looking him up and down before I reply, "Trust me, this isn't the scariest place I've ever been. I represent criminals every day. This place is pretty tame." I give him a sly smile, and the smug bastard laughs.

  He leans in to whisper in my ear and my panties get even wetter, "You have no idea how rowdy we can get." I shiver and he pulls away from me.

  "Do you try to intimidate all the women who come into the bar, or am I just special?" I ask with a frown.

  He looks me over once more before replying, "Oh, angel, you are special. So what brings you to my bar?”

  His bar? Oh, fuck. He must be the president of the Wayward Saints, also known as my new client.

  I steel my expression and hold my hand out to him. He looks at me strangely, then slowly takes my hand. I instantly feel a spark between us, but I do everything I can to ignore it.

  "You must be Cason Davoli. I'm Henley Reid. I'm the lawyer assigned to your case."

  He looks at me in shock. "Y-You’re the new lawyer S-Sutter sent over here?" he sputters.

  I nod and pull my hand from his grip. "Yes, I am. He's a little mad at me at the moment, so he thinks giving me cases that have no chance of winning will make me quit. But he doesn't know I will do whatever I can to make sure my clients win.”

  A grin appears on his handsome face. "That's what I'm counting on, angel. Come into my office and we'll talk about what the boys are being charged with." I nod and follow Cason.

  Walking through the bar, I see several girls in various stages of undress. My god. I don't know how these girls don't have enough respect for themselves to keep covered up in front of these men. Walking down the hall, I see couples in the act of sex and I can't help but watch. At some point, I even stop walking.

  I feel Cason's body against my side and he whispers, "Do you like to watch, angel?” I feel his breath on my neck and my body becomes hot. I shake the thoughts out of my head and trudge forward. I hear his laughter right behind me. "This way, angel.” He motions at the door to my left and I quickly walk through it.

  I sit in the chair in front of his desk and grab my notebook and pen from my bag. When I look up at him, he has a smirk on his face.

  "So, tell me what your men are being charged with." I need to get this back on track and fast.

  I'm here to work, not fraternize with the president of the MC. Cason stares at me for a few minutes. "Attempted murder and evading arrest."

  "And here I thought you guys were tame,” I smirk. He just cont
inues to watch me.

  Just as I am about to say something else, the door bursts open and a young pregnant girl walks in. His wife? Was he flirting with me knowing he has a very young, pregnant wife at home? I knew bikers where man whores, but this one takes the cake. A young man comes in a few minutes later, stopping next to the woman.

  "Are Dom and Jase okay?" the girl asks, wringing her hands together.

  "Doll, your father's a busy man. I'm sure he will tell us when he has more information,” the young man says and Cason nods to him.

  "Sorry," she mutters. She looks at me and her eyes light up. "Are you dating my dad?" she asks, looking me over.

  He has kids? She has to be in her early twenties. How many kids could he possibly have? I shake my head and she frowns.

  "Anslie, enough. Brant, take my daughter home and don't let her leave. Tie her to the bed if you have to."

  Anslie looks at her dad in shock, and Brant just wiggles his eyebrows. "You don't have to tell me twice, Prez. I'll be glad to keep my girl…entertained all day." I watch Cason cringe a bit as Brant pulls Anslie out the door, shutting it behind him

  "Sorry about that. She's a bit dramatic sometimes,” he casually states. I just stare at him.

  Chapter Seven

  I swear, my daughter has the worst timing sometimes. Once I get her out of the room, I turn my focus back on Henley.

  "Let's get back to the case,” I say, watching her expression. I know she was just thinking the worst about me. When she saw my pregnant daughter walk in, I saw a look of disgust on her face. She probably thought I was the type of man to walk out on my pregnant wife. "What do you need to know about my guys?" My tone has turned somewhat rude. I have shit to do and I'm not sure I want to spend any time with a woman who judges people before she even knows them.


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