Wayward Beginning (Wayward Saints MC Book 3)

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Wayward Beginning (Wayward Saints MC Book 3) Page 9

by Renee, K

  On his way out, he slaps my ass and winks at me. I blow him a kiss, tell him I love him, and watch the way his ass moves as he walks out the front door.

  When the door closes, I go back and sit on the couch. A few minutes later, my phone beeps with a text.

  Cason: I want you naked when I get home.

  Smiling, I text back.

  Me: Can’t wait. Please hurry home.

  Cason: You know I will.

  I set my phone down and think about the last two months. I never believed there was such a thing as a soul mate, but I now know that Cason is mine. I can’t wait to spend as much time as I can with him. I just hope he feels the same way.

  A few hours later, I decide to turn in. He still isn’t home. I’m exhausted and all I want is to go to sleep. Maybe I’m coming down with a cold or something. I strip out of my clothes and cuddle up in the sheets that smell just like him.

  As soon as I close my eyes, I drift off.

  I’m startled awake when I feel the bed dip. Being too tired to even move, I just cuddle back into his strong body and take a deep breath. He smells like a mix of leather and woodsy cologne. He kisses the back of my neck, then whispers in my ear, “Mmm, I love when you do as I tell you.”

  I groan as he runs his hands down my naked body. He reaches his right hand around to my pussy and spreads my lips. I grind back into him, as his left hand goes to my nipple. Tweaking it, he swirls his finger into my pussy. Feeling his naked skin against mine makes me crazy with need. I feel him line his cock up with my pussy and thrust inside.

  “Oh, god,” I moan as he hits my g-spot. I can feel my orgasm building and Cason’s cock hardening. He thrusts into me a few more times until we come together.

  “This pussy is mine,” he says, kissing my back and neck.

  “Mmm,” I moan again.

  “I’m surprised you’re in bed already, baby. You’re typically reading case files ‘til I get home.” He nuzzles his nose into my hair.

  Cason’s cock slips out of me and I turn in his arms. Lying my head on his chest, he can tell how tired I am. “You feel okay?” he asks, feeling my head and cheeks.

  I nod my head and snuggle into his body. “Love you,” I whisper. I can barely keep my eyes open any longer. Breathing in his scent, I drift off to sleep.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  The next morning, Cason is gone before I wake up. His side of the bed is cold, so I know he’s been gone for a while. Rolling over to check my phone, I I have a new text.

  Cason: Sorry I can’t be there this morning, but I had to go on a run. I’ll be home later. Rest and feel better. I’ll call you in a little bit. Love you.

  I spend the morning lying in bed, watching TV and texting Nikki. She has been trying to get me to go to some club downtown, but I haven’t felt one hundred percent lately and I’ve been exhausted. Plus, I would rather spend my time with Cason. I text her back, telling her I don’t feel well and can’t make it. Texting off and on for the next two hours, we talk about work and everything else that’s been going on.

  After my conversation with Nikki, I decide on going to the office for a while to catch up on some case files. Once I get there, I see that there are a few cars in the parking lot, which is weird. No one ever works on Sunday. Most of our lawyers work from home on weekends. Once I park, I grab my bag and make my way inside. I get to my desk and get to work on reading over my new case files for this week.

  After a few hours of working in silence, I jump when my phone rings. Looking down at my screen, I see the picture of Cason and me from a week ago when we went on a long weekend ride on his Harley.

  “Hey, baby,” I purr into the phone.

  “Hey, angel. I thought you were gonna be relaxing today?” His deep voice vibrates through the phone.

  “I was, but then I remembered I had new cases to go over. Plus, I was tired of sitting in bed, doing nothing.”

  “Mmm, I wish I was in bed with your right about now. I’m on my way home, so be ready for some lovin’ tonight. I want to eat your pussy all night long.” His voice drops down an octave and I want nothing more than to ride his tongue.

  “As much fun as that sounds, I’m not sure what time I’ll be done here.”

  “Well, baby, I can’t wait to get you naked.” I groan and wiggle in my seat. I don’t even know what to say back to him. He already has me wanting to strip down right here in my office.

  “You can’t say stuff like that to me while I’m working!” I exclaim.

  I hear his chuckles over the line, and I want to punch him and fuck him at the same time. “Baby, I’ll see you in a little bit. Love you.”

  We say our goodbyes and I try and get back to work. I spend the next few hours taking notes and researching the case that I have to try in court on Tuesday.

  Getting so caught up in my work, I don’t even realize that Sutter is standing at my door, watching me. When I finally look up, he has lust in his eyes and is watching me like a hawk.

  This isn’t the first time he has tried to hit on me, but I was able to deflect him last time because there were other people around. This time, I’m not sure I’m going to be able to get away from him.

  “Henley, I’m surprised to see you here on a Sunday,” he says with a grin.

  I stand and try to move past him, but he grabs my arm and pushes me against the wall. The smell of his cologne makes me want to gag, but I try to keep it down. He kisses down my neck and holds me so I can’t move. I try and wiggle around to get away, but he just puts more pressure on my body to keep me in place.

  As he tries to kiss me on the lips, I try as hard as I can to push him away. He is much stronger than I ever imagined. When his lips land on mine, I hear someone clear his throat. The next thing I know, Sutter is being pulled off me and Cason slams him into the opposite wall.

  I gasp as his fist slams into the side of Sutter’s face over and over. When he finally speaks, all I hear is rage, “You ever fucking touch my ol’ lady again,” he says through gritted teeth, “I will fuckin’ put in you in the ground.” I watch with wide eyes as he pushes him to the ground like a rag doll.

  I see my boss curled up in a ball on my office floor and I know that things are about to go from bad to worse. When Cason finally looks at me, he has a look on disgust on his face, almost like he thinks I wanted it. When I try to walk over to him, he puts his hand up, stopping me from coming closer. He shakes his head before walking back out of my office, muttering.

  “Cason…,” I sob. I chase after him, but he won’t listen to anything I have to say.

  When he finally looks at me, I can see heartbreak written all over his face. “I should of fucking known better. You were too fucking good to be true.”

  He straddles his bike and revs the engine before taking off. I can’t help the tears that start to fall down my face as I collapse to the ground and sob. I feel like my heart has been torn to shreds and there’s nothing I can do to make the pain stop.

  After sitting in the parking lot of my work for a good thirty minutes with tears running down my face, I finally get up and slowly make my way back to my office to grab my car keys and phone. Once I have my purse and everything I need, I make my way out to my car. I want to go to Cason’s, but I can’t bring myself to face him again.

  He probably hates me, but I didn’t do anything wrong. I told him what had happened before, but he apparently didn’t care enough to believe me. In a daze, I drive to my apartment and walk up the steps. I don’t even remember the last time I was here. I shut the door and lock it. Making my way to my room, I collapse on my bed and slip under the covers.

  I spent half the night tossing and turning. At around noon on Monday, I had two text messages.

  Anslie: Hey, what happened between you and my dad?

  Nikki: Hey, girly. Why aren’t you at work?

  Ignoring them, I have the sudden urge to throw up. Running to the bathroom, I make it to the sink. When I finally feel like I can move again, I rinse out the sink
and my mouth. Once I wipe my mouth and wash my hands, I make my way back to my bed, closing my eyes and trying to fall back to sleep.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  I never thought Henley would turn out to be just like Selena. I can’t fucking believe I didn’t see it before everything blew up in my face. I know I shouldn’t have left her at her office like that, but I couldn’t be around her one more minute.

  Looking into her sad eyes made me want to do something stupid. She looked devastated, but I’m sure it was just because she got caught.

  As soon as I pull up to the club house, I know it’s going to take a while for me to get over her cheating on me. Fuck her and that fucking prick Sutter.

  Walking into the bar, I see Bentley walking towards me, a smirk on his face. As he gets closer, I see Anslie walking towards me, too. Bent slaps me on the shoulder, leading me to the bar.

  “Why are you looking ten shades of pissed off?” he asks, motioning for a beer.

  As much as I don’t want to talk to my kid about my love life, I know he’s not going to let up, just like his sister. When Anslie reaches us, I want to get up and make my way to my room. She pulls up a barstool and looks at me with her sad puppy dog eyes that used to always get me to do whatever she wanted.

  “Hey, baby girl,” I state.

  “Daddy, why are you mad? The last time I saw you this mad, you were about to kill Brantley because I was pregnant.” I can’t help but smirk at her. My little girl knows me well.

  I take a drink of my beer, then turn my attention back to Bentley. “I just caught Henley with her boss in her office,” I growl.

  I hear Anslie gasp, but I wave her off. I really don’t want to listen to her trying to defend Henley. They’ve become friends and I’m sure my daughter will try to argue her point until she’s blue in the face. I’m not interested. The only thing I want right now is to fuck a club whore and forget all about Henley.

  I order a shot of whiskey and slam it. Bentley whistles, and I watch Anslie start to type something out on her phone. She’s probably trying to warn Henley I’m pissed off. Fuck her! She’s just like Selena and I hope she stays the fuck away from me. I motion for another shot, telling the prospect to leave the bottle. Once I’m about six shots in, Bentley decides it’s time to say something.

  “Old man, what if you walked in on something that looked like something else? I’ve seen the pretty little lawyer with that Sutter prick and she always looks ready to claw his eyes out. What if you’re reading the situation wrong? What if she really needed your help and you left her with that prick? What if he does the same thing to Henley that Damien did to Anslie?”

  I look over at Ans and I can see the fear written all over her face. I will fucking kill that bastard if he hurts her, but seeing them together was still too much for me to deal with right now. I have way too many people counting on me to be too caught up on a bitch.

  “I highly doubt it. She looked shocked that I was there. I caught them up against the wall.”

  “Dad, I know you think she’s like my mom, but she’s not. I know she loves you and would do anything for you. Why are you so quick to judge her? I’m sure there is a logical explanation for what happened. Trust me, I know how hard it is to accept that it’s not always as you see it. I wasted a lot of time with that. We want you to be happy and, for the first time ever, you are! Don’t let something you aren’t sure about ruin that.”

  I can see my daughter believes that, but I’m not sure I do. I’ve been a sucker far too many times. I can’t just let this woman walk all over me like the last one.

  “Do you love her, old man?” Bentley asks. He’s trying to figure me out, but I’m not sure how I feel about that.

  I nod and look behind the bar. I can’t take their eyes burning into me. They want to say something, but they both hold their tongues, for which I’m grateful. I don’t want to tell them more than they really need to know.

  Anslie puts her hands on my shoulder. “Dad, you need to talk to her, hear her side of things. Don’t let one misinterpretation ruin something great!”

  “I agree with Ans this time, Dad. If you really loved her, you wouldn’t compare her to Slutena, and you wouldn’t be questioning her.”

  With that, Bent slaps me on the back and makes his way through the bar. I watch him walk up to a brunette with legs that last for days, but they aren’t Henley’s legs.

  God, I’m starting to sound like a pussy. I see Brantley walking over, my grandsons holding his hands, and I think about all they’ve been through. As much as I hate that kid sometimes, I know that if Anslie wouldn’t have listened to Brantley, they wouldn’t be here right now. Brant would probably be drunk as a skunk most nights, and Anslie would probably have ended up with a bigger asshole.

  “Hey, Prez,” Brant says.

  The boys both run the short distance to us and wrap their arms around my legs. “Gampa!” As I lift them both up to sit on my lap, Brant kisses Anslie.

  “You ready to go?” he asks her.

  Before they leave, Anslie pulls me into a hug. “Daddy, please talk to her. She’s probably just as hurt as you are, and I would hate for you to do something you will regret if you keep drinking. I know those stupid whores will be all over you before I even walk away. I know you love her, so stop being stupid.”

  She kisses my cheek and, deep down, I know she’s right. I get up and make my way to my room before any of the whores try to stop me. I know I should probably talk to Henley tonight, but with the drinking, I’m sure I would say something I’d regret.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  It’s been a week since the scene at my office. Cason and I haven’t spoken, and I know he probably isn’t going to be the one to say anything first. I’m still sick, so I know something is wrong with me. We had talked about it before and he said he would be there for me, but I can’t be sure now. What if he regrets everything we did? What if he wants nothing to do with me…with us?

  Before work, I make an appointment to get confirmation for something I already know. The nauseous feeling in my stomach almost causes me to pull over, but I try and at least make it to the office.

  When I finally make it to work, I can feel the tension. Since the incident, I have been working from home, so I am finally going to face the music.

  As soon as I walk into the reception area, I can feel Sutter’s eyes on me. I hurry past him and walk into my office. Before I have a chance to settle in, I hear my door close.

  Turning around, I come face to face with a very beat up Sutter. Most of the swelling has gone down, but the bruises are very noticeable, and I can tell he’s pissed.

  “Well, well. Look what the cat dragged in. I’ve been waiting for you to come back to work. I sure as hell didn’t get what I wanted from you last time, so you’re going to have to pay up a lot more this time. Too bad your little boyfriend thinks you’re just a cheating whore,” he says, a smirk on his face. He starts to corner me between my desk and the wall when the door suddenly opens.

  Both of our heads snap to the door and I see Anslie standing there, looking as pissed as her dad did a week ago.

  “Please tell me it’s not true Henley,” she states with a deadly stare.

  I shake my head and mouth, Help me. She looks from Sutter to me and I can see her getting even more pissed. Just as she’s about to pounce, I see Raef come into the office. He grabs her around the waist, just under her small baby bump, and pulls her behind him.

  “Why don’t you pick on someone your own size, Sutter?” he asks with a deadly glare.

  I watch Sutter smirk. “Well, it’s not like your old man wants this bitch anymore, so what’s the harm in me taking a piece of the pie?” I start to step around him, but he doesn’t let me. He digs his fingers into my arm, stopping me.

  “Ans, call Dad,” Raef grinds out, but she continues to stare at us and doesn’t move. “Now!”

  I watch her grab her phone out of her bag and punch in a number. “Dad, can you come to Henley’s w
ork? We need your help with something.” She listens, then hangs up. She looks over at her brother and it’s like they are communicating with just their eyes.

  Sutter tries to pull me out of my office, but Raef blocks the doorway. He’s a scary-looking dude and twice his size, so I’m sure it will be easy to keep Sutter right where he wants him.

  A few minutes later, I hear the stomping of boots coming towards my office. I take a deep breath because I know I’m about to be a few feet from the man I love and there is nothing I can do about it. He made his decision and I am going to respect it. I can’t force him to believe me.

  “What the fuck is going on?” he roars.

  “Dad, I followed Henley because I was worried,” Anslie states in a panic. Cason just rolls his eyes and looks over to Raef, who shrugs and points to his sister.

  “Henley, are you okay?” he asks, finally turning in my direction.

  I shake my head, but don’t try to move. I can feel Sutter’s fingers digging so far into my skin, I’m sure he’s leaving wounds.

  “Why don’t you get out of my office, Cason? You have no reason to be here, and I know you two are no longer together. So, if you’ll excuse us, we have a little project we need to work on.”

  I start to panic, swinging my eyes to Cason. He can’t leave me here with this monster. I don’t think I can take whatever he is planning on doing to me. When my eyes meet Raef’s, I silently plead that he does something, anything.

  “When we walked in, he had a pretty tight grip on Henley, kinda like he does now. You know what that tells me, old man?” he casually states.

  Cason nods and motions for me to come to him. I try to walk over to him, but Sutter pulls me back. I whimper when he breaks the skin on my arm with his nails. I look up at Cason and I see a very pissed off biker standing there. He looks ready to kill and I don’t want to be in the crosshairs when it happens.

  He walks closer to us and I can feel Sutter tense up. His grip hurts, but I try to not make a sound.


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