Wayward Beginning (Wayward Saints MC Book 3)

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Wayward Beginning (Wayward Saints MC Book 3) Page 13

by Renee, K

  “I love you, too, Cason. More than you’ll ever know,” she says with a shaky breath.

  Waiting for the cops to show up is about as eventful as a dog taking a shit. I try to keep Henley from looking over at Nikki, but I can see her glance over every once in a while. Every time she does, the tears start to fall again. My girl is strong, but seeing a dead body is definitely not easy.

  When the cops show up, they ask all sorts of questions. They try to get us to confess to murdering Nikki in cold blood, but Henley sets them straight. When they finally decide we aren’t lying about what happened, they let us go home. We write up statements and tell them to call if they need any other information.

  A little after ten, I finally get Henley home. She is exhausted and I can tell she is still upset. I start the shower and slowly undress her. Her eyes are puffy, and she still has a few stray tears falling down her cheeks. I’m not sure if all the tears are because of what happened or from the pregnancy hormones, but I’m not about to ask. Instead, I decided to take care of her and, hopefully, help get her to relax.

  Stripping out of my own clothes, I lead her to the shower and pull her under the hot water with me.

  I take my time washing Henley’s body and hair before quickly washing myself. Once I’m done, I shut off the water and grab a towel to wrap around her. When I start to grab another towel, she stops me.

  “Cason, did you ever have a relationship with Nikki?” Her voice is quiet and I’m not sure I heard her correctly. I understand why she’s asking, but I thought she knew me better than that.

  “No, baby. I don’t even really know her. She used to come by the house and mess around with Robbie when they were in high school, but that’s all the contact we’ve ever had. I caught her sneaking out of his room one night and I told her to go home. That’s it. She made all that other stuff up in her head.” I wrap her in my arms and kiss her lips. “You’re my girl and that will never change. She was just jealous. We have it all, babe. We have a love most people search their whole lives for, and we have a baby on the way. Plus, we have a family who would die and kill for us. Who wouldn’t be jealous?”

  For the first time in about two hours, I hear her giggle. I never knew I would miss that sound as much as I did.

  “Just so you know, you freaked out my boy. He isn’t much for the hugging, so he wasn’t sure what to do.”

  I see her smile appear again and it makes me smile, too. “I could tell. He was stiff when I hugged him.”

  I laugh. “Baby, that sounds bad,” I say with a smirk.

  She smacks me in the stomach. “That’s gross! Now I won’t be able to look him in the eye.”

  Smirking, I grab a towel and dry myself. Throwing it over the shower door, I take Henley’s towel and dry her. Tossing her towel next to mine, I lead her to our bed, then walk over to turn off the lights. Getting into bed, pulling her body close, I take in her scent and memorize every inch of her before closing my eyes.


  Four Months Later

  I never thought I would get a second chance at happiness. Staring down at my beautiful baby, I know I have been blessed.

  Over the last few months, I never left Henley’s side, which was driving her crazy. She begged me to go on a run with my guys, but I refused. I didn’t want to miss one thing when it came to this baby. I wanted to be there for every second of the delivery.

  When she finally convinced me to go, by giving me the best blow job of my life, I knew I would regret it.

  When Henley went into labor tonight, I was still on the run, but Anslie was there for her through the whole thing. I barely made it in time to witness the birth.

  At 6:42pm, Gina Paige came into this world screaming. She was six pounds, seven ounces, and nineteen inches long. From the minute I laid eyes on her, I knew I would be wrapped around her little finger, just like I am with her mother and big sister.

  I kiss Henley’s head. I can’t believe how much she has changed my life in such a short amount of time.

  “I’m so proud of you, angel. She’s perfect.” I carefully place our daughter into her arms and kiss both their heads.

  “She is,” she states with a big grin. “I love you so much, Cason.”

  We spend the next hour just watching her sleep. I forgot what it was like to be the father to a newborn, but we got some time with our grandson, Braxton, before our little angel was born.

  An hour later, I hear a knock at the door. Quietly, I make my way to it and see Anslie standing there with Brant and Bent.

  “Dad, can we see her now?” she asks, a huge smile on her face. Ever since she gave birth a few months ago to a healthy baby boy, Anslie has been dying for Hen to give birth.

  She gives me her puppy dog eyes, and the guys both start to laugh. I shoot them both dirty looks, then lead the way into the room. The rest of the boys are still on the run, but they will stop by on their way back.

  Anslie pushes me out of the way so she can get to Henley and Gina. I watch my girls, a smile on my face. Things with the club are going good, and I have the best family anyone could ask for.

  “She’s beautiful, Prez,” Brant says, slapping me on the back.

  “Yeah, pops. It’s a good thing she looks like Henley,” Bent says with a smirk.

  “Yes, she does. When she gets older, I’m gonna need you boys to put the fear of God into those little boys who think they can date her,” I say with a smile. If she’s anything like her momma or sister, I am going to be in for a whole mess of trouble, and I’ll need all the help I can get.

  The End


  A Sneak Peek of

  Wayward Son

  Wayward Saints MC Series

  By K. Renee



  Tonight is going to be a great night. Danny and I are celebrating our two-year anniversary. I can't believe it's been two years already. Time has flown by and I'm deliriously happy.

  Due to our conflicting schedules, I haven't seen Danny in the last two days. He’s a lawyer and has been working crazy hours on a new case. Hell, I've been busy with school and work, too. However, tonight is all about us.

  I pull up to Danny's apartment and let myself in with the key he gave me last year. I'm going to surprise him with a little striptease.

  When I walk in, I hear music playing, but don't see Danny in the living room.

  I walk into the bedroom and see clothing tossed on the floor. I bend down to pick them up and find a tiny red G-string…and they aren't mine.

  When I hear noises coming from the balcony, I make my way towards it.

  "Harder, baby. Fuck me harder,” a woman moans.

  I stop. I hear grunts, then Danny says, "Baby, you take my dick way better than Coley does."

  I feel like I'm going to be sick.

  I can't stop myself from moving closer to the sounds. When I come to the door, I see Danny thrusting into a short, blonde girl from behind.

  I put my hand over my mouth to keep from crying out, then turn and run out of Danny’s apartment. I don't even worry about the door.

  I recognized that tattoo. I can't believe she would do this to me.

  I can't stay here, so I go home and pack. After loading up my car, I pull it back out of my apartment complex and drive. I'm not sure where I'm going, but I will know it when I get there.

  Chapter One


  The miles keep adding up as I drive down the 290 West. I'm tired, and I've cried enough over that son of a bitch. I thought I meant something to him, but I was just a placeholder until someone else came along.

  When I see the signs for Las Vegas, the city that never sleeps, I figure it sounds like a good place to start over. I can become whomever I want. I don't have to be the girl who got cheated on by her douche of an ex.

  When I get to New Mexico, I find a cheap room for the night, check in, and turn on the shower. I wash and condition my hair, then scrub my whole body. I want to get rid of the f
eeling of his hands on me. I thought our sex life was fantastic, but I was apparently wrong. I wish this was just a dream.

  Sure, we never had sex anywhere but a bed, but that’s normal, right? I'm not saying I wouldn't try something new, but he never even suggested it. How would I know what he wanted if he never said anything?

  I turn off the water and wrap myself in the tiny piece of cloth they call a towel, barely covering my lady bits. I dry off, then put on my favorite black sweats and a black cami.

  I drop into bed and turn on my phone. I have three missed calls and five text messages. Danny must be done fucking her.

  Danny: Happy anniversary, baby. I love you.

  Danny: I thought you were coming over tonight.

  Danny: Baby?

  Danny: What the fuck, Coley. Where are you? Why aren't you answering me?

  Danny: Fuck this, Cole. Don't answer. I don't give a fuck.

  I don't even know what to say to him. I caught you screwing someone else on our anniversary? Or how about, You’re a fucking prick and I never want to talk to you again. After about twenty minutes, I finally break down and text him back.

  Me: Don’t text or call me again. We’re done.

  I stare at the ceiling and pray he takes the hint. I get lost in a daydream of what Las Vegas will be like. I've never been, but I'm excited to become my own person. I won't let someone else change me again.

  I hear my phone beep. I take a deep breath before I look at the screen.

  Danny: What the fuck?

  Me: We’re done.

  Danny: Why, Coley? I love you and you love me.

  Me: I did, but after tonight, I don't anymore.

  Danny: What are you talking about?

  Me: I saw you and her on the balcony.

  Danny: Babe, it's not what you think.

  Me: I don't care. I don't want to hear your lies. Leave me alone.

  Danny: Don’t do this, babe.

  Me: Fuck you, Danny. I saw and heard you. Go fuck yourself!

  Fuck him. I don't need a man. I will make it on my own, just like I have since I turned eighteen.

  I turn my phone on silent and close my eyes, hoping sleep comes soon.


  The next morning, I get up early and grab a couple things from the gas station next door. I get ready and make my way back to the freeway and head west on the 290.

  I’m driving in a haze, barely noticing the cars or the scenery. A few hours in, I stop and grab some food at a fast food place before getting back on the freeway.

  I drive another six hours before I decide on getting a room for the night. My body is tired, and all I want is a hot shower and sleep.

  I stop in Arizona and get a room at a cheap hotel. Climbing into bed, I check my phone. No messages or calls. I must have gotten my point across.

  An hour after I fall asleep, my phone rings and, groaning, I reach over to answer it without looking at the screen.

  "Hi, hunny." My mom's chipper voice fills the silent room.

  "Hey, Mom,” I grumble.

  "Is everything all right, baby? Danny called and said he couldn't get ahold of you last night."

  I snort. Like he was really worried. "Yeah, Mom. I'm just out of town right now." She's probably going to flip when she finds out where I'm going.

  "Why? I thought your anniversary was last night. Did you and Danny go away?"

  I sigh. This is going to crush her. She loves Danny like her own. "Mom, we broke up last night."

  I hear her gasp. She sounds heartbroken. "Oh, baby. I'm sure you can fix things."

  "No, Mom. We can't. I caught him screwing someone else.” I can feel the tears threatening to fall. I swallow the lump in my throat.

  "Sweetheart, I'm sure it was a mistake. Men do stupid things all the time. Just cool off, then you guys can make up."

  “Mom, I can't forgive and forget. I'm not coming back. I have to go. I love you."

  I hang up before she can say anything else. I can't believe she would be on his side. He cheated on me, but he's not the bad guy?

  I stare at the ceiling and try to forget what she said. I can't sleep, so I turn on the TV and start watching an old rerun of Criminal Minds. I watch until my eyes get heavy and close.

  Early the next morning, I wake up and get ready. I fuel up my car and hit the road.

  About the Author

  K. Renee is from sunny California. Creative by nature, she decided to put her imagination on paper. During the day, she works in an office; at night, she writes. These stories have been in her head for years and are finally being told.

  K. Renee started writing this year, but has loved it since she was young. She started this series because, no matter what she did, the story wouldn't get out of her head. She's twenty-seven, and can typically be found writing in her free time or on her lunch break. K. Renee works full-time and tries to go to the gym every day. She reads constantly, and has hundreds of books she can't wait to start.



  [email protected]

  Tsu: KReneeAuthor

  Twitter: k_renee_author



  First and foremost, I want to thank everyone for buying this book! I never thought I would even be releasing one book, let alone writing a whole series. I can't wait for everyone to meet my characters and fall in love with them, just like I have.

  I want to thank my beta readers for giving their honest opinion about the book. Trisha, Christa, Roz, Paige, Michelle, and Tiffany… You ladies are awesome! Sorry if I missed anyone! Thank you for taking time out of your schedules to beta read for me. I can't wait for you to read about Dominic next!

  A huge thank you to Brandi Defries-Swendt and Becca Wagner! Brandi gave the suggestion for the name of our lead character Henley and Becca gave the suggestion for her nickname, Angel. I love them and am so glad they fit perfectly!

  To my street team, K's Wayward Ladies… Thank you for all you do! You girls are amazing at pimping my book out to the indie world. Thank you for your support. I can't wait to see what the future holds.

  To the readers and fans… I thank each and every one of you who come to hang out with me during takeovers, participate in my giveaways, and purchase my books! I hope you like this and my future books.





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