Demon Hunters 3: Tainted (Stand Alone Series) (Demon Hunters.)

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Demon Hunters 3: Tainted (Stand Alone Series) (Demon Hunters.) Page 7

by Avril Sabine

“He used to be a demon, but he’s human now.”

  Cassidy shook her head at Scarlett’s words. “That wasn’t human I felt.”

  “There’s a slight trace of demon still left in him. But he won’t hurt you. None of us are here to hurt you. We want to help you get rid of Remedy.” Scarlett took a step forward. “I’m sure we can figure this out.” Another step forward.

  Cassidy still held her dagger protectively in front of her. “All I want to know is how to bind a demon. I’m keeping Remedy. I read Demonology. That’s not me. I don’t believe in all that religious crap.”

  “How can you not believe? All these demons, don’t they prove anything to you?” Scarlett asked.

  “Yeah, that humans aren’t top of the food chain like they believe. And those bastards better watch out when I’m around. I’m nobody’s prey.”

  Scarlett winced at her choice of words.

  Gabe grinned. “Didn’t I tell you she was extremely likeable?”

  Scarlett sent Gabe a pointed look. “No wonder your mum was concerned for your soul, Gabriel.”

  Gabe shrugged. “If she didn’t have me to worry over she’d find something else. I’m doing her a favour.”

  Scarlett slowly shook her head at him before she turned back to Cassidy. “You don’t understand how dangerous it is to bind a demon to an object. You won’t live forever. Anyone could end up with it. A demon in the wrong hands can do a lot of damage.”

  “That’s not going to be a problem.”

  Scarlett frowned. “Dying?”

  Cassidy nodded.

  Jesse swore, ignoring Scarlett’s rebuke over his language. “No wonder Gabe calls you demon girl. Have you any idea what you’ve done?”

  “No. And I wish people would stop asking me that.” Cassidy lowered her dagger, but continued to hold it. “No one will tell me anything. Well, not anything I want to hear. I’m not religious and not interested.” Not after everything she’d been through. “So don’t bother trying to force it down my throat. I’m keeping Remedy. That’s not up for discussion. All I need to know is how to get rid of our enemy.”

  “Who happens to know his true name,” Gabe reminded her.

  Cassidy shrugged. “Yeah, and?”

  Jesse shook his head. “You’re screwed.”

  “Jesse!” Scarlett glared at him.

  It was Jesse’s turn to shrug, a half smile on his lips. “You know it as well as I do, Lady Knight.”

  “I wouldn’t have worded it quite that way,” Scarlett said.

  Jesse’s half smile became a grin. “It doesn’t matter how it’s worded, the fact remains. She’s got no hope in hell in retaining a grip on her humanity. A demon that powerful will eventually take her over.”

  Cassidy stared at him, wanting to demand he take back his words. Remedy wasn’t going to own her. He’d already taken enough from her. “How do I stop that?”

  “Sever the ties somehow,” Jesse said.

  “Or become more powerful than him.” Gabe’s soft words caused bedlam.

  Cassidy watched as an argument broke out amongst the hunters about the morality of binding a demon to an object. When it looked like it wasn’t going to end, she broke in. “What’s the best object to use?”

  “Don’t even think about it,” Scarlett said.

  At the same time Gabe answered her. “A ring.”

  “Why a ring?” Ignoring Scarlett, Cassidy turned to Gabe.

  “Jewellery is best since you can always have it on you. A bracelet or necklace risk being broken in battle. The only way you’ll lose a ring is if your finger is cut off or you lose weight.”

  Cassidy shuddered at the thought of her finger being cut off. “So I get one that’s tight on me now and avoid axe wielding maniacs.”

  Gabe laughed. “Want help choosing one?”

  “No.” Scarlett grabbed his shoulder, turning him to face her. “Stop encouraging her, Gabriel. Your mother didn’t leave you with us so you could get into more trouble.”

  Gabe’s eyes narrowed. “Stop calling me that. Only Mum calls me that stupid name. I’m not an angel and I’ve got no interest in becoming one. And stop treating me like a child. I’m an adult, Scarlett. Quite capable of making my own choices.”

  “Really? Then think about what you’re doing. You help her and you imperil your own soul,” Scarlett said.

  “Like you did?”

  Scarlett looked away from Gabe’s intense stare. “Sometimes one must choose the lesser evil.” She looked at Cassidy. “But this isn’t the case here. We can solve this problem without sin. We’ll find a way.”

  “You’re already too late. My sins can’t get much worse than they already are.” Cassidy’s lips twisted into a mocking smile as she remembered the night she’d first met Remedy. “You can’t save me from hell. You’re a few months too late.”

  Scarlet walked towards Cassidy, compassion filling her gaze. “All sins can be forgiven. You only have to be sorry, never do it again and ask forgiveness. All sinners can repent.”

  Cassidy laughed, short and sharp. “This one is impossible to repeat, except in my nightmares.” She made a sharp motion with her hand. “Forget it. I can’t follow your way. I have my own way of doing things. Now are you going to help me or not?”

  Scarlet shook her head. “I can’t. I’m sorry. Not again. If you’re willing to try other paths then I’ll help, but this,” she glanced towards Jesse before meeting Cassidy’s gaze, “Is a sin. One I can’t repeat. Not and live with my actions.”

  Jesse stepped close to Scarlett, draping an arm around her to pull her against him. “If you want help getting rid of the demon call us. In the meantime,” he pulled a vial from his pocket and tossed it to her. She noticed a black feather tattooed on his left palm. “You might want to think about why holy water would hurt a human.”

  Cassidy stared at the vial in her hands. “What?”

  “Spill a few drops on yourself. Maybe on that cut across your mark. And try praying,” Jesse said.

  “I don’t know what you’re trying to prove.” Cassidy slid the vial into a pocket. It would come in handy when she hunted later. On her weapons, not herself. “There’s nothing wrong with me.”

  Jesse smiled slightly. “I never claimed there was. I just want you to think about what it means.” His smile widened. “I have nothing against demons. They’re a little like humans. Some choose to practice evil, some choose more innocuous pursuits.”

  “And what about you? What was your sin when you were a demon?” Cassidy asked.

  Jesse laughed. “Lust.”

  “That’s not a sin,” Cassidy protested.

  It was Gabe’s turn to laugh. “And you wonder why I have issues with being a hunter.”

  Cassidy’s eyes rounded. “You can’t have sex if you’re a hunter?”

  “Of course you can,” Scarlett said.

  “As long as you’re married,” Jesse explained.

  “And wanting to sleep with someone isn’t a good enough reason to get married,” Gabe said.

  Cassidy shook her head. “You lot live in the dark ages.”

  “Yeah. Is it any wonder I want to escape?”

  Scarlett’s gaze turned to Gabe. “No one is holding you prisoner. No one is making you be a hunter.”

  “It’s not hunting I have an issue with. In fact, that’s the only thing I don’t have an issue with.” Gabe turned his intense stare to Cassidy. “Want help finding a ring?”

  “Gabriel-” Scarlett broke off at the glare he sent her way.

  “Yeah,” Cassidy said before another argument could break out.

  Gabe nodded at Cassidy before he turned back to Scarlett. “I’ll find my own way home.”

  “I hope you can.” Scarlett pulled away from Jesse and wrapped her arms around Gabe. “Take care, Gabriel. You’re family. No matter the path you take we’ll pray for you.”

  Gabe’s arms tightened around her before he stepped away. “Thanks, little cousin.” He grinned. “Maybe you should have Fat
her Joe make a vat of holy water.” He glanced towards Cassidy. “I reckon we’re going to need it.”

  “There’s more holy water at Gran’s,” Scarlet said.

  “Here.” Jesse tossed a vial to Gabe.

  “How many of them do you have?” Cassidy asked.

  “One left.” Jesse shrugged with a grin. “I like to be prepared.” He turned to Scarlett. “Ready to go home?”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Scarlet stared at him a moment before she nodded then turned to Cassidy. “Be careful and call us if you need help.” When Cassidy opened her mouth to speak Scarlett held up a hand. “Help we can give.” Her gaze darted to Gabe then back to Cassidy. “Gabriel has my number if you need it.”

  Cassidy nodded and walked to the front door with Scarlett and Jesse. When she returned to the lounge room, she found Gabe draped over one of the armchairs, tossing a dagger into the air and catching it.

  “Is that one of mine?”

  Gabe caught the dagger and turned to her with a grin. “How many have you got hidden around this place?”

  She shrugged. “A few.” At his raised brow she shrugged again. “Maybe a bit more than a few.”

  “Paranoid much?” He swung his feet to the ground and stood up.

  “Why were you checking out my place anyway?”

  Gabe chuckled. “Paranoia.”

  Cassidy turned away before she let a grin escape. She returned the dagger she held to its hiding place. “Put that back where you found it.”

  Gabe returned the dagger to the small space between the floor and the armchair he’d been using. “Anyone else live here with you?”


  “Why not?”

  “Because there’s no one.” The image of her father lying in a pool of his own blood came to mind.

  “Got a spare room?”

  Cassidy stared at him, hands on her hips. “You did not just invite yourself to move in, did you?”

  Gabe chuckled. “Yep. So what do you say? I’m a good cook.”

  “And what about the dishes? Do you do them?” When Gabe strode across the room towards her, Cassidy forced herself to stay still, fighting the urge to take a step backwards. She regularly found his gaze unnerving. It felt like he could see inside her to all the secrets she wanted to keep hidden. Every single blood soaked sin.

  “It’s not like I’m asking to marry you. I’m looking for a bed for a few weeks until I can get a job that’ll fit in with hunting.” He grimaced. “There aren’t that many of them. I’ll cook the meals and whatever else needs doing. My family will give me food, but they won’t give me money. It might not sound like much of a bargain, but I will hunt with you.”

  She was beginning to rethink his offer. She hadn’t known he’d want to move in with her. “I hunt alone.”

  “Really? What about last night?”

  “You have a bad habit of inviting yourself along, don’t you?”

  Gabe chuckled. “You’re not the first person who’s tried to tell me I’m pushy. So what do you say? I’ll get you more of this.” A vial of holy water appeared in his hand.

  Cassidy stared at it. “You won’t push your bible crap on me?”

  His voice lowered. “Religion is the last thing I want to share with you.”

  Cassidy’s eyes met his and held. Her lips parted and she tried to think of something to say. Anything. Then heat flared through her mark and she spun to see Remedy enter the lounge room.

  “How many times do I need to tell you she’s mine?” Remedy stepped up to Gabe who met his gaze without flinching.

  “Does Cassidy feel the same way?”

  “Do you think I care how she feels? She chose this. Her words, her actions made her mine. Now she must live with her choice.” He jabbed a finger at Gabe’s chest. “You leave her alone.”

  “We were just about to go out looking for a ring.” Gabe’s lips slowly curved into a smile. Remedy roared, swinging at Gabe who ducked and spun, coming up to the side of him.

  Cassidy yelled at them, throwing herself between them. “Enough. Are you freaking crazy?” She stared at Gabe, her arms around Remedy who vibrated with energy. “You want to move in with me and yet you keep baiting my demon. Are you suicidal?”

  “If that’s my two choices I’ll go with crazy.”

  “Stop calling me your demon like I’m some possession,” Remedy growled.

  Cassidy looked up at Remedy. “You back off. I’ve got this under control. Or I did before you arrived. And how the hell did it get to sunset already?” She pushed Remedy away from her, making sure the direction was also away from Gabe too. She sighed and pointed a warning finger at Gabe. “No more baiting or you can sleep in the gutter for all I care. You can’t kill him, not without killing me.” She turned back to Remedy. “And I need to buy a ring to bind our enemy.”

  “No. You’re not to throw your life away on a useless task.” Remedy’s voice boomed through the room.

  Cassidy winced, barely stopping herself from covering her ears with her hands. “What am I meant to do? Wait for him to kill you? Us?”

  Remedy shook his head. “I have kept one step ahead of him for centuries. I can continue to do so. You’ll have to leave here. I’ll find somewhere safer for you to hide.”

  “No. This is my home. I’ve spent my entire life here. No one’s chasing me from my own home.” Cassidy’s hands went to her hips and she glared at Remedy. Hadn’t he taken enough from her already?

  “Have they told you how a demon is bound to an object?” When Cassidy shook her head, Remedy continued. “You need to mingle your blood and press that object between the two of you where the skin is broken. The hand is the part usually chosen. It’s easier to clasp hands than anything else.”

  Cassidy’s mouth dried and her heart felt like it paused. “How long?”

  “As long as it takes to say the ritual.”

  “How long?” She stepped closer to Remedy. “Tell me how long.”

  “It would be like holding a dozen tigers for endless minutes. Do you think you can mange that?” Remedy’s gaze flickered with flames that leapt higher when Gabe stepped forward.

  He put a hand on Cassidy’s shoulder and met Remedy’s glare. “She has help.”

  “Why? What’s in it for you, boy?”

  “A lot of things.”

  “She’ll never be yours, no matter the outcome,” Remedy warned.

  “If we do this she gains free choice. You don’t own her or force her to do anything against her will.”

  “Neither of you will gain power over me. My name will not be used against me.” Flames almost filled Remedy’s gaze. “Or that will be the end of all of us. I will be no one’s slave.”

  Cassidy suddenly realised what Remedy meant by being able to taste the truth of her words. She had never believed a statement more in her life. She licked her lips, swallowing past the lump that formed in her throat. “Equals. Partners.”

  Remedy’s gaze dropped from Gabe’s to hers. He held her gaze momentarily before he gave a sharp nod. His lips curved into a smile that would give nightmares. His teeth became sharp points under her gaze. He pressed them against his lip and broke the skin. “Sealed.” His head lowered to hers.

  Cassidy had no chance to step away before his lips were on hers, a sharp sting as the skin of her lip was broken, followed by the flare of pain as their blood mingled. She felt Remedy’s hand at the back of her head, but still she tried to pull away. Then he released her and she staggered backwards.

  Remedy turned his gaze on Gabe, his teeth even again, the smile remaining pure evil. “She’s still mine. Don’t forget that, boy.” When Gabe nodded, Remedy strode from the room.

  Cassidy’s eyes closed when Remedy was gone and she swayed in place. When an arm encircled her waist her eyes flew open and she met Gabe’s intense green stare. “Don’t-” she pressed a hand against his chest.

  “Shh. Sit down.” He guided her to the lounge suite and sat beside her. “You okay?”

>   Cassidy stared at him a moment before she nodded. “Yeah. I think so.”

  Gabe grinned. “Not your boyfriend, huh? If you have a habit of randomly giving away kisses what happened to mine?”

  Cassidy shoved Gabe away with a glare. “I didn’t kiss him.”

  Gabe continued to grin at her from where he’d landed back against the cushions of the lounge suite. “I know. But at least now you don’t look like you’re going to pass out. Anger’s better than running and hiding.”

  Cassidy took an unsteady breath. “Didn’t you say something about taking me shopping for a ring?”

  He rose smoothly to his feet, holding out a hand to her. “That’s my girl. Come on then.”

  “Don’t call me that.”

  He continued to hold out his hand. “Cassidy?”

  “I prefer Cass.” She took his hand and let him pull her to her feet. He was close enough she could feel the heat of his skin.

  “Cass.” The word was soft as his lips curved into a smile. “Want to go clubbing with me the night after we bind the demon?”

  Cassidy stared at him a moment, then laughed. “Sure, why not.” She pushed at his chest to make him step away from her. “Now about that ring.”

  “In a minute.” He reached out and ran a finger across her bottom lip. “Blood.” He wiped his finger on his jeans. “Now we can go.”

  Cassidy stared at him, wondering what Remedy would do if she gave into her current impulse. She blinked and looked away from Gabe. Remedy would probably kill Gabe before she could even think about stopping him. “I’ve got a spare helmet in the garage.” When he nodded, she grabbed it and headed for the front door where her boots were kept. Once there’d been three pairs of shoes lined up by the door. One of them had been rainbow sneakers. They hadn’t been rainbow coloured after she’d met Remedy. First they’d been red, then a rusty brown. They’d been burned along with the rest of her clothes. She stared at her boots.

  “You okay?”

  Giving Gabe the helmet, she pulled on her boots. She didn’t have an answer for him. She didn’t even have one for herself.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Cassidy stared at the case of rings in front of her. None of them seemed right. She was going to be stuck with the ring for a very long time. Forever. How could she pick one she’d always want to wear? It wasn’t like she could swap it if she grew bored with it. She shook her head, turning to Gabe.


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