Demon Hunters 3: Tainted (Stand Alone Series) (Demon Hunters.)

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Demon Hunters 3: Tainted (Stand Alone Series) (Demon Hunters.) Page 9

by Avril Sabine

  Chapter Sixteen

  Late that afternoon Cassidy sat in her car at the front of the demon hunters’ house. She tapped her fingers on the steering wheel. Why hadn’t she told him she’d changed her mind? Talk about crazy. And it wasn’t Gabe. She needed to be locked up and the key thrown away. She almost cheered when Gabe stepped outside carrying a duffle bag and a rectangular case that she worried might be too long to fit in her boot. Beside him was Riley carrying another duffel bag and a timber toolbox.

  Pulling the lever, Cassidy looked in the other direction. She didn’t want to talk to anyone. Especially not someone who might try to talk her out of her plans. When the boot closed again she looked over to see the two hunters clasp left hands against arms so their marks met at the wrist. Riley clapped Gabe on the shoulder and when they broke apart, handed over several gift vouchers to major supermarkets. She couldn’t resist smiling at the sound of Gabe’s laughter. Riley waved and headed inside.

  Gabe hopped in the front seat after tossing a duffle bag on the back seat and held the gifts cards out to her with a grin. “Didn’t I tell you they’d give me food, but not money?”

  “Are you really sure you want to stay at my place?”

  Gabe tossed the cards into her glove box. “Having second thoughts?”


  Gabe stared at her intently. “Really?”

  She reluctantly smiled. “I’m way beyond second thoughts.”

  Gabe grinned. “Good.”

  “How can having more than second thoughts about something and still doing it be good?”

  “Because you didn’t jump in blindly. You at least thought about it first.” He checked the time on his phone then tucked it away. “Think we can get my gear back to your house before we do any hunting? I’d rather not carry an arsenal around with us all night.”

  Cassidy started the car. “What do you do if the cops catch you with any of it?” She reversed out onto the street.

  “Pray they never do.”

  She glanced at him. “Seriously?”

  “I’ve got licenses and I’m supposedly in living history groups, but some of this stuff wouldn’t pass inspection.” He shrugged. “I don’t usually cart that stuff with me, but sometimes I risk it.”

  “And the rest of the hunters?”

  Gabe laughed. “Very few of them use weapons that are illegal in Australia. Or were you asking about the overseas ones?”

  Cassidy slammed on her brakes having nearly run into the car ahead of her, that had slowed for a red light, during Gabe’s comment. “Overseas?”

  “You didn’t think it was only Australia that had demons, did you?”

  She shook her head. “I hadn’t really thought.” The traffic in front of her started to move again. She swore. “Isn’t there anywhere safe?”

  “You could become a nun and live your entire life in a convent.”

  Cassidy sent him a look. “Get real.”

  “No,” Gabe lowered his voice. “You certainly don’t belong in a convent.”

  Cassidy fell silent, thinking it was safer than where the conversation was going. Gabe chuckled, remaining quiet for the rest of the drive. When they reached her home, she parked the car in the garage and left him to bring in his own gear. She retreated to her bedroom and dropped to the carpet to do push ups. Just because she had demon energy to draw on didn’t mean she could let herself get out of shape. She needed every advantage possible when fighting demons.

  Half an hour later when she was lying on her back staring at the ceiling, sweat soaking her shirt, Gabe knocked on her door. She pushed herself to her feet and unlocked the door, half opening it.

  Gabe’s gaze travelled over her, pausing at her sweat soaked shirt before he handed her a folded piece of paper. “Learn it.” He strode towards the spare room.

  Cassidy opened the page and read over some of the words. She stared at them a moment longer before she raced after Gabe. “Is this-” She held the paper up, her question breaking off in mid sentence when she saw the weapons on his bed.

  A strung bow lay across the large case, which contained two swords, a dismantled crossbow was on the quilt near two full quivers and sitting on the end of the bed was the open tool chest. Cassidy ran her fingers over the variety of blades in the many open, velvet lined drawers. She didn’t know what half of them were called, but she recognised a shuriken.

  “You were saying?”

  Cassidy raised her head to stare at Gabe. “Do you know how to use all these?” At his nod she dropped her gaze to the weapons again. “Every single one of them?”


  “Why do you need so many? I thought you said you only had a handful of weapons. This is far more than a handful.”

  “Occasionally I like to get up close and personal.” He gestured to the swords. “So I use them. But mostly I like ranged weapons and you can’t exactly gather them up during a fight if you run out.”

  His comment reminded her of the reason she’d run after him. She held out the paper. “Is this the ritual?”


  “Where’d you get it?”

  Gabe started tidying his bed. “I wrote it out before I went to sleep, but I wanted to check it was accurate, while I was at Gran’s, before I gave it to you.”

  “How did you check?”

  “We’ve got a lot of books about demons.” He unstrung the bow and placed it in the case with the swords before he turned to look at her. “I won’t be able to say it for you. You’ll have to learn it yourself. And it’s not exactly something you’re going to be able to read from a page while you’re doing it.”

  Cassidy stared at the paper in her hand. What the hell was she doing? She was crazy. An image of her father calling Remedy to him came to mind. Crazy must run in her family.

  Gabe took a step towards her. “Cass?” When she finally met his gaze, he reached out to her, his fingers brushing across her cheek. “You don’t have to bind him. He can’t enter your house as long as you keep all the entrances salted. You’re safe here.”

  “Then I’ve let him make my home a prison. No thanks.” She raised her hand that held the paper. “I’m going to learn this off by heart.”

  “Just don’t read it out loud. We were warned against that.” Gabe grinned. “I always wondered what it’d do. Not sure I’ll ever have the guts to find out though.”



  “What happens to sinners when they die according to your family?”

  “They go to hell. Which wouldn’t be a very good place for a demon hunter to go since that’s where they send the demons they banish from earth.” He smiled wryly. “Be kind of like throwing a cop in a jail cell with everyone he’s caught.”

  “Are you sure this works?” She shook the paper once. “Absolutely positive?”

  “Yeah. It’s worked several times before. That’s not what you should be worried about. Holding onto the demon until the ritual is finished will be the problem. He’s not going to stand there quietly and let you trap him forever.”

  Cassidy nodded and turned to stare at the doorway, waiting for Remedy who she’d felt enter the house. She tucked the paper into her pocket, not wanting to risk him taking it from her. She stared at him when he stood in the doorway.

  “What are you planning?” Remedy’s gaze remained on Cassidy.

  “I need to know how to find our enemy. As soon as I learn the ritual I’m going to hunt him down and bind him.” At least she hoped she could. But even if she failed, it had to be better than sitting around waiting for him to come after her.

  “All this so you can kiss a boy,” Remedy sneered.

  “No, all this so I can be free.”

  “And what will you do with your freedom?” Remedy asked.

  Gabe joined Cassidy, standing beside her. “I have a suggestion.”

  Cassidy turned towards him. “What?”

  “Kiss a boy.” Gabe grinned.

  “Don’t you think of
anything else?”

  “Sure I do. Like how sharp my blades are and how many arrows I have left and,” he glanced towards Remedy. “How many demons I can banish in a day.”

  “It would take very little to kill you, boy.” Remedy moved to stand in front of Gabe. “I could snap your neck in seconds, but the thought of prolonging the agony holds great appeal.”

  “Enough.” Cassidy pulled Gabe back and put her hand up when Remedy would have followed. “How do I track our enemy?”

  “I can’t help you against him. And if you were to call me to your side when you faced him we would both be lost. You don’t understand the power you’re going to face. We have roamed the earth for many years. The longer a demon abides here the stronger they grow.”

  “How long have you both been on Earth?” Gabe asked.

  “Since a Roman called us forth to slaughter the family of his enemy,” Remedy said.

  “Holy hell.” Cassidy stared at Remedy, her mind struggling to grasp how many centuries that would be. “You weren’t kidding about forever.”

  “What’s your enemy called?” Gabe asked.

  “The name he was summoned to answer, translates to castigate.”

  “He was a punishment?” When Remedy nodded, Gabe asked, “What did the man do wrong?”

  Remedy glanced at Cassidy before his gaze focused on Gabe, his lips twisting into a mirthless smile. “He touched what was not his to touch.”

  Gabe grinned. “Possession is nine tenths of the law.”

  “Don’t play word games with me, boy.”

  “Can we get back to my question?” Cassidy interrupted before things could get out of hand again. “How do I track Castigate?”

  “Share a hunt with me.” Flames leapt high in Remedy’s eyes.

  “No.” Gabe grabbed her shoulder, spinning her to face him. “Don’t. He wants to posses you. Take over your body. There’s never a guarantee he’ll give it back.”

  Cassidy was torn. “What else can I do?”

  “I cannot take you to him. I have already told you this.”

  Cassidy faced Remedy, Gabe’s hand still on her shoulder. “Don’t avoid the question. What other options are there?”

  Remedy stared at her before he nodded. “You are learning, Cassidy. A memory. A short meeting of minds so you can learn his signature.”

  She felt Gabe’s fingers tighten on her. There had to be more to this. “Short? Set a period of time.” She nearly grinned when she felt Gabe’s grip on her relax.

  “An hour of your time, no more, maybe less.”

  Cassidy nodded. “How do we do this?”

  “Lie on my bed,” Gabe said. “I’ll set a timer and if he hasn’t let you go, I’m pouring holy water over you.” He released her to rummage in his duffle bag, pulling out a water bottle that had the label ripped from it. Someone had drawn a stick figure saint on it with a black marking pen. “This entire bottle.” His gaze met Remedy’s.

  “Noted.” Remedy gave a sharp nod before he turned to Cassidy. “Are you satisfied with the terms?”

  “You’re not to mess with anything else in my head while you’re in there. Show me what I need to know to hunt Castigate and then get out of there.”

  Remedy’s lips twisted into a smile. “I wonder if this is what it feels like to be a father. You have learned so much.”

  Cassidy saw red. Pools of red. And somehow she had Remedy against a wall, her dagger pressed at his throat, no memory of the action that brought her there. “You’re not my father. He’s dead.” The words were a low growl.

  “You should know since it was by your hand.”

  “You tricked us.” She screamed the words.

  “I was the one forced to that building. A demon cannot be summoned once he’s already on Earth and has completed his task. I was free. Castigate forced that on me by giving your father my name. I had no oaths to fulfil, nothing owed to another. I was free.” Flames consumed the black of his eyes.

  “Because of you my father’s dead.” She pressed the blade harder against his throat and felt blood drip along her throat too. Gabe spoke behind her, but none of his words made sense.

  “Because your father didn’t question the information he was given he’s dead. It is always the way. You humans blame us for your own failings.”

  “You and Castigate are to blame.”

  “You know nothing. Nothing.” Remedy’s hand wrapped around her throat. “You want the truth? Would you recognise it or are you too caught up in your own miseries?” He flung her back.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Cassidy hit the foot of the bed, slumping to the ground. She felt hands on her and brushed them away. Her body ached and she wiped at the blood across her throat. Her eyes stayed on Remedy, blood streaking his throat. “What is the truth?”

  “Cass. Cass, please. You’re going to get yourself killed.” Gabe twisted the dagger from her hand.

  She finally turned to him. Pain filled her as she met his eyes. “You know it all. Why aren’t you running?”

  Gabe wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. “Because I know nothing. Maybe one day you’ll tell me.”

  Remedy roared behind them, dragging them apart. Energy crackled around him as he pointed a finger at Gabe. “How many times must I warn you?” He stalked forward.

  Gabe rose to his feet. “Haven’t you ever witnessed comfort before? Do you think I’d be stupid enough to do more than that while you’re watching?”

  Cassidy leapt to her feet, throwing herself at Remedy, pounding against his back. “Don’t you dare. Leave him be.” She was flung to the ground to stare up at Remedy. The world seemed frozen. Silence filled the room. Then a trickle of blood ran down Remedy’s throat and Cassidy had the urge to consume it. Revulsion shuddered through her and instead she wiped the blood from her throat across her demon mark. Energy flared. Pain momentarily increased before receding. She rose slowly, her eyes never leaving Remedy’s. “Never touch him again. Ib-”

  “Do not speak that name to me.”

  She slowly stalked towards him. “You offered me the truth. Where is it?”

  “Cass. No. Not now. Wait till everyone is calm,” Gabe protested.

  She ignored Gabe, reaching out with her right hand to run a finger across Remedy’s throat. He caught her hand, pulling it away. “Well?”

  Remedy nodded and released her.

  Wondering what Remedy’s blood would do, Cassidy ran her bloodstained finger across her demon mark. She tensed at the pain, her lips curving into a smile at the rush of even more energy. It felt like a victory. “Guess that was a little something you weren’t going to share.”

  Remedy shrugged. “It doesn’t matter how it enters your body once the bond has been formed. A wound, drinking it.” He shrugged again. “It’s all the same.” He gestured towards the bed. “Are we doing this or are you finding ways to postpone it?”

  She walked across the room and lay on the bed beside the weapons that were still on it. She looked up to find Gabe leaning over her, Remedy behind him. “Set your alarm.”


  Cassidy interrupted him. “Please, Gabe. Not now.”

  Gabe stared at her a moment longer before he nodded. He took out his phone and set his alarm before placing it on the bedside table and sitting next to her on the bed. He linked his fingers with hers. “I will watch over you.” His gaze went to Remedy. “Now who is wasting time?”

  Remedy leaned over Cassidy, his hands reaching out to cup her face, fingertips at her temples. Her eyes were caught in his, red flames overwhelmed by blackness until all was black. Then an image formed.

  A woman with long reddish brown hair and dark blue eyes smiled at Remedy. “What would I do without you, Protector? Before my husband summoned you I was afraid to even leave my bed of a morning. How it must bore you to forever trail in my shadow.”

  “They are the terms I agreed to, Iulia. To protect you and guard you against all men but your husband until the birth of your first
child.” Remedy returned her smile. It was an easy task and once he had completed it, he would be free to roam the world. Alone. His smile became harder to hold in place.

  Iulia’s smile faded. “What if I am barren? We have been married two years and still there is no child. I have left offerings to the goddess Diana and she has never answered my pleas.”

  He wanted to reach out and comfort her. Instead, he remained still. “Then I will guard you till your last days.”

  Iulia reached out and took his hand. “You always know what to say to cheer me, Protector. I wish I could do the same for you when I see sorrow in your eyes.”

  “No life is without sorrow.” He placed his other hand over hers, cupping it between both of his. “Not yours, not mine.” Especially not his.

  The scene faded, and reformed.

  Iulia was wrapped in Remedy’s arms, his lips pressed against her throat. “My love, please, I would not have you break your terms of service.” She tried to pull away from him.

  Remedy met her eyes, a smile curving his lips. “This will not break them. I swore to protect you against men. I am a demon.” Flames leapt in his eyes at her answering smile.

  “The thought of having a child terrifies me, Protector. I would not have you leave me.”

  “Four years and no child, I think you can stop worrying. But even if you should one day prove fertile I will still remain at your side. No one will take you from me.” His arms tightened around her.

  “One day time will.”

  He shook his head. “No. That I will not allow.” He smiled. “I will give you my name. With that you will be able to defeat even time itself.” His lips met hers.

  Again the scene faded to be replaced by another.

  Iulia stared up at Remedy with tears in her eyes. “I waited in the hope it wasn’t true, but it has been three months now. I am with child, Ibaelcaurzanon.”


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