Finding Courage (Love's Compass #3)

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Finding Courage (Love's Compass #3) Page 10

by Melanie D. Snitker

  They moved from the examination room to another that housed the equipment needed to perform the ultrasound.

  “We’re going to take a quick peek at the baby and get a better idea of how far along you are. I have you down at eight weeks.” The doctor used the keyboard to fill in some information on the monitor in front of her.

  Waiting on the opposite side of the bed from the doctor, Duke held Avalon’s hand and squeezed it when she shifted nervously. She stilled when Dr. Daleo turned and adjusted the monitor to make sure it was visible.

  Duke’s eyes focused on the screen as the doctor located the baby and paused. “Here we go.” The black and white image showed a black circle and within it, a human form. The doctor touched the screen as she oriented them. “Here’s the little head, the body, arms, and legs.” As she said that, the baby seemed to jump a little and moved to the other side of the circle.

  “He looks like a little gummy bear.” Avalon’s voice brimmed with wonder.

  Duke nodded, swallowing past a lump in his throat. He saw his baby’s tiny hands move and a flicker. “Is that the heartbeat?”

  The doctor smiled brightly. “It sure is. Let’s have a listen.” She quickly worked the machine, focusing on that flicker, and bringing up another screen.

  Soon, the sound of the baby’s heart rate filled the small room. It sounded like a tiny horse clip clopping along. Duke was well aware that he was grinning from ear to ear.

  “Your baby has a heart rate of 174 beats per minute. Which is perfect. Let me do a couple measurements here and we’ll find out for sure how far along you are.” They smiled at different images of their baby as the doctor got some information. “You’re a little further along than we had first guessed. The measurements are showing nine weeks one day.” She calculated the new due date. “That puts you expecting this little one in the middle of June. A summer baby!”

  While Dr. Daleo printed out a few pictures for them, Duke rubbed the back of Avalon’s hand absently with his thumb. Ever since he found out she was pregnant, he’d tried to imagine their baby. But seeing her on the ultrasound was a completely different thing. Watching her heart beating, seeing her push off with her foot, brought it all home. In a few months, he’d be holding her in his arms. Would she have Avalon’s eyes? What about the McNeil chin?

  They walked out of the office and into the fall sun. Avalon kept looking at the pictures as they walked back to the car. “Our baby. Can you believe it?”

  Duke took one picture from her and his heart skipped a beat. This little person was entirely dependent on them. He wanted to do right by her — to see her experience a childhood much different than his own. “She’s already beautiful,” he told Avalon with a small smile.

  Could he raise his baby right when she’s going to be around such terrible examples like his family? What if he couldn’t do any better than his parents had?


  Avalon cut into her steak with a knife and placed the bite on her tongue. It was fantastic — from the seasoning down to how tender the meat itself was. Duke had insisted they try a restaurant he’d heard about and Avalon was glad they had. She swallowed and fixed her husband with the most serious guise she could muster. “We may have a little problem.”

  Duke held a forkful of baked potato in the air and paused. “What’s wrong?”

  She pointed at her plate and shook her head. “I may have discovered my first real craving.”

  He laughed then and swallowed his mouthful. “It is good.”

  That was an understatement. She was content to eat and observe other customers come in and out of the restaurant. It seemed like forever ago that they’d been home that morning. Her mind went to Khanrad and she hoped he was behaving himself during his long stay at the house by himself.

  “I wonder what Khanrad will think when we bring a baby home from the hospital.”

  Duke seemed thoughtful. “Something tells me he’ll do great with her. Wait until the baby’s big enough to eat table food and tosses crumbs onto the floor. She’ll have that dog wrapped around her little finger.”

  “Or his little finger.” She raised an eyebrow and laughed at the different pronouns they used. He was probably right about Khanrad. She thought about the images of the baby she’d stashed in her bag and couldn’t wait to get home and scan them. She wanted to send a picture to her family.

  It was humbling to think of the tiny life within her. Seeing the baby move had made it all seem much more real. It was hard to imagine being able to feel those wiggles and squirms in another couple of months.

  Avalon watched Duke and her heart turned over in her chest. She loved that he was talking about the baby more now. They had to take it a step at a time — and today had been a big one in the right direction.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Duke finished installing the box he’d bought for Khanrad to ride in. It easily fit on the back of the ATV and looked sturdy. Even though the walls of the box were high, he had his doubts about whether the dog would stay in the back while the vehicle was in motion. That’s what was worrying him.

  The back door to the house opened and Khanrad bounded down the stairs toward him followed by Avalon. “What do you think?”

  He motioned to the box and she ran a hand along the top rail. “That’s a lot better than I had imagined. I was picturing a kennel, but this reminds me of a giant bicycle basket. I hope he doesn’t jump out.”

  Duke scratched his neck and shrugged. “I’m a little worried about that, too. I suppose I can make a short tether and connect his collar to it.”

  “That would make me feel a lot better. I’ve seen lots of dogs ride around in the back of trucks and they aren’t tied in. Maybe it’s a matter of training? Or even personality?”

  “Maybe so.” He watched Khanrad take care of his business and make his way back to them. “Should we give it a try today?”

  They planned on eating outdoors. “I’ve got lunch ready. Let me go grab it and lock the door. I’ll be right back.”

  While he waited for her to return, Duke put together a tether to keep Khanrad in the basket. Since there was no longer a place to put the cooler, he got a couple of extra bungee cords to use.

  He had Khanrad secured in the basket when Avalon rejoined them.

  “Hey, that looks good!” She handed the cooler to Duke and he got that attached as well. “He seems excited.”

  Khanrad pranced in circles in the basket, his tongue lolling and saliva dripping off the tip as he panted. Duke patted his furry head. “I think you’re right. I’m sure he gets tired of being at the house by himself in the afternoons. We’ll have to keep a close eye on him with the workers and everything, but now’s a good time to train him. Let’s see how he does.”

  He climbed on and waited for Avalon to settle behind him and her arms to circle his waist. The dog observed them hesitantly, his tail wagging slightly. He whined.

  They started slowly and Duke assigned Avalon the task of watching Khanrad and telling him if they needed to stop. He didn’t take them far before he braked and they found a spot to eat lunch.

  “I think that’s going to work well.” Avalon’s eyes followed the dog as he explored the new area of land. They had to call him away from the rows of lettuce twice and then they had no other issues with him. He certainly had no objections wolfing down the extra cheese stick she’d brought him for lunch.

  They were packing up the lunch stuff and getting ready to go back to work when Khanrad began barking. He was far enough away that Duke couldn’t pick out the source of his distress.

  Whatever it was, it rested in the brush near the fence line and was making Khanrad mad. Avalon took steps toward him but Duke caught her hand. “Hang on, sweetheart. There aren’t a lot of things that would be out in the brush. Most likely a snake.” Since they’d been having issues on their property, he’d gotten to where he carried his .22 rifle with him. He took it out of the long holster he’d attached to the side of the ATV. The last thing he wanted was for
Avalon or the baby to get hurt, and therefore he planned on being prepared. He walked just ahead of her.

  Sure enough, as they drew closer, they spotted the large rattlesnake coiled on the ground, its head held back as it followed Khanrad’s movements.

  “We have to do something,” Avalon said in a whisper, clutching Duke’s arm with both hands.

  He flipped the safety off and she let go of him as he steadied the rifle. Khanrad kept his distance from the snake. Twice, the reptile struck and both times the dog dodged the attack. He used his paws to stomp on the body of the snake while he used his mouth to bite down hard. With a jump backwards, he would clear the snake’s strike and go at it again.

  Duke would shoot the snake if he could get a clear view. The dog was focused on the snake and he was afraid that, if he called Khanrad away, his concentration would be broken and he’d be bitten. They watched for several tense minutes as Khanrad tossed the snake around, always careful to stay clear of the head. One last bite from his powerful jaws and the snake’s head didn’t rise again. That’s when Duke called the dog back. “Hold onto his collar and stay here.”

  He waited long enough for Avalon to do as he asked her and went forward, the rifle ready. The snake’s body was still writhing and twitching on the ground, but Khanrad had managed to break its neck. No doubt about it, the dog was quick on his feet. He used the tip of his gun to lift the snake up and toss it over the fence.

  Avalon’s eyes followed him as he returned. “He killed it?”

  Duke grinned. “He sure did.” He hunched down, praising his dog with pats and ear scratches. “You’re a fast boy, Khanro. What a good dog.”

  Maybe this was just a snake, but Duke found a lot of comfort in knowing the dog had a protective streak in him.


  Avalon hoped she wouldn’t need the medication the doctor prescribed for her. But she woke up the next morning with horrible morning sickness and caved. By lunch, she was feeling better. She spent the afternoon resting and drinking fluids.

  “Are you feeling up to a short outing?”

  Avalon looked up from her spot on the couch as Duke came into the room earlier than normal. Getting out of the house for a few minutes sounded wonderful. “Definitely.”

  She slipped her shoes on while Duke retrieved a light jacket for her.

  They settled on the ATV and Avalon was content to ride with her arms around him as the chilly air flowed past them. Fall had been late this year, but it seemed it was making up for the lost time. This became especially evident as they drew closer to a large tree. All the leaves had turned a bright gold and red. Duke stopped the vehicle and helped her down.

  Avalon rested her hands on her hips and gazed up at the fall rainbow above her. “It’s beautiful.”

  “I thought you’d like it.” Duke smiled at her. “Come here and have a seat.”

  He led the way, sitting on the ground and leaning against the trunk of the tree. With a tug on her hand, he directed her to sit in front of him.

  Leaves fluttered down from the tree like a gentle, colorful rain. They fell soundlessly against the brown grass below. Avalon reached for one and held it just under her nose. “I love the way freshly fallen leaves smell.”

  Duke put an arm around her waist. She let herself relax against his chest as another leaf landed on the sleeve of her jacket. With the warmth of her husband behind her and the shelter of the tree, she wasn’t sure she needed the jacket at all.

  He nuzzled her right ear. “It’s so quiet and peaceful here. As soon as I saw the leaves had turned, I knew I had to bring you here.”

  She turned her shoulders so she could see his face. “That was sweet. Thank you.” His eyes drew her in as they slowly morphed from hazel to green. He leaned forward and kissed her, his lips lightly touching hers. Avalon moved a hand up his arm and let it rest against his bicep, the muscle flexing in response to her touch.

  Duke ended the kiss and held her gaze before they went back to watching the colorful display around them. The moment was like a little island of perfection in the turbid water of their lives. It was easy for Avalon to pretend everything was fine between them. Just then, she’d give almost anything to make that their reality.


  “Are you ready for this?” Avalon retrieved an apple fritter cake from the back seat of the car. She’d seen the recipe online and thought it sounded like it’d go well with Thanksgiving dinner.

  Duke reached in for the macaroni salad and the bowl of buttered corn. “Not even remotely. The important thing is to stick together. She can’t pick us off that way.”

  “Safety in numbers, right?” Avalon chuckled dryly as they turned and faced his parents’ house. They would expect her to eat Thanksgiving dinner. With the size of the knot in her stomach, she’d be lucky to manage a roll.

  She hadn’t seen them since the last time they came for dinner. Surely their attitudes toward her had changed. But upon entering the living room, she found that wasn’t the case.

  “Happy Thanksgiving,” she and Duke said together. He went forward to give his mother a kiss on the cheek and shake his dad’s hand. Calvin came into the room then and Duke shook his hand as well.

  Avalon’s presence seemed to go unnoticed by both Loretta and Calvin. But Rudy gave her a nod in greeting. His eyes darted to his wife and when he saw she was busy conversing with Duke, he turned to Avalon again. “Has your week been going well?” he asked her.

  There was a hint of kindness in his eyes. Avalon suspected that, if she’d known him back when he was a young man, they would have gotten along well. It was scary how time can change a person. They exchanged a few moments of conversation while everyone else discussed details about Calvin’s upcoming winter break.

  Fifteen minutes after arriving, the cook summoned them to dinner. Avalon noticed her salad and corn were on the table but had been transferred to fancier bowls. Everything smelled amazing and it would be good to have something to do to help pass the evening. She and Duke already decided they would share news about the baby with the rest of the family after dinner.

  Duke pulled her chair out for her, his touch lingering on her arm as he scooted it in. She smiled at him as he took a seat next to her. “Thank you.”

  Rudy carved the turkey and everyone began to eat. If there was one thing Avalon could say about Loretta, it was she and her staff could make an amazing Thanksgiving meal. She probably ate more than she should have and was pleasantly surprised to find the food settled well in her stomach. Apparently the baby enjoyed the turkey and mashed potatoes as well. The thought brought a smile to her face.

  Everyone had their fill and retired to the living room again to visit before dessert. Avalon ended up sitting near Calvin and tried to start up a conversation. “I heard you’re planning on learning how to snowboard during winter vacation. That sounds like fun.”

  Calvin didn’t say a word as he studied her for a minute. “Yeah. It’ll be great.” His eyes darted to Loretta across the room and that was the last thing he said before moving to a spot by the window and taking out his phone.

  Well, that was the most conversational he’d ever been with her. In an effort to be nice, Avalon moved closer to Loretta. “The dinner was wonderful. Thank you for the invitation.”

  The older woman seemed to be surprised that she’d come by to say anything at all. She lifted her chin. “I pay our cook enough. I’m glad to hear she did her job well.”

  No mention of the food she and Duke brought, but then Avalon wasn’t surprised. She searched for something else to say. “You said you were renovating the master bathroom. Have you picked out the new tile yet?”

  “I’ve narrowed it down to three choices, but I’ve had a difficult time deciding. Would you like to see them?”

  Avalon couldn’t have been more surprised outside of Loretta asking her to be her new best friend. She hoped the shock didn’t show on her face. “Sure, I’d like that.”

  Loretta disappeared into another room and broug
ht a small box back with her. She placed it on the coffee table and opened it, pulling three sample tiles out.

  Avalon went to sit next to her on the couch. Duke noticed and shot her a questionable glance. She returned it with a raised eyebrow and an almost imperceptible shrug. She focused her attention on the tiles.

  “The bathroom is a dull white right now. I rather like this one.” She held up a sea green tile. “I’m afraid it may be too dark. I’m also considering these.” One was a smoky gray and the other a pale blue. “I’m thinking of having the tiles installed in the shower and as a backsplash by the sink.”

  Running a finger over one of the tiles, the surface cool to the touch, Avalon compared the three. “I think I’m partial to the sea green or blue myself. They’re calming and it reminds me of the ocean.”

  Loretta nodded slowly. “I’ll take the gray out of the running.” She packed them back into the box and took them out of the room.

  Avalon wondered what that was about. It was the nicest the woman had ever been to her. She glanced at the door behind her, half expected to find the woman trying to stab her in the back.

  Duke made his way across the room to her and bent to whisper in her ear. “Now seems as good a time as any.”

  She nodded, nerves gnawing at her insides. Duke extended a hand to her and, once she grasped it, helped pull her to stand next to him.

  When Loretta returned, Duke put an arm around Avalon’s waist and pulled her close to his side. “We have something we want to share with you all.” He paused for effect. “We’re having a baby.”

  The shock on everyone’s faces led to silence. Loretta’s mouth opened like she wanted to say something and then shut again.

  Duke tightened his arm around her and Avalon leaned into him, absorbing his strength.

  Loretta finally found her voice. “When?”

  “The middle of June,” Avalon replied.


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