Forbidden: A Sinful Shares Romance

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Forbidden: A Sinful Shares Romance Page 10

by Suzanne Halliday

  “I want all of you, Kristal.”

  She tried to kiss him, but he held her away.

  “Do you understand me, honey?”

  It took a few seconds until her eyes focused on his face. She nodded. He could not help his leering approval.

  He sat back on his feet and watched. Something was crazy hot about watching her wiggle out of the black lace. When she lay back to lift her legs and slip the scrap of fabric off her feet, he did not have to wonder if she was aroused. A brief glimpse at the heaven between her legs told him she was more than ready.

  He took the panties from her and made a show of holding them to his nose. She blushed scarlet red. He chuckled when she looked away.

  “Don’t be embarrassed. Your pussy smells divine. Considering how hard I am, it’d suck if you weren’t dripping wet.”

  She looked pleased and stroked his chest. When he roughly separated her thighs, her shocked gasp reverberated inside him.

  “Show me,” he demanded. “Don’t play coy, love. Show me everything.”

  Her beautiful hands skimmed her body and reached between her parted thighs. He watched with feverish interest. Though her movements were tentative, he heard her harsh breathing, saw her chest rising and falling, and knew she was as over the edge as he was. When she gently spread her pussy lips apart and he saw how wet and slightly swollen she was, he shifted gears.

  “Oh, my god,” he growled. Tracing her cleft with gentle fingers, he made her tremble. He could see her clit—it was begging for his attention. Without pause, he put his face between her legs and placed a licking angel’s kiss on the tiny nub. She undulated and shook. He stretched, got comfortable, and wasted no time getting down to business. Her pussy needed fingering, and he was the man to do it.

  She clung and moaned. When she could get at him, her teeth did sexy things to his skin. He plunged his finger into her at a slow, lazy speed going as deep as he could.

  “Robert,” she growled. “Robert.”

  “I know,” he grunted in return. “It’s so good, isn’t it?”

  They kissed madly. He added a second finger. She shook all over.

  He leaned next to her ear, licked it, and then bit the lobe. “I’m glad you like this.” Her hips rolled, and she tried squeezing her thighs shut. A pleased laugh rose from his throat.

  “Open those pretty thighs for me, love.”

  She obeyed and wasted no time trying to fuck his fingers. “Relax,” he commanded and put his other hand on her stomach to hold her down. “Concentrate on my fingers in your pussy.”

  She was crazy wet and panting with need. He shifted his body and got ready to send her flying.

  He bit her neck damn hard.

  “I’m going to rub your clit now, and you’re going to keep those legs open.”

  Arousal like he’d never seen leaked from her body. She grunted and a throaty exhale became a growl at the same moment her pussy clamped on his fingers. His thumb worked her clit, and his fingers massaged the warm, soft walls of her pussy.

  She came in a rush. He never let up or stopped what he was doing. It did not take much to push her toward another orgasm.

  Robert lunged for the bedside stand to search for the condoms. If he did not get inside her soon, he would not be responsible for what happened. Not finding the needed protection, he gave an angry snort and ripped the drawer out of the stand. It crashed to the floor.

  The other drawer?

  This time, he was frantic and literally scooped handfuls of shit onto the carpet in his haste. He found the small pouch holding three condoms and nearly wept with joy.

  There was no time to waste with finesse, so he got off the bed, ripped his briefs down his legs, and sheathed his cock in record time.

  “Spread ’em wide, Kristal, and hold on. Things might get a little rough at fist.”

  She pulled him on top of her and offered her pussy. When the head of his cock breached her opening, she gasped, and he held perfectly still. Her muscles clamped down hard and squeezed. He saw stars.

  Slowly as he could, Robert pushed in farther. Deeper. Their gasping, shuddering moans filled the air. She was so goddamn tight that he worried she would be hurt.

  The moment when his throbbing cock sank balls deep and her guttural grunt as he hit home would live in his memory forever. He wanted to make slow, passionate love to her, but first, he needed to feed the savage that wanted to take what was his and fuck her into oblivion.

  Kissing her with feverish abandon, he growled, “Hold on, my love,” a second before all hell broke loose. He pulled back as far as he could without leaving her body and thrust home with brutish force. When she cried out, he almost stopped, but then her arms and legs wrapped around him. That was all he needed to unleash everything he had.

  It was wild and fierce, and she urged him on. He laughed with primal triumph and pushed her right to the edge. Her scream when she came hit his cock with a thunderball of lust. He fucked her with randy abandon until the pulses stopped. She cried softly in his arms, and then he made exquisitely slow love to his woman. Kristal was his now. Their love no longer hidden in forbidden shadows.

  It was a beautiful thing to sink into the warm welcome of her body. Every love sonnet and love poem he had ever read swirled in his head. At last, he understood. There was no way to explain what true love felt like until you experienced it firsthand.

  She encouraged him to chase his release with both hands on his ass. “Robert. So good,” she moaned. “Love you.”

  Aw, jeez. Of course, she had to pick now to say it. Her hips rose to meet his on each stroke. Her hands pressed him deeper when he sank in. A flood of arousal and the remnants of her orgasms added to the growing ecstasy.

  When her inner muscles clamped down tight, he groaned. She was making small noises. He searched her face.

  “What do you need, my love?”

  “Robbie.” He heard her plea and knew what she wanted.

  He shifted, put his hands in the bend of her knees and pushed until she was open, exposed, and at the mercy of his cock.

  “Is this what you want, Kristal?”

  “Yes, yes,” she growled. “Don’t hold back, Robbie. I need to feel you come.”

  He stroked sure and deep. Slowly. As slowly as his shaking muscles would allow. The climax started in his legs and sent warmth shooting up his spine. All of a sudden, she arched, and he felt her fierce muscles clamp down. Was it possible she was going to come with him?

  My god, she was incredible.

  He let go of one leg and slipped his hand between them. His fingers picked up the sensation of his cock sliding into her wet pussy. It was all kinds of dirty and erotic. Finding her clit swollen, he plucked at it and ground his cock deep.

  His cock started throbbing seconds before the release overtook Robert’s senses. She undulated and sucked him deeper; coming at the exact moment he felt his cock spurt.

  Her cries echoed his shouts. When it was over, they were too spent to talk. He barely got the condom handled before she collapsed into sated slumber. He covered her with the blanket and crawled in to join her. Pulling her warm, soft body against his, Robert kissed her shoulder and fell into a spooning slumber.

  Chapter Seven

  She woke to the scent of shower gel filling the air. Her head turned and found an empty pillow. Singing wafted on the air along with the scent of her body wash. A happy smile stretched her lips.


  Kristal sighed.

  Robert is in her shower.

  She turned on her side and cuddled his pillow.

  Robert is in her shower and naked.

  Sweet, sexy tingles made her squirm.

  She strained to hear what he was singing. The background sound of a familiar song tugged at her memory until she figured it out.

  Laughing, she sat up and threw back the covers. Her mother became an enthusiastic Jackson Browne fan after reading an interview that detailed his environmental efforts. As a result, her tree-hugging mom play
ed his music all the time. The song her wicked lover was shower crooning had a naughty subtext that involved either something handsy or a blow job.

  Her feet barely touched the floor as she booked into the bathroom.

  The steam filled shower stall offered enough of a naked glimpse to send any doubts she had packing. She glimpsed his phone propped on the vanity. The song was almost over. Damn.

  She was not going to let some shitty timing spoil her fun so she called out to get his attention.

  “Hey, cutie! Save some hot water for me.” At the same time, she hit the replay command and ran to the stall. As she yanked the door, he turned and all she saw was through the blast of steam was a fistful of suds and the head of his cock. Goody! She was just in time.

  The best damn thing about her condo was the shower stall. It was big and had a tile bench running along the back wall. She quickly entered, shut the door, and grabbed him for a self-explanatory kiss. Then she sat on the bench, spread her thighs wide, and crooked her finger.

  “That would be my job, Mr. Peyton. Bring me that cock and sing the song.”

  He threw back his head and laughed. The sexy sound filled the shower stall. Without missing a beat, he started singing and made a naughty show out of rinsing away the suds before flexing his hips as he stepped into her space and introduced her to his redneck friend.

  “Do you require compliments, or will some enthusiastic ego-stroking suffice?” she asked while demonstrating her idea of ego-stroking. “You know,” she purred. “Being as I’m a nurse and all, anatomy doesn’t surprise me much.”

  He stopped singing and hit her with a leering grin that needed a warning sign.

  “Do you remember last night saying you would be the last man I will ever kiss?”

  “And I meant it,” he growled.

  Maybe another time she would have better game, but right this second, Kristal was having an erotic out-of-body experience. Robert’s cock had a manly girth that did funny things to her thought process.

  “Yes, well,” she told him. “Right back at you.”

  He chuckled.

  She smirked. “Let me spell it out in case you are not catching my meaning. I failed recess because sharing with friends is not my strong suit. Capisce?”

  “I like ground rules,” he growled. “Know what goes good with rules?”


  His smirk had a filthy edge to it that made her giddy. “Seal it with a kiss.”

  The intimate request made her giggle, blush, and squeeze all at the same time. Guys and oral sex! Of course, he wanted her to give it a try, but she was more than a novice and did not have a flipping clue what to do.

  Wait a minute, she thought. He was a teacher, after all. Maybe if she appealed to his educator instincts, he would tutor her to proficiency.

  Leading with some minor heavy sighing, she mapped his staff with inquisitive fingers and gave him a half smirk.

  “Shoot. I didn’t know there’d be a pop quiz.” She batted her eyelashes and made a goofy face. “Haven’t studied,” she cooed. “I really don’t want to fail.”

  Robert sniggered and shook his head. She kept on going. “Have time for a quick tutorial? Um, maybe something hands on?”

  He knocked her socks off with a highly detailed walk through of his turn-ons and erogenous zones. She asked questions, and he answered with a carnal bluntness that made her pussy quiver.


  She licked her lips and looked up.

  “I don’t want you to do this because you think I expect it.”

  Puzzled by what he meant, she regarded him quizzically. “What am I missing?”

  “Nothing, babe. I just want you to be sure. Don’t do anything that doesn’t give you pleasure. I’d feel like a dog if you got me off with your mouth and found the exercise disgusting.”

  The moment felt right for total honesty, so she went for it. “I must have been on a different page before now, Robert, because until you, the idea was a buzzkill. But you are beautiful,” she admitted. Her hands lovingly stroked and explored. “I didn’t know a cock could be so friggin’ awesome or titillating.”

  “If you do this,” he grunted. “I want your eyes the whole time. I’ll know if you hate it, and we can stop if it gets to be too much, understand?”

  The moment her lips first touched his cock would stay etched in her memory for the rest of time. She fisted the fat head and lovingly kissed it. He groaned, and she knew right then that Robert coming in her mouth would be her new favorite thing.

  There was kissing and sucking. He stroked her wet hair and showered her with raunchy praise. He showed her how to fondle his balls while working his staff. The scorching heat of his approving gaze burned her.

  Something wild grabbed hold of her senses. The way his eyes bored into hers drove Kristal on. He angled his cock so she could flick her tongue at the ridge of flesh on the underside. Tracing the pulsing vein from root to tip with the flat of her tongue, she moaned her pleasure so there would be no mistaking how she felt.

  She wondered if he’d believe her if she tried to explain the lust explosion that accompanied the sensation of his big, fat cock stretching her lips and sliding heavily on her tongue. It was heavenly. He tasted divine.

  On a particularly reckless lunge, she took far too much of his glorious hardness and quickly retreated as her gag reflex kicked in. He immediately withdrew, but she waited with open mouth and even wiggled her tongue.

  Robert ran a finger down her cheek and lifted her chin. “Look at me.”

  She honestly could barely see him through the lust fog blanketing her brain.

  “Are you okay?” he asked. “Want more?”

  She murmured, “Yes, please,” opened her mouth wider, and eagerly nodded.

  His smile had a primitive feel to it. “Fair warning, beautiful. The end is near. Tell me now if coming in your mouth is a no-no.”

  “No, god, Robert. Don’t even think about stopping. I love it, really.”

  He nodded, and his eyes got dark and smoky. Her body reacted to his pleasure with a fierce throb of mind-blowing arousal.

  Stroking his beautiful manhood, she sighed. It was time. She planted squishy kisses and licks on the smooth, plump head, applied some suction, and swirled her tongue around and around. When his hands moved to either side of her head, she knew he was ready. Her eyes locked onto his face. What surprised her more than the sheer carnality was the look of adoration on his face. Seeing his arousal and watching the pleasure in his expression transported her to the brink of an orgasm.

  His hands holding her head while he fucked her mouth was just about the hottest thing she’d ever experienced. The intensity in his gaze as he watched his cock moving in and out of her mouth made Kristal’s system throb with ecstasy. Sucking Robert’s cock was the thing that had been missing from her life.

  He grunted a few times and said “Fuck,” over and over. She could not have agreed more. When his cock jerked on her tongue, and she sensed his essence flooding her mouth, Kristal whimpered her pleasure and sucked until he was gasping for breath. His hand grasped the top of the stall, and his legs shook.

  The whole thing was so gloriously erotic that she did not know how to dial her response back when he grasped his cock and guided it from her mouth. She never expected the desperation for more.

  He looked … concerned.

  Not at all sure what the post blow-job protocol was, she didn’t know whether to stand and calmly pretend to take a shower or towel off and run for her vibrator.

  Robert’s arm wrapped around her waist, and he turned her to face him. “Lean against the wall and put one foot on the bench.”

  Shaky and clinging, she did as he asked. Warm water poured down her chest and stomach before streaming over her mound. Kristal was so unbelievably turned on that the watery trickles made her pussy throb from frustration.

  He moved close and fed one of her arms around his shoulders. She grasped his neck and searched his face. Holdi
ng her tightly to him, Robert stared into her eyes. “Let there be no mistake, babe. You suck cock like a goddess.”

  She offered a watery smile. “I like how big it is. The challenge turned me on.”

  He kissed her soundly and chuckled when he started to pull back. A simple shift and his mouth detoured to her ear. “There’s just one problem, though.”

  What? A problem? Had she messed up somehow?

  Kristal jerked in his embrace when his fingers moved with unerring certainty to her pussy where he swirled gentle circles on her swollen clit.

  She whimpered and buried her face into his neck.

  He bit the fuck out of her shoulder and laughed. “This beautiful little pearl tells me how much you enjoyed my cock.”

  Greedy desires made her quiver and moan out a confession. “I liked sucking you, Robert. And I liked that you watched.”

  The gentle swirls turned to his fingers plucking at the sensitive nub. She shook and fought to stay on her feet.

  “If we weren’t in the shower, my tongue would be getting you off. But I don’t think you can wait, can you babe?”

  He rolled her clit between his fingers. “Robbie,” she groaned and gasped. “Oh, please.”

  He leaned his powerful body into hers and pressed her against the tile wall. Adjusting her leg, he pushed for access and growled into her ear. “A gentleman offers his lady a choice. One finger or two.”

  She couldn’t think. Not with the way he was teasing her clit. His husky chuckle almost pushed her over the edge.

  “Can’t make up your mind? No, problem. Let’s do a finger test and see which you like best.”

  A thick, beefy finger slid into her pussy. She whimpered and bucked on his hand.

  More chuckling of the hot and very, very sexy kind. “My lady likes her pussy fingered.”

  Kristal wanted to reply. Really, she did, but her pussy was on overload and short-circuited her speech.

  He left her body and snickered as he held her eyes and sucked his finger. “I have a plan. Next time, I lick your pretty pussy and get you off. Then, if you’re a good, bad girl, I’ll fuck you till you come again. You get a few minutes to recover, and then my cock is in your throat. The trifecta of filthy fun. Eat pussy, fuck pussy, suck cock.”


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