Instruments of War (Iron Kingdoms Chronicles)

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Instruments of War (Iron Kingdoms Chronicles) Page 9

by Larry Correia

  Makeda stood perfectly still, unsure, staring up at the seemingly giant Vaactash and the even bigger statue behind him. She was not quite ready to navigate her way back through the darkened Hall of Ancestors, and there remained one thing that the archdominar had mentioned which she had always wondered about. She built up her courage to speak. “Grandfather, I have a question.”

  Vaactash turned away from the great statue that would someday hold his soul, and toward her, curious as to why she had not fled when given the chance. “Yes. I will allow this question. Speak.”

  “Tell me about the gods we don’t have?”

  The greatest warrior of their people folded his arms. “You ask difficult questions, child.”


  “Lyoss had gods …” Vaactash stroked his long chin as he contemplated his answer. “There are lands beyond that sea, lands beyond the Abyss, beyond the Stormlands, even lands past where the giants dwell. We live in a land free of meddling gods, but are there still gods in those other dark lands? I do not know. And if there are gods there, do they have people who worship them still?”

  “Only exiles have gone beyond those places, Grandfather. They are a mystery to us.” It was an odd thought, but she was clever enough to see it through to a logical conclusion. “But if there are others, and they still had their own gods, then they would be soft, probably used to relying on divine help. Not like the skorne at all.”

  “Indeed. Ponder on this then, child. We must always make war because our salvation depends on it … But should the opportunity present itself, what if we could make war on someone else?”

  Makeda mulled it over, and the sudden answer struck her like a war spear to the heart. “If there was a foreign house, we could have a whole new adversary. There would be no need for our people to make war on each other. Making war against a new enemy would surely provide opportunities for exaltation to all our houses!” The idea nearly stole her breath away.

  “This idea is only a fantasy, but imagine it with me, Makeda. All skorne, all of the warrior caste, all of the houses, united in one glorious conquest. It is beautiful ... May your dreams be of war, Makeda.”

  “May your dreams be of war, Grandfather.”

  Two generations had passed, but the lessons of Vaactash would never leave her. His words were as ingrained into Makeda as the code itself. It had been ten years since her grandfather’s death under the tusks of a great beast of the plains, but she still found herself calling upon his wisdom during times of struggle. She was the archdomina now and had led her house through countless battles. The Swords of Balaash were sheathed at her side. Slivers of her grandfather’s sacral stone were among those empowering the mighty blades, and though only an extoller could contact the exalted dead, Makeda always felt as though Vaactash was there to guide her with his wisdom.

  “Archdomina, I fear the news is grim. Three more western houses have fallen before the invader from the west. Two of the southern houses have bent their knee and offered fealty rather than fight. The ranks of the invader’s army have swollen with troops.”

  “The invader is like nothing we have ever seen before. He has crushed every cohort that has stood in his way.”

  The council chamber of House Balaash was silent as the words sunk in. Makeda walked away from her advisors and across the Balaash glyph that adorned the floor. The stain had been scrubbed clean over a generation before, but she could still sense a chill on the spot where her nameless brother had died so long before.

  The word from the western tors had been troubling, but this new information was even worse. The divided houses were being systematically conquered. It was as Vaactash had spoken of so long ago. There were lands beyond theirs and now a warrior of incomprehensible power had come from those lands, systematically subjugating her people.

  “We are the last great house standing in his way…” one of her tyrants said.

  And should we fall, all our people will be dominated.

  “What is the name of this conqueror?”

  “They say he is called Vinter Raelthorne.”

  Walking slowly, Makeda went to the window and looked toward the west. Ominous clouds had gathered over the plains. The honor of House Balaash — the honor of all skorne —lay heavy on her shoulders. It was times like this that tested a warrior’s dedication to the code.

  Grandfather, what would you have me do?


  Ancestral Guardian: An exalted ancestor whose sacral stone is placed in an armed statue that it can animate to enter battle alongside skorne warriors. It employs empty sacral stones to recover the slain as revered companions.

  Archdomina/Dominar: Rank reserved for skorne leader controlling multiple houses in pre-Empire skorne, or one of the tors (territories) in the Skorne Empire. Archdomina is female, Archdominar is male.

  Arcuarii: Arcuarii are a type of cataphract wielding an ancient weapon called an arcus.

  Arcus: A combined harpoon launcher and polearm weapon utilized by Arcuarii.

  Balaash: One of the greatest skorne houses before the Skorne Empire was unified, and subsequently ruling the empire under Supreme Archdomina Makeda, who seized this position by casting down Vinter Raelthorne IV.

  Bashek: House remembered primarily for Supreme Extoller Norvaak, who belonged to this house and brought it to ruin after committing heresy.

  Bloodrunners: A branch of paingivers focusing on fighting and assassination, closer to the warrior caste and noted for utilizing mortitheurgy for supernatural mobility and diversion.

  Cataphract: A highly respected upper warrior caste in the skorne, comprised of an extremely skilled and physically capable minority which learns to master heavy armor and special fighting formations. Several different traditions of cataphracts exist and each utilizes different weapons and fighting formations.

  Cetrati: Cetrati are a type of cataphract who wield war spears and shields, trained in close formation fighting.

  Cohort: One of the large fundamental army increments of the skorne. For many houses, a cohort represents its entire army, and is led by the tyrant or lord tyrant. Particularly large houses combine multiple cohorts into a sabaoth.

  Dakar: A skorne officer rank, utilized by those who lead either a datha or a taberna of soldiers. Junior dakar are entrusted to lead a datha, while senior ones are entrusted to lead a taberna.

  Datha: A small squad of warriors, usually six to ten in number, led b a dakar.

  Decurium: A sizable group of soldiers serving a house or army, being ten taberna or 200-500 warriors, led by a primus.

  Domina/Dominar: Rank above Lord Tyrant and below Archdominar reserved for the head of a significant house. Domina is female, dominar is male.

  Extoller: A highly respected spiritual caste responsible for burial rites, including preserving the most honored skorne in sacral stones after death. Extollers are skilled in mortitheurgy but practice this art to preserve, honor, and communicate with exalted ancestors. Extollers replace an eye with a crystal oculus to perceive spiritual essence.

  Exalted: Honored ancestors who are deceased but preserved on Caen in sacral stones are considered exalted, the state of being every skorne aspires to achieve by acts of valor. Very few skorne become exalted, and then generally only renowned members of the warrior caste. The exalted can occasionally be communicated with by extollers.

  Ferox: Term derived from deadly long-fanged carnivores used as mounts by skorne praetorians, applied to both the animal itself and those riding them. Ferox are never entirely tamed and employing them is always risky to the rider.

  Great Cataclysm: A vast disaster thousands of years ago Immoren was changed by a vast supernatural explosion, opening the Abyss and creating the Stormlands. This resulted in the destruction of the Lyoss Empire and forced the nomadic skorne to seek shelter in the Shroudfall Mountains, founding Malphas and beginning skorne civilization.

  Halaak: Largest skorne city, became the capital of the Skorne Empire after unification.

p; Harakith: Largest river north of the Shroudwall Mountains, feeds into the Mizrah Sea.

  Havaati: Primary language of the skorne.

  Hestatians: A lower warrior caste of skorne utilized primarily as city garrisons and rural militia, as well as the least skilled of any house warrior force. Often used as reserves or fodder in major battles.

  Hezaat: Largest river in the Skorne Empire, flowing from Melhaas Lake to the ocean near Kademe.

  Hokar: An explosive “paste” discovered by skorne chymists (alchemists) which can be utilized in cannons. Does not work well in small quantities (and hence small weapons).

  Hoksune: The Hoksune Code is the most important philosophical credo of the skorne warrior caste, originally set down by Vuxoris the First Exalted. It emphasizes how one is only truly alive in battle. Honor is found in fighting perfectly and fearlessly in the face of certain death, an inevitability one must simultaneously accept and defy.

  Immortals: Soldiers preserved by ancestral guardians to become revered companions frequently have their sacral stones set into statues armed for battle known as immortals, which fight in units alongside a house’s living soldiers.

  Jakaar: This major house gains dominance over House Lushon shortly after the invention of the reiver firearms. This house creates the first organized and trained venators.

  Kadamesh: Largest skorne ethnicity comprised mostly of southeastern skorne living along the fertile Hezaat River and also those dwelling in the city of Kademe. These skorne have emigrated throughout the Empire and can be found in every region.

  Kademe: Second largest skorne city, the only true “port city” in the Skorne Empire.

  Kadesh: Skorne language spoken predominantly in the southeast.

  Kahzek: Influential house in the city of Kademe, notable for Lord Tyrant Hyvlaarik who once defied the houses of Halaak but was slain in the Battle of the River Houses.

  Kajar: Considered part of the Kadamesh regional ethnicity, the Kajar are actually a distinct minority descended from southern skorne who did not seek shelter in Malphas after the Great Cataclysm.

  Kalos: Notable skorne settlement northwest of Halaak, close to the Blasted Desert.

  Karax: A fighting discipline of praetorians employing pikes and shields in formation to serve as resilient soldiers.

  Kasortaan: Small skorne ethnicity of the northernmost skorne including those living beyond the Shroudwall Mountains.

  Kolrathe Ocean: Ocean northeast of Immoren.

  Kovaas: “Rage ghost”, what happens to an exalted ancestor whose sacral stone is shattered, releasing their soul as an insane and wrathful spirit.

  Lord Tyrant: Rank above Tyrant and below Dominar, utilized in the Army of the Western Reaches for those leading a major cohort or multiple cohorts. Traditionally also a title in use by house lords allied and subordinate to a stronger house but in control of smaller houses.

  Makeda: Became Supreme Archdomina of the Skorne Empire after overthrowing the Conqueror, whom she had previously served as Archdomina of the Army of the Western Reaches and leader of House Balaash, that house’s greatest leader since Vaactesh, her grandfather. Sister of Akkad, younger daughter of Telkesh.

  Malphas: First city of the skorne, located below a cliff up in the Shroudwall Mountains. The origin of skorne civilization.

  Malzash: Skorne minority found primarily in Malphas and Halaak, they consider themselves the descendants of the most esteemed houses of ancient Malphas.

  Master: Master can be used as an honorary rank for many different roles in skorne society, mostly those among the worker caste, particularly those castes requiring specialized skills or advanced knowledge.

  Master Tormentor: An honorary rank to the paingivers who are at the top of their caste, and who are not counted as subordinate to other peers. Master tormentors are nominally the leaders of their caste, although presently subordinate to Lord Assassin Morghoul.

  Melhaas Lake: Smallest of the three major lakes south of the Shroudwall.

  Mirketh: Mirketh Lake is really an inland sea, the largest body of water of inland eastern Immoren, and in fact the largest inland sea of Immoren.

  Mokkar: The Mokkar - a great desert occupying a sizable section of the southern skorne territory. Some of this area is inhabited, but most skorne settlements are on the periphery or found near charted oasis.

  Morghoul: Lord Assassin serving the Skorne Empire as leader of the paingivers, which have been made a house under his command by Supreme Archdomina Makeda. Played a key role in the Second Unification, many battles of the Army of the Western Reaches, and ensuring the compliance of Halaak for Makeda.

  Morkaash: Ancient warrior-philosopher and ascetic who focused on learning anatomy and the infliction and endurance of pain and agony as a method of enlightenment. A key figure in the development of the paingivers, who also advanced mortitheurgy and whose philosophies also influenced the nihilators.

  Mortitheurge: One who practices mortitheurgy as a primary avocation and who is not an extoller, paingiver, or house leader. Master mortitheurge is a title of significant respect for those of exceptional skill in this field, and may be adopted as an honorific title by house rulers with sufficient depth of knowledge.

  Mortitheurgy: A broad field of skorne arcane study rooted in the energies of flesh, bone, and spiritual essence. Mortitheurgy allows some skorne to become warlocks. Its powers are essential not only to mortitheurges, but paingivers and extollers. Some degree of mastery over this study is required of all skorne house leaders.

  Nihilators: An extreme cult of warrior-ascetics who seek exaltation through acts of extreme courage and self-destruction on the battlefield. They seek spiritual clarity and supernatural power through self-inflicted pain.

  Paingiver: A versatile caste of assassins, spies, beast-handlers, and interrogators. An ancient tradition rooted in fundamental skorne philosophies laid down by Morkaash. The most proficient paingivers apply the principles of mortitheurgy to their arts. Currently led by Lord Assassin Morghoul and treated as a house under his rulership.

  Praetorians: Considered to represent the backbone of the warrior caste, soldiers of several fighting disciplines who serve their houses by following the hoksune code. Most praetorians practice sword mastery, but others employ polearms and shields, others subjugate and control ferox steeds to serve as cavalry.

  Primus: An officer title among the skorne, utilized by those who lead a decurium, the largest division of a cohort.

  Reiver: A type of skorne firearm which utilizes compressed explosive gas to hurl needle-like projectiles at great force at a long range.

  Revered Companions: Those preserved after death but counted just below true exalted in esteem are revered companions. This state is reserved for soldiers who die in major battles in the proximity of ancestral guardians or extollers who preserve them in sacral stones. Many become immortals and fight on for their house.

  Sabaoth: A large army of skorne, including multiple cohorts, generally led by a dominar.

  Sacral Stone: A piece of special obsidian which has been enchanted by special mortitheurgical rites known to the extollers to attract and preserve a soul before it passes beyond Caen. This is the mechanism of exaltation. Sacral stones or pieces of sacral stones contain great power which can be harnessed by weapons and armor.

  Shroudfall Mountains: Large chain of imposing mountains in the northern Skorne Empire serving as the primary geographical barrier between the northern and southern portions of eastern Immoren.

  Soresh: A dialect of Havaati found among the nomadic skorne of the plains and fringes.

  Sortaan: Plains of Sortaan, the great arid grassy expanse west of Halaak.

  Sortaani: Second largest skorne ethnicity, includes most of the western skorne including those in the plains and numerous smaller settlements.

  Taberna: A group of soldiers serving a house or army, literally a “tent” of warriors, being several datha, generally from 20-50 in number, led by a senior dakar.

  Tormentor: A rank of
experienced paingivers, the equivalent of an officer rank within their caste.

  Tyrant: Rank usually reserved to the head of the house army or the house itself, if it is a minor house. In a larger skorne army, this title may represent solely control of a cohort without authority over a house. Regardless, every tyrant will have a cohort that answers to him.

  Vaactesh: Notable Archdominar of House Balaash, father of Telkesh, grandfather of Makeda and Akkad.

  Venators: Venators are deemed members of the warrior caste, but of considerably lower standing than praetorians or cataphracts, due to their emphasis on fighting at a distance via the use of reivers and similar weapons, a relatively modern invention. This mode of combat, while essential to modern warfare, is less honorable according to hoksune.

  Venhokar: The explosive gas utilized in reivers and similar weapons, derived in a dangerous process involving pouring powerful acids over iron and collecting the gas which forms by this interaction.

  Verskone: Coastal town south of the Mokkar, isolated from the rest of the Empire by the desert.


  Larry Correia is the New York Times bestselling author of the Monster Hunter International series, the Grimnoir Chronicles trilogy, and the military thrillers Dead Six and Swords of Exodus. He has been a finalist for the Campbell award, the Julia Verlanger award, and won an Audie Award for Hard Magic. He is published by Baen Books. A former accountant, military contractor, firearms instructor, and machinegun dealer, Larry now lives in the mountains of northern Utah with his wife and children, where he has moose in his yard.


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