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Drowning in Love (Written in the Stars Book 6)

Page 12

by Kelsie Rae

  Once we were seated across from each other, I took a large gulp of my beer.

  Lily smiled brightly at me. “You probably think this happens all the time, but this is a first for me.”

  “The first time you’ve ever been asked for your number? I find that hard to believe.” My smile grew impossibly wider. Surely, she got hit on every night with how gorgeous she was. Their uniforms certainly led to men drooling all over themselves as I did earlier when I first spotted her.

  She blushed. Again. And I found it far too endearing.

  “I can’t even remember the last time I was asked out on a date.” She shrugged, looking over her shoulder to the bar.

  “Surely you don’t need to go so soon.” My stomach dropped at the thought.

  I’d never felt this way about anyone in my life. Why was she having this intense effect on me?

  It was as if she truly was a siren and I was being lured in by her voice. And her beauty. She was crazy beautiful, and I was caught in her snare.

  “I’ve got a few minutes. Tell me about yourself, Dante.” She rested her head in her palm, giving me her full attention.

  No pressure.

  “I’ll give you the basics. I’m Dante Ricci. I was born and raised in Italy.” Inwardly I smiled when I saw her eyes light up at my heritage. “I moved here to go to college at UCLA where I majored in business. I’m twenty-seven and have a nightclub in Riverside called Flux. I met my previous business partner, Michael, in college. He was from here and wanted to move back to the area to open up the club. It’s…well, that’s for another time. I love music and food,” I shrugged unsure of what else to say. “I’m a pretty simple guy.”

  “I’d say you’re far from simple, Mr. Ricci.” She smiled up at me through her long lashes before she tapped her fingernails on the table, biting her bottom lip. “I guess I should tell you a little about myself. I’m Lily Valenti. I’m twenty-four and was born and raised here in Fairlane.” I must have given her a quizzical look because she explained that I was indeed in Fairlane. “I live on the outskirts of town. More in the country I guess you could say. My aunt left me a house a few years ago that I’ve slowly been renovating. I work part time here at Rocco’s helping out the owner when someone doesn’t show up and to get me out of the house. Most of my time is spent writing. I have a series of small-town romance books that I’m slowly expanding on. I too love food and music.”

  I wanted to marry this woman.

  Although I probably shouldn’t tell her that. At least for now.

  Taking another sip of my beer, I sat up straighter in my seat and nervously ran my hand through my slightly too long hair. I’d been meaning to get it cut, but I hadn’t found the time. The longer it got the more it grew on me, so I decided to grow it out.

  “Now that we’ve gotten to know one another a little bit, I was hoping that you’d do me the honor of going out on a date where we can get to know each other better,” I managed to say without sounding too nervous, but when she didn’t answer after a few seconds I choked out, “Please. Sorry, I’m not normally nervous around women.” I cleared my throat, cursing myself for saying too much. Maybe she thought my nerves were cute.

  “Oh,” she placed her hand on mine and instantly my body jolted with electricity, “you poor thing. I bet you’ve never had to work for dates and here I am…”

  “You’re worth it,” I blurted out. I didn’t know what to do to show her this wasn’t a pickup line, or something I said to every woman I tried to bed.

  “You don’t even know me,” she answered back shyly.

  “That may be true, but I can tell.” I stopped myself from saying anything more like the fact that we may indeed be soulmates, the stars had aligned tonight for us to meet, and I planned to one day marry her and have lots of babies with her. I was sure it would freak her out just as much as the notion did to me. Or maybe this was all a dream. It was possible with how little sleep I’d been getting.

  Holding her hand out, she wiggled her fingers at me. “Give me your phone.”

  Too enthusiastically, I whipped my phone out of my back pocket and handed it over. I was a bumbling idiot in her presence instead of my usual smooth self. I heard her phone go off as she beamed at me from across the table.

  “There. Now I’ve got yours and you’ve got mine. I hope to hear from you soon, but for now, I’ve got to get back to work.” She stood and started to walk away. After only a few feet, she looked back over her shoulder. “It was really lovely to meet you, Dante.”

  “The pleasure was all mine,” I answered to her retreating form.

  The sway of her hips kept me hypnotized as she made her way back to the bar. When she took her place between the two blondes, she looked back over at me and winked.

  I sat for another few minutes as I tried to get my painfully erect cock under control before I left. I knew I was grinning like an idiot and I didn’t care, but I wasn’t going to let her see the bulge in my pants.

  I was so fucked.

  I’d been with my fair share of women. I didn’t do relationships and I definitely didn’t do whatever the hell it was that I had done earlier at the bar, but there was something about Lily that drew me to her. I wanted more with her. Dare I say a relationship? Or more? I only hoped I didn’t come off as some goofball that she was going to turn down when I called to ask her out.

  Stopped at a stoplight, I pulled out my phone to ask her out for the next night. Only a few minutes in her presence and I was already pussy whipped.

  Dante: Are you free for dinner tomorrow night?

  Luckily, she didn’t make me wait long before she texted back. The moment I pulled into my garage I had another big grin on my face as I read her message.

  Lily: I’d love to.

  Dante: I’ll pick you up at 7 for dinner and dancing?

  Lily: Perfect! See you tomorrow! I’ll send you directions tomorrow since it will be late when I get home.

  I didn’t bother to tell her I was a night owl and she could text me anytime she pleased. Owning a night club, you worked at all hours of the day and night. I needed to be there to accept deliveries in the morning and also be there at night once it was open to manage the staff and anything and everything that came up.

  Once inside, I took a cold shower but even that didn’t help my aching cock. I couldn’t get Lily out of my head or the way she moved when she was dancing on that bar.

  Bracing myself with one hand on the cool tile, my other hand squeezed the tip of my cock. I let out a low moan as I envisioned that it was Lily’s hands on me. Touching me. Caressing me. I imagined what she’d look like down on her knees as she took my cock deep into her throat with her pretty pink lips sucking me off. The image alone made me explode. I came harder than ever before as shot after shot of my cum streamed out and slowly traveled down the drain.

  Continue the story here

  Check out the rest of the written in the stars series

  Reluctant in Love by Rebecca Gallo (Writing In The Stars Book 1) –

  Bittersweet Love by Q.B. Tyler (Writing In The Stars Book 2) –

  Daring to Love by Karen Ferry (Writing In The Stars Book 3) –

  Price of Love by Erica Marselas (Writing In The Stars Book 4) –

  Intrigued by Love by Sienna Snow (Writing In The Stars Book 5) –

  Drowning in Love by Kelsie Rae (Writing In The Stars Book 6) –

  Fearless to Love by Harlow Lane (Writing In The Stars Book 7) –

  Jaded by Love by AJ Alexander (Writing In The Stars Book 8) –

  Measure of Love by C.M. Seabrook (Writing In The Stars Book 9) –

  Consumed by Love by CM Albert (Writing In The Stars Book 10) –

  Wandering in Love by Andi Jaxon (Writing In The Stars Book 11) –

  Crashing into Love by Hollis Wynn (Writing In The Stars Book 12) –

  Interested in Owen’s story?


  A Few Years Earlier

  “Don’t,” I please, my voice cracking at the same time my heart threatens to.


  “Don’t,” I repeat, cutting him off. “Don’t do this.”

  “It’s not like I want to do this, Say––”

  “Stop. Please. I’m begging you.” The cool pavement almost burns my bare thighs as I nearly collapse onto the steps outside my house. I’d worn a jean skirt with a pair of navy blue sneakers tonight because he always loved it. And I loved how confident it made me feel. But now I’m regretting my clothing choice because it leaves me feeling bare. And right now, I need all the protection I can get.


  Dropping my head into my hands, I dig my nails into my scalp, and tangle them into my hair. The bite of pain isn’t enough to keep my heart from breaking though.

  “Say… look at me.”

  I can’t.

  Shaking my head, I squeeze my eyes shut but can still hear his movement as he squats down and sits beside me. I have so many memories on this porch with him. So many smiles. So many stolen kisses. So many late night talks about our future and everything we’re going to achieve. Together.

  I almost want to laugh because I couldn’t have been more wrong.

  “Babe. You’re killing me right now.”

  With a dry laugh, I hastily wipe away a tear from beneath my eye before he can see the physical evidence of what he’s putting me through.

  “I’m killing you right now?” I scoff. “Are you kidding me?”

  I finally find the courage to look up at him. The pain is clearly etched into his face, but it does nothing to ease the ache in my chest. If anything, it only amplifies it.

  “Don’t do this, Owen,” I plead.

  “You think I want to do this?” His jaw tightens. “Do you think I want––”

  “Then why the hell are you doing this?” I spit, my frustration finally boiling over. “We’ve talked about this. We can make this work. I can––”

  “Stop, Say. Just stop. I’ve been fucking sick over this, okay?”

  “Don’t play the martyr and say you’re doing this for me. That’s bullshit, and you know it.”


  “Stop saying my name.” I shake my head in an attempt to erase all the times he’s said my name. The deep grittiness in his voice when he’d whisper it against my ear. The light ease when he’d say it on a laugh. All of it. I just… I can’t hear it anymore. Not from him.


  I laugh, though there isn’t any humor in it. In fact, it hurts more than anything else in the world. “That’s even worse.”

  “I’m not going to hold you back, Say. I refuse to.” His voice is quiet. Pained. It’s excruciating.

  And only fuels the flames.

  “No. You don’t get to say that to me. You just want to enjoy the spotlight. That’s it, isn’t it? You want to be able to go to college and enjoy the new plethora of college girls who are going to be worshipping the new football god at their school. Heaven forbid, you stay in a committed relationship, right? Where’s the fun in that?”

  “Wanna talk about bullshit, Say?” he snaps. “What the hell are you talking about? I love the shit out of you. You know that! Don’t discount my feelings for you or everything that we’ve shared together. That’s not fair.”

  “That’s rich, coming from the guy who’s throwing it all away just because he’s moving. Especially when you refused to let me come!” I shout, my entire body trembling. The air is still a little cool, and the evening rain only amplified it. But I’m so hot with rage right now that I don’t really give a shit.

  “And take you away from your family?” he counters. “And your dream school?”

  “I would do it for you––”

  “And that’s why I can’t let you.”

  There’s a finality in his voice, but I refuse to give in.

  “Owen, please––”

  “No.” He shakes his head. “I’m not going to hold you back from your dreams. I’m not going to––”

  “You are my dream!” I scream. “And I’m even fine being second to yours. How’s that for irony, huh?” My shoulders deflate as I voice aloud my greatest fear. I’ll always be second to football for Owen. Everything will be. He used to eat, sleep, and breathe football until he saw me one day in high school and I changed everything. Or at least, I thought I did. Now I realize I was nothing but a distraction and he just didn’t know how to get rid of me.

  Still, I’m too selfish to let him go. I can’t. I need him. I love him.

  “You want to leave and chase your dreams, and I’m okay with that, Owen. I really am. I’m your biggest fan, remember? I’ve told you that I’ll go. I’ll follow you. I’ll get a job. I’ll––”

  “Say, you can’t honestly think I’d be able to live with myself if I let you waste your future for me. You need to stay here with your family. You need to go to college. You need to––”

  Gritting my teeth, I shake my head. “Don’t tell me what I need. I need you! I want you. I’ve told you this a thousand times. Why won’t you even try a long distance relationship? You won’t even try,” I repeat, my voice cracking a second time as the tears finally spill down my cheeks, winning the battle I’d been fighting. “Why won’t you try?”

  “Because you deserve more than sitting around and wasting your time with an asshole like me who can’t put you first.”

  “I don’t care about that,” I choke out. My arms pebble with goosebumps as the anger finally burns out and is replaced with an overwhelming grief that is crippling. I rub my hands along my arms in an attempt to keep the numbness at bay.

  “I’m a piece of shit kid, Say. Do you know how guilty I feel? How selfish? You’re in love with a selfish bastard. You’re too good for me. You’ve always been too good for me. You deserve much more than the life you’d live if you waited for me. I can’t ask you to wait. It’s not fair to you.”

  “That’s not true,” I argue. “And it’s not your choice to make. It’s mine.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong,” he corrects me, though I can see how much it pains him. I look up to see a different boy in front of me, than the one I fell in love with.

  “Don’t,” I plead. “Don’t break my heart, Owen. Please. I’m begging you.” Raising my hand to my mouth, I chew on the pad of my thumb as I watch the future I’d dreamed of slip through my fingers.

  “I love the shit out of you, Say. But I promise that one day, you’ll find someone else who will be able to give you the life you deserve, not the shitty one you’d be destined to have if you were stuck with my sorry ass.”

  I turn to stone as he presses his lips against my forehead for the last time. The heat from his mouth brings an onslaught of memories to the surface, hitting harder than a sledgehammer. Our first date. Our first kiss. The night I gave him everything. The night he promised we’d make it through anything. The night he got the call that he’d received a full-ride scholarship across the country, along with a position on the football team that promised he’d be the star. I remember everything. And I feel it all, too. Until the pressure of his lips disappear.

  The numbness I’d been keeping at bay finally overwhelms me and I welcome it with open arms.

  “I love you, Say,” he repeats on a breath. “I’m so sorry.”

  “If you were sorry, you wouldn’t let me go,” I whisper.


  “Goodbye, Owen. I really hope that when you look back at this moment, you’ll realize how badly you screwed up and that it’s the biggest mistake you’ll ever make.”

  I walk toward my front door and slam it behind me, closing the door on the love of my life and the future I’d thought we’d build together.

  Because it�
��s obvious I was the only one who was willing to fight for it.

  Preorder Saylor Here

  Also by Kelsie Rae

  Signature Sweethearts Series

  (Contemporary Romance Standalones)











  Advantage Play Series

  (Romantic Suspense/Mafia Series)

  Wild Card

  Dark King

  Little Bird

  Bitter Queen

  Stand Alones


  Hired Hottie- Cocky Hero World

  Crush-KB Hero World

  Drowning in Love

  Bartered Souls Duet (Urban Fantasy Series)

  Gambled Soul

  Wager Won

  Sign up for Kelsie’s newsletter to receive exclusive content, including the first two chapters of every new book two weeks before its release date!

  About the Author

  Kelsie is a sucker for a love story with all the feels. When she's not chasing words for her next book, you will probably find her reading or, more likely, hanging out with her husband and playing with her three kiddos who love to drive her crazy.

  She adores photography, baking, her yorkie, her boxer, and her devon rex. Now that she's actively pursuing her writing dreams, she's set her sights on someday finding the self-discipline to not binge-watch an entire series on Netflix in one sitting.

  If you’d like to connect with Kelsie, follow her on Facebook, sign up for her newsletter, or join Kelsie Rae's Reader Group to stay up to date on new releases, exclusive content, giveaways, and her crazy publishing journey.


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