Bloodlines 2 Ancestry

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Bloodlines 2 Ancestry Page 3

by Toni L. Meilleur

  Slowly she came down off the orgasmic high, which was so strong that ripples still made themselves known now and then. When she finally had some sense of time and reality she opened her eyes, to find Minn looking down kindly upon her. “You’re all clean now,” she smiled, plopping the sponges in the bucket.

  “Why?” Allantra croaked out as her voice finally reappeared. She didn’t understand why Za’rae would insist on this. Was the old woman some kind of pervert? Minn stood with the bucket.

  “Because during orgasm your mind is open to probing,” came Dharean’s voice.

  Allantra sat up to see Dharean standing in the doorway, his arms folded across his chest, and a raging hard-on that seemed to point straight at her.

  Orgasm forgotten, rage ruling, Allantra forgot to cover her nakedness and stood. Thank goodness she had control of her body again. “How long have you been here?” she spat at him, not really sure if her anger stemmed from her privacy being violated or embarrassment at what she had clearly enjoyed.

  “Long enough to probe your mind,” Dharean replied flatly, though his voice was a deceiver of his emotions. He was churning inside with desire, confusion and most of all disgust at his inability to control his emotions whenever he was around her. “You will be happy to know I found no corrupt thoughts, at least pertaining to betrayal and our people.”

  “If you would have but let me finish, we could have avoided all of this.” Allantra could feel the anger boiling dangerously close to the surface. Though she knew she could never take this wizard on and win, she didn’t care. She was pissed off and she wanted him to know it.

  “But then you wouldn’t have had the benefit of Minn’s ministrations. They are legendary as I understand it.” Dharean smiled, this woman was way too easy to embarrass. Minn blushed prettily until she caught the expression on Allantra’s face then hastily excused herself, leaving the door creaking in the wake of her hasty exit.

  “I understand Za’rae ordered the—uh” she faltered, her tongue having a hard time voicing what her mind was quite frank with. “Bath,” she finished, turning away as she said the word. She was reminded suddenly that she was naked, and this powerful man was aroused. She eyed the hut trying to find a blanket anything that would cover her.

  “Yes, Za’rae has the innate ability to see inside one’s soul; every now and then she likes to double check, just to make sure her years aren’t interfering with her wisdom. The hut is spelled to detect any corrupt thoughts that mean her or her people harm. What are you doing?” he frowned at her, irritated by the fact that she seemed distracted.

  “Isn’t it obvious, oh wise one?” she replied sarcastically sweet. “Or did you not notice I am the only one naked here?” The minute the words were out of her mouth she regretted them. She had a smart mouth and boy did it get her into trouble—a lot.

  “Well if you wished me naked you had only to ask. Just because you are a prisoner does not mean that you don’t have certain rights.” For the first time he truly smiled at her, and one dimple popped out on the left side of his face. Allantra caught her breath at the sheer beauty of the man. She stood frozen as he tore the loincloth effortlessly from around his waist. Her eyes followed the cloth as it fluttered gently to the floor. Then slowly her traitorous, greedy eyes took in the impressive cock pointing at her in accusation. It seemed to accuse her for its state of arousal. Guilty as charged and so willing to take the punishment…

  “Do I meet your approval, Scion?” he inquired softly, reveling in the effect he had on her. “Or is your mind occupied with your vampyre lover?” Dharean had no idea what was wrong with him or why he was even baiting her. But he couldn’t help himself. He was jealous; yes jealous of the vampyre he had never met, never even knew existed until he met her hours ago. He approached her on silent predatory feet until his body was vertically flushed with hers, though he towered over her. He could feel the heat from her body brushing against his. “Do you compare us, little one?” he chided.

  “You are both … desirable.” She fumbled over her words, wanting to step away from him but drawn into his net. Her voice sounded airy, far away.

  “Then perhaps I need an advantage. I was never one for tying or losing,” he whispered into the shell of her ear.

  All of her senses warned her to simply step away from him. To scream, do anything but stand there and wait to see what he wanted to do to her. Her feet stayed glued to the mat. Her will for the moment his. It must be a spell, she thought frantically. She would never betray Khaelen this way, and yet she seemed to be in Dharean’s thrall.

  His tongue snaked out, following the delicate curves of her ears. Warm hands lightly grasped each shoulder and slowly traveled down. When they reached midway down her arms, he brought them up slowly and each hand brushed a side of her breasts. In unison his thumbs playfully encircled the sides of the firm small globes. As he nibbled her ears, his thumbs found her nipples and tweaked them, Allantra moaned softly hoping only she heard the sound. She was wrong, for Dharean’s sharp hearing picked up the moan and it only encouraged him further. He began to kiss his way down her neck, alternating between biting and sucking. One hand wound its way down between her legs, where she was already moist from Minn’s attentions.

  It was so easy to slip inside her folds; she brought one leg up against his hips. His thumb teased her clit while his fingers lightly pushed in and out of her. Allantra masturbated against his hand, while his other one sensually massaged her breast, without warning his teeth sank into her neck, not to draw blood, but to claim dominance, demand submission. It was the way of the shifter.

  Though Allantra had not been raised among purebloods, instinct told her what this meant and instantly she rebelled. She would not be dominated by anyone. So close to orgasm, she brought her leg down. “Get your teeth out of my neck,” she demanded.

  Startled at the interruption, Dharean withdrew and looked down at her. His eyes were heavy with arousal, his cock a physical reminder between them of his desire to release. “I know you want me, Allantra from the Civil Lands.” He said arrogantly. Though the women around here would never testify to it during the reign of the sun, he knew under the cover of night there was no denying him. He was an excellent lover and well he knew that.

  “Yes, but I will not be dominated.” Her voice hard, she attempted to push him away, he didn’t move but she was sure he got the message.

  “It is in a woman’s nature to be dominated,” he said matter-of-factly.

  “Not this woman!” Allantra’s voice began to rise.

  “Perhaps not now, but you will,” he laughed. He laughed at her. Allantra was seething now. How could she have allowed this barbarian to even touch her so intimately? It had to be a spell. “I came here looking for purebloods, to end the reign of the vampires in the Civil Lands. I did not come here looking for a roll in the hay.” Her voice dripped venom as she looked into his gray eyes. Mistake—again. His eyes, aroused, looked even sexier, and though she was pissed at him, his eyes made her want to…

  “And yet, here we are, getting off to a great start,” he said. Yes, he made her want to kick the shit out of him.

  “You will be getting off by yourself,” she retorted, finally spotting a blanket under some odds and ends. She marched right to it and began yanking it, sending pots and pans, bottles and beads rolling in all directions. After getting the blanket wrapped around her toga style she faced him, well aware of the fact that he had watched not only her retreat, but also her ass as she bent to retrieve the blanket. She tried to toss those small facts aside as she faced him with the confidence of a blanket wrapped around her. “I am aware that this is not my hut, but could you get the hell out?” she asked, lifting one eyebrow in expectation. “After all, prisoners do have certain rights and I believe one of those is not seeing an unwelcome visitor.” She knew she was pulling the tail of a really big tiger that probably didn’t play well with others, but she needed to be alone and right now she was willing to take just about any risk to achi
eve that.

  Dharean walked back; absolutely confident of where his cloth lay. He summoned it onto his body as a small display of power. Letting her know just who and what she was dealing with. “Do not forget, young one, your life is in my hands, and my hands alone. Za’rae would never take your side against me. You will do well to seek my favor,” he warned her. He left so quickly she didn’t see him move. Did he teleport as well? She thought that to be only a power a vampire held.

  Speaking of vampires her heart immediately felt guilty. She had let another touch her. It wasn’t like she and Khaelen had agreed to be exclusive. Truth be told, they had not even discussed the nature of their relationship or even where it was going. But she knew in her soul that he was committed to her, as she had committed herself to him. Then why was she so ready to jump Dharean’s bones?

  She couldn’t deny the similarities of the situations. They both were men of power, leaders to their people. They both held her life in their hands. She was equally and insanely attracted to them both. The only difference being, she had gotten to know Khaelen and had actual feelings for him. She had just met Dharean and he stirred the same lust in her as Khaelen did when she first met him. What did that mean? What exactly was she missing here? Her mind snagged on something Dharean had called her. Scion. Why would he call her that? She shook her head, as it began to crowd with too many questions and not enough answers. Khaelen had not tried to contact her. Even with her shields up she only felt a shadow of him. Perhaps the blood link was waning because he had not taken her blood in awhile. She was beginning to feel desperate without him, she felt a strong pull to be by his side, she had to convince these people quickly to come back with her, and she wanted to go back home. Worst of all she was freaking horny and unsatisfied.

  * * * *

  The Quarter Guard fell heavily to his knees at the intrusion of Dominica. On all fours he breathed raggedly fighting the pain of the intrusion in his mind.

  “What do you have for me, human?” she hissed as she searched through his memories. She watched as they played out the tracking of the bitch Allantra. She gasped in delight as she saw his capture of her; it was immediately diminished when she saw his prisoner freed just as quickly.

  She searched the human’s memories thoroughly. The shifter who freed Allantra seemed quite powerful indeed, yet he was pureblood. At least she knew for certain now that more existed. She would have to tread carefully around this shape shifter, for he carried old magic within him. The same kind of powerful magic the others carried long ago.

  Pick up the trail of that bitch, and, this time, bring me back what I need.

  Yes, Dominica.

  This time, do not get caught unawares. I need them alive.

  Yes, Dominica.

  If you fail me, human, death would be too good for you.

  Yes, Dominica.

  Nourish yourself fool, you do me no good half starved! I will send reinforcements.

  Then she retreated from the humans’ mind. He felt the nausea build up and quickly the bile followed. Her power was too much for his human mind and often caused him physical illness, but that was not the concern of the Elder. His existence was for her benefit alone. He rose slowly wiping the remnants of spittle from his mouth. He retrieved a knife from the holster at his hip and looked around for game. He would nourish himself and then he would track down Shifters for his Elder.

  Chapter Three

  The woman pissed him off to no end! He wanted to strangle her perfectly formed beautiful neck. How dare she practically order him out of the hut! Wasn’t she the prisoner after all? Dharean grunted loudly not caring if he scared the nearby women. Why Za’rae kept insisting she was the one was beyond him. Where in the prophecy did it say it was the first woman to come from the Civil Lands? For all any of them knew, there could be another one on her way right now, that was much more pleasant and willing. Of course he knew they couldn’t possibly be as beautiful. He grunted again, he was like a whelp scenting his first female.

  Indeed he had read her mind and knew exactly why she was here. She was the one and he knew it, he just wished it wasn’t her. It had never occurred to him that the prophecy was referring to him in particular. Was he just cursed? Dharean marched into his own hut and closed the door without latching it. No one dared barge in on him. Besides it made it difficult for the village women to sneak in to him when desiring his favors. With that thought, his cock didn’t stir as it normally did. He had but one woman on his mind, and though he thoroughly detested her right now, there was no denying he wanted her. He consoled himself that he did not desire other women right now simply because she posed a challenge that he meant to overcome. The fascination wouldn’t last once he had her in his bed. He smiled wickedly to himself. Tomorrow was another day. Tomorrow was a good day to teach wenches from the Civil Lands a little bit about the Noir Brujo.

  * * * *

  Allantra held her tongue as Minn clucked about, ordering her to hurry and eat. She had slept fitfully the night before. The plain sack of a dress she had been given to wear was itchy and contributed to her restless night. Dharean kept entering her dreams and for a while she believed that he could enter her dreams at will. Eventually she talked herself out of that foolishness, or was it? No matter what she dreamed he appeared looking at her with lustful intent. He whispered words in her ear making her melt and yearn for his touch. However, each time she fought him off, feeling that if she gave in to him in the dream somehow it would carry over into the waking world.

  She concentrated hard and late into the night, he finally stopped appearing but other things began to haunt her dreams. Screams. They came from a woman who looked like her. The woman’s face was dirty and streaked with the path of many tears. Her hair hung long and matted as if it hadn’t been washed in a long time. She seemed to be looking right at Allantra and begging her … for what she didn’t know. The woman was chained brutally against a wall and seemed close to death. She felt the dream was important as well as the woman, she sighed in frustration as she tried to remember what the woman was trying to tell her. Next thing she knew, Minn was shaking her telling her she had to awaken, for there was a long day prepared for her. Allantra wanted desperately to bite her head off, but figured it was about time she got allies in this place. She needed an escape route if the Purebloods here wouldn’t hear her out. She would just have to find another way or maybe other shifters to aid her; these seemed powerful but very old world. She looked up to see Minn staring at her as she gulped her last bite of eggs.

  “What?” Allantra asked around a mouthful of eggs. Minn hesitated before answering.

  “How is it that you don’t even know simple spells?”

  “I told you before; I grew up in the Civil Lands. Hell, it’s just recently I found out I was even a Pureblood.” Allantra swallowed the last of her breakfast. Minn was a good cook.

  “I thought the Vampyres killed all the Purebloods in the Civil Lands.” Minn looked at Allantra with more than a little bit of suspicion.

  “They did. A human raised me. Maybe she thought I was of mixed blood.”

  “Possible.” Minn said carefully she sat her plump body down rather delicately across from Allantra. “If you are a True Blood your power is innate. A few teachings and you too can do simple spells.” Allantra shrugged wondering what the woman was up to. “Would you be willing to try?” she looked closely at Allantra for a reaction.

  “Why don’t you just come out and say or ask what it is you want. Seeing as how I keep finding myself someone’s prisoner I assure you I am quite used to interrogation.” Allantra let her catlike eyes train on the servant, giving her a look meant to make her uneasy. Bingo! Minn shifted nervously.

  “There is a whispering in the village about you.”

  “Boy, am I surprised.” Allantra bit out dryly.

  “Some believe the prophecy is about to be given a chance to be fulfilled. Others think you are with the vampyres, searching us out to eradicate the rest of us. They cry for your
blood immediately.”

  This sent the dry humor right out of Allantra’s mouth. They were ready to stone her? Maybe tie her to a stake? Hell she had to get out of here. Allantra swallowed slowly trying to appear calm. “What exactly is stopping them?”

  “Za’rae; she would never allow it, that and the fact that Dharean didn’t kill you outright.”

  Allantra let out a deep breath. The woman turned her blood cold, but right now that funny looking old lady was the only thing keeping her butt alive. “Why did he not kill you?” Minn asked almost as if talking to herself.

  “What of you, Minn? Do you think I am in league with the vampires?”

  “I know you spoke of them. You smelled faintly of one when you were found. It was also part of the reason Za’rae wanted you bathed. The herbs and ointment in the water can remove all kinds of scents. She thought it would be easier for the people to listen to you with a fair ear, if you had not the scent of a vampyre on you.”

  “It certainly makes sense. But you haven’t answered my question.”

  “I reserve my opinion. Za’rae is wise and has led us strong. We have flourished and, though slow, our numbers are increasing. Za’rae believes you are the one in the prophecy and that carries much weight with me. Za’rae, however, believes everyone should make up their own mind. So I wait to see what your actions say to me.”

  “Thank you, Minn.”


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