The Visitor_Texas 1863_1869

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The Visitor_Texas 1863_1869 Page 21

by Barbara Svetlick

  Garnett and James looked over at Meeks as lightening hit a stand of trees near the adobe followed by loud clap of thunder drowning out everything as the sound of the panicked longhorns rose above the thunder.

  “I think we’ve got a problem.”

  They all grabbed their guns and headed at a dead run for the stables. Dominic grabbed his jeans as he watched the cattle bumping up against each other as the stampede increased with hundreds of cattle crossing the river. Mr. Gomez was standing on his porch as they trampled the garden fences kicking up so much mud that it covered everything in their path. Mirisa slipped on her jeans and a blouse and stood looking out as they seemed to be coming out of nowhere when one came up on the porch scaring her before it pushed over the railing falling off. She went to the front of the house and watched as they seemed to be coming from every direction and the ground shook. Mr. Gomez was on his porch waving his hat vigorously and she kept praying he wouldn’t be crushed under them. James and Meeks got near the front of the herd and slowly began turning them north while Dominic and Garnett kept them from breaking off.

  Mirisa walked back to the porch to find a lone longhorn bull standing on the edge of the river braying and snorting. Matthew came out and wrapped around his mother’s legs looking at the big bull which kept shaking his head as mucus flew in all directions and blood was running down from his left eye.

  “Did he break the house?”

  Mirisa picked Matthew up and put him up on the counter in the kitchen as the bull snapped his head and blew into the dirt. She walked over to the bar taking down Dominic’s rifle and then pulling out the box of shells. The bull seemed to be getting angrier but hadn’t moved. She loaded the rifle and told Matthew not to move as she walked to the doors watching him. Mirisa slowly opened the door as he let out a horrible sound and headed right for her. She lowered the rifle to between his eyes and pulled the trigger. It threw her back into the house as the bull continued to advance on the porch. She scrambled to her feet, aimed and pulled the trigger again and again until the rifle was empty. She scooted back against the table until she could stand up. Matthew was standing on the counter with his mouth wide open. He started to climb down when she yelled at him and Matthew froze because his mother had never raised her voice to him. Mirisa reloaded the rifle and slowly walked to the door closing it. She walked back to Matthew and climbed up on the counter sitting down with him.


  “Yes Matthew?”

  “Are we going to have him for dinner?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  They sat there as the rain continued to fall. “Momma?”

  “Yes Matthew.”

  “I’m hungry.”

  She slipped off the counter and took out a tin of cookies and the picture of milk. When Garnett and James came around the house, they found Senior Gomez standing next to a bull splayed out half on the steps. James trained his rifle on him as Garnett prodded him to see if he was dead.

  “He’s definitely dead.” He pulled up his head by a horn. “Damn, six good shots.”

  Dominic walked up assessing the damage to the porch and the broken glass. He stepped around the bull and walked into the house finding Mirisa and Matthew sitting on the counter eating cookies. His rifle was across her lap and he could tell she was just holding it together for her son.

  “Daddy. Momma shot a great big bull.”

  Garnett walked in taking a cookie out of the tin before taking the rifle from her. James sent Senior Gomez over to Tom’s to get someone to get the bull for slaughter. He came back and Meeks helped him pull the bull off of the steps into the yard then went into the house. Garnett poured a shot and handed it to Mirisa who sipped on it.

  “Well, at least you opened the door before you shot.”

  Matthew turned over on his stomach and slid off the counter walking out onto the porch as Dominic started cleaning the blood off the steps. Meeks turned to find Mirisa quietly sitting on the counter. He put his hand under her chin. “Sugar, you can ride with me any day.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck as he lifted her down. Mirisa finally stepped out onto the porch cautiously looking at the size of the longhorn as Tom Jr. pulled up in the buckboard. He jumped out with a few cowhands.

  “Geez Ms. Mirisa. That is one mighty big bull.” She thought he was such a good looking boy with the most impeccable manners but he had a way of making her laugh. Matthew ran up to Tom talking a mile a minute telling him about the bull trying to come in the house but his Momma cussed at the bull yelling that he’d get in her house over her damn dead body then she shot him dead right between the eyes. They all turned and looked at Mirisa.

  “What happened to the rest of them?”

  Dominic looked at her. “We turned them north and Tom sent out his men to round them up. I told him I would send him a bill for the damage if he was going to claim them.”

  “They have never come this close to the house.”

  “No, they usually feed down south. I’m not sure what happened to run them up this way except with all the rain the river has been encroaching on the pastures.”

  She watched as they butchered the bull and put it on the buckboard. They cleaned up the area so they wouldn’t have problems with the smell bringing in predators. Tom dropped the hide and horns on Sr. Gomez’s front porch and headed back to the butchering shed. Mirisa stepped down off the porch and walked around the house looking at the damage to her gardens. The fences were trampled to the point they would have to be rebuilt, the gardens were trampled and a few of the newer trees were snapped in half.

  James was standing in the middle of the orchard so she walked out touching the trees with her fingertips as she walked past them. “I think cattle are more dangerous than a hurricane and louder.” He looked up and laughed.

  James put his arm around her as they stood looking out over the western horizon. “You did really well today. Before long we’ll have to make you a member of the Unit.”

  The rhythmic sound on the tin roof was one of Mirisa’s much loved sounds. She fixed lunch and put it on the table. Matthew was playing checkers with his father when the boys stepped onto the porch as a crack of thunder rumbled in the distance and the rain started with earnest.

  James snatched Matthew up as he went by and took him in the kitchen to help Mirisa. Mirisa kissed them both on the cheek and reached up for the dishes. She had baked fresh bread so she cut it and took it out with the dishes. James put Matthew on his shoulders handing him the cups as he picked up the picture of fresh milk. They were discussing the ride so she put the dishes down and went back in the kitchen. Garnett was kicked back against the railing watching her but the vision of her on the porch kept popping into his mind.

  “I hope the rain lets up soon. The pastures on the southern point are water logged and the fences are in two feet of water.”

  Garnett turned back to the conversation. “I think you need to stop dangling your wife in front of us. You’re playing with fire and I haven’t figured out if that is your intent or you are just foolish.”

  Dominic put his glass down. “If she were married to any of you, I am sure that I would be weighing just how far to go because she is that alluring. If you are trying to find out how much I am aware of the feelings, then rest assured that I am always aware.”

  “If you are aware of our feelings, why are you using your wife to play the game you know all of us respond to? Wouldn’t it be easier to just work on keeping her happy?”

  “She has been very happy since Matthew was born.”

  “Dominic, you are building your house on sand and each time you step out it undermines your house. Each time you provocatively display her when she isn’t aware that you are aware we are watching you are undermining her. You think you can handle the consequences but I honestly believe if she gave into another man that you are going be surprised at your own reaction. Stop playing with fire.”

  “She’ll never leave me.”

  Meeks poured
the last of the bottle in his glass and downed it before getting up. Garnett watched as Meeks left the porch heading for the adobe.

  Mirisa stood back from the doorway stunned by their conversation and confused with the implication. She turned before they knew she had overheard anything and walked back into the kitchen to help her son down from the counter.

  “Matthew, go out and sit with your father.”

  James looked up as she handed Matthew the napkins and sent him out onto the porch. She was biting her bottom lip and in deep thought. “Problem?”

  Mirisa looked up at him and started to say something then stopped. He waited. “James.”


  “Were you unfaithful to your wife?”

  He raised his eyebrows. “I was really only with my wife for five or six days before I went west with the army so no I wasn’t unfaithful during that time.”

  “And while you were away from each other?”

  “Mirisa, what is the problem?”

  She turned to the sink pretending to be washing whatever was in the sink. “Is it easy for men to be in love…” She took in her breath. “I mean is it easy to appear to be happily married around your wife and still be unfaithful?”

  He turned her around by her shoulders and wrapped his arms around her knowing that she must have overheard something because she had appeared to be happy only moments before. He ran his hand down her hair and lifted her chin to look in her eyes. “I much prefer to talk to you about anything except men and infidelity because no matter what I say it won’t make you feel better and it definitely won’t make me feel better.”

  “If you loved me, would you be faithful even if you were away from me?”

  James laughed. “I can’t answer that…”

  “Why, it should be easy to answer or am I to assume that even though a woman’s love is forever a man’s isn’t strong enough to keep him out of another’s beds?”

  “A woman’s love is not forever nor are women particularly faithful once married despite the fact that they may or may not be in love.”

  She pondered his statement quietly. “My love is.”

  “Your love for whom?” The tears ran down her cheeks as he wiped them away with his thumb. “You doubt your love for Dominic for some reason.”

  “No I’m not. I have no doubt about my love. I have never felt secure with his love for me or his faithfulness. Is that why everyone said I shouldn’t marry him?”

  “Damn Mirisa, don’t you think you should talk to him if you have doubts?”

  “I have and he doesn’t really respond except to distract me with passion that I have no abilities to fight against.” She picked up the platter of bread. “You once said what I knew about one of you was the same for all of you. Is that true?”

  He exhaled. “No.” She nodded and left the kitchen.

  Mirisa put the bread on the table and sat down. James came out with Matthew’s bowl of peas and potatoes. He looked around for Meeks as Garnett just shook his head. After dinner, they went into the great room and Mirisa put Matthew to bed before slipping out of the house.

  Mirisa found Meeks sitting in the great room with his eyes closed and a drink in his hand. She walked up to him but didn’t say anything. He didn’t open his eyes though he knew she was there. “Mirisa, you need to leave.” She knelt down in front of him and he opened his eyes and sat up. He had spent his entire life with women and never could he remember having any feelings one way or the other.

  “Go home.” She searched his eyes but she didn’t move. She was so far out of her league that Meeks knew she would submit to him without realizing she had. Never had he had a second thought on whether or not to take a woman nor did he care if it hurt them. “Mirisa, what do you want?”

  “I want the truth. I don’t know what to do.”

  “And you think I do?” He sipped his drink and sat back. “Do you think I have feelings for you?”


  “Why do you think that?”

  “Because every time you touch me I can feel them and every time I respond you punish me like you are doing now.”

  He narrowed his eyes and looked at her. “You should not be here.”

  “You’re right.” Mirisa started to get up as Meeks reached up and pulled her down. She didn’t resist him at all.

  “There would be no feeling in taking you.” He was holding her wrist tightly keeping her from moving.

  “You know that’s not true. You have spent so much time building a wall where you could take without ever giving until I came along. You have so freely given to me and asked for nothing.”

  He kissed her and moved his hand up her blouse. Her reaction surprised him. “You are right.” He let go of her. “How can you say you love Dominic and yet you physically react when another man touches you?”

  “I can’t give you an answer or maybe the answer is one I am afraid to give a voice.” He saw her bottom lip start to quiver and he remembered just how young, sheltered and inexperienced she was. How in the world do you hold off four extremely aggressive men and they were very experienced men when it came to women.

  “Meeks, are you covering for him?”

  He knew she had overheard the conversation because he knew she was standing there. “You read too much into a conversation.”

  “I want to believe that. I wish I could.”

  He ran the back of his hand along her face and across her lips. He stood up and pulled her into his arms and told her for the first time that he loved her. “You need to go home before Dominic realizes you are here.”

  “Are you afraid of him?”

  “The only one afraid is your husband. He’s afraid that you will fall in love with someone else.”

  “But he knows I love him.”

  “Do you? Or are you in love with love, captured by romance and hoping to live some dream you have had since you were a little girl?”

  Mirisa blinked and told him that she needed to leave. Meeks released her. As she left the house, he refilled his glass and walked out onto the porch watching her as she sat down on the steps pulling her knees up and he knew she was crying. He watched as James walked out and wrapped a shawl around her before James noticed Meeks sitting on their porch. James told her that she shouldn’t be sitting out in the chilly air. James decided he needed to talk to Dominic because whatever she overheard had undermined her belief in everything in her life.

  DOMINIC dismounted and tied his horse next to Garnett’s horse. He had talked to Garnett about Garnett’s decision to spend little time actually physically working on the ranch and had to accept that he preferred the challenge of writing and practicing law to ranching. Thinking back on their adventures, Dominic knew that it was the adrenaline of dangerous assignments that was what kept them together over the years and ranching was too mild.

  “Daddy, Daddy!” He turned to see Matthew in the river with Garnett. He walked up the steps as Mirisa walked out of the kitchen with an apron of fresh picked pea pods. “Enjoying the view darling?”

  “I think I will if you decide to join them.”

  “I think I will.” He went in the house.

  “Dominic, can you bring out some towels?”

  He came out and put them on the table next to her and she raised her eyebrows. He reached over and kissed her again. “They are not modest if that was your question.”

  “No, I was more thinking about myself.” She blushed slightly which made him laugh. He took off his jeans and walked out to the river. She got up to rinse off the peas and put them in the stew. When she came back out they were all in the river. Each day Matthew moved away from being her baby to being one of the boys. He was getting taller and slimmer to the point she needed to take in a lot of his clothes. Like his father, Matthew would be extremely handsome.

  “Momma!” Matthew came running out of the water toward her. She got up and sat on the steps so she could wrap the towel around him. He hugged her getting her wet as she laughed. She looked up a
nd the sight of the four of them coming out of the river was really more than she could handle so she picked up Matthew and walked into the house.

  “Dominic, I don’t think your wife has ever seen another man naked.”

  “If she has, I’m not aware of it.” He grabbed a towel and threw one to Garnett. Meeks merely slid his jeans back on. James just stood on the porch until he got his cigar lit. He slowly dried off. James put on his jeans than went into the kitchen where Mirisa was fixing Matthew a drink. James lifted Matthew down from the counter and he ran back out to the porch. They were all so well built that it made her ache.

  “Didn’t like the view from the porch?” James reached over her and got down the cups. She wouldn’t turn around and he realized that she was more embarrassed than she had been when they watched her.

  “Did you think it was just about attitude?” She turned and looked at James because he had never talked to her like this before. Her eyes were an extremely dark green which made him smile because they only got that way when she was aroused. “It is a shame you married too young. Actually, it’s only a shame you married someone I like because being married doesn’t matter.”

  “Doesn’t it bother you to sleep with another man’s wife?”

  “No. If a man can’t take care of his wife then why should he care if I can? It makes the woman happy which makes his life better. I consider it marriage counseling.”

  “I can’t believe you are so cavalier about marriage vows.” She was trying so hard to breathe normal but he was way too close for her comfort.

  “Are you reacting to me right now?” James had her cornered against the counter but wasn’t touching her. Of all of them, he was the best at psychological foreplay and much preferred doing it in public.

  “You know I am.”

  “Then it’s a good thing I like your husband.” James picked up the cups and the coffee pot and walked out to the porch.

  She closed her eyes and really didn’t understand what had changed. James set the coffee down on the table and picked up his cigar.


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