Activated: A Superhero Adventure Novel (Axel Adams Book 1)

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Activated: A Superhero Adventure Novel (Axel Adams Book 1) Page 1

by Dee Benson


  Title Page


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  From the Back Cover


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31


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  Books by Dee Benson

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  Dee Benson



  © Copyright 2017 by Dee Benson

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written permission from the author. The only exception is brief quotations in a book review.

  Cover design by Amanda Matthews

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  From the Back Cover

  Welcome to The Firemaster's Territory.

  Seventeen years ago, Supervillain, The Firemaster, tried to take over the Land of the Supers.

  His reign lasted a few months before he was banished. Now, he's ready to stage his comeback and he is gathering allies.

  The Girl with no Powers.

  Axel Adams doesn't have any super powers—or so her parents have told her. So why does The Firemaster want her? And why does it seem that he will do anything to get her?

  After her cousin, Zanda, is kidnapped, Axel agrees to go to the Land of the Supers. All they want is for Axel to activate her super powers and Zanda will be released.

  Not all Supers can fly.

  It's not easy watching everyone else in your class take off flying while your feet are still planted firmly on the ground. Even worse, after exposure to a host of hazardous substances designed to 'activate' her, Axel is still powerless.

  Then, something happens that flips Axel's world upside down.

  Her mother always said:

  'I'd rather deny my powers than use them for evil…'

  But evil people are closing in.

  Maybe it takes evil to fight evil.


  Seventeen years ago

  FIRE GLOWED ORANGE IN the distance as Katie Frankel wrapped her baby in a blanket. It wasn't as bright as it'd been an hour ago. The battle must be coming to an end. They didn't have much time.

  "Ready?" Michael whispered urgently. He looked an inch away from collapsing.

  Katie covered Axel in one more blanket just in case. "Yes. Where's Brett?"

  "He's going to meet us outside."

  "He's definitely found out how to open a portal?"

  "Yes. Let's go."

  Michael opened the door and they stepped into the night. Katie followed him as he walked briskly towards the fence that surrounded the concubine's quarters.

  Katie had been unable to remove her electronic tag, but she hoped that wouldn't matter tonight with everybody otherwise engaged.

  Michael jumped over the fence and then stretched his arms out to her. Katie looked back at what had been her home for the past nine months. Was she sure about this? If she was ever caught, Dresden would kill her. He was ruthless like that.

  "Katie?" Michael whispered.

  Katie handed Axel to him and then climbed over the fence. An ear-splitting siren filled the night as soon as she landed on the sidewalk on other side. She hoped there was nobody around to hear it. Hoped they were all at the battle with Dresden.

  She took Axel from Michael and then began to run.

  "Brett will meet us at the end of the street," Michael whispered, running beside her. "Let me hold Axel."

  "You're too weak."

  "I'm fine—"

  A flash of orange before them silenced them both.


  One minute, it was a fist-sized ball. The next, it had swelled into a pillar taller than them both. It rushed at them so quickly there was no time to react. A scream tore up Katie's throat as the fire swallowed them. Then she realized she could feel nothing. Her skin glowed a shiny blue, translucent color.

  She heaved a sigh of relief. Michael had covered them.

  "Keep running," Katie said, pushing her legs back into action. They were now close enough to the end of the street to see that Brett wasn't there. "Where's Brett?"

  "He should be here."

  They were stopped a few feet away by another pillar of fire. This time, Katie felt the warmth of the fire despite Michael's force field. He was weakening.

  No sooner had that pillar of fire evaporated than another leapt to life a little distance away. It rushed towards them, hissing and spitting like a snake.

  Michael's force field flickered off, and then returned. Katie doubted he could protect them again. She looked around for somewhere to take cover. Bushes lined the sidewalk. If she hid behind one of those and the fire followed, it would set the bushes aflame and spread into the forest beyond. That would cause unnecessary devastation.

  But what other option did they have? The fire was rushing towards them. It hissed with venom, seeming almost sentient.

  Michael's force field returned, slightly stronger. He was frowning with concentration, sweat slicking his brow.

  Katie heaved a sigh of relief. Then she noticed that Michael wasn't covering Axel.

  "Cover her," Katie screamed.

  The fire was a few seconds away. Katie's breath froze in her lungs. Michael still wasn't covering Axel.

  "I'm trying," Michael groaned.

  Fear wrapped its ice-cold fingers around Katie's heart. If the fire swallowed them…

  Michael gasped. There was a thud as he hit the ground. The force field around Katie vanished. She jumped out of the way as the fire swelled swallowing the spot she'd just been standing in.

  Another pillar of fire appeared before her. Katie turned and ran. A ball of fire materialized from thin air. It whizzed past her head, scarily close. There was no time to recover. Two more were flying towards her. Katie jumped back, frantically, and fell to the ground. Axel slipped from her hands and landed on top of her.

  An orange glow appeared above her, rushing downwards, directly over Axel who lay on Katie's belly.

  Katie grabbed Axel and threw her towards a nearby bush. Axel had scarcely left her hands when the fireball hit her.

  She closed her eyes and braced herself for the pain. For death.


  A shadow fell over her.

  She looked up and almost passed out with relief. "Brett!"

  "Oh, Brett, you just saved my life," Brett said in a high-pitched voice that mimicked Katie's. "I love you, Brett." He held out a hand to her.

  Katie reached up and grasped his hand. Once on her feet, she punched him in the chest. "You're late

  A fireball appeared in the air and began to rush towards them. Brett waved a hand casually and a rush of wind blew the fireball in another direction. It looked easy, but the sweat pouring down the sides of his face betrayed how much energy he was expending.

  "I encountered some of these fireballs on my way," Brett told her. "Had to fight them off. Where's Michael?"

  Katie pointed and then rushed to the bush where she'd thrown Axel. Axel hadn't cried when Katie threw her. Was she…dead?


  She wasn't on the ground around the bush. Katie parted the branches of the brush. Axel was lying in the undergrowth under it.

  The bush suddenly glowed orange. Katie looked up in time to see a fireball in the air above the bush. "Brett!" she screamed as a fireball slammed into the bush and set it aflame.

  Brett and Michael were at her side in an instant. "Don't worry," Michael told her. "I'm covering her."

  "Are you sure?"

  Michael didn't reply. He dropped to the ground and looked under the bush. The fire was steadily devouring it, making its way downward.

  Katie glared at Brett. "Form an air current around us so that any more fireballs or fire pillars get blown away once they hit the current."

  "Good idea," Brett said.

  Katie didn't know how someone could be so incompetent and unimaginative in using his own gift.

  Soon, wind was whipping around them, and fireballs were glancing away from them as though invisible hands had thrown them aside. Brett's eyes were strained. Keeping the air current going was going to get excruciating for him within a few seconds.

  Michael pulled Axel out from under the bush. One of her blankets tore. He rose to his feet, holding Axel. Katie snatched her from him. A tremor worked its way through her heart at Axel's stillness.

  What do you expect? You threw her into a bush.

  "Portal," she told Brett.

  Brett nodded and then held up a hand. A moment later, a tunnel appeared from thin air.

  Tears rushed forward. Katie blinked them away. Finally!

  She was about to step into the tunnel when there was a thud behind her. She looked over her shoulder. Michael was down again.

  Brett grabbed him and dragged him into the portal. Katie stepped in after them.

  Goodbye, Super world.

  The first thing she was going to do was get rid of her mass of long, blond hair. She'd cut it short and dye it black.

  Axel wriggled in her arms.

  Katie's stomach caved in. "Axel?"

  Axel let out a wail. It was ear-splitting

  She's alive. Katie didn't know how, but Axel had survived.

  Yet, fear gnawed at her insides. Axel had nothing protecting her head. She could have brain damage or any number of injuries.

  Brett nudged her. Michael was slumped against him, still out cold. "Everything is going to be okay."

  Katie nodded.

  She desperately hoped so.

  Chapter 1

  AXEL FELT A WHACK on the back of her head as she shut her locker. She spun around to find nobody behind her.

  There was another whack on the back of her head. She growled as she took out her cell phone. She tapped out a message to her mom: What's that for?

  Her mom's reply was instant: Leaving your cereal bowl in the sink for me to wash.

  Axel grunted as she headed towards the math department. Most moms couldn't hit their daughter upside the head from over three miles away. But her mom wasn't like normal moms. Neither was her dad, for that matter.

  She sent her mom another message: I can't believe you would do that to me when I'm at school. How far is your range anyway?

  I figured there had to be a certain range from which remote slapping wouldn't work.

  You're my daughter, came Mom's response. You'll always be in my range.

  Axel rolled her eyes as she tucked her phone away. She was about turn down a corridor when she heard a shout further down the hallway.

  "Leave me alone!"

  She stopped. That sounded like Zanda.

  "Stop it, now!"

  Definitely Zanda.

  Her cry was followed by loud laughter.

  Axel's chest tightened. She could guess what was happening.

  There was a loud thud, and then more laughter.

  The last time Axel had stood up for Zanda, she'd gotten a black eye. Nevertheless, she hurried down the hallway, her hands clenching into fists. The laughter continued. The sound of feet scuffling on the tiled floors filled the air. She rounded a corner.

  Five girls surrounded Zanda. They were all juniors, like Zanda, but that didn't mean they were afraid of Axel. Lizzie Carson especially seemed to like getting into fights with seniors. The girl had serious issues.

  "What's this?" Lizzie asked, snatching a comic from Zanda's hand.

  Zanda's face was ashen. There was a bright red mark on her cheek where one of them must have slugged her.

  Lizzie looked at the comic. "Omigosh! You're into superhero comics? How old are you? Like six?"

  The other girls laughed. One snatched the comic from Lizzie and tore it up. Tears sprang into Zanda's eyes and Axel's temper flared. She knew that comic was a rare edition. Zanda had searched for it for almost a whole year before managing to find one for sale on an exclusive superhero geek site.

  One of the girls grabbed Zanda by her long, dark ponytail.

  Axel stepped forward. "Hey! Let her go."

  The girls all spun around. They smirked when they saw that it was Axel.

  "Come on, Zanda," Axel said, shooting Lizzie a cold glare. It was Lizzie who'd given her the black eye the last time.

  Lizzie's gaze narrowed. "Poor Zanda. Always needing to be rescued by her cousin—"

  There was a loud thwack as Zanda slugged Lizzie across the face.

  Axel stared at Zanda in shock. Her eyes were shiny with tears and her face was flushed.

  Lizzie was stumbling, reeling from the blow. Her legs tangled and she landed on the floor with a thud.

  All Lizzie's friends seemed to be frozen with shock.

  Zanda snatched the remains of her comic from Lizzie's hand and then took off running. Axel followed before Lizzie and her friends could gather themselves and retaliate.

  Zanda ran through the hallways and then burst through the back entrance of the building.

  "Wait," Axel called. She pushed her legs harder and caught up with her. "Are you okay?" she asked, grabbing Zanda by the arm and making her stop.

  Zanda's chest was rising and falling rapidly with labored breaths.

  Axel pulled her into a hug.

  Zanda pushed her away. "You don't always have to stand up for me. I can handle it."

  Axel's heart constricted. Ever since her parents had adopted Zanda, she'd felt responsible for her. Axel was six at the time and Zanda was five. Zanda had been so small and waifish. Axel had immediately taken on the role of protector. Even now, so many years later, Zanda still carried an air of fragility.

  Girls like Lizzie loved to oppress small, dainty girls like Zanda.

  Axel sighed. "I guess you can handle it. Girl, where did that right hook come from?"

  Zanda wiped her eyes. She looked at the torn comic in her hands.

  Axel had never seen Zanda hit anyone. Maybe the tearing of her comic had been the last straw. "Did you at least finish reading it?" Axel asked her.

  Zanda nodded.

  "Who won the battle?"

  "Chameleon Girl."

  Axel grinned. "Told you."

  "But it's not the end. Remodel didn't die, so she'll probably stage a comeback." She grinned and her face lit up. "This was the best episode yet. It was so tense."

  Axel smiled. Zanda was obsessed with Chameleon Girl and Remodel, and their epic rivalry.

  Chameleon girl could blend into any background—hence the name—and thereby be invisible. She could also fly and had super strength. Remodel's main superpowers were speed and beaming lasers from her eyes, but she could also chang
e herself physically to look however she wanted. She could change her hair color, eye color, skin color and everything. Of course, she always made herself super beautiful.

  "I wanted you to read it," Zanda said. "Damn Lizzie." Her eyes dulled.

  "Lizzie's going to be so mad that you hit her. Try to stay out of her way."

  Zanda said nothing. Her dark eyes hardened. "Gareth asked me to hang out."

  Axel rolled her eyes. "That's why she was picking on you? They broke up months ago. She so needs to move on."

  "Yeah. I might just date him to spite her."

  Axel shook her head. "You'd kill him." Everyone knew how infuriatingly self-absorbed Gareth was.

  Zanda blew out a breath and her bangs fluttered.

  Axel nudged her. "This is all your fault for being so darned gorgeous. You know that, right?"

  Zanda said nothing. She tucked the torn comic into her purse.

  Axel wasn't surprised that Zanda ignored the comment. She'd always been a little shaky on the self-esteem side of things. Axel couldn't, for the life of her, understand why.

  "Look at me," Axel said.

  Zanda lifted her gaze to look at her.

  "Those girls only hate you because they're jealous."

  Zanda's lips flattened into a hard line.

  "What?" Axel asked.

  "Gareth is only talking to me because he has a crush on you."

  Axel frowned.

  "He asked me for your number. I didn't give it to him."

  Axel's frown deepened. "Eww. You can tell him I don't date juniors."

  Zanda tucked wisps of hair that had come loose from her ponytail behind her ears. "I'd better get to class."

  "Yeah. Me, too."

  They walked back to the school building in silence.

  "I wish we had powers," Zanda muttered, as she pushed through the doors.

  Axel's heart skipped a beat. "We don't need powers."

  "You're only saying that because your mom and dad say we don't."

  She had a point. Axel had always thought it might be nice to have some powers. If she had her mom's remote slapping ability she'd slap Lizzie all day and she'd freak out thinking she was going crazy.


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