Activated: A Superhero Adventure Novel (Axel Adams Book 1)

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Activated: A Superhero Adventure Novel (Axel Adams Book 1) Page 16

by Dee Benson

  Axel snapped her gaze to the tray he was holding, feeling heat fill her cheeks. She hoped her face wasn't redenning. Her skinned had darkened a little since being here, but definitely not enough to conceal a blush.

  She watched as Desmond made up three syringes, each with a different color of liquid.

  "Please tell me what they are as you inject me," Axel said.

  He took her arm. "None of your business," he said as he stuck the first needle into her arm.

  Almost instantly, an acute sense of peace washed over her.

  By the time he was administering the next injection, she didn't care what was in it. She didn't care about anything.

  She watched him inject the last syringe and then sighed.

  "How do you feel?" Desmond asked, connecting the wires and electrodes on the tray.


  Nigel shook his head and sighed.

  "How do you feel about The Firemaster having your parents killed?"

  Axel considered it. How did she feel? She felt nothing but peaceful.

  "That was a terrible thing to do," Desmond said.

  A strange confusion settled over Axel. She said nothing, unable to process it.

  "Looks like you're all set." Desmond looked at Nigel. "Ready?"

  Nigel said nothing.

  Axel felt a tickle across her forehead. She scratched her head.

  "Are you in?" Desmond asked Nigel.

  Again, Nigel didn't respond.

  "Are you in?" Desmond snapped.

  Nigel nodded once.

  "Why are you undergoing this scorching?" Desmond asked Axel.

  "Because The Firemaster has promised to release me and send me home if I give him my healing power," Axel replied.

  Desmond looked at Nigel.

  Nigel's eyes seemed to glaze over. Sharp pain flashed through Axel's head. She winced.

  "Done?" Desmond asked Nigel.

  Nigel nodded once.

  "Why are you undergoing this scorching?" Desmond asked Axel again.

  Axel opened her mouth to tell him, and then stopped as a thought seemed to slither out of her grasp. She frowned with confusion.

  Why was she undergoing this scorching?

  "The Firemaster wants you to give him your healing power so that he can put it to good use," Desmond said. "You are unable to control it, as evidenced by your inability to heal during the battle. The Firemaster will be able to control it and use it to help more people than you ever will."

  Axel nodded.

  "Can you double check that she's accepted it?" Desmond asked Nigel.

  Axel felt a tickle across her forehead again.

  A moment later, Nigel nodded. "Perfect."

  "He also wanted us to wipe out her memory of her parents' death," Desmond said.

  "I told him that is unnecessary, as she is receiving her daily drugs. If she becomes problematic, her memory can be wiped."

  "How long will we keep drugging her? That's bad for her."

  "Not as bad as robbing her of the memory of how her parents died," Nigel replied. "I'd rather somebody weaken my body than lie to me."

  Desmond looked at Nigel for a moment. Nigel's grip on the tray he held seemed to tighten.

  Desmond took the wires and electrodes from the tray. "Crouch," he ordered Axel.

  Axel obeyed. She held still as he stuck electrodes around her forehead. He then parted her hair and stuck electrodes all over her scalp.

  When he finished, Axel rose to her feet. Desmond removed a small device, no bigger than a cell phone from his pocket and connected the wires from the electrodes to it. Then he bent the device and clasped it around Axel's wrist like a bangle. "It'll start in about thirty seconds," Desmond told her. "Try to stay calm. The scorching is designed to be traumatic, but bear in mind that it's controlled trauma. We'll be watching and assessing, and it won't go on for longer than necessary. Once we've got the power, we'll stop the procedure."

  Nigel turned and walked out. Desmond followed, shutting the door behind him.

  Axel looked around, waiting, wondering what was going to happen.

  "Sit," came Desmond's voice reverberating around the room.

  Axel jumped. She could see no cameras or speakers. She had no idea how he was monitoring her or how he was speaking to her.

  She sat down. Once she did, the lights in the room began to blink. Slowly at first, and then extraordinarily fast, until Axel began to feel dizzy. Then a loud horn-like noise blasted through the room. Axel slapped her hands over her ears, but she couldn't block out the sound.

  Then the noise changed. Axel could make out dozens of sounds, including what sounded like the wails of tortured people, wild animals, and cackling laughter.

  It was strange. It grated on her nerves, but it was nothing compared to the sudden darkness that enveloped her. Axel touched her eyes. They were open. But she couldn't see a thing. They must have cut out the lights.

  A cold hand touched her arm. She reached out to slap the hand away, but nobody was there.

  The cold hands seemed to multiply. They caressed every inch of her skin.

  What is going on?

  Axel's heart began to thud. Then a wave of peace washed over her.

  The drugs. They would keep her calm.

  But if she was already having breakthrough fearful emotions, that didn't bode well.

  The cold hands clasped her neck and began to squeeze. Axel clawed at her throat. She could feel no hands with her own hands. But she could feel them on her neck, tightening. If only she could see. Or maybe it was better that she couldn't see.

  She gasped, trying to breathe around the pressure on her neck. Then she felt something seep through her jeans. Something cold and wet. It was then that she realized that another sound had joined the cacophony of disturbing noises. It was a rushing sound, like water.

  Great. She was being strangled, and she was going to drown.

  She rose to her feet and held out her hands trying to feel for a wall. When she found it she leaned against it.

  A tingly feeling crawled throughout her whole body. Axel gulped, still trying to breathe around the pressure on her neck. The tingling intensified until it became almost unbearable.

  Sudden heat flashed through her. It felt like fire, racing through her veins, burning her alive.

  Axel cried out.

  So much for the drugs. This was crazy. They couldn't numb her to this.

  Why had she believed Nigel when he said she wasn't going to die? Obviously, he'd been lying!

  Chapter 20

  SOMEBODY WAS SHAKING HER. Axel groaned, wondering why she felt so…strange.

  She wasn't in any pain, but something was desperately wrong.

  She was shaken again. She cracked open an eye to see Candy. Nigel was standing a few steps away, looking on.

  "Oh good." Candy gave a dramatic sigh. She looked at Nigel. "Her eyes are open." She looked back at Axel. "I was beginning to think you're dead."

  Axel didn't feel much better than dead.

  Nigel stepped forward. He gave Axel an assessing look.

  Axel looked around. She was on a bed in a nondescript room.

  "It's almost dinnertime," Nigel said. "You need to eat."

  It was almost dinnertime? That meant it'd been more than twelve hours since the events of this morning. The scorching. She'd been out of it for that long?

  "Would you like to go to the cafeteria?" Candy asked. "Or would you prefer somebody to bring you some food to eat in the girls' dorm?"

  "The girls' dorm?" Axel asked.

  "Yes," Nigel said. "We've managed to secure a space for you in the girls' building."

  Axel shook her head. She immediately regretted it when her head swam and pain ricocheted throughout her skull. She let out a small whimper.

  "What's wrong?" Candy asked. "Are you in pain?"

  "Yes, she's in pain," Nigel snapped.

  "But you said she's fine—"

  "She is fine, but if she makes sudden movements like s
he just did, she'll feel pain." Nigel nodded to a tub of pills in Candy's hands. "Just make sure she takes those every two hours for the rest of the evening and through the night. She'll get a fresh round of jabs in the morning."

  Axel was sick of the sight of pills and injections.

  "Get up," Nigel told Axel.

  Axel tried to sit up but pain flashed down her spine. She gasped.

  Candy looked alarmed. "Are you okay?"

  "No," Axel croaked.

  Nigel looked exasperated. "Help her up," he told Candy.

  Candy stepped closer and pulled Axel up by her arms.

  Jarring pain gripped Axel. Her breath stuck in her throat.

  "Sit still for a moment and the pain will subside," Nigel said. "You'll only feel pain when you move."

  Axel sat still. Her body seemed to settle into the sitting position, and the pain began to ease.

  Candy was watching her with wary eyes. She looked stressed out.

  "I don't want to move to the girls' building," Axel whispered.

  "Why?" Nigel asked.

  Candy's eyes narrowed. "You like living with the boys?"

  "I'm used to my dorm."

  "Is it because of Trojan?" Candy asked.

  "Yes," Axel whispered.

  Candy made a face. "Eww!"

  "No, not in that way," Axel rushed to add, and then stopped short when pain prickled throughout her chest. Nigel and Candy were watching her. "I'm just used to my dorm now. I don't want to move. Unless the boys don't want me around."

  Nigel gave a humorless smile. "Trust me. No guy is going to complain about having a girl in his dorm."

  "Especially not a hottie like you," Candy added, giving Axel an encouraging smile.

  "Wow, I must look really terrible if Candy is trying to prop up my self-esteem."

  "You look…fine," Candy said. She looked like she was holding back a grimace. "So, all I have to do is give her one of these every hour?" she asked holding up the tub of pills and looking at Nigel.

  "Every two hours," Nigel corrected.

  "Oh. Including during the night?"


  "But I'll be sleeping."

  "You'll have to wake up. She won't be able to do it herself."

  Candy chewed on her lower lip. Her gaze slid over Axel from head to toe. "Are you sure she's well enough to come to the dorm? Maybe she should stay here where more capable people like yourself can monitor her."

  "I don't have time to babysit some girl."

  "Well, how about the school nurse? She can stay the night in the medical unit."

  "Guys," Axel cut in. "Let me return to my usual dorm. I'm sure Trojan won't mind waking up to give me the pills every two hours."

  A guilty look crossed Candy's face. "I don't mind. I'm only concerned about you. I don't think you should be tossed back into a dorm in this condition. You look like you need more serious attention."

  Nigel all but rolled his eyes. "She's fine."

  There was a knock on the door.

  "Let him in," Nigel growled.

  "Come in," Candy called.

  The door opened and Trojan bounded in. "Is she okay…?" He stopped short when he saw Axel sitting up on the bed. "Gee whizz, Axel. You look like…uh, never mind."

  Axel scowled.

  "So where is she going to be staying?" Trojan asked Nigel. "Are you really moving her out of our dorm?"

  "No," Axel said. "I'm not moving." She reached a hand out to Trojan and pain splintered down her back again.

  Trojan came to help her off the bed.

  Axel felt excruciating pain with every move. Tears filled her eyes, but she gritted her teeth.

  Trojan wrapped an arm around her as they walked slowly towards the door. More tears filled Axel's eyes with every move. She hated this. When was all this pain, and torture, and heartache going to end?

  She was sick and tired of this place.

  She wept silently as Trojan walked her out of the building. Candy walked with them, cursing under her breath about how it was grossly irresponsible of Nigel, Desmond, and Serloyd to let Axel return to the dorms in this condition.

  Axel caught her reflection in the window of a building as they walked. Her skin was pallid and discoloured with bruises.

  They rounded a corner and almost smacked into a bunch of guys. Prince Drake was one of them.

  Axel's heart skipped a beat.

  "Excuse us," Trojan said cheerfully, trying to steer Axel past.

  Axel didn't want to look at Prince Drake, but her gaze was drawn to him anyway.

  He was looking at her. And the look in his eyes was chilling.

  Axel felt a kick in her chest. Did he think she'd purposely refused to heal him?

  "Coming through, guys," Trojan said, pushing two of Prince Drake's friends out of the way.

  Axel looked away from Prince Drake and allowed Trojan to lead her away.

  "Candy," she heard Prince Drake call.

  Candy turned. "What?"

  "I'd like to speak with you."

  Candy muttered under her breath and then slapped Axel on the back. "See you later. Hang in there."

  Axel clenched her teeth to keep from crying out in pain. Candy knew she was in agony. Why in the world would she slap her on the back?

  Candy turned and walked off in another direction.

  "Candy?" Prince Drake called.

  She ignored him.

  Good for her.

  Axel didn't breathe easily again until they were a good distance away from Prince Drake.

  "We're nearly there," Trojan said after a few minutes. The boys' dorm building loomed into view. Axel wished she could teleport herself inside and onto her bed.

  "Want me to carry you?" Trojan asked.

  "No." They were attracting enough curious looks as it was.

  "I thought they were going to make you move. I'm glad they didn't."

  "I said 'no'. Sorry, but Candy just isn't nurturing enough. You'll look after me."

  "Right." Trojan's voice was flat. "You think I'm nurturing."

  "In a butch, manly way."

  "I'd give you a shove, but I know you're in pain."

  "See. Candy didn't consider my pain before she slapped me on the back. I'm sticking with you."

  "How do you feel?" Trojan asked.

  How did she feel? She'd give a short laugh if the action wouldn't cause jarring pain to rip through her chest. "Completely violated."

  There was an aching emptiness in her gut that she couldn't explain.

  "But you get to leave, right?" Trojan asked in a lowered voice. "When are you leaving?"


  "Yeah. You said The Firemaster said he'd release you and Zanda if you went through the scorching."

  Axel frowned. "I said that?"



  "Last night."

  Axel frowned. "Really?"

  Trojan stopped walking and looked deep into her eyes. "What's going on?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "You told me The Firemaster said you could leave. I told you no one ever gets released and you went all quiet on me like I was peeing on your bonfire."

  Axel frowned in confusion. "What are you talking about? I never said that. I'd love to leave but I failed during the battle. That's why I decided to give The Firemaster my power. He will use it better than I can. He'll know how to control it. He will do more good with it than I ever could…"

  Axel trailed off. What in the world was she doing extolling the virtues of The Firemaster like he was some kind of saint?

  Trojan stared at her for a moment. Then he continued to walk, dragging her along. "You're coming to that meeting I told you about last night," he whispered.

  "The meeting of rebels?" Axel whispered back.

  "So you remember that part of the conversation but not the parts about you and Zanda being released?"

  Axel couldn't respond. Her head was hurting and the pain all over her body was reaching blistering levels. Sh
e needed her bed.

  "I'll get you to the dorm, and then get you some food from the cafeteria," Trojan said. "Then you need to sleep. I'll wake you when it's time."

  AXEL DIDN'T FEEL QUITE right as she stumbled through the dark streets that night at two a.m. She'd taken one of her bihourly pills just before leaving. It had taken the edge off her pain, although the pain was still very much present.

  Trojan stuck to the shadows cast by buildings. With all the firefalls and other fire features around, there weren't many shadows big enough to completely conceal them. Axel followed closely behind him, her heart palpitating. They'd prepared an alibi in case they were caught. They would just say Axel's pain was intensifying and they were on their way to the medical unit.

  "How far to go?" Axel whispered.

  "Not far," Trojan replied.

  Axel hurried along after him, hoping this meeting would be worth the risk. She'd thought all evening, before succumbing to sleep, about Trojan's claim that The Firemaster had promised to release her and Zanda if she gave him her healing power. If she'd told Trojan that, why couldn't she remember the conversation? And why couldn't she remember The Firemaster making that promise.

  She'd thought about the events of yesterday over and over. There were some gaping black holes in her memory. She remembered the battle, and she remembered the room they'd locked her in for hours afterwards. She also remembered Nigel, Desmond, Serloyd and The Firemaster coming to see her. Nigel had projected her thoughts onto the wall. The Firemaster told her about the scorching. She'd agreed. Then, there was a black hole until she got back to the dorm.

  There were holes in her conversation with Trojan in the dorm, too. Things that didn't make sense, as though the conversation had been edited without care to make sure what was left still flowed and made sense.

  A security light on a distant building flicked on and Trojan stopped walking. Axel leaned against his back. Sweat slicked her forehead. Her body throbbed all over with dull pain.

  They watched the building. They couldn't see anybody. But something must have caused the light to come on.

  There was a thud behind them. They both spun around.

  Nigel was standing behind them.

  Axel's heart skipped a beat. Was he one of the rebels? He'd mentioned a 'good organization' to her a few days ago.

  She noticed the dark frown on Nigel's ever humorless face and decided he probably wasn't one of the rebels. From the look in his eyes, he was going to make them regret sneaking around.


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