Activated: A Superhero Adventure Novel (Axel Adams Book 1)

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Activated: A Superhero Adventure Novel (Axel Adams Book 1) Page 20

by Dee Benson

  Axel held her mother's necklace in her hand. She also had the tube of water she'd been given in the first and only meeting of rebels that she'd attended. It made her feel close to Trojan.

  Beside her, Jasper was holding a piece of paper. Axel remembered that The Firemaster had asked him to bring his father's letter. The other three rebels were holding the items they'd been told to bring, too.

  Serloyd and Desmond were sitting in the front row of the crowd. Axel noticed Prince Drake, Dynamo and Voltaire in the front row too.

  Everyone here was sick. They had to be to see nothing wrong with what was going on, to be followers of The Firemaster. Axel tried to see Dynamo's expression. Her face was shadowed on one side. On the other side, firelight flickered over her features. She didn't seem disturbed by what was happening.

  Nigel and The Firemaster appeared from thin air beside the fire.

  Immediately, everyone rose and bowed their heads.

  Desmond walked forward and then turned to face the crowd. "Please, be seated."

  Everyone sat.

  In the distance, a nocturnal bird cried. A gentle breeze whispered through the branches of the forest on the far side of the field. The same forest where the meeting had been held.

  If only Axel had known that this would be the outcome of that meeting. She would have refused to go. and she would have insisted that Trojan didn't go. But she wasn't psychic. She wondered if that was a superpower that could be activated. It would sure be handy to have.

  "We are gathered here tonight to witness the rebels who stand before you pledge their allegiance to you, to our common cause, and to The Firemaster," Desmond announced.

  The Firemaster walked over to where Axel and the other rebels were standing. The firelight reflected in his eyes, flickering.

  "Pledge your allegiance to me," he said softly.

  Axel was no longer deceived by his apparent smooth manner. He must be raging on the inside.

  "Colin," Desmond announced. His voice echoed all over the field.

  The rebel on Axel's right stepped forward.

  "What do you hold in your hand?" Desmond asked.

  "A slingshot that my grandfather made for me when I was six years old." Colin's voice was amplified too, although Axel couldn't tell how it was being done. It was probably somebody's superpower. She imagined that those with mind powers could probably amplify people's voices.

  "You grandfather was against The Firemaster. He filled your mind with anti-Firemaster sentiment. Throw the slingshot into the fire."

  Colin's face paled. His grip on the crooked, wooden slingshot tightened.

  Silence filled the night as everyone waited for him to obey.

  He walked towards the fire, the sheen of tears in his eyes. He hesitated before tossing the slingshot into the fire.

  "Now repeat the oath of allegiance after me," Desmond said. "I, Colin Richardson."

  "I, Colin Richardson," Colin repeated.

  "Do wholly pledge and vow…"

  There was a crack in Colin's voice as he said the words.

  "To be loyal, faithful and true…"

  Colin paused. When he repeated the words his voice was thick with emotion.

  "To The Firemaster and his cause…"

  Serloyd stepped forward and sliced into Colin's forearm as Colin recited the words.

  Axel shifted with unease.

  Colin continued to repeat the oath after Desmond.

  I hereby renounce all family ties and all prior convictions, and hold fast to The Firemaster and his cause. I seal this vow with my blood and enter in covenant with The Firemaster. Should I break this covenant, may my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth, may my insides rot, and may my eyes dim.

  Once he finished, applause erupted from the crowd.


  Sick, sick, sick!

  Axel's fingers clenched around her mom's necklace.

  "Axel," Desmond called as Colin was led away.

  She stepped forward, her stomach churning. Could she do it?

  She looked at Nigel. He was standing beside The Firemaster. That crazed look filled his dark eyes.

  "What do you hold in your hand?" Desmond asked.

  Axel opened her mouth. Nothing came out.

  "What do you hold in your hand?" Desmond asked again.

  "A n-necklace." Her voice filled the night.

  "Tell us about the necklace," Desmond said.

  "Me, my father, and my cousin, Zanda, had it made for her my mother."

  Desmond's gaze narrowed. "What is in the locket?" he snapped.

  "A picture of the four of us. My family."

  "Your family was against The Firemaster," Desmond announced. "Your parents betrayed him."

  There was a gasp from the crowd.

  "Your parents filled your mind with anti-Firemaster sentiment. Please throw the necklace into the fire, and then you will take the oath."

  Axel willed herself to walk forward. But she remained frozen to the spot.

  She thought of Nigel's promise to tell her where Zanda is. All she had to do was get through this pledge. Tomorrow, she'd find Zanda and figure out a way to leave. She looked down at the necklace.

  "Throw the necklace into the fire," Desmond ordered.

  It's just a necklace.

  Then why were her hands shaking all of a sudden? And why were tears rolling down her cheeks?

  They killed my parents.

  And now they want me to deny everything they taught me.

  Serloyd appeared before her. "Do it, now!"

  "Maybe Axel needs some time to think," The Firemaster said softly. "Let her go to the back of the line."

  Axel moved to stand at the end of the line, but no relief hit her. She didn't need time to think. She couldn't do it. It would go against everything she believed in. Against the very essence of who she was.

  "Jasper," Desmond called.

  Jasper didn't step forward. He held up the letter in his hand. "I am holding a letter that my father wrote for me. He gave it to my uncle and asked him to give it to me if anything ever happened to him." His voice was shaking so badly, Axel could only barely work out what he was saying. "It contains his thoughts about The Firemaster and The Firemaster's cause. My father was against it. The Firemaster killed him."

  "Throw it into the fire," Desmond ordered. "And then you will renounce your father's ideologies and pledge allegiance to The Firemaster."

  "I…" Jasper's voice broke. "Can't."

  There was a gasp from the crowd. Murmurs filled the night air.

  "Neither will I," said the next guy in line to pledge his allegiance.

  "Nor I," said the last guy.

  Nigel whipped out his gun. Silence descended. He was looking at The Firemaster.

  All The Firemaster had to do was nod and they would all be on the ground in a pool of blood.

  Was it worth it? Was the necklace in her hand worth dying over?


  The necklace wasn't worth it, but maybe what it represented was. Axel would rather die than continue to live this life.

  But what about Zanda?

  Once again, she was torn.

  The Firemaster stepped forward. "Axel and Jasper, please step forward."

  Axel and Jasper obeyed. Axel's heart was palpitating in her chest.

  "I should kill you."

  Axel held her breath. Did that mean he wasn't going to?

  "Instead, I'm going to break you," The Firemaster continued. From his tone, he sounded like he was doing them a huge favour. "Your strength of will, though focused in the wrong direction, is admirable. It can be steered into the right direction."

  Axel noticed that The Firemaster was looking at her. Addressing her. He didn't look at Jasper once.

  Nigel's words from earlier filled her mind: The Firemaster doesn't want to kill you, but if you push him, he will.

  Well, she'd pushed him by refusing to take the oath. So why wasn't he killing her? Could it be because she'd activated a power at
Merspool and they were hoping she could activate more? Did she still have the ability to activate after being scorched?

  Nigel's words from flight class filled her mind: There is something about you that is not my place to tell you.

  Axel shuddered. Something was going on here. She and Jasper should be dead. But since The Firemaster hadn't killed her, he couldn't very well kill Jasper. He'd look impartial.

  But he's evil, so why does he care about looking impartial?

  "Desmond?" The Firemaster said.

  Desmond came over, producing a small device identical to the one they'd fitted her with during the scorching. He clasped it around her wrist and then produced another and clicked it into place around Jasper's wrist.

  He removed a bunch of wires and electrodes from his pocket.

  What kind of a maniac walks around with electrodes and torture devices in his pockets?

  "We don't need to monitor them," The Firemaster said. "Just put it on full blast."

  Desmond tucked the wires and electrodes back into his pocket and then took out a remote control-like device.

  He pushed a button. Instantly, pain wracked Axel's body. She dropped to the ground. She was vaguely aware of Jasper dropping down beside her.

  The pledging ceremony continued with the two remaining rebels while Axel and Jasper writhed around on the ground.

  Needless to say, the other two changed their minds and pledged their allegiance.

  Axel felt a tickle across her forehead as fire seemed to ebb and flow throughout her body. Was it Nigel? Was he going to use his mind powers to help her numb the pain?

  This can stop any minute, came Nigel's voice in her mind. All you have to do is agree to make the pledge. The torture won't stop until you pledge your allegiance.

  So much for him helping her to numb the pain. Right now, he wasn't Nigel. He was The Firemaster's pet monster. His killing machine.

  Axel wasn't sure how much time had passed when a bright light shone in her eyes. "Are you ready to make the pledge?" came Serloyd's voice.

  No. She wasn't ready.

  But she wanted the pain to stop.

  Her head began to swim. Darkness encroached on the edges of her vision.

  Good. If she passed out, she'd get some relief.

  A kick in the side jolted her. But she immediately began to slip away again. This time, the darkness covered her for a few seconds before ice-cold water on her face brought her back to the present.

  A strange vibrating noise filled her ears. Fire continued to burn through her body. Intense. This must be what hell was like.

  Why couldn't she just give in?

  It's one thing for them to kill my parents, but they're not taking away the memory of my parents from me.

  The vibrating noise stopped. She realized her head felt cold. She touched her head and was shocked, momentarily, to feel skin instead of hair. But she didn't have time to process it because a million needles immediately began to prickle throughout her body in addition to the fire.

  The bright light shone in her eyes, almost blinding her.

  "Jasper has given in," came Serloyd's voice.

  Really? Axel had been so consumed with pain that she hadn't heard him.

  "How far do you want to go with this?" Serloyd asked. "If you don't give in now, the torture will continue behind closed doors. And behind closed doors, we don't have to be so civil."

  Pain pulsed through Axel's body. She cried out.

  "I'm guessing you're a virgin."

  Panic filled her chest. What did that mean?

  "Whether you are or not, we can find someone who will help you make up your mind to pledge your allegiance—"

  "I just want my cousin!" Axel screamed.

  That was all she wanted.

  She didn't want to fight The Firemaster's battles. She didn't want powers. She just wanted Zanda so that they could return to Netherium and try to have some semblance of a normal life.

  But life would never be normal again. Not after this.

  She would carry wounds from her experiences at the hands of these people for life.

  "I just want my cousin," Axel sobbed. Her body shuddered under the weight of the pain. She could no longer breathe properly. She could hear herself gasping for air.

  "Stop the torture," came The Firemaster's voice.

  Immediately, the pain stopped. It left Axel weak. Depleted. She couldn't even stand.

  Tears streamed from her eyes. She laughed deliriously.

  "You're so concerned about your cousin," The Firemaster said.

  "Stand when The Firemaster is addressing you," Serloyd snapped.

  Axel tried to stand. Her knees buckled. She flopped back to the ground.

  Desmond came and lifted her. She leaned against him. Her vision was blurred as she looked at The Firemaster.

  "You may see your cousin."

  Axel's belly caved. Was she just not in her right mind or had The Firemaster really just said that?

  "On the condition that you will pledge your allegiance tomorrow night."

  Axel blinked furiously, trying to clear her vision. "Are you ever going to release me?"

  The Firemaster didn't reply.

  She felt a sting across her cheek. Serloyd. "How dare you question The Firemaster."

  He was never going to release her. For whatever reason, he wanted to keep her. He would probably rather kill her than let her go. But he wasn't interested in Zanda. "I will pledge allegiance to you if you will let me see Zanda, and if you will release her."

  That was the second best option. If Axel couldn't leave, they should at least let Zanda leave.

  "What insubordination," Serloyd bellowed, raising his fist again.

  "Do not strike her," The Firemaster snapped.

  Serloyd quickly lowered his hand.

  "I agree to your proposal," The Firemaster said mildly. "You will see Zanda tomorrow morning and I will release her. Then, tomorrow night, you will pledge your allegiance."

  Axel didn't trust him. The last time he'd made a promise to her, he'd had her mind manipulated to forget all about it.

  "I want to see her now, and I want you to release her immediately."

  "You are weak and barely in your right mind," The Firemaster replied. "Maybe you should give yourself a little time to recover before seeing her."

  Why? Had they amputated her? Would the sight of Zanda send Axel into instant despair?

  Nigel had warned her that she'd be horrified when she saw her.

  She wondered what on earth they'd done to her.

  "I will see her now," she insisted.

  Whatever state Zanda was in, Axel needed to see her. She would tell her to go straight to Brett and Vivian. They would look after her. And Axel's life here would be that little bit easier for knowing that Zanda was safe and being cared for.

  The Firemaster nodded. "Very well."

  Chapter 25

  AXEL STARED AT THE door to the house in which Zanda was being kept. It was in a nicer part of town and was almost as grand as Prince Drake's house.

  Outside the gates, a crowd of poor Supers yelled and begged. Maybe they knew that Prince Drake and The Firemaster were here and were hoping they'd come out and give them some money.

  Nigel, The Firemaster, and Desmond had gone ahead of Axel and Serloyd. They would be in the room when Axel and Zanda were reunited. Axel would prefer that they let them have some privacy, but right now, she was just so grateful that The Firemaster had agreed to let them see each other and to release Zanda. She wasn't going to push her luck by making more demands.

  Axel looked up at the house. Nobody would guess that a girl was being kept captive inside. Living in grueling conditions. Axel remembered the live video feed of Zanda that Serloyd had shown her last week. The darkness of the room she'd been in. The tears on Zanda's cheeks. The fear in her eyes.

  Zanda would be so relieved to know that she was being released.

  A shadow moved on the other side of the door. Axel could bare
ly contain herself. Someone was coming.

  A woman opened the door. She smiled at Serloyd. "Zanda has been summoned. She is waiting in the drawing room."

  Tears flowed from Axel's eyes as they were led through the grand house. She prepared herself for the worst. Whatever condition Zanda was in, Axel wouldn't react in front of her. She would be strong for Zanda and would cry later. She quickly wiped her eyes as they approached a closed door. That must be the drawing room.

  The woman opened the door. Axel shoved Serloyd out of the way and rushed into the room.

  Zanda was standing by the fireplace. Axel had expected her to be bound in some way. Maybe chains around her hands. She'd thought she'd look unkempt and malnourished. Thought she'd have tear-stained cheeks and frightened eyes.

  She looked…great.

  Her long dark hair was loose and she was wearing a sexy Super suit that would rival any of the girls in Axel's class at Super High.

  Maybe they'd had her get all cleaned up so that Axel wouldn't have any cause to get mad and renege on her promise to pledge her allegiance.

  "Zanda!" Axel's voice was hoarse. More tears filled her eyes.

  Zanda grinned.

  Axel was about to rush over to her when she felt a slap on her back, and then a pair of invisible arms hugged her. She frowned, instantly thinking of her mom and her remote touch superpower.

  Was it the trauma of the torture playing tricks on her mind, making her feel things because she was missing her parents? Or was her mom still alive somewhere?

  No. I identified her body for the police.

  There were probably lots of other Supers who had that power. Someone was playing a trick on her.

  Across the room, Zanda was making a hugging motion.

  Axel's jaw dropped. She blinked. It was Zanda?

  Zanda straightened from the hug and then patted the air before her. Axel felt it on her cheek. "Hey, Axel."

  "You're a Super? They activated you?" That didn't make sense. They'd been keeping her locked up.

  "They didn't activate me." Zanda smiled. "I took it."

  Prince Drake stepped forward. Until now, Axel hadn't even noticed that he was in the room. He stood beside Zanda and placed an arm around her waist. "We didn't want to waste your parents' superpowers, so we scorched them before they died. They were our first lab rats for the scorching. Zanda, because of her faithfulness and loyalty, was given their powers."


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