The Dragon Within His Shadow

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The Dragon Within His Shadow Page 2

by Phyllis M. Rumore

  “Ahhh, good you're here and right on time. This way please. As you can see, we set the piano over here,” said Simon. The four musicians followed him, eager to avoid Richard's glare.

  Tang had heard many of George’s stories about Richard, and didn’t trust the man. He saw Richard's resentment. If it had been his choice, he would have severed Richard's head years ago. Unfortunately, he couldn't. Well, at least not without George's order. For some reason George keeps you alive, he thought, but why? Checking his watch, he saw it was nearly seven. Guests would be arriving shortly.

  “Tang, I trust everything's in place?” Richard said coldly.

  “Do you doubt me, Richard?” Tang gave Richard an unnerving glare.

  “No, Tang, I'm sure –”

  “Good. Than don't question whether I did my job. I'll return shortly, Simon.” Tang turned and walked rapidly down the steps.

  Simon had looked over at the mention of his name, saw Richard and redirected his attention to the musicians.

  A seething Richard hesitated and took a deep breath to regain his composure. He walked around the reception area. When he tried to look into the banquet room, he was stopped by a guard, another one of Tang’s men. It was only the early arrival of John Choi's friends that spared the guard a vocal tirade. In the minute it took for Richard to glance back down the stairs, the guard had closed the door, further infuriating him. Tang was behind this insolent behavior and will pay, he thought. Instead of greeting the guests, as was his duty, Richard went to the bar.

  “Only eight men in back,” Alex said, as he poured Richard his favorite scotch and watched Richard’s face light up with a wicked smile.

  Richard's foul mood softened, as he raised his glass in toast. Alex remained placid.

   * 

  Denny's admiration for Harry was surpassed only by his respect. Sitting on his perch atop a stack of boxes, in the corner of the crowded room, his eyes focused on Harry's every movement. He watched intently as Harry reviewed the attack plans with his men. Harry wasn't very tall and dressed in black, appeared thinner than usual but in Denny's eyes, he was a giant of a man. When Harry checked his watch, Denny did the same.

  Harry saw Denny staring at him and gave the boy a reassuring smile, while the others simply kept focused on the discussion. Was he ever that eager, he wondered, before redirecting his attention to his men and the plans. His lieutenant looked at him and said, “it’s time.”

  Harry looked at his watch again. The time was seven forty. He looked into the face of each man. There were thirty men gathered about, and all were dressed, as he was, in black. Tension rose as silence spread amongst them. Harry nodded and the first group of eight men left. Ten minutes later he would leave with his men and then the third group, another ten minutes later. Yet he knew they would all begin their attack simultaneously.

   * 

  Two Bentleys arrived and Tang's men immediately opened the cars’ doors to help Catherine, John, Lauren, Tang, and George get out. Each looked resplendent; the men in their tuxedos and the women in their dark green evening gowns of the finest silk. George was pleased with Catherine whose luminous skin showed off her jewels. He was further surprised when she took his arm to enter the restaurant. It had been a very long time since she last reached out and touched him. Had she softened her heart finally? As he looked at her, his mind filled with memories of his passion for her when he was young. He caressed her hand gently causing her to turn and give him a warm smile as they ascended the staircase.

  During the cocktail hour, Catherine deftly maneuvered George away from the starlet who dared to hover close to George. She had spotted the vixen the moment she reached the top of the stairs. Catherine’s eyes narrowed as the starlet tried to avert hers but it was no use. The starlet couldn't resist looking at her rival and Catherine, being skilled as she was, moved gracefully through the crowd hiding her true feelings from behind a carefully created mask.

  Catherine, having lost her innocent view of life long ago, was no one's fool. She had learned many of George's secrets over the years that bound them together as fast as any iron chain, so beware child, she thought, before the chain that entangles you is too tight.

  Soft jazz vibrated through the rosewood covered halls filling the entire room with warmth. Everyone who was anyone in Hong Kong of 1974 was there, from the Royal Governor, to the various corporate chairmen and presidents. They came because they knew that if they wanted to do business in Hong Kong, there was a good chance it meant working with some part of the Choi organization.

  George, with Catherine ever by his side, mingled while surveying the room to see who was and wasn't present. Quickly his attention turned to Lauren and Tang who walked beside her. He admired her knack for finding those guests who felt uncomfortable and making them feel relaxed. It took a few minutes to locate John and as usual he was hovering around a girl.

  Richard also watched John and smiled, knowing another of his little plans was working. Turning around he caught George's glare and his stomach churned. He quickly moved to walk away and was startled to come face-to-face with Wong, one of Harry's men.

  “Richard, how are you tonight?” Wong wore a smug grin as he shook hands firmly.

  “Mr. Wong, isn't it?” Richard, although stunned, remained cordial wondering how the man had approached so stealthily. “It's been a while; I trust things are well?”

  “Absolutely, Richard. Harry regretted he couldn't attend but was sure you understood his prior engagement.” Wong studied Richard and thought the man a fool.

  “Ah, yes, he did mention that when we last spoke. When was that one to begin?”

  “Shortly, I believe. How about you Richard? This event seems a success.”

  “No complaints, things are running smoothly as you can see. Only eight people didn't show this evening.”

  “Splendid, a true success then? Well, I see they're drawing people into the banquet, but I must make a phone call first. Excuse me.”

  “Yes, of course, of course.” Richard nervously shook Wong's hand again.

  “Good.” Wong watched Richard join the rest of the crowd. He knew Richard's source of information was Alex. But, if Richard had been better informed, he would have also checked with the waiters. They complained about the nine men hidden in the side dining room off the street level lobby that were demanding lots of food. At the very least, Wong thought, Richard should have seen the others who stood out by not mingling. Harry was right, he thought, Richard's desires for revenge could be exploited. He left quickly to supply him with the latest information.

   * 

  As his men made ready to move out, Harry walked over to Denny. From his inside pocket he took out a cloth package and watched Denny’s eyes open wide as he handed him one of his oldest yet most reliable gun, along with its silencer.

  “This is a good gun; it’s the first one I bought. It’s yours now,” said Harry as he gave Denny a reassuring pat on the back. He felt the breeze when the door opened and turned to see Wong enter. He gave Denny one last reassuring smile before walking over to Wong.

  Denny examined the gun from every side with awe. True, it wasn't the first gun he held, just the first one that was actually his, his very own. He took the bullets one of the men offered, loaded the gun, and secured its silencer. Finally, he felt as if he were really one of the men. He looked up and searched the room before finding Harry standing by the doorway besides Wong. They were looking at him. It was his group's time.

  “Don't worry, I know you can handle things, just remember to stay together.” Harry watched the boy go out into the alleyway. Denny was being followed by three other youths when Harry stopped one of them. “Keep the kid in the back. Understood?” The guy grunted yes and moved out into the lane. Harry watched from the safety of the door as they walked away. Finally, he left with his ten men in the opposite direction, and headed for the waiting black van.

   * 

  While Denny felt the support was comforting, it d
idn't ease his nervousness. He was scared yet determined to make this, his first mission, a success. He took a long drag on his cigarette as they waited at the alleyway corner and hoped it would calm him but it didn't. Instead, his stomach churned. He watched Lu, a veteran of gang warfare at age seventeen, check his watch, and give a nod. With one last check to assure their silencers were on securely, they began walking in pairs around the corner and down the alleyway leading to the Golden Dragon rear entrance.

  The four were cautious in their approach, carefully concealing their weapons in jacket pockets or behind their backs. One leaned over and said something softly to Denny when they were about thirty feet away and he nodded.

  Lu, at the forefront, walked straight down the center of the lane and nodded to the guards standing at the door, knowing they were watching them. Just after he passed, he heard Denny's gun strike as the guards gasped, and bullets began pinging against the metal door behind them. Lu dropped quickly beside his partner and began firing his own gun. He was trying to pin down, if not kill the two men. One fell, but the other had reached the safety of the doorway and fired back wildly. Lu saw that his partner, who had foolishly stood to get better aim, was now dead at his side, so he grabbed the dead man’s gun when his own was out of bullets and continued the onslaught.

  The silencers had startled the door guards, especially the one called Ralph, who couldn't believe what was happening. He peered around the door and fired every so often but didn't know where the attackers had taken cover. All he could see was his friend on the floor, next to the shot up walkie-talkie that had saved his life. His partner's walkie-talkie was lying outside the door, out of reach just a few feet away.

  Ralph looked down the corridor but couldn’t see anyone. The realization that no one in the kitchen was alerted to his gunfire distressed him. He tried quelling his panic but was unable. Instead, he was struck himself when he reached to open fire. He dropped his right arm, switched the gun to his left, and hit the bastard who had shot him. Quickly, he decided he had to go for the walkie-talkie and purposely fell just outside the door. He grabbed the unit before rolling behind the garbage bins. Shooting wildly he looked down at the device. There were loose wires dangling.

  “Broken!” Ralph returned fire, as he tried to get his partner's spare clip and weapon.

   * 

  One waiter, along with Alex, entered the lobby's small side dining room with food-laden trays and served the nine hungry men. Alex and the waiter knew they wouldn't have to wait long.

   * 

  Harry emerged with his men onto the roof and took cover while they prepared themselves. Their target was four buildings north from where they crouched, hidden behind the roof ledge. Harry was able to see their targets, three men who were walking the perimeter, peering out and down every so often, as that building was five levels lower. Like ninjas, the men moved towards a darkened corner where one man secured repelling ropes. Slipping over the brick guardrail surrounding the first building, they dropped eighteen feet onto the next roof. Two men remained with their weapons aimed at two of the three who patrolled. Harry and his chosen eight moved silently to the edge of the next building, and then onward to the next building where they waited for the right time.

  Harry watched patiently as two of his men dropped silently onto the Golden Dragon’s rooftop when the sentries were at the farthest point. With skills of deftness, they each made their way to their respective target. In unison, each man took down his target with a quick flash of a steel blade. Harry felt the sharp shooters bullet whiz pass and saw the effect immediately as the farthest sentry went down. In fewer than two minutes, the roof was secured.

  Harry signaled as he dropped down with the rest of the men onto the Golden Dragon building and the two sharpshooters made their way over. He set three men to walk the perimeter in imitation of the original, as the rest cautiously approached the rooftop door.

   * 

  Simon was walking between the tables making sure things were up to the standards he expected. He was stopped suddenly by a guest who was known as the territory's most finicky person. He could have fainted right then as the man poured praise upon praise for the quality of his efforts. Humbly, he thanked him before moving over towards the wall by the kitchen doors. He stood surveying the room, watching the first course's empty dishes being replaced by the second. He heard the guests, oohs and ahh's when the exploding lobster dish was served, and felt a bit of pride. Still, nine courses in total were to be served. Until dessert was finished, and all the Choi guests had left, he wouldn't, couldn't relax.

  Simon liked standing by the kitchen doors as it afforded him the best view, even if it was the warmest spot in the room. After adjusting the air conditioning, he nervously wiped his face with his handkerchief.

  “Simon!” Fong held the kitchen door slightly ajar as a waiter slipped past him with a tray of lobster held high. He anxiously turned to talk briefly into the walkie-talkie.

  Simon thought he heard his name but all he saw when he turned around, was the waiter passing so he returned his focus to the room.

  “Mr. Kwan!” Fong spoke loudly but Simon either ignored him or couldn't hear. Frustrated, he grabbed a waiter and told the man to bring Simon to the kitchen.

  Simon puzzled, rushed over to the doorway. “What's wrong?”

   * 

  One of Tang's men had heard a noise just outside the roof door and cracked it open long enough to see the man closest to him being killed and others drop down. Quickly, he removed his belt and tied it to the door, which he bolted closed. After bracing his legs against the door, he tugged the belt taunt, reached behind his back, and pulled out his walkie-talkie. He called Fong and yelled, “ATTACK!!! ROOF UNDER ATT –” Suddenly, there was an explosion.

   * 

  Tang saw Simon's uneasy approach and knew immediately something was wrong. Excusing himself, he got up and stared at Richard who returned his glance with a look of feigned ignorance. Lauren, who was seated next to him at the head table, had asked him if anything was wrong but he said no.


  “Tang, speak to Fong. He said something is wrong. Roof noise or something like that.”

  “Understood. Find Thourson and tell him summer.” Tang knew before he reached the kitchen that they were under attack.

  “Summer?” Simon, with a quizzical look, didn't question Tang and immediately went to Police Inspector Thourson’s table, three tables over. He walked up behind the heavyset man with the ill-fitting tuxedo and whispered, “Tang said to say summer.”

  George looked at Tang and knew something was happening but continued his conversation with the governor, never once missing a beat. George also noticed Richard’s interest in Tang's exit, as did the other five men Tang had station at various tables. These men must have sensed that something was going on, for ever so discretely, they too made their excuses and left the banquet. George's steadfast gaze focused on Richard who looked nervous. So you've finally begun, Richard.

   * 

  Alice, one of Harry’s gang girls, had been sitting in the van for over an hour. She was wondering if either of the guys guarding the front of the Golden Dragon would ever walk over. Frustrated, she decided a drastic move was needed. She started waving madly and yelling to get at least one guard’s attention. It took a while but finally one guard nodded to the other to go see what she wanted. She watched as the shorter of the two crossed the street and walk over. Leaning through the window, Alice seductively encouraged the guard to get into the van where he was quickly murdered by one of the three who were hiding in the back. When calling out to the other guard didn't get him to budge, she got out of the van and crossed the street.

  “Hey. Your friend is sick. You better come,” said Alice.

  The guard hesitated a moment before dashing through traffic, to get to the van. As he opened the van’s back door, he too received a knife thrust into his chest. Two of the men got out and took up positions on ei
ther side of the restaurant door. Alice, meanwhile, drove the van and her victims, away.

   * 

  Harry's men didn't take any chances. Sure, the guy lying just inside the roof door looked dead, but to make sure they pumped a few extra bullets into him before Harry signaled them to be silent. He listened intently for any sound of men approaching from downstairs, but none was heard. With determination, Harry and his men began their descent into the hellish battle they knew they were about to enter.

   * 

  As Tang made his way through the kitchen, his mind raced and demeanor changed. By the time he'd crossed the length of the room, his gun was drawn and by the time he reached the second kitchen, he was furious with the lack of response over the walkie-talkie. Leaning down, he saw the man stationed by the second kitchen was either fast asleep, or dead. Damn, he thought. He took the man's gun and spare clip. He turned at the sound of approaching footsteps and was relieved to see it was his own men who in turn checked their own weapons. Cautiously, they approached the rear door. They tensed up when they heard only one gun being fired intermittently and the sound of pings as bullets hit the metal door that was slightly ajar.

  “Silencers!” Tang indicated for two of his men to pass to the other side of the door once he started firing. When he heard his man in the alley returning fire, he reached around the doorway and opened fire, shooting Denny once in the shoulder. He shot him again in the chest before he hit the ground. One man dropped just outside the door behind the garbage bin and tried to drag their wounded comrade to cover. The second man took aim and killed the fourth attacker. Deadly silence returned.

  “You two take up positions here and take care of him.” Tang pointed to his man lying by the garbage bin. He noticed one attacker was rolling in pain. “Don't kill that one, I want him.”

  “Yes, Tang,” the men responded.

  “You four, follow me and - -”


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