The Dragon Within His Shadow

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The Dragon Within His Shadow Page 16

by Phyllis M. Rumore

  “No. We hadn't decided what we were going to do yet.”

  “Tang, I've known Lauren longer than you. She entrusted me with her secret and I've kept it. Now we have much to discuss. For starters, she doesn't know yet that she lost the baby. I want you to be there when I tell her. She’s going to be upset. That’s something you'll have to expect and understand she’ll demand a great deal of your support.”

  “Yes. Yes, doctor. Is there anything I can do?”

  “Give her your compassion that is the most any man can do at a time like this and don’t rush her for sex anytime soon.” Getting off the elevator, they walked to the recovery room.

  Tang’s mind went into overdrive. He began thinking of what he was personally going to do to the culprit, besides the obvious fact that he was going to kill him. He was thinking of ways to make sure it was an extremely painful death. His primary concern, however, quickly shifted to Lauren as they entered the recovery room. He saw her face and his mind went as blank as his heart-felt emotion rushed to his throat. Seeing her bandaged and the monitors attached, beeping with her statistics made his anger rise and his face turn red.

  Lauren was fully coherent as the doctor started talking to her. Dr. Leong had decided that if she didn't ask him directly, he wasn't going to volunteer any information. Unfortunately, that was the first question she asked. As he told her she lost her baby, Tang held her hand squeezing it tightly, so she would know that he loved her. Lauren and Tang looked tenderly at each other. They didn't have to speak the words to say what was in their hearts. She pulled him close to her and cried. He responded by kissing her gently, on her forehead. He too allowed a few tears.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  “Good morning, Richard.” Catherine gently kissed her lover on the side of his forehead.

  Richard didn't want to open his eyes too soon. At times, it was absolutely revolting just thinking about servicing the demanding woman, let alone doing it. He wielded sex as a weapon, just as he would a gun. He used it to control George’s woman and exert his influence.

  “Richard, darling.” Catherine kissed the back of his neck. “It's time to get up. The servants will be here shortly.”

  Richard opened his eyes in disgust, thinking she was totally stupid to think the servants didn’t already know. “Good-morning Catherine, what time is it?”

  “It's just past six. Do you think he will be all right, Richard?”

  “In these matters I don't know. Do you really want him to survive?” He put on his robe but Catherine reached through. She was in the mood for some morning fun to help her start the day, but he thought he gave more than required last night.

  “I don't know. It would be back to the same old routine if he does. Its okay for him to parade around Hong Kong with any floozy, but heaven help me, if I should even try having an innocent dinner with someone else,” stated Catherine.

  “Catherine, please.” Richard removed her hand. He liked using her, but detested her style. About the only thing she had going, he thought, was that she had some erotic talent in bed.

  Catherine watched Richard leave through a hidden panel in her dressing room that led to the servant’s passageway. She knew he tried to manipulate her at times, but she needed him as a woman often needs a man. She was lonely and if for no other reason, she liked having the man fawn all over her, but the real reason she kept him, was because she knew it annoyed George.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  John sat in the middle of business class thinking about Michiko, while trying hard not to think about his father. With the plane’s landing approaching, it was difficult not to think of what was to come. His date with Michiko was about as perfect as a date could get. He had borrowed James’ car and took her for a drive up to the Sonoma wine region for the day. She picked up immediately that something was wrong and while he didn’t want to burden her with his problems, her persistent receptiveness overwhelmed him. Her understanding nature lightened his spirit. Her deep compassion allowed him to open his heart revealing his innermost pain. While he didn’t tell her everything, he never expected to open up as much as he did, but she had such a positive affect upon him. Unable to sleep during the flight, he tried to think of only her, but other thoughts crept back now and then.

  “Excuse me, sir? Sir?” The flight attendant tried to get John's attention.

  “Huh? Oh. Yes?”

  “We're preparing to land. Please return your seat to the upright position.”


  Returning to Hong Kong was an emotional whirlwind for John, who had expected to return triumphantly with honor intact. He was back, but as a dog responding to a master's order, which in his case was James’. He never worried much about anything in the past, yet now he found himself concerned about seeing his mother. He didn’t know why, but all he wanted was to hug her and while he didn’t relish seeing his father again, he knew the time would come that he would have to go face-to-face with him. Richard was another story altogether. James had said Tang was supposed to meet him just outsides customs. Perhaps he could talk to him during the drive about why James didn’t trust Richard. He followed the familiar route through the airport except this time, instead of going through the native Hong Kong customs; he went toward the visitor’s gate and waited on line like the rest of the tourists. He missed his prior privileges where upon the mere mention of his name, he would have been escorted through a side exit.

  “You look familiar,” the customs agent said in Cantonese.

  “I'm sorry, I didn't understand what you said,” John said, in his Americanized English as he presented his American passport.

  “Hmmm.” The agent looked through his files comparing the name and description of the man, to the list of people who were wanted or prohibited from entering the territory. He saw the picture matched one, but not the name. There was a note to approve and notify the main office. He checked the passport closely, but stamped it anyway to the relief of John, who hid his fear. Once John moved along, the agent made a quick phone call to inform his superior that a man matching the identity had re-entered Hong Kong.

  Walking through the crowded terminal, John scanned the area just outside customs for Tang, or one of his men that he was sure he would recognize. Suddenly someone came up from behind him, grabbed his bag and shoved him. John was startled for a second but quickly yanked back his bag as he snapped around. His fist was intercepted easily by Tang.

  “Hello John, welcome to Hong Kong.” Tang laughed as he successfully dodged John's first series of punches.

  “Tang! Deyu mei a lou ma!” Which loosely translated means; 'You fucking son-of-a-bitch!'

  “You make the same mistake all the time. How many times must I tell you? Stay awake and protect your back.” Tang gave John a fake jab to his side, which he blocked with ease.

  “What do you mean? It's protected.”

  “If it was protected, I wouldn't have been able to startle you.”

  “That's how I know it's protected. You're there to protect it.”

  “Same old John, I see America hasn't tamed your spirit yet.”

  “It’s good to see you.” John took Tang's extended hand in a strong clasp of friendship.

  “It's good seeing you too. For once, there’s trouble and you didn’t cause it.”

  “Funny, real funny, Tang,” said John as they both began laughing.

  “Let's get you out of here. Say, what happened?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Your clothes? They do have tailors in San Francisco, don't they?”

  “Good, real good. Keep rubbing it in Tang, keep rubbing it in and I'll remind Lauren who hid all her clothes when- -”

  “Hey, never mind that. You would remember that. Besides, she got her clothes back.”

  “Yeah, after my girlfriend found all of them in my closet. It took me five days to convince my girlfriend they were Lauren's and not some other girl's. Speaking of which that cost me plenty and you promised to pay the bill for
taking her out.”

  “Drop it and get in the car.” They got into his modest blue BMW.

  “I brought you something from the states.” John reached into his duffle bag.

  “Oh yeah. What?”

  “This. See, it has your name on it!” John handed him a jar of orange powder.

  “Tang? What is this?”

  “It's orange juice. You know the instant kind.”

  “Orange juice? Americans.” Tang started the car.

  John didn’t expect the flash of memories that the drive through the tunnel brought back and remained silent for most of the short drive to the Mid-levels. He felt doubtful about returning, because he didn’t know how to relate to people without being the heir apparent. Approaching his old home brought back even more memories that he never realized he had. It was in seeing the old familiar place that he finally found the courage to ask after his family.

  “How’s Dad doing? How’s Lauren and Mom?”

  Tang looked over at John. “Your Uncle is still in intensive care. It’s rough going right now because of his age and the number of bullets he took. It’ll be a long recovery.”

  “How's Mom taking all of this?

  “Your Aunt keeps saying this is one way for your uncle to lose weight. Your cousin, Lauren, will be able to leave the hospital in a few days.”

  “Tang, tell me.”

  “Listen, we've all heard what went down on the yacht between you and Mr. Choi. Everyone has heard. As far as anyone’s concerned, the order is to treat John Choi as if he died. You'll be staying at my place. I'm sorry John, but no one can acknowledge John Choi is alive.” Tang parked the car in the underground basement.

  “I see nothing has changed.” John disappointed, grabbed his bags from the trunk. “Not even Mom?”

  “Nothing will change until Mr. Choi accepts you back. Your aunt is bound by the same rules. She can only acknowledge you as her nephew, nothing more.”

  “I hadn't figured on that. I thought - -”

  “That what? With your father in the hospital, things would change?”

  “Something like that.” John got on the elevator with Tang.

  “Forget it. Richard has control and is enforcing things as if he got the word straight from your father. He’s seeing to it that the front is maintained.”

  “You think Richard was the one responsible?”

  “Here's my place. Let's see. It's nearly nine now. I'll tell your Aunt Catherine that you've arrived and see if she'll see you here, or at the hospital.” Tang’s apartment was a few levels below the Choi complex and located toward the rear of the building with a view of the mountain and road.

  “Thanks.” John walked through the door Tang held open. “You didn't answer the question.”

  “Certain things are better left unsaid.” Tang chose to be guarded about how much was spoken, given he was uncertain how strong Richard’s hold over John remained.

  “You can freshen up in here before we leave for the hospital. There's the phone if you want to touch base with James. I’m going to go upstairs and will be back in about half an hour.”

  “Thanks.” John thought he had returned home, but now realized the ramifications of his father's power. He was really, truly ostracized from his old way of life and family. His internal fear sent a shiver through him as he picked up the phone to call ‘Aunt Rose’ and James as promised.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  McDermott pulled into the parking garage under one of the apartment buildings on Bush Street, not far from the Chinatown gate. It took some doing, but he had intercepted the gang’s drug shipment. All he wanted was his cut of the pie and then he was heading to the airport. First stop Caymans, and then Brazil.

  “Hello, McDermott.”

  “Hello, Sal? It's Sal, isn't it?”

  “Sam’s waiting in the van.” Sal indicated a black van parked alone at the far end of the garage, hidden in the shadows of burnt out light bulbs. “You brought the stuff?”

  “Yeah, and I'll show Kai when I see him.” McDermott picked up the large, black lawyer's briefcase from the back seat and headed for the van with Sal close behind.

  “You took your time, McDermott.” Kai opened the side door and indicated for McDermott to get inside, but he remained standing just outside.

  “Good seeing you too, Kai.”

  “Did you check him?” Kai asked Sal.

  “No, he- -”

  “You don't mind if he checks you out. Do you, McDermott?”

  “Kai, after all these months, you still don't you trust me?”

  “How can I trust someone who belongs to the highest bidder?”

  “If you insist.” McDermott raised his arms and allowed Sal to check him. “Satisfied? Really Kai, you surprise me sometimes.”

  “He's clean,” said Sal.

  “Good. Let's get down to business. Is it all in the bag?”

  “Yeah. You have the stuff from Charlie’s bust and the stuff from this last job, just like I said. Only you owe me extra, for all the extra trouble I had to go through. You said only the dai-lows would be there, but some of your enforcers were there too. Your information was sloppy, very sloppy lately and I think another fifty grand, for the trouble would be fair.”

  “The price we agreed to is what you'll receive, McDermott. Anything you did beyond what was asked is considered an unpaid bonus. Now get in McDermott,” said Kai.

  “Why the change, Kai?”

  “No change McDermott, I just have something to show you. Get in the van.”

  “We usually just do business and part. Why the change? Why the van?”

  “I want our business to be private and the van offers us privacy.”

  McDermott heard the anxiety in Kai’s voice and the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. “Sure thing Kai, after all, we are old friends now. Aren't we?” He tried to back up, but felt Sal behind him and the butt of a gun strike the back of his head. Sal and Kai tossed him into the back of the van. Kai took out a small duffle bag and handed it to Sal.

  “Plant some of the stuff in the trunk and then, make sure you're seen along Grant today,” said Kai. “Leave the keys in the car. Don't touch anything else in the trunk.”

  “You got it, Boss. Do you want to meet later?” Sal took four packages from the lawyer case and put it in the small black duffle bag.

  “No. It's better if you just hang out with the guys for the night like you usually do.”

  Kai had to accelerate his takeover plan. He took the lawyer’s bag and watched as Sal walked back to McDermott’s car. He didn't like moving things up, but Charlie's release had come earlier than anticipated and he had little choice other than to clean up loose ends. It was his decision to start with Officer McDermott, a man he hated.

  Their drive out to the mountains was uneventful. Night had fallen by the time they parked the van behind the empty remains of a shopping center that had been destroyed by fire. Two of Kai's men dragged McDermott, who was bound and gagged, from the back of the van. Kai took his gun out of the glove compartment and got out. When they dumped him on the ground, his eyes were wide open in terror as he knew the end was coming. Silently, he said his prayers, but before he could finish the first sentence, the bullet from Kai's gun splattered his brain. Kai tucked the envelope with a list of the man's Cayman Islands off-shore bank accounts under his arm and reasoned that by planting such information, he would defer suspicions away from his two other moles within the police force.

  Kai returned to his apartment and called his father, Richard Cheng, in Hong Kong. He had to let him know that phase one of his plan to destroy the American house of Choi had begun. After he hung up the phone, he thought a lot about his father. He recalled his father’s stories about how the family was once grand and how the Choi family was personally responsible for their family’s loss of wealth, power, and position. On his eighteenth birthday, he swore his vengeance in a blood oath to his father that he would do all, to regain all, and eliminate the entire house
of Choi. He felt a certain amount of pride tonight that he had taken yet another step in keeping his word of honor.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Tang entered the living room amazed to find John waiting patiently on the couch. He was ready to be impressed but choose to wait and see if John really had begun to grow up. He noticed other changes as well. John didn’t look as carefree as he did in the past. Actually, the lad looked a bit anxious, he thought. While he appeared calmer, there was also a more hardened look, even if he were wearing his best sport jacket and American-style jeans.

  “Mrs. Choi expects you upstairs around 9:45 in the family living room.”

  “Did she say anything, Tang?”

  “She asked how you were and whether or not you had trouble with Customs.”

  “That's it?”

  “Yes. Did you call James?”

  “No, I called Aunt Rose like I promised.”

  “She's a wonderful lady.”

  “You’ve met her?”

  “Yes. The last time was about four years ago when I went to the states with your uncle on business. She was very kind and went out of her way to make me feel at home.”

  “Like my Mom?”

  “Don’t give that attitude John, Mrs. Choi is a remarkable woman and one you should make an effort to know better. Now, did you call your old girlfriend Mee-Lee, yet?”

  “Yeah. She's not speaking to me. She’s very mad that I left without saying good-bye.”

  “And what are you going to do?”

  “There's nothing to do.”

  “I thought you liked her?”

  “I do, it’s just - -”

  “Just what? Trouble?”

  “If we got back together, she'd be looking for presents and going first class. I can't treat her the way I did before. I would be embarrassed to have her see me like this.”

  “Aren't you selling her short? After all, I remember her liking you a lot and she did get to be close friends with Lauren.”


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