The Dragon Within His Shadow

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The Dragon Within His Shadow Page 33

by Phyllis M. Rumore

  “No, it's not a trap. That’s James stuff. I found it and- -”

  “And what? You’re going to get the guys to come over and see what you planted?”

  “James convinced them I was a traitor. I have to show them who’s the real traitor!”

  “I think it’s you, Charlie. I think the guys were right and here’s my proof!” John lunged for Charlie, entrapped his hand before snapping the gun away. Charlie was stunned at first, but returned just as quickly, back to reality.

  Charlie retaliated with vengeance, using the resentment he harbored over the years for James against John. The fight was dirty. Charlie was intimidated by John’s veracious words, but he would not be deterred. He pushed against John. They landed on the glass coffee table and it shattered under their combined weight. Rolling over the crushed glass, each was trying to exert a deadly blow as their skin got sliced by the sharp glass fragments. John was finally able to shove Charlie off and they both stood up to face each other with a level of hatred rarely seen. Charlie picked up a jagged piece of glass. John took off his tee shirt and used that to pick up his own jagged piece.

  They moved about the living room like two crazed tigers. Charlie stabbed at John wildly. John blocked Charlie’s jabs, but the man got lucky and snapped John’s glass fragment away. It took John several tries before he could rid Charlie of his glass knife. It was obvious that Charlie had seen more combat than he had and knew a few more tricks. What Charlie didn’t realize was that John was a fast learner. John let Charlie swing, so he could learn the man’s fighting pattern. When John snapped Charlie’s hand quickly, he sent the glass knife sailing. It shattered against the wall. The fight continued, as they lashed out with their fists and legs.

  James approached his door and heard the ruckus from the hallway. He entered and found the two men fighting for their lives. “JOHN?! CHARLIE!?” James saw the nearly destroyed living room, and two of the most important people to him, in the midst of a street brawl. “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING? Are you guys fucking crazy?”

  “I’ve found your traitor, James. The guys were right. It’s Charlie!” With that, he punched Charlie before pinning him against the wall.

  “Get the fuck out of here.” James tried to pry John off Charlie.

  “No, James! It’s time you listened to reason. Charlie’s been fucking you blind and you don’t even fucking know it. Go. Go and fucking look in the hall closet and tell me you left that shit there. He was planting the shit, and fucking setting you up,” said John.

  “Charlie?” James looked into Charlie’s eyes, and saw a bedraggled man. He saw rage on John’s face, a rage he never saw in any man before, as it had such ferocity.

  John released Charlie, who staggered toward James. The few punches John landed, hurt. He didn’t see John leave the room to retrieve one of the bags. Nor did Charlie see or sense John closing the apartment door, which James had left ajar. No. He was bent over, too absorbed by pain and consumed by his failure.

  “Here, James! Tell me you’ve been keeping this shit safe, for business, in your hall closet! Tell me, you’re so fucking stupid that you'd keep this shit in your home! What more proof do you need? What do you fucking want? Are you going to deny facts until he sticks a knife in your back?”

  “SHUT UP, John,” said James. His temper was on the verge of exploding.

  “Fine! I’ll shut up, James, but let me tell you something. That knife is sticking in your back; he’s twisting it and will soon rip out your heart. It's time to fucking wake up!”

  “Shut the fuck up, John! You have no fucking idea of what is going on here!”

  “I have no- -” John looked at James in disbelief. He tossed the bag on the floor by the fish tank. “You know James, sometimes I can’t believe how dense you are. The guy is stabbing you in the back! He’s been setting you up and the only thing you can do is think of him!!”

  “You’re the one, John, who doesn’t understand. I owe him my life. We go back- -”

  “Yeah? Well not far enough. Why did you plant the shit, Charlie?” John demanded as he dealt the man a backhanded fist across his face.

  “Fuck you, John,” said Charlie.

  John hit Charlie again, with a strike that sent the man reeling to the ground.

  “John! John! No!” James dropped the letters he was carrying, grabbed John, and pulled him off Charlie.

  “Then you had better do it, brother,” said John straight into James’ face. He grabbed James by the collar as if he were going to shake the man, but then let him go.

  “Where are you going, John?”

  “To the bathroom. You mind?” John looked back at James. He wanted to wash the blood from his hands, but one look at James convinced him to wait.


  “What James? What will it take to convince you? What do you want?”

  “John . . . I can’t . . . “

  “You mean you don’t want to believe you’ve been betrayed by your best friend. Well, let me tell you, you’ve been betrayed and now his betrayal is going to set you up for a fall.”

  “How do we know you didn’t plant this shit?” Charlie was desperate to weasel his way out of the situation.

  “If your father was going to send a shipment, wouldn’t he tell you? Where would I’ve gotten the stuff? From someone in Hong Kong? Get real, James! You know, as well as I know, where I’ve been, with who and what I’ve been doing. Think for once in your life!”

  “Oh sure James, sure. John’s trying to put the blame on me! He brought the shit back and I caught him hiding it in the closet. Why would I betray you? We’ve been friends for years, I even saved your life, or have you forgotten? You know I can be trusted. I’ve always been loyal to you. Who the hell is he to come and accuse me?!?! He’s the traitor, not me James. I can prove it! If the fucking shit is the stuff he said I stole, then where are the markings? Hah? There are none!”

  “There are none ‘because you changed the bags,” said John, accusingly.

  “Charlie, John’s bags were opened in front of me. My mother emptied them to get his laundry. There wasn’t any shit in his bags. Where did this come from, Charlie?”

  “What? You believe him? You don’t believe me? I don’t fucking believe it- -”

  “Charlie, the shit’s been missing months before John got here.”

  “Fuck you, James. I’ve been by your side. I’ve been there for you while you pushed yourself ahead. You forgot your place- -”

  James punched Charlie. His world was collapsing around him. It was as if a heavy dark veil had covered his heart, mind and soul. “I trusted you. What have you done Charlie?”

  “Fine James, I gave you a chance.”

  “You gave me a chance? If it wasn’t for me, your ass would’ve been kicked years ago. Why? I protected you. How could you?”

  “Because I am tired of being given your crumbs!” The emotional strain was too much for Charlie, who sat down on the sofa and buried his head in the protective shell of his arms. This time Kai had trusted him and he failed. His shot at proving himself was slipping past him, as distressful emotions filtered through his mind. As always, someone else had messed up his life and this time, thought Charlie, it was John’s fault. He interfered with his plans and his place by James’ side. The realization caused viciousness unlike any he ever felt before to spring within him like a geyser. He leaped to his feet, pounced and clawed viciously at John’s throat.

  James stood less than a few feet away, totally aghast. His body reacted automatically to the violence. He elbowed Charlie squarely in the back, with as much force as he could muster, but it didn’t stop him. Charlie was still punching John. Finally, instinct took hold of John and he trapped Charlie’s right arm at the same time James caught Charlie’s left. Together, they both used their legs to inflict pains of punishment and subdue Charlie. Both John and James looked at the withered man sagging between them, before dropping him to the floor. They stripped him of his weapons, a switchblade and gun. James thoug
ht about something his mother once told him. How once you have power, you can never trust anyone ever again, because the seductiveness of power, changes balances. He had power and used it to control. He was seduced by its shining armor, but neglected to see the dark underside. Now, that dark underside was exposed to the light and the dreadfulness of it all, the betrayal of a best friend was too horrific to bear. The darkness of what he would have to do was like a shroud of death falling on top of him.

  “Who Charlie?” John asked as he kicked Charlie’s stomach. “Who’s setting up James? Why Charlie?”

  With each strike, Charlie swooned as the shock of the pain vibrated throughout his body.

  John was going to hit him again, but James stopped him from delivering that final punch. James grabbed Charlie from behind and forced him to stand. He locked the man’s arms and legs to prevent them from hurting either himself or John.

  “Who set you against me?” James asked, loudly into Charlie’s ear as John repeatedly, hit the same spot. It was an old martial arts trick that was used to widen the wound and inflict more intense pain.

  “Who, Charlie?” John reiterated.

  “Can’t- -” Charlie’s mind was filled with dread.

  “Speak, Charlie,” James knew, unlike any other time that John was right and that Charlie had betrayed him, but it was difficult to believe Charlie thought up the idea. Charlie just didn’t have what it takes to be his own man. He was a follower, not a leader. “What were you supposed to do? What did Kai want you to do?”

  “Nothing, James, nothing. Kai sai- - Shit! Nothing, James. Honest.”

  “Kai?! Nothing?! I think you were doing something.” John pressed the meridian points on Charlie’s neck, causing pain.


  “Then do it, James, because if you don’t get to the bottom of things, and fast, I will.” John saw the look on James’ face, as he stood behind Charlie. He yanked at the lamps’ electrical cord to sever it from the lamp and wall. He used it to tie Charlie’s hands behind him. Satisfied Charlie was secure, he saw James release his hold.

  John went for a moment to the apartment door and checked the hallway. Good, he thought, no nosy neighbors. He returned to James in the living room, glad for the extra thick walls the building must have.

  James hesitated briefly, before indicating John should get behind Charlie. He stood in front, staring into the deceiver’s eyes. “Tell me, Charlie! Who? Why? Tell me and live.”

  “Tell him, Charlie,” John applied pressure to one of the side wounds.

  “What difference does it make? You’re gonna kill me anyway? Right?”

  “Because if you do I might spare your life.” James took a small thin knife out of his back pocket and opened it. Charlie knew what that knife meant and fear registered on his face as his eyes focused on the point of the shiny silver four-inch blade.

  “Who? Tell us who ordered this?” James stabbed Charlie’s upper arm.

  “Agghhh. No - - No - - agghhh. No one. Me. I did it all.” Charlie knew the routine, and questioned if his stamina could withstand James and be strong enough for Kai.

  “Then, where’s the money? How did things happen when you were in jail?”

  “Help.” Charlie gasped for breath.

  “Bullshit!” John said. “I say kill him now, James.”

  “Killing is easy for you. Well, this isn’t Hong Kong! We don’t murder our problems!”

  “That and this are two different things, James. This is a traitor! All traitors should die!”

  “James,” Charlie needed an out and saw James’ dilemma as the path to take.

  “What?!?!” James watched John hit Charlie with a strike along the side of his head.

  Charlie fell to the floor.

  “Honestly, James, I didn’t mean to hurt you. But Kai said- -” Charlie fell silent.

  “Kai?” James’ mind faded in and out of consciousness in the flash of a second.

  “Yeah! And there are others, too! We’re all tired of your bullshit!” Charlie disgusted with his own failure, decided this was his only shot. He struggled to get up. If he could, he was taking down John at least, James if he was lucky.

  James picked up an over turned chair and sat down, on the opposite side of the room. Before he went to Hong Kong, his life was secure. Now his foundation of security and support had slipped away like grains of sand.

  “No one trusts you James. No one! You’re finished!” Charlie said, with a distraught voice. “You’ve got me, but you don’t have the others. They’re with Kai, nearly the entire gang and the few who aren’t, will be after today.” John pushed Charlie down onto the stained sofa.

  “Why? How did it- -” James asked bleakly, his heart pounding, lungs seizing for air.

  John stood, saw the pain James was experiencing, but there was nothing he could do. It was up to James to decide and only James.

  “You wouldn’t understand.” Charlie allowed a perverted chuckle. He only suppressed his laughter after feeling John grabbed his shirt.

  John stared at him with silent hatred, his gaze of warning caused Charlie to stop moving. “What do you want to do, James?” John asked after a deafening silence.

  “What were you supposed to do, Charlie?” James ignored John.

  “Nothing, James, I just had to make sure the stuff was here.”

  “Then what?”

  “Then nothing. The guys and the others- - they know what to do.”

  “Who else Charlie?”

  “Who? I- -” Charlie stopped, as John punched him.

  “Charlie, tell me who or I’ll let John- -” James couldn’t say he’d have John kill him. The emotional strain of interrogating his best friend was wearing him down. John struck again.

  “No!” Charlie knew he was finished and tried to think, but nothing was coming to him. He needed a way to get Kai here, or get them to Kai.

  “John, do it.” James indicated for John to hit the man again.

  Charlie doubled over in agonizing pain. “NO!” He cried.

  “Again,” said James and again John hit the man.

  “Stop,” Charlie pleaded.

  “Then tell me, Charlie. Who else? What was suppose to happen next?” James was sickened seeing the blood of his friend sputtering onto everything.

  “I can’t.”

  “Can’t or won’t?”

  “I gave word,” Charlie muttered.

  “The same word you gave to me? Your word isn’t worth much now, is it? Again!” James made John strike the man and he did. This time Charlie crashed to the floor.

  “Wait!” Charlie tried desperately to breathe. His lungs hurt. “Let me- -”

  “What?” John asked.

  “Later,” Charlie said, “later they’re meeting.”

  “Where? When?” James demanded to know.

  “Don’t know. Must call.” Charlie looked at James, and knew if he got him to Kai, then Kai would save him. The phone at James’ feet was his only way out of the trap.

  “Call them. Set things up Charlie, I want to be there!” James picked up the phone and looked at the bedraggled man before him.

  “I wouldn’t do that, James. He’s betrayed you! Don’t trust him to set things up! Let me get Tony and some of the others and- -”

  “Keep out of this, John! I’ll deal with my own! Got it?”

  “Yeah, I got it.”

  “Cut the cord,” James held out the phone.

  John removed the cord that held Charlie’s hands.

  “Here’s the phone, now call the guys. I want to meet them.”

  “Where?” Charlie asked.

  “Just do it!” James said. “I don’t care where!” The feelings gushing through him clouded his judgment. He was too emotional to think straight. John saw this, saw the danger, but in his inexperience, couldn’t think of how to turn the situation around.

  John pulled a hyper James off to the side. “Look, James, I don’t think it’s a good idea to let him set the place. Don’t be so stupi
d, don’t let him choose. He’ll set you up. You tell him where to have the meeting and I’ll get the guys - -”

  “No, John. My gang, my problem!” James pushed John aside.

  “Fine,” said John. “But, don’t tell me I didn’t warn you!”

  “Get out of here John. If you won’t support me, my way, then get out!”

  “James, you don’t know what you’re doing. You’re being tricked. Of course, I support you! Please don’t be stupid.”

  “Get out, John! I’ll take care of this myself. Go! You’re dismissed.”

  “James, be reasonable,” said John.

  “Just leave, John. I have to handle this myself, my way. Leave!” James, big hearted by nature, wanted to believe his years of friendship with Charlie had meant something. Perhaps, it was a trap and he would die, but he really didn’t care anymore.

  “Fine, James, I hope you know what you’re doing. But trust me, this is wrong, he’s wrong and you should stop and think before you move.” John disappeared into his room and the bathroom beyond. By the time he finished washing the cuts on his hands and his face, he was feeling very angry and unappreciated. He heard James and Charlie leaving, but was at a lost as to what to do and slammed his hands down on the sink, which hurt. He was ordered to leave things alone, yet if he did; he knew something terrible would happen. Returning to the living room, he found it hard to believe that he had been the cause of so much damage.

  As he looked around, he saw the letters James had dropped, and picked them up out of curiosity. He was shocked with what a glance at the paper revealed and chose to stash the letters away for later. The fact was, James had left with Charlie. Looking in the hall closet, he noticed that it was empty, save for the one bag of white powder broken on the floor. Charlie’s black bag was missing. He cleaned up the powder and dumped it down the toilet. On his way out, he slammed the closet door forcibly, causing it to snap back and hit him. He was angry and took his anger out on the door, beating it until it stood closed, but that wasn’t enough to quench his hurt pride. He paced about before leaving.


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