Scorched - Book Four - The Surrender Series

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Scorched - Book Four - The Surrender Series Page 20

by Anne, Melody

  “I’m just so confused,” she admitted.

  “Then tell me about it. Let’s see if we can figure things out together,” Rosabella said.

  Rachel hesitated for only a moment longer before sitting back and clutching the blanket beside her to her chest. This was her mom, the woman she’d always told everything to. Of course she was the one who would give her the best advice.

  “I know Ari filled you in, but I don’t know exactly what she told you, so I guess I’ll give you my version of the events. You’ve probably been told that I had a weeklong affair with Adriane in Florida,” she began, feeling bad when her mom winced. Though she’d heard it already, no mother liked to be told about her daughter having an illicit affair with a man she didn’t know.

  “I’m sorry, darling. I know you’re an adult now, but it’s still something hard for a mother to hear, especially when I’ve heard it twice,” she said with a chuckle.

  “Yeah, I know. The thought of my children growing up and behaving the way I did fills my heart with terror,” Rachel admitted.

  “You followed your heart and you’ve always been responsible. I’m not faulting you for that. I just wish you’d been more careful this time. Adriane could have turned out to be a serial killer,” Rosabella admonished her.

  “Worse! He turned out to be a flipping king!” Rachel countered.

  “We will have to disagree on which of the two is worse,” Rosabella said with another laugh.

  “Everything was great with Adriane. I only knew him as Ian at the time. We laughed, talked, and, well…had fun. Then, it was just something carefree and exciting. Now, I realize how irresponsible I was,” she said, not quite willing to tell her mom that she’d had the best sex of her life. Not to mention the only sex of her life, but who was counting? Anyway, Rosabella seemed grateful for her discretion.

  As Rachel repeated her story, her mother sat there patting her leg, listening without interruption. Though Rachel hadn’t been listening to anyone recently, she was eager to hear her mother’s advice.

  “Have you decided if you want to stay with him?” Rosabella asked when her daughter finished her tale. “It is to Adriane’s credit, I hope you know, that he wants to marry you. Many a royal man wouldn’t be so principled.”

  “I am honored by his offer, Mom, but no. I’m not going to marry him. I learned from watching you and dad that a marriage can only be about love, and anything less would be settling. I deserve better than that. I do, however, want to know him. I want to be able to tell my children good things about him, and I hope we can be friends for their sake. I think the reason I want to know him so much is because I feel that after we leave, that will be it, that he’ll move on, get married to a proper woman, and the kids will never see him again. At least if I’ve spent time with him, then I will be able to share with them who their father is. When I read them fairy tales, I can tell them that their father is a real live king. I would have been excited to know I was a princess when I was a little girl.”

  “I’m so very proud of you, Rachel. The choices you’re making aren’t easy ones, and the way you are already putting your children ahead of anything else shows me that you are more than ready to become a mother. A lot of young women think being a mom is all glory and nothing messy. Many teens think they will have this child who will love them always. The reality is that children are difficult. They are demanding and it’s all about them — always. We make sacrifices as a mother, and those sacrifices are well worth it, because then when our children grow into fine young men and women, we get to sit down with them and share their life. I wouldn’t change a thing about being a mother — well, I might change those sleepless nights.”

  “Thanks, Mom. Sometimes it scares me to do this alone,” Rachel admitted.

  “You will never be alone; you have your family. Plus, you never know. Maybe Adriane is the one — maybe you will fall hopelessly in love,” she said with a twinkle in her eyes.

  “I will never fall in love with that man. He is too pompous and he thinks he’s always right. He would drive me insane!” she cried, narrowing her eyes at just the thought.

  Rosabella chortled as she looked at her daughter. “That’s what I said about your father. He stormed into Italy like he owned the country. I wanted nothing to do with him. But look at us now. Married for almost forty years, and I love him now more than ever before.”

  “That’s because you and Dad are perfect together,” Rachel said, only hoping she could someday have a marriage even half as beautiful as her parents had.

  “We weren’t in the beginning, darling. I kept turning him down flat when he asked me out. Not interested, I kept saying. It took some time, but he was so persistent that eventually I agreed to a date, thinking he would grow bored after I spoke in a monotone and refused any of his advances. I was wrong. He stirred my blood that night, just as he does now,” her mom said with a dreamy smile.

  “Ugh, mom. I don’t even want to think about dad stirring your blood,” Rachel said with a fake gag, but her cheeks turned pink at the thought.

  “I’m not in the grave yet, Rachel. I still have feelings.”

  “OK, you can still have feelings. I just can’t hear about them. That’s my dad you’re talking about,” she said with a grin.

  “I will miss you so much, cara. I want you to come home soon, OK?” Rosabella leaned over and embraced Rachel with the magical comfort of a mother’s love.

  “I will miss you too, Mama. I promise I won’t be gone much longer. I can’t give birth to these babies without you by my side.”

  “I want you to be strong and stand on your own two feet. I raised you that way, but I do want to be there. Some events are just too important for a mom not to be a part of them with her own baby,” Rosabella said.

  “I agree. You raised me well, Mama, but I will always still need you.”

  Rosabella held her for several long moments, and then it was time for her daughter to walk her out. Saying goodbye to her mom and dad together was going to be even harder, and Rachel took several long breaths before she met them at the front entrance to the palace.

  “You are both welcome here at any time,” Adriane said as he joined them there.

  “Thank you, Adriane. We appreciate the invitation,” Martin said as he shook Adriane’s hand.

  “It was my pleasure to have you both,” Adriane said as he turned toward Rosabella and lifted her hand, kissing the back of it before smiling. “Your daughter certainly received her beauty from you.”

  Oh, the man was smooth.

  Rosabella giggled and a slight blush entered her cheeks as she moved in front of Rachel.

  “I love you. Call me the minute you need anything. Or just call to tell me about your day. I look forward to your coming back home,” Rosabella said, and Rachel noticed Adriane’s body tense as if afraid she would just run away with them right now.


  But no. She was committed.

  “I will miss you, baby girl,” Martin said as he pulled Rachel gently into his arms.

  “I will miss you, too, Daddy,” she said, leaning into his embrace and allowing a few tears to escape, though she’d promised herself she wouldn’t cry. It wasn’t as if she were losing her parents forever. But they’d just be so far away.

  “I will take good care of her and our babies,” Adriane assured them as he walked up and put his arm around Rachel as soon as Martin released her.

  Rachel stood there with Adriane and watched the two walk from the palace and get into the awaiting car that would take them to the helipad.

  “I won’t make you feel trapped ever again,” Adriane said as he turned her and looked into her eyes.

  Rachel wiped her tears away as she looked at him with suspicion. What was he doing now?

  “It was wrong of me. I’m truly sorry, cara. You have free rein to speak to all of your family. I can admit when I’ve done wrong,” he said with a rueful grin.

  “I may need to record this,” she said, her
heart clattering just a bit too much at the gentle way he was speaking to her. She was a bit too vulnerable right now.

  “How about joining me for lunch?”


  Rachel didn’t hesitate. The thought of going to her room and being alone at this moment was unbearable. It was time to let down her guard and really try to know this man, try to tear down some of the walls that both of them had in place.

  “Thank you,” he said so quietly, she almost missed it.

  It seemed he was feeling the same way as she was. When he took her hand into his, she didn’t pull away, just followed him deeper into the palace.

  Chapter Thirty-Six




  Rachel was also disbelieving as she looked down at a message she was sure had been sent to her in error.

  How could Adriane do this to her? She’d stayed to get to know him, had let her family leave her there even though they hadn’t wanted to. Despite everything, she’d even started to believe that he wasn’t the monster she had originally thought him to be.

  She’d been wrong.

  Fury and fear mingled inside her, making her stomach roil with nausea. This couldn’t be good for the twins. It certainly wasn’t good for her.

  I am sorry to have missed you, Ms. Palazzo. Your dress fitting has been pushed back an extra week, but we do need to have your measurements as soon as possible to ensure that your gown fits properly on your wedding day. Remember that two weeks goes by quickly, and we only have your best interest at heart, since the wedding will be televised.

  Thank you,


  Rachel reread the note that had been left on her dressing table. And still she couldn’t believe what it was saying. Adriane had never canceled the wedding plans. He was simply humoring her until he could march her down the aisle. How could she have been so blind?

  Although he’d offered to play by her rules and taken her out on a few outings where the two of them could talk, she clearly didn’t know him any more now than she had back in Florida a few months ago.

  And she’d so wanted to have faith in him, so wanted to believe he was a good man. The alternative was unacceptable — that the father of her children was an egomaniac.

  This was a nightmare and she couldn’t seem to wake up from it.

  As the tears welled up, she twisted her hands in her lap, digging her nails into her flesh. She would not cry again, hormones or not.

  Anger was the only emotion she wanted to feel at this moment. She closed her eyes, and reveled in it. Let it build. The angrier she was with the man, the less he could hurt her.

  She suspected she was going to hurt plenty, anyway. Without rhyme or reason, she found herself growing attached to Adriane. Maybe it was the way he looked at her with so much need burning in his eyes. Maybe it was the few times he let down his guard and shared his feelings with her. Maybe it was just because she was a fool.

  Whatever the reasons, she cared about him.

  But it was a one-way feeling.

  He desired her; that was more than obvious. He wanted to marry her — but not for the right reasons. He wanted his heirs to live there with him, to be raised the way he wanted them raised, and he wanted not to lose any time with them.

  He also had implied — how generous! — that sharing her bed wouldn’t be a hardship for him.

  That wasn’t enough. It never would be. She wanted love or nothing at all. And even if he did give vows of love, she wouldn’t be able to trust his words, certainly not after he’d just proved himself to be such a scheming liar. He’d never planned on canceling the wedding. It had all just been a big smoke screen for him to woo her into his way of thinking.

  He was going to be highly disappointed.

  Rachel had no doubt that he would say or do anything at this point to keep her in Corythia. So what was she going to do? Did she leave right away?

  That was what she wanted to do. She wanted to run far from him and not look back. But if that’s what she really wanted, why did her stomach turn at the thought?

  Because she was falling in love.

  “You stupid, stupid fool,” she berated herself aloud. “But maybe, just maybe he’s trying to protect himself,” she said to the mirror.

  Letting out a groan of disgust, Rachel stood up. She couldn’t even look herself in the eye anymore.

  She’d heard that prisoners sometimes developed feelings for their captors. Maybe that’s all this was about. She might be misunderstanding her emotions because she felt trapped and dependent on Adriane.

  The thought made her feel slightly better in a sick sort of way.

  One thing she did understand completely was fury, and right now, anger was her number one emotion. Her stomping back and forth in her room wasn’t doing the antique Aubusson carpet any favors, but she didn’t care.

  She’d called his right-hand man an hour ago, demanding an audience with the king, but Adriane was sure taking his time getting to her. For someone so insistent that he wanted to spend more time with her, he wasn’t in any hurry to arrive now. Maybe he’d had a premonition of what was to come.

  He was going to get hit with everything she had the moment he walked through the sitting room door. Hell hath no fury like a woman burned by some two-bit king.

  “Nico said it was urgent that I come to see you.”

  Rachel turned to find Adriane in the room with her. Before she had a chance to jump at him, she noticed that he wasn’t at his best. His eyes had dark circles, and he looked as if he were entering hostile territory. Maybe he wasn’t as stupid as he acted.

  Looking down at the note from the seamstress, she quickly changed her opinion. Yes, he was that much of a fool.

  Even in his obviously exhausted state, he still looked good — way too good, in her opinion. It wasn’t fair or right. Why couldn’t he look like the control freak that he was? Then, she could have had some warning.

  Of course, then she wouldn’t be in this mess, because she never would have slept with him to begin with.

  Turning back around, she took a deep breath. If she began screaming at him, he would just walk from the room and nothing would get solved. She had to decide right now whether she wanted to give him a chance to explain, and whether she wanted to continue her mission of trying to befriend him.

  Anger wasn’t going to do her any good. Yet it was all she seemed capable of feeling at the moment.

  Grabbing the note that the seamstress had left, she approached him and handed it over. He took it warily and read the words, his eyes narrowing just a hair.

  She waited.

  Finally, he spoke. “You weren’t supposed to receive anything like this.”

  “Are you kidding me, Adriane? That’s all you have to say?” she snapped, ready to start pummeling. She took several more breaths as she tried to calm her rapidly beating heart.

  She was in fight-or-flight mode right then, and if the man wasn’t careful, he would be wearing a black eye in about three seconds.

  “I’ll have to speak to Nico,” he said.

  “This has nothing to do with Nico. This is about you lying to me!”

  “I haven’t lied,” he protested.

  “How can you possibly say that? We agreed that we’d get to know each other, that you would drop these foolish plans for a wedding,” she shouted, then took steadying breath as she tried to get herself under control. She’d promised herself she wouldn’t yell.

  Well, he’d broken his promise, and she’d just broken the one to herself.

  They were even in that regard.

  “This isn’t worth so much drama, Rachel. It’s a minor matter, and you’re turning it into something it isn’t,” he said in a calming voice that only infuriated her more.

  “You arrogant pig. How can you stand there and call it ‘a minor matter’? I’m trying to know you, trying to make an effort for the sake of our children. You don’t seem to get that. Or you simply don’t gi
ve a crap.”

  “I very much care. That’s why I’m trying to marry you!”

  His voice rose as he stalked toward her.

  This time, she refused to back down. She was sick of doing that.

  “And I told you that I wouldn’t marry you. I thought we understood each other,” she said as he reached her, stopping only inches from where she stood. She wanted to take a step back, but she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of seeing her rattled.

  Her pride was at stake here.

  “I told you I would give you time for us to get to know each other more. I never said the wedding was canceled. I simply told you that I wouldn’t mention it anymore.”

  He looked down into her eyes as if that explanation should appease her.

  “I have never, ever in my life wanted to hurt a person as badly as I want to hurt you right now. Do you really think these games will win you a bride? I am not a toy that you can play with. I am not going to sit submissively in the corner and obey your every command, and most importantly, I am not going to marry you! Not today. Not tomorrow. And not in a couple of weeks. Do I make myself clear!”

  Rachel lifted her hand as she was saying each sentence and punctuated every point by poking him hard in the chest. If she didn’t get her words through the thick shell of his skull this time, she’d give up trying to speak to him.

  He’d best pull his head out of the dark place he’d managed to get it stuck in and start giving her the respect she deserved, and not just as the mother of his children.

  If he was unable to manage that on his own, she might have to give him a swift kick to his ass to help him out.

  “I have done everything you’ve asked. I have taken time out of my busy schedule to court you, taking you to see the country you will live in as queen, attending dinners with you, giving you attention. I have given you all you want — and still you refuse me night after night. If anyone is being unreasonable here, it is you!” he snapped, grabbing her arms and yanking her into his embrace.

  Rachel gasped when he ground his hips against the lean curve of her stomach, showing her that even in anger he wanted her.


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